In-line remote for iPod touch?
Senior Member
4. September 2008 @ 14:08 |
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When I had a iPod Nano it was easy to skip to the next track or pause the music wihtout having to pull it out of my pocket, I could easly press the buttons through my pocket, However this is a different story with my new Touch. I have to bring it out, that just by itself is a risk (its a pretty expensive toy), then i have to double tap the square button and tap one of the onscreen buttons.
Is there any in-line remote for iPod Touch? One that wont decrease the sound quality and if possible even have a screen to show 'Now Playing' track and artist but that aint really needed, its just icing on the top.
I found this one:
Which was exactly what I wanted but the volume control on the remote doesnt sync with the ipod volume and it using that inline remote makes a clicking noise (read from the review)
I also found one directly from ipod which would have been perfect but it works on everything except Touch :-(
I had a look on eBay aswell, but there all these china imports, i dont really trust those products, they usually bad quaility sound or bad build quality from my previous experiences with goods from there.
Senior Member
7. September 2008 @ 20:32 |
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I dont think there is one out yet for the iPhone/iPod touch yet.
sig made by AcidMagna
Senior Member
7. September 2008 @ 20:35 |
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Damn, I really wanted one aswell :-(
Senior Member
7. September 2008 @ 20:41 |
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yea it sucks. I have the iPhone and love the volume rocker, because it saves me the step you have to deal through. Try making playlists to avoid skipping tracks.
sig made by AcidMagna
Senior Member
7. September 2008 @ 20:43 |
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I do have playlists, many of them. But my playlists are still too big, theres like 100-200 tracks in each playlist. i dont wanna make them into even smaller playlists.
Man I hope they bring something out soon!
Senior Member
7. September 2008 @ 21:48 |
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yea, those are some big playlists though. I try to make playlists with like 20 songs, lol.
sig made by AcidMagna
Senior Member
8. September 2008 @ 13:18 |
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its because I own a music site (well technically sites). I get like 5-15 new tracks on a daily basis.
Senior Member
8. September 2008 @ 16:07 |
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thats a lot of music.
sig made by AcidMagna
Senior Member
8. September 2008 @ 16:19 |
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Yeah i know, I goto keep up to date on the music scene. lol
Senior Member
8. September 2008 @ 16:24 |
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I try to, but recently my whole library got deleted so, I'm not into it as much as before.
sig made by AcidMagna