What is going on. sometimes when peerguardian up dates it then goes from a large number blocked , down to 0 blocked. Does that mean it's not safe to download?
I do not know how much good that app is any more. It only blocks known sites but in the last few years most snooping was done by hackers for hire. Their addresses are not blocked. Since then it has been discovered most of the hackers broke the law when the got their info. This is very meaningful because P2P infinges on a grey area of the copyright law. It will probably take the supreme court to decide if P2P breaks the law or not. I am sure they will find against P2P even though the law professors of the major law schools agree it does not. The supreme court does not want to put billions of persons, excuse me, hundreds of billions of persons out of work. I do not know if the cyber police are still after persons if they are using hackers or what. No new cases are in the news so it is hard to know what is going on.
I guess you need to decide if you are safe enough. Figure peerguardian only adds less than about 10-20% additional safety to what ever you are doing. Do not think for a second that it even adds 50% more safety even years ago.
I have never seen it drop down to 0 IPs. But think about it, if it is blocking 0 IPs, then that would be an issue. It most likely has something wrong then, and I would reinstall it or so.
Originally posted by guessswho: I have never seen it drop down to 0 IPs. But think about it, if it is blocking 0 IPs, then that would be an issue. It most likely has something wrong then, and I would reinstall it or so.
This happens about once a month, and i just don't download anything when it's like that. I just keep hitting update every once in awhike till it works again . Some times 1 day sometimes hours.
That sounds like it is a problem with their update server (which happens pretty often).
You can always go here for an update of the same list(s) PG uses. I found this site through the PeerGuardian forums: