Old News
Junior Member
2. February 2011 @ 14:32 |
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Apparently the Kryptview server has been up and down the last couple of days as well with Movies in particular being off - get used to it or buy a premium cardshare or a subscription.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
2. February 2011 @ 14:37 |
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yep in comparison to Sv off ?? was a net issue and not all channels effected unlike Sv box all gone ?
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
2. February 2011 @ 17:38 |
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still amazes me how people come on here, especially those who been about for a while and still ask the same question, why is the box down, not working, missing this, missing that,
its a simple fix, get a sub, get a sub from sly or GET USED TO IT -
you were all warned, told, put in plain english, countless times what the state of play is with the lan cable boxs, what can happen and what does happen, some more than others as we all have seen keep dropping chans etc, they will come back on, thats the battle with these, to keep them on and working, pissing and whinging everytime a chan goes missing or scrambles your wasting yer time, we will be going through this same scenario in a few days,
Do the simple checks firstly which have been posted here on each check you can do and then its in the hands of the provider or srv to get back up and running
Senior Member
2. February 2011 @ 18:05 |
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Originally posted by e45: yep in comparison to Sv off ?? was a net issue and not all channels effected unlike Sv box all gone ?
Come on E45 cut the crap. You've said in posts that KV keep you informed. You didn't mention
that all movie channels have been down on KV boxes in diff areas for past few days until
Lincsat mentioned it. So either KV didn't inform you of the problem until days after problem
occurred or you neglected to pass on the info. If someone told me "maintenance"or"net issue"
I would ask them to elaborate, as they're the kind of answer's you give to a child or a moron
Suspended due to non-functional email address
3. February 2011 @ 02:21 |
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will it come back on cheers
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
3. February 2011 @ 03:41 |
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Originally posted by EAMO_TOO: Originally posted by e45: yep in comparison to Sv off ?? was a net issue and not all channels effected unlike Sv box all gone ?
Come on E45 cut the crap. You've said in posts that KV keep you informed. You didn't mention
that all movie channels have been down on KV boxes in diff areas for past few days until
Lincsat mentioned it. So either KV didn't inform you of the problem until days after problem
occurred or you neglected to pass on the info. If someone told me "maintenance"or"net issue"
I would ask them to elaborate, as they're the kind of answer's you give to a child or a moron
A half a day the movies where off for where is the crap in that compared to starview been completely off all channels that is the difference you cant find out the info and not all the time something goes down ie a handful of channels nobody will know until reports come in where as if all channels where off then people would know
And eamo if you are so worried you try and get the info and pass it on i can only pass on what i am told no more at least if i know i will unlike Starview lot keep people in the dark and feed them mushrooms
Quote: I would ask them to elaborate, as they're the kind of answer's you give to a child or a moron
They dont have to give a reason you could be left waiting like people are for the starview to come back on at the end of the day boxes are sold as FTA so you buy any box you flash it you take your chances just like people did before there is no guarantee that any box will stay connected to any server for any amount of time
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. February 2011 @ 03:45
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
3. February 2011 @ 04:07 |
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yet another viscous circle, best bet, if you got info, dont pass it on at all, that way you wont be accused of anything, let them find out themselves, cause everytime Krypt farts, your getting the blame for the smell,
If thats the way its gonna be, then keep stum, that way your not held accountable for any info that is passed your way and you post it. Just get back to helping with technical help on the boxs and leave the other stuff to whoever wants to report it.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
3. February 2011 @ 04:27 |
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yep i think that is the best way as i can see you try to help people and all they do is throw it back in your face well some do others are grateful but the world is full of begrudgers.
At least we have converted another well know member to put kryptview in his signature so they must be doing something write pmsl
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. February 2011 @ 04:29
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
3. February 2011 @ 05:38 |
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Well if I were you, keep to the tech side and do what you do best by offering help on boxs, leave the news to others and when that goes wrong, lets see who jumps on who. Best off out of it
Senior Member
3. February 2011 @ 07:37 |
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Originally posted by e45:
A half a day the movies where off for where is the crap in that compared to starview been completely off all channels that is the difference you cant find out the info and not all the time something goes down ie a handful of channels nobody will know until reports come in where as if all channels where off then people would know
And eamo if you are so worried you try and get the info and pass it on i can only pass on what i am told no more at least if i know i will unlike Starview lot keep people in the dark and feed them mushrooms
Quote: I would ask them to elaborate, as they're the kind of answer's you give to a child or a moron
They dont have to give a reason you could be left waiting like people are for the starview to come back on at the end of the day boxes are sold as FTA so you buy any box you flash it you take your chances just like people did before there is no guarantee that any box will stay connected to any server for any amount of time
Senior Member
3. February 2011 @ 08:02 |
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Originally posted by EAMO_TOO: Originally posted by e45:
A half a day the movies where off for where is the crap in that compared to starview been completely off all channels that is the difference you cant find out the info and not all the time something goes down ie a handful of channels nobody will know until reports come in where as if all channels where off then people would know
And eamo if you are so worried you try and get the info and pass it on i can only pass on what i am told no more at least if i know i will unlike Starview lot keep people in the dark and feed them mushrooms
Quote: I would ask them to elaborate, as they're the kind of answer's you give to a child or a moron
They dont have to give a reason you could be left waiting like people are for the starview to come back on at the end of the day boxes are sold as FTA so you buy any box you flash it you take your chances just like people did before there is no guarantee that any box will stay connected to any server for any amount of time
SV server is rubbish. They don't issue details of server problems to users.
That doesn't excuse any other company or server to treat customers shabbily. Movie channels
were off in diff areas over a 3 day period on KV boxes. It wasn't referred to here until
Lincsat mentioned it. People should be informed when probs occur so they know to leave box
alone until prob is fixed.
Boxes are advertised as FTA for legal reasons. People buy them to watch encrypted channels
Advertise KV-FTA cable boxes with menu lock so they can't be flashed to clear encrypted channels. How many buyers would you get, a few in asylums maybe. Tell your KV contact if they
want to PM me details of any server probs I will post them.
Senior Member
3. February 2011 @ 08:10 |
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Originally posted by MICKAH: Well if I were you, keep to the tech side and do what you do best by offering help on boxs, leave the news to others and when that goes wrong, lets see who jumps on who. Best off out of it
Mickah, I'm not jumping on anyone who is helping others on forums. I'm just tired of posts
about SV server probs being hi-lited when the odd KV server problem is ignored as if they
never happen. I am no supporter of SV server or their treatment of customers but I think
biased reporting does not do this forum justice
Junior Member
3. February 2011 @ 08:52 |
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Quite right, this forum is very pro-KV and anti-SV. Both servers have had problems, it's not that long since KV were "doing maintenance" and many channels were offline for up to a Month. I have pointed out before that both KV and SV are "free" servers and both work very well for free servers. I would not expect updates from either.
FWIW, I have had a message through the distribution chain that some starview card readers have burned out and new ones have been ordered from China, this will take a few days. This is not the server itself but card readers that contribute CW's to the server.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
3. February 2011 @ 08:57 |
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Eamo, dont like SV at all and thats based on experiance over the years (new boxs every number of weeks / months, no support for customers, no info for them etc),
Krypt have been the better devil of the two, but if some one pass's me info and I post it, I aint accountable for the info, just passing it on, I can only post what I get, same way E45 gets info, he aint UK based, so only goes on what he is told or hears, chan wise etc, he posts it, I agree with you the Krypt serv has been up and down of late and by all means let folk know,
my comment wasnt aimed at your directly, but there are folk on here who go out of the way to dive on certain people who post, every little post is scrutinized and some flippant comment thrown about, thats all they come here for, not to help, just to stir and stir, Its pretty obvious whats going on.
If it were me, I wouldnt post another update on the Krypt or SV or any lan box, uptime or downtime, cause its just been flung in peoples faces, they should get back to the tech side of boxs and let the suppliers of the boxs come on and tell folk whats wrong, something tells me that aint gonna happen
Junior Member
3. February 2011 @ 19:36 |
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yo! bro is it back on or wat mine is gone for four days now wat's happining man some one help how knows wats going on can any body tell us thanks
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
4. February 2011 @ 03:48 |
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its been posted what happening, the srv is down due to an technical issue, they are waiting on parts to fix this, which come from china, as its the chinese new year until, Monday, there may be furthur delays,
Dont hold me on that, but thats the way it is currently, this info has been posted in other threads
Senior Member
4. February 2011 @ 04:55 |
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be patient people...im sure SV server will be up and running soon...my sv6 has been down for 4 days....they always come good, so be positive :-)
4. February 2011 @ 05:12 |
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Originally posted by gerrard08: be patient people...im sure SV server will be up and running soon...my sv6 has been down for 4 days....they always come good, so be positive :-)
For your own safety watch what you are saying gerrard08, there are a small number of people on this forum who will lynch you for saying such good things about the starview.
Watch your back buddy
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. February 2011 @ 05:12
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
4. February 2011 @ 10:57 |
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Originally posted by gerrard08: be patient people...im sure SV server will be up and running soon...my sv6 has been down for 4 days....they always come good, so be positive :-)
Exactly positive outlook is always a good start im sure they will sort it at some point
Suspended permanently
4. February 2011 @ 15:15 |
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Originally posted by e45: Originally posted by gerrard08: be patient people...im sure SV server will be up and running soon...my sv6 has been down for 4 days....they always come good, so be positive :-)
Exactly positive outlook is always a good start im sure they will sort it at some point
Suspended permanently
4. February 2011 @ 15:19 |
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i know im always classed as being controversial,but hey..im always right in the end...boxes should be back on sat night/sunday nite latest...believe me or not,no need to take a blow at me...just some info that i think people should know....so,dont go asking me for references and where i got the info from,as some will...just read,absorb and digest....regards
Senior Member
4. February 2011 @ 15:34 |
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Originally posted by EAMO_TOO: Originally posted by EAMO_TOO: Originally posted by e45:
A half a day the movies where off for where is the crap in that compared to starview been completely off all channels that is the difference you cant find out the info and not all the time something goes down ie a handful of channels nobody will know until reports come in where as if all channels where off then people would know
And eamo if you are so worried you try and get the info and pass it on i can only pass on what i am told no more at least if i know i will unlike Starview lot keep people in the dark and feed them mushrooms
Quote: I would ask them to elaborate, as they're the kind of answer's you give to a child or a moron
They dont have to give a reason you could be left waiting like people are for the starview to come back on at the end of the day boxes are sold as FTA so you buy any box you flash it you take your chances just like people did before there is no guarantee that any box will stay connected to any server for any amount of time
SV server is rubbish. They don't issue details of server problems to users.
That doesn't excuse any other company or server to treat customers shabbily. Movie channels
were off in diff areas over a 3 day period on KV boxes. It wasn't referred to here until
Lincsat mentioned it. People should be informed when probs occur so they know to leave box
alone until prob is fixed.
Boxes are advertised as FTA for legal reasons. People buy them to watch encrypted channels
Advertise KV-FTA cable boxes with menu lock so they can't be flashed to clear encrypted channels. How many buyers would you get, a few in asylums maybe. Tell your KV contact if they
want to PM me details of any server probs I will post them.
so this is an anti sv thread? is a kv thread end of. and also do you think kv will tell you a server has been shut down but were feeding off another in long down lane (number 36 ) china. people maybe having problems at the mo with a few channels missing but dont worry once mr checz gets his server up in qatar all will be ok.
Senior Member
4. February 2011 @ 16:19 |
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Originally posted by scandalu: i know im always classed as being controversial,but hey..im always right in the end...boxes should be back on sat night/sunday nite latest...believe me or not,no need to take a blow at me...just some info that i think people should know....so,dont go asking me for references and where i got the info from,as some will...just read,absorb and digest....regards
I hope for sake of SV users you are right. No one needs to know your source. If you heard this
from someone who knows that's fine. If you heard it from stranger at bus stop don't bother
posting it as fact
4. February 2011 @ 17:41 |
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Originally posted by EAMO_TOO: Originally posted by scandalu: i know im always classed as being controversial,but hey..im always right in the end...boxes should be back on sat night/sunday nite latest...believe me or not,no need to take a blow at me...just some info that i think people should know....so,dont go asking me for references and where i got the info from,as some will...just read,absorb and digest....regards
I hope for sake of SV users you are right. No one needs to know your source. If you heard this
from someone who knows that's fine. If you heard it from stranger at bus stop don't bother
posting it as fact
I don't understand why everybody's getting so irate with members who are trying to inform, help and advise! (KV, SV or who ever) Surely any advise is good advise. This is a forum after all. I'm sick of reading comments about what is the best, biggest an longest. Post something constructive or don't bother.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
5. February 2011 @ 04:58 |
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Originally posted by scandalu: i know im always classed as being controversial,but hey..im always right in the end...boxes should be back on sat night/sunday nite latest...believe me or not,no need to take a blow at me...just some info that i think people should know....so,dont go asking me for references and where i got the info from,as some will...just read,absorb and digest....regards
I am sorry but have to comment, your always right in the end? For the best part you talk out of yer backside and have done since I read yer posts since ya joined here, your on here trying telling folk all sorts of bull, from floggin C-lines, to telling folk that ebay will come after em for selling boxs on their site, remember that? Sorry, but I wouldnt believe the Our Father out of you, you have been found out numerous times by other members here, with the rubbish ya post and using this site to flog your c-lines to members