Shy Channels on sat with dreambox 500s
Junior Member
21. February 2010 @ 14:52 |
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Originally posted by piopat: fint thanks for your help and any one else that helped i have the box sharing in the house no probs,i had a mac address conflict(seems a problem with all clones having the same mac) so i sorted that out,next thing now is sharing with my mate.i was thinking i was a real thick,its a great feeling to have it done.
Congrats, happy sharing, will be interested to hear how you get on with the external sharing!!
Senior Member
21. February 2010 @ 16:16 |
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Piopat, out of interest how did you resolve the mac address issue. Where do you have the option to change the mac address. Always like to learn something new myself
Senior Member
21. February 2010 @ 20:41 |
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i got the box sharing now at home and with my mate,thanks to fintannl and anyone else who helped. its working now,when i say i used the yellow button i mean ,my image being nabilosat darkstar 11,i press yellow,i go down to nabilo cccam info,press ok,then go down to servers,press ok, all being well your share box should say(1 servers) and it should say online a partial dyndns address and 1 may say more cards if the person you share with has other shares that he can share with you.thanks again for all your help guys. if i can help any newbies setup a share in their own house or with a mate let me know i will be glad to offer my help.
Senior Member
22. February 2010 @ 05:41 |
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Tis a major buzz when you get it to work. Well done. Perseverance paid in the end. Would still like to understand how you resolved (indeed how you identified) the MAC conflict. This will be useful information for the future
Senior Member
22. February 2010 @ 10:37 |
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hi gary and fint thanks again,it is a great buzz as you say . i was going back and checking trying to find the problem as i felt sure i had things setup ok(i had made a few mistakes ,that were easily fixed with help from you guys) i was reading a lot on various sites about possible reasons a share would not work,all i could come up with was an ip conflict. but that was not the case, i think it was on a check of the router to see if it was showing all connected devices that i saw the mac addresses were the same. but the numbers being shown did not say (mac address next to them) but i new what they were, that said i did not put 2 and 2 together and i went looking at other stuff. i was talking with a few guys on an other site and they advised all the things that you guys did, and one guy said did you check the mac addresses as if the are the same the boxes will never share. of course i knew they were the same but thought nothing of it till then. to check the mac addresses you can check through the router but i just used telnet, open dream control center,all being well you have a green line going from the pc on to the dreambox and up to the router. click on telnet to open it, and type in ifconfig and press enter the box details will be shown onscreen, a mac address looks like (example) 00:01:02:bb:c1:11 if you only have 2 boxes you only need to change one mac address, so write down the mac address of one box(i will assume like me you have a conflict,2 boxes with same mac address) now open notepad on your computer. i have vista so i clicked the windows button and note pad is on the left of the screen. type in(all in one line) ifconfig eth0 down; ifconfig hw ether 00:01:02:bb:c1:12; ifconfig eth0 up; . note the mac address in the line will be your mac address, also see i changed the last digit from 1 to 2, so when changing your mac address simply change the last digit like i did. click on save ,save the file, and give it a name, the name will be init , the program will try and give it an extension like init.txt(you dont want that) so for name simply type this "init" and save. my init file was saved to my documents. now open dream control center,login to the box which mac address you want to change, network ok etc, click on ftp, on the right side of the ftp screen browse your computer for the init file, say c: documents,the file "init" should be displayed on the right side of the ftp screen. now go to the left side of the ftp screen and double click on var, then double click on etc, ok now go back over to the right side of the ftp screen where the init file is, click on it once to highlight it, now click on the little arrow that points to the left, your init file is now in the var/etc folder of your box. now click on the init file you just transfered and highlight it, now right click on it, open attributes and click on 775,save and exit,exit out of ftp and dcc, now reboot your box. you have now changed your mac address. there is also a tool you can get online to change the mac address. so i had a bit of luck really,a lot of good info from you guys ,if i had no patience i think i would have cracked so for any newbies take your time be patient and it will work in the end, by the way i have it working external also in a mates house. thanks again for all the help talk, soon guys.
Senior Member
22. February 2010 @ 13:27 |
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thanks piopat. everything is simple once you can see it. will retain the mac address info for future reference. happy sharing
Senior Member
23. February 2010 @ 10:34 |
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im on to the next and last step of my cs setup now,which is using my dm7020si and a smargo(havent got the smargo yet)and the 7020 is not set up for cs as yet,but i have the 500s working away. my question is this,has anyone on here got a smargo setup,and can i set it up using a vista laptop(as i know vista can have compatability issues)if smargo is not vista compatable could someone advise as to a suitable vista compatable cardreader.thanks guys.
Senior Member
23. February 2010 @ 16:18 |
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doesn't the 7020 dreambox have a usb port. you just plug it in there and enter the lines
SERIAL READER : /dev/usb/tts/0 smartreader+
SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY : /dev/usb/tts/0 3430000
into your cccam.cfg. Note this config is for using usb0. if you use usb1 then it would be
SERIAL READER : /dev/usb/tts/0 smartreader+
SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY : /dev/usb/tts/1 3430000
Senior Member
23. February 2010 @ 18:13 |
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ok mate yea the box is usb as is smargo (is it a case then of just plugging it in to the 7020 and editing my cccam.cfg)thats even better. i was just came across posts around the net and they mentioned setting up via laptop, and i thought to my self im going to have trouble here with vista(getting drivers to work etc)you know your self fint the problems we have trying to get anything done on our boxes using vista. i was looking here,is this the correct smargo,smartreader-plus .im not sure what you mean when you say usb0 and usb1, i wish i knew all the stuff you know fint,be no stopping me ha ha.thanks for your help again mate.
23. February 2010 @ 18:15 |
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Originally posted by fintannl: can i suggest that the easiest solution is to use cccam as server and client and drop newcs. nor is it necesary for using mgcamd for entitlements. cccam can now do all aspects
hi mate,
i've upgrade all to 2.1.4 CCCam but still getting freezing. no newcs or anything running now.
does the F: line with maxhops up/down make a different one anything or is it just for restrictive purposes?
Is there anyone else having freezing over WAN?
Senior Member
23. February 2010 @ 18:34 |
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you can have a simple f line like F:mate1 box1 (as you say the additional stuff is restrictional,what you allow your friends) are you just using a cline (share)or are you the server also. you could try cccam 2.1.3 and see if it cures the freezing, i have read a few post regarding issues with 2.1.4, but i dont use it so i cant comment on it.
Senior Member
23. February 2010 @ 19:16 |
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Piopat, I wish I knew all you say I know. I just enjoy learning. I still know minimal stuff of what my DM800 baby can deliver. But to answer you question, if you only have one USB then the lines you need to use are for USB0. You need to remove the reference to using the internal smart card reader as otherwise the system will get confused (the line you currently have in your DM500 identifying the card reader as the internal reader). Using your PC as a server is another game that you really don't need to know unless you must. It takes time and a lot more effort
Cmonks, I would suggest you revert to cccam 2.1.3. There are many forums complaining of freezing on 2.1.4. While 2.1.4 has solved sly italia counter-measures it is not necessary on current uk/ire sly cards at the moment. Having said that I have a share working on 2.1.4 with no freeze issues. having said that I do not allow shares outside my friends, have changed my password on my central system so no-one can update my central cccam.cfg. I am not a believer in sharing with the larger community, just with friends. Is it possible you have extended your network past its limits. Or is ti possible that your router uplink is simply crap. Who is your broadband provider and what is your uplink speed
Senior Member
23. February 2010 @ 19:22 |
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when they mentioned vista etc, they meant cs using a pc as a server ,i get it now i picked it up wrong. thanks for that fint.
Senior Member
23. February 2010 @ 19:42 |
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Piopat, the Smargo you list will do fine. have recently updated drivers on their site. But if you cannot find the Windows application to update your smargo then you will find all files necessary here where I have uploaded them
Just scroll to the thread where I have added the necessary files
Senior Member
23. February 2010 @ 20:07 |
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thanks for that fint cheers mate.
Senior Member
23. February 2010 @ 21:15 |
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piopat, welcome. have no issue with someone who want's to learn and do stuff. have bad karma with doods who want simple answer. I look at the dreambox as a learning tool. you wannna play. i'm willing to supply info. you want free channels and no effort. sorry, not my type. i've spent some years at this game and know just a little bit. unwilling to share with somebody who has not gone through the pain. Took me a year to get the basics right, took me another year before i was brave enough to reflash box, once i got confident with that i started to learn new tricks.
So newbie, first learn to flash your dreambox, then start learning about addon's then read loads and then you will get the attention of people who will help. Note, PMs don't work, put your issue out there and we will try to help.
And still dislike our cardsharing friends who just want a simple answer. I guess they will get sorted by our police force in the end.
24. February 2010 @ 02:33 |
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just want to say big thank you to fintannl and piopat for the vry useful post , keep up the great work guys , ye made learning for the new guys alot easier
Senior Member
24. February 2010 @ 12:35 |
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it was a struggle pudzy,i had quite a few of those(pulling the hair out)and one or two(f**k this for a game of soldiers)days, but got there with lots of very good help and reading forums till my eyes gave up on me, but its great to get there in the end. its a great hobby to get in to, and once you get used to even the basics you can do quite a bit. one thing i find is i am always learning something i never knew,i enjoy that the most.
Junior Member
24. February 2010 @ 12:58 |
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well done piopat i can sense the delight at your achievement, i have those same hair pulling moments and i am only putting up a dish and running cables, but with the likes of yourself and fintanni on the ball i hope us newbies get there too
Senior Member
24. February 2010 @ 14:18 |
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thanks carrick, as i say i had lots of very good help when i got stuck. and im sure the guys will be happy to help all where they can, and i will be happy to help also .
Senior Member
25. February 2010 @ 12:24 |
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any body know any online stores selling a smargo that accept payment by maestro debit card ,having a lot of trouble getting one. the stores that take my card dont have smargo, and the ones that do have smargo only take master card. i tried isish sites not much luck there either.
25. February 2010 @ 12:56 |
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did you try sat boy. worth a go.
Senior Member
25. February 2010 @ 13:19 |
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thanks pudzy mate ill try them , a lot of stores also drag you through the whole buying thing (saying thank you for buying)only to send an email next day saying we dont post to ireland.
Senior Member
25. February 2010 @ 15:05 |
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had a look there pudzy no go im afraid,thanks anyway.
Senior Member
25. February 2010 @ 18:11 |
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Piopat, if you folllowed my post on the other site where you downloaded the necesary files for the smargo, you will have found out that because my system is a clone it cannot support the smargo i bought. pm me your address and you get my smargo for a price YOU suggest. as i always say its a game so if i can't use mine you are welcome to it for whatever price you wish. it just sits on my mantlepiece anyway