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AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
20. September 2010 @ 06:53 |
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Originally posted by HiTeck:
I always do ;) and well said!.
what ever floats yer boat
21. September 2010 @ 06:20 |
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I'm having probs with my krypview 780 . Channels like FX keep cutting out and some saying no signal. I have all updates and tried factory reset . Provider is NTL and I'm in North east England anybody any ideas??
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
21. September 2010 @ 07:03 |
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Did you read the Kryptview maintenance thread?
21. September 2010 @ 10:39 |
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No I havent . Do you have the link please
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
21. September 2010 @ 10:43 |
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21. September 2010 @ 10:48 |
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21. September 2010 @ 12:16 |
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Te threads seem to be updating the box
cant see much you can do Ive updated my box already
21. September 2010 @ 12:16 |
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The sorry
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
21. September 2010 @ 12:24 |
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nothing to do with updating your box that thread its to do with letting people know there is maintance going on that is why you have missing channle
21. September 2010 @ 12:27 |
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ah ok no probs just hoping my box don't konk out on me cheers anyway
Junior Member
24. September 2010 @ 20:06 |
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bro con you help me for i just got me a dreambox500 but i need a cam any idea were and how 2 set it up if u can iam a bit lost on how and were and price thanks (E) hope 2 here from you
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
24. September 2010 @ 20:09 |
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ya look for any post with fintannl on them im sure he will help you out as he is doing SKY sharing himself on his card he would be the best person to ask
Junior Member
24. September 2010 @ 20:21 |
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were can i get him can you post his link 2 me please there is so many pple on here thank for your help any way your the best.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
24. September 2010 @ 20:29 |
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Junior Member
24. September 2010 @ 20:50 |
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thanks (e) i have send it thanks for your help
Junior Member
28. January 2011 @ 21:37 |
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hi E45 i went away for a bit of 4 weeks iam back in london i have read your post about the kryptview and stopt using the STV box now i have done every thing you ve' posted and my chanels are on but iam loosing bbc1 chanel 4 cartoon network and other few one's but the rest are working i meen movies is all working sports all working international working so do you have any idea wy iam not getting the ones i have mentioned please help me and on top of that i got one for my mum for her birthday iam in north london she is in shouth east london se 25 shouth noorwood and i scan her one thinking it should all work but she is missing the very same chanels as mein so i need help thanks in advance E45 THANK YOU VERY MUCH AS WELL AS IN THE PASS. HOPE TO HERE FROM YOU
Senior Member
29. January 2011 @ 05:22 |
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Originally posted by comboo: hi E45 i went away for a bit of 4 weeks iam back in london i have read your post about the kryptview and stopt using the STV box now i have done every thing you ve' posted and my chanels are on but iam loosing bbc1 chanel 4 cartoon network and other few one's but the rest are working i meen movies is all working sports all working international working so do you have any idea wy iam not getting the ones i have mentioned please help me and on top of that i got one for my mum for her birthday iam in north london she is in shouth east london se 25 shouth noorwood and i scan her one thinking it should all work but she is missing the very same chanels as mein so i need help thanks in advance E45 THANK YOU VERY MUCH AS WELL AS IN THE PASS. HOPE TO HERE FROM YOU
You may be using wrong NET-ID when scanning. If you have Prov box check menu for Prov name &
NET-ID. If you don't know NET-ID try diff ID's close to your area when scanning. If you are
still missing channels turn on POWER SCAN MODE in menu & put box in stand-by for 1 hour and
it will search for missing channels. Sometimes channels will scan in as data stream or numbered channel. If thats the case you could rename channels. The bad news is that mum's box will most likely have diff NET-ID because she is in diff area
Junior Member
29. January 2011 @ 05:54 |
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bro sorry but when you sea net ID: could you explain it do you main by coising the ntl or telewest is it what you main be'cuz i did put it on telewest on my'n in london and my mum's one i pick't the east krudding so please tell me if iam doing it rigth thanks.
Senior Member
29. January 2011 @ 06:09 |
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Originally posted by comboo: bro sorry but when you sea net ID: could you explain it do you main by coising the ntl or telewest is it what you main be'cuz i did put it on telewest on my'n in london and my mum's one i pick't the east krudding so please tell me if iam doing it rigth thanks.
When you select Prov name(TW,NTL,etc), select scanning option NETWORK, hit GREEN to start scan.
A list of NET-ID's will appear(EAST KRUDDING etc), select correct ID & scan will complete.
NET-ID's don't always tally with exact area, they are often nearby locations. This is why it's
important to check Prov box for correct Prov name & NET-ID. otherwise it's trial & error.
Usually when you use correct NET-ID channels will be in correct order; bbc1,bbc2,itv1, etc
Junior Member
29. January 2011 @ 07:10 |
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wrigth E45 one more do i need firt of all do a factory reset firt then start all over again yes or no and what about the ethernet cable do i plug it in when iam scanning or not or do the scan firt then after that plug it in what your idea about that and if i undertand you probable i need 2 select telewest for my'n one in london and then network then scan now for my mum telewest then network then pick one of east krudding or west or north if not still working try diferent one on till working is that corect. thanks for your hard work over this years your the best i don't care what people sea but you no your stuff thanks.
Senior Member
29. January 2011 @ 08:46 |
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Originally posted by comboo: wrigth E45 one more do i need firt of all do a factory reset firt then start all over again yes or no and what about the ethernet cable do i plug it in when iam scanning or not or do the scan firt then after that plug it in what your idea about that and if i undertand you probable i need 2 select telewest for my'n one in london and then network then scan now for my mum telewest then network then pick one of east krudding or west or north if not still working try diferent one on till working is that corect. thanks for your hard work over this years your the best i don't care what people sea but you no your stuff thanks.
When scanning it's best to remove LAN-cable. Do a fac-reset before each scan. If TW is your
provider select TW, then network, hit GREEN, & then select area NET-ID. If not happy select
diff provider & repeat procedure
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
29. January 2011 @ 08:52 |
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If you provider is now Virgin and before this it was either TW or ex C&W you scan on your old provider before virgin old NTL and virgin is 6887 symbol rate exC&W and telewest is 6952 make sure after each scan you factory reset the box.
Junior Member
29. January 2011 @ 10:53 |
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thanks bro i will have a go at it thanks very much if any thing i will hala at you thanks
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2. February 2011 @ 13:18 |
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whats happend to the starview 7 mine has been down allday fecking crap !!!!!!!!
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
2. February 2011 @ 14:14 |
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Server has been off line all day m8 get used to it or buy a Kryptview