DL Burns & Quality Scores
Senior Member
10. August 2007 @ 19:13 |
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Let's leave this thread open for posting of DL (either -R or +R DLs) questions, answers, tips, ratings, scores, etc. Whatever associated with the DL media.
My first question is:
Has anyone been able to burn the Verb DL 2.4x (upto 6x) discs @ 6x speed?? Verbatim states it could be burned upto a 6x speed. Has anyone been able to come close? If so, how did the burned disc rate??
Curious minds want to know! :D
I've tried with a Lite-On 20A1H with Overspeed enabled but the max I'm seeing is 4x.
Here's my latest DL burn evaluated with Nero CD/DVD Speed:
Not too shabby if I say so myself, even though I was trying to burn @ 6x!
If you can tell if I'm burning faster than 4x from this image, let me know!
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12. August 2007 @ 00:38 |
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Quote: Has anyone been able to burn the Verb DL 2.4x (upto 6x) discs @ 6x speed?? Verbatim states it could be burned upto a 6x speed. Has anyone been able to come close? If so, how did the burned disc rate??
Curious minds want to know! :D
hobbit the Verbatim DVD+R DL i got from SMS are rated up to 8x and the ones i got from Microcenter this week are rated up to 6x so i don't know what the deal is with that they look the excat same package and all. i burn all mine at 4x i would hate to try them at 8x or even 6x and have a bad disc at 1.70 to 1.80 a piece lol
i will post a scan soon of a DVD+R DL
Senior Member
12. August 2007 @ 10:08 |
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hey abcd,
Yeah, the disks are the same. I did some more sleuthing & found that about the only drive that possibly could burn them at that speed are the plexors, it all depends on the write strategy. In my Liteys the strategy for these max @ 4x which I'm burning them at. I was interested in trying them @ 6x because I saw a marked inprovement burning these disks at 4x vs the 2.4x and was curious if there was additional improvement or a marked drop.
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12. August 2007 @ 14:12 |
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Has anyone used Dynex brand DLs yet? They are on sale at Best Buy and while I normally only use Verbs DL they haven't been a sale for weeks and I'm running low... Really low. How about Office Depot DLs? Are they better? Worse?
AfterDawn Addict
12. August 2007 @ 14:33 |
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I bought those Dynex DLs +R X8 today 15for $16.99. They coded out as RicohJPN D01. Have not used them, but the price was extremely right.They even come with slim cases.
Senior Member
12. August 2007 @ 20:26 |
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Greensman tested and just posted a scan of the Dynex 8X DLs here. looks like he burned it @ 8x.
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13. August 2007 @ 18:29 |
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I just got back from Best Buy where I bought a bunch of Verb DVD+Rs and just one pack of Dynex DLs. And yes, they do code out as RICOHJPN D01 with a Support Speed of 4.0X. Tomorrow I'll backup one of my movies and run it through Nero. Does anyone know what Office Depot's DL are? They are on sale too. I'm not sure which is a better media... I'm wondering if these Dynex are frauds. My co-worker says "No" because there isn't a "Made In China" sticker on the box. What happened to "Made in USA"?
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13. August 2007 @ 23:07 |
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Quote: What happened to "Made in USA"?
you won't find any blank media thats made in the USA , if it was we probably be paying 3 or 4 bucks for a SL and 7 or 8 for a DL lol
Quote: Does anyone know what Office Depot's DL are?
my guess is there Ritek which is pretty good media
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14. August 2007 @ 00:06 |
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I opened up the Dynex DLs and put the first one in my Sony DVD drive. It's the same one I used to see the manufactuer ID using Nero. It refused to write saying the media was bad. I've never had a failure with DLs till now but then again I've only used Verbs. I'm just too tired to try the second... I guess I just threw away $18 and I hate to throw $27 away trying Office Depot's DLs! It's about time that someone put Verb DLs on sale....
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14. August 2007 @ 00:28 |
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Senior Member
14. August 2007 @ 05:42 |
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Prices actually seem to be going up, must be the cost of oil.
I used to routinely get the printable Verb +R DLs fro $2.70 ea or less, now the standard price seems to be $2.90 ea.
AfterDawn Addict
14. August 2007 @ 14:34 |
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I could not get 2BenQs or an LG -all firmware uptodate-to burn one DYNEX DL from ISO file with ImgBurn. Sorry media. Now You Know! Good Day!
Senior Member
15. August 2007 @ 06:02 |
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Now, how does that not surprise me!
Senior Member
15. August 2007 @ 06:38 |
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If you cannot get the drive to write to a medium, it cannot tell if it is bad or not. Whatever the message is--"illegal disc," "faulty disc," "bad disc," "no disc at all"--refusal to do anything with a disc is a clear sign that the drive does not recognise the M-code on the medium. That is incompatibility.
I have no idea if Dynex DL media are good or bad. I do know that RICOHJPN code means the media were most likely manufactured by Ritek, a very good manufacturer of DL media. Ricoh pioneered the inverse stack method of manufacturing, and all of their 8X DL media are IS. That alone can account for the refusal to record the discs because L0 is now seen "upside down" to an early DL drive. At this point SysAdPgh cannot determine if the media are of good quality or not (except on a Plextor drive using Plextools that allows the user to track the accuracy of the drive's reading the wobble signal.) I believe the Lite-on 20A1H can record IS media with the Ricoh code.
Senior Member
15. August 2007 @ 08:19 |
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Looking into the Dynex DLs I stumbled across some information on the RICOHJPN D01s, and that is that there are two dyes being used(or were used), with the disks being coded either RICOHJPN D01 (2) or RICOHJPN D01 (67). Apparently drives without a separate burning strategy for the (67) dye are having problems with the disks, both in burning & with the disks failing after a period of time.
I personally haven't used the RICOHJPN D01 DLs of either dye to my knowledge. I have used the Ritek S04s DLs and the Ritek D01s and have had problems with the layer breaks and high PIEs on both to such an extent that I no longer use them.
I am curious about the RICOHJPN D01 DLs of either dye manufacture as I have had decent results with the RICOHJPN R02s before.
AfterDawn Addict
15. August 2007 @ 09:24 |
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You can add another drive that WILL write the DynexDLs X8 D01s. The LG-2166D, 18months old drive with latest firmware, on the second try succeeded-at 4X using ISO produced by ImgBurn and burned with same. During the first attempt Windows was automatcally updating even with Symantec "block traffic" checked. I guess I'll just unplug the modem in the future. I have not tried the BenQs again.
Senior Member
18. August 2007 @ 14:10 |
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Here's a couple of DLs, same source but 1 burned with Nero 7 (which DOES allow speed selection for DLs) and 1 with ImgBurn.
Burned with Nero 7:
Burned with ImgBurn:
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20. August 2007 @ 18:15 |
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I'm not sure what to look for in these 2 scans... What makes these good or bad writes?
AfterDawn Addict
21. August 2007 @ 03:46 |
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If it plays flawlessly and you can copy it, then in MHO, its a good burn. Quality scores matter not to me.
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Senior Member
21. August 2007 @ 06:48 |
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garmoon is correct.
If it plays flawlessly, its a good burn no matter the "quality score".
Actually, from MY experience with MY equipment, the first disk should play flawlessly, the second will probably have some pixelation and/or freezing of the movie. I haven't played these disks yet, when I do I will report the results.
What I was trying to see was if there was any difference in burning between Nero 7 & ImgBurn, and was surprised with the results. I had expected ImgBurn to have the better results, not Nero.
I have since upgraded the firmware in my Litey and will re-do the test once the drive relearns the media.
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21. August 2007 @ 09:01 |
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All this gave the guys here in the office something other than the Steelers & Pirates to fight about! So many "red" faces maybe we are in need of some high blood pressure meds...
Here's what Nero gave me.
PI Errors
Max - 110
Avg - 15.15
Total - 115957
PI Failures
Max - 0
Avg - 0.0
Total - 0
PO Failures - 515
Max - 11.5%
Avg - 9.19%
Scanning Stats
Elapsed Time - 145.22
Number Samples - 7654
Avg Scan Interval - 8.00 ECC
Glitches Removed - 0
Does any of this mean anything? I worried about these Dynex DLs lasting. A couple of years ago before I found this place we used the cheapest DVDs we could find. After a couple of months we found all the cheap DVDs would not load and we lost all our clients' data. I actually threw them at our Rep at Office Depot... He said that all DVDs were made at the same 3 or 4 plants and were actually all the same. I wonder if he's a used car salesman now?
Senior Member
21. August 2007 @ 10:39 |
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If it wasn't for the PO failures, I'd say you have a great burn! With the PO failures, I'd say WATCH THAT DISK! I don't remember ever seening a scan with PO failures before! I'ts my understanding that PO failures are a no-no.
It also looks like your scanning samples is low (like way low). Here's a sample of another stat screen. Here's another stat link but of a DL. This is a Verbatim and not bad but the scan hung on the layer break for an extended period of time.
Why kind of drive are you scanning on?
DYNEX! Yikes! I've got a buddy who's trying them out and so far has gotten 1 good burn out of 5 !
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21. August 2007 @ 12:02 |
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My Sony wouldn't touch the Dynex DLs even with the upgraded firmware so I had an external drive that I believe is a BenQ that I removed from the case and installed as the "Slave". I'm running a Verb DL disc through Nero right now to see what the numbers look like on it. I did get a 25-pack of Office Depot DLs saturday while still on sale so maybe my Sony will like them better. Is there disc-rot with DLs?
And again thanks for your help... I really appreciate it!
Senior Member
21. August 2007 @ 12:28 |
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The OD DLs should code out as either RicohJPN or Riteks, both a 2nd tier product but rated much higher than the Dynexs. Ive had better luck with the RicohJPNs.
I have a Sony burner which was/is kind of picky on the media I threw at it. Kind of surprising since it's a rebadged Lite-On.
Was the Verb you're cooking made in Taiwan, Malaysia or India? The India manufacured ones aren't considered as good as the Taiwan or Malaysia ones.
Don't know what you mean by dye rot (there are 2 different schools on that subject). If you mean degrading of the burn, all disks will experience it to a greater or lesser degree. The Metal AZO dye is currently considered the best with the best longevity. Storage plays a big part from what I've learned. Treat your discs like mushrooms, keep them cool and in the dark.
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21. August 2007 @ 12:30 |
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Ok... Here's a Verb DL.
Sony DW-G120A
PI Errors
Max - 62
Avg - 11.38
Total - 243447
PI Failures
Max - 6
Avg - 0.13
Total - 4062
PO Failures - n/a
Jitter - n/a
Scanning Stats
Elapsed Time - 16.41
# of Samples - 196468
Avg Scan Interval - 1.18 ECC
Glitches Removed - 0
Quality Score - 77
Is this better? So far I haven't had any trouble with my Verb DLs playing. But I don't have any that are older than a year so what will they be like in say three years? Also what should those two charts look like?