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Playing PAL PS2 games on an NTSC PS2
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23. January 2005 @ 09:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thank for the answer nrk...., but i need a solution without the swap magic boot dvd or the dms3 modchip, i know about this two method to play PAL games on my NTSC console and tv, but i like to know if with pal2ntsc patch i can play this games (killzone,bmx xxx, the urbz, call of duty) if i change any config, please tell me, thank anyway.
23. January 2005 @ 12:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hello this is my first post since i saw alot of help is given here regarding to the PAL NTSC convertion problem...

well here is my problem... I recently downloaded a game called "Kya: Dark Lineage PAL full dvd". I converted it into NTSC format like nrk4594 said (thanks alot), but when i run the game the opening movie lags alot and sound are all skippy. Also during the game play some parts of the game slows down alot. So I tried the PAL veriosn which was black and white it did't slow down at all. i dunno what have I done worng and produced this slowness, please help me thanks
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23. January 2005 @ 13:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, one has to remember patches like this work by modifying the code in the game. There is no sure-fire way to patch it on the fly so occasionally the patch will fail to function correctly as it interferes with other parts of the game.

The four methods of playing PAL games on an NTSC system (or vice versa) are:

1) Use a swap disc set (like Swap Magic) that will 'patch' the game as it loads it into RAM.

2) Use a mod-chip that can convert the video signal itself (like the DS3).

3) Use a software app to patch the game (such as the one posted in this thread), and burning a copy to be loaded from a swap disc.

4) Use a seperate signal converter. These can be cheap or expensive, depending on where you try to get one. Lik-Sang sells stand-alone converters in the 30$ range. sells a PS2-specific one for 15$, but beyond that you are looking at devices that pros use in the 200+$ range. These are the most compatible overall, but the most expensive option. (You get what you pay for folks)

And to clarify on the report I made: Worms Forts Under Siege does not work with any form of NTSC patching. I can load backups of the original just fine as long as nothing attempts to make it NTSC in software. 3 different NTSC patchers produces similar results: Freeze during the SEGA logo FMV. Y-Fix, no Y-Fix, SM NTSC loading, all fail the same way (although not providing the select in the tool listed in the thread creates an unbootable ELF). Yup, time for a signal converter.
23. January 2005 @ 13:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
so the laggin in the game is normal?... cuz i use a modchip and it lags alot...hammers my enjoyment even to play it
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23. January 2005 @ 13:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, the lagging isn't "normal", but there are only a couple of ways to deal with it. Any sort of software solution to change PAL->NTSC is going to give you mixed results. As I said, the patch will sometimes have unintended consequences and mess something else up (in this case, it causes lag in the game).

A hardware PAL->NTSC solution like the DS3 or a PAL->NTSC box that plugs into the video-out of the PS2 will convert the signal without causing lag or other issues (other than possibly not properly synched to the TV on the Y-Axis).
23. January 2005 @ 13:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i used ps2_pal2ntsc_yfix and converted with 48. i am curently using dms2 chip.. i TV is SANYO small TV around 32 inch
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23. January 2005 @ 14:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, as I have said, the software patch you used (pal2ntsc) will sometimes have weird results. /IT/ is the source of the glitches you are seeing when playing it in NTSC mode. See my previous posts as to ways this can be solved... put bluntly, the patch method is /never/ going to play it correctly as NTSC. Either get an NTSC version of the game, or get a PAL->NTSC converter box from a place like so the signal is converted outside the game (where it won't cause glitches).
Junior Member
23. January 2005 @ 15:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have swap magic 3.3 how can i use it to play a PAL game in a NTSC system?

Thanks :D
Senior Member
23. January 2005 @ 16:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I updated my first post again. I updated the list of confirmed games that wont work and added more to the faqs. I also added a tutorial using the adr patcher. I've got a working link for it now.


Boot a copy of Swap Magic 3. After it loads, eject it. Insert the PAL game. Let it read the new TOC. Select NTSC on screen, then press the SQUARE BUTTON for special boot.

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23. January 2005 @ 16:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Read through the instructions on,
more specificially the FAQ... also other threads have coverd
this numerous times already, so you can probably search for
something like 'PAL Swap Magic' and hit something.
Boot a copy of Swap Magic 3. After it loads, eject it.
Insert the PAL game. Let it read the new TOC. Select NTSC on
screen, then press the SQUARE BUTTON for special boot[/
quote]Actually, this doesn't work in most cases with newer PS2s, as
they always check the region when a disc is inserted. The
result is that (at least with pre-3.3 discs, but I would assume
3.3 has the same problem) you put in the PAL disc on a v7 or
newer system, and it will lock Swap Magic.

Plus, it helps more to ensure the disc loads (moves the laser
to the right part of the disc you wish to load), rather than
makes it easier to load the PAL game. Any good disc can be
used for the TOC read (and a lot of games don't need it).

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. January 2005 @ 16:14

23. January 2005 @ 17:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
it's me again, nrk.... i will test the urbs and killzone with another yfix (30 or 32) and see what happend and reply here, thanks alot.
If I do these tests(proofs) is it possible that it works? please tell me after burn another dvd. thanks
Senior Member
23. January 2005 @ 18:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Using a different offset probably wont help.

23. January 2005 @ 19:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok i undertand, but a last question, in another forum someone said to another member with the same black screen problem that should try with a minor offset and maybe will work, so i try anyway and tell you, thanks
... and in a nearby future will another version go out of pal2ntsc patch that solves these problems?
23. January 2005 @ 20:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey, I got a crystal chip with the latest firmware (v0.9), and I'm trying to play the PAL version of DBZ Budokai 3 on a NTSC system/tv. With the firmware and bootmanager, I ca only manage so stabalize the image's frame rate, but I'm not beying able to set an Y offset... Any1 can help me out here?

Maybe theres some homebrew progz for ps2 that could do it..?

Senior Member
24. January 2005 @ 02:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The only way an offset change would help is if you had originally set the offset too high or too low. Since 48 is right in the middle, if that doesm't work, no other offset will.


The DMS chip is the only one with a y-fix option. See if the game has an option in the menu to move the screen. If not, you could try one of the other methods described in the faq in my first post.

Junior Member
24. January 2005 @ 03:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have this three swap magics in mi hdd. wich one should i burn and should i do it in a cd or dvd?

Here is an image


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. January 2005 @ 03:31

24. January 2005 @ 11:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have DBZ 3 pal and works flawlessly w/ dms4, cant even really notice a difference.

Referb PS2 V4 30001 w/ dms4
PStwo not modded

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. January 2005 @ 11:46

24. January 2005 @ 18:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
actually budokai 3 had a screen setup in the options, i thought this option was rare...
Thanx for the help nrk4594 and good job on this thread!

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27. January 2005 @ 17:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hmm, grinding through a disassemble of Worms: Forts Under
Siege, it seems that the NTSC patch is just fine (specifically,
SM 3.2 will load it fine, and using the selector fix works
fine).... BUT a hard lock occurs on the Sega FMV.

Update: Yup, it was the FMV, mixed with using the NTSC+Y-
Fix patch causing problems. I brewed up an FMV Skip patch
for ADR Patcher which got it to load and play just fine (the
game is buggy to begin with, so there was one freeze, and it
still needs the Y-Fix as the game's screen adjustment is

Update: Scrapped the idea for applying a Y-Fix option into
ADR Patcher, it just isn't up to that sort of task... Instead it
has the additional FMV Skip option. This link has the updated file:

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. January 2005 @ 17:57

28. January 2005 @ 13:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
When I burn my image of worms, The PS2 won't load it.
Boot Manager detects it as a movie if i burn it on a dvdv, and as audio if i burn it on cd-r... any ideas?

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28. January 2005 @ 18:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Make sure it is a properly ripped ISO. I always use my own rips to ensure that it works. Then you have to use ADR patcher and my updated file to patch Worms Forts with the Skip FMV patch. Then use the PAL->NTSC+Y-Fix app provided in this thread. The catch is you have to burn it using the P/N Selector as well, or it will not load. Once this is done, it should be able to boot just fine using Swap Magic or a mod chip in NTSC, properly Y Fixed... before using this new version, make sure to delete any save data for Worms Forts that might already be on your memory card. The Y fix offset and the screen offset stored in the save file will not mix well and cause problems.
Senior Member
29. January 2005 @ 09:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I updated my first post again. This time, I added a list of games that have a PAL/NTSC selector. If you know any more that are not posted, PM me the name of the game and include info on how to access the 60hz option.

30. January 2005 @ 15:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't get it, how do I burn it using the P/N Selector..?

30. January 2005 @ 15:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
When i try to patch it with "PS2 NTSC 2 PAL WITH YFIX" it says its not a ps2 dvd/cd, so i cant chek the pn selector box and burn it...

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30. January 2005 @ 18:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
From the readme:
If you checked the 'MAKE PN SELECTOR' box the program will try to build a P/N selector for you.
In this situation, when loading the game in your PS2 you have the option to choose between
NTSC with Y-FIX, NTSC or PAL video mode. A preview of the selector screen is included in the zip.
NEW: the selector includes 3 boot modes. If the game does not boot you may try one of the others by pressing the triangle button in the pad. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME WHAT EACH MODE DOES EXACTLY BECAUSE I DO NOT KNOW THE DETAILS. The Iop Reboot 0 does nothing but Iop Reboot 1 and 2 reboots the IOP. If the game does not boot with the default just try the others and report.

IF YOUR ELF FILE IS RELEASED BY PARADOX OR KALISTO THIS PROGRAM MAY HAVE NO EFECT! - usually those games have a intro screen or a P/N selector (The original game code usually is compressed) - if not, they probably are not compressed.

Make sure your image is either .iso or .bin.

By the way, what game is it, and what image format is it in.

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