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5. December 2005 @ 04:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
brobear ( true true !
5. December 2005 @ 07:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
what i wanna know is when a guy says cmag is crap, does that that mean playblack, writing ability...............i have still yet to notice a difference, i'm puzzled.
5. December 2005 @ 07:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***

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5. December 2005 @ 07:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
that stuff kinda makes sense, but ive got old memorex stuff that i used for back ups last year as well as other crap media like imation and staples brand and they still work fine.
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5. December 2005 @ 16:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
And what was good media last year is being looked on as crap this year. You're not paying attention, the brands are selling different media. You're stuck on brand. Think of it like apples. I'll just name a farmer as Farmer Memorex. Last year he was selling sweet yellow apples. This year he's still selling apples, only this year they're green and tart. Hope you get the analogy.

I've used Memorex in the past when they were selling Ricoh manufactured media. The same goes for Imation and some other brands. Ricoh has made quality media for a number of brands, including the likes of Verbatim. As Memorex and the others moved to newer media like the CMC Magnetics manufactured media, they lost my business.

I guess not everyone has the low opinion of CMC as shown here at AD. The manufacturer has caught on with a lot of brands. I sometimes wander how much is blind brand loyalty and how much is from informed consumer shopping.

Here's something I learned early and it's paid off, don't confuse compatibility with quality.


I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. December 2005 @ 16:09

5. December 2005 @ 17:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Brand: FMI (CompUSA)
Store: CompUSA
Media code: I forgot it but when i looked it up, it was the lowest grade of media. 50% were coasters.

BTW, i think that when you go to CompUSA avoid there products that has a brand of CompUSA because its made by FMI and it sucks. I also got a hard drive (COMPUSA FMI brand) broke after putting it in comp and keeping comp on for 1 week straight, hdd enclosure (CompUSA FMI brand) wire snaps, rounded lighted floopy cable (CompUSA FMI brand) after buying it before i open i looked closly and a wire was already cutted then put in comp and never lighted up.
AfterDawn Addict
5. December 2005 @ 17:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I too have Memorex, (CMC MAG.AF1 & ProdiscS03) and even CompUSA, (PRINCO,) that were burned over two years ago and still scan well under Nero Disc Quality tests. But I also have others that don't test well.

My Point...

If a 2006 Bentley Flying Spur or a 1981 Dodge Diplomat were offered for the same low price of 40 cents, which one would you purchase?

If you didn't know before, now you do thanks to aD and it?s members when it comes to Quality Media!

The only media I use now is TY, both 8x -R and 8x +R and my Quality Scores are now normally 100%. But the best news is that this media is way under 40 cents a piece shipped when on sale at so why take the chance any longer with other lower quality brands used under what used to be called a quality name like Memorex, etc?
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5. December 2005 @ 23:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Very wise Oh Great & Mighty..ScubaBud
I have to agree with U 100%
The TY's seem to be the best,I've also had Good luck with the Ritek Ridata..I Buy one or the other when on sale..but do swing to the Ty's
Just wish U could buy these with the Silver printable surface
The only ones U can find are Prodisc..which now a days has turned to crap..But lucky me still got a few from back when they were ProdiscS03's
which at the time were a good & very inexpensive Disc
The silver looks better on certain label
If U got any pull see if U can talk Taiyo Yuden into running of a few for me..HaHa Haaa..or maybe U know of a decent Silver printable
AfterDawn Addict
6. December 2005 @ 03:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
did someone mention TY? my radar went off and i found ya!!

here ya go in regards to silver printables...i have used these myself as i prefer them over the white inkjet printables due to what i commonly refer to as "holographic"'s purely aesthetic and i like it~ :)

im more of a dvd+r format guy, but you can probably tell im very familiar w/ Taiyo Yuden products, for silver inkjet printables, i USE many of these found here:

YUDEN000T02 coded, great quality on the lookout for the YUDEN000T03's coming out shortly...16x dvd+r TAIYO YUDEN..can't wait~ :)


Recommended Media:

Taiyo Yuden 4x dvd-r TYGO1/ 8x dvd-r TYGO2/ 8x dvd+r YUDEN000T02/ 16x dvd+r YUDEN000T03
Verbatim 8x dvd+r MCC003
Verbatim dvd+r DL (MKM001)= flawless no compression backups
"Do Yourself A Favor, Use The Good Stuff
TY & Verbs 4 Life~ :)" ~docTY~
"Its better to be quiet and appear stupid, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
I am always prepared to recognize that there can be two points of view - mine and one that is probably wrong - John Gorton

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. December 2005 @ 03:26

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6. December 2005 @ 08:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello..kivory666..Thanks!!All the time I've been shopping at Supermedia I've never seen silver TY's..just an oversight I guess
Myself I prefer DVD-R..I've got a couple of DVD Players that just refuse to accept the DVD+R [KHL,HA7000 & an Apex] the Apex I bought way back when DVD Players[Apex] came out with a $99.00 player & I thought well they ain't gonna get much lower,the 1st I ever bought.But as time goes on,through Trial&Error we learn...Who woulda thought that U would be able to buy them at $29.00 & have more capabilities..also even today every so often U will find one that refuses these Disc's[DVD+'s]..My neighbor has a unit thats 2yrs old,it plays DVD+R's & every once in awhile refuses the DVD+R's,but will not play DVD+RW's ever.But it will play DVD-RW's & DVD-R's always
6. December 2005 @ 09:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So far I have used 3 types of dvdr, Orange Bulkpaq, Infinity and Dataon.

All cheap media. However I have NEVER had a so called 'coaster' and I have used nearly 100 DVDr.

The problem is those sticky labels that looked so inviting a year ago. Until none of my discs played properly so now I have about 15 plates of water all with a dvdr floating label down in them :)

Never mind!

6. December 2005 @ 10:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Orange Bulkpaq
- used about 500 of those FAKE 'things', virtually none of them are recopyable now and only a few on them play

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
6. December 2005 @ 10:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
- used about 500 of those FAKE 'things', virtually none of them are recopyable now and only a few on them play
Yea they are hard to recopy, IO errors but I burned mine over a year to 2 years ago and they still play fine.

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6. December 2005 @ 11:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You might be able to use a program called CDCheck..I use DVDdecrypter to extract all of the files that are not corrupt & it lets me know which one is corrupt cause it just keeps retrying..Then i open CDCheck & go to recover.Just direct it to the corrupt VOB file everything should be pretty well self takes a good while if its really corrupt..but it does work
AfterDawn Addict
6. December 2005 @ 18:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ur welcome rick, yeah, i find the silver inkjet printables to be very nice...i like the way they look after ur cover is complete~ :)

yeah, also, dvd players were so expensive not too long ago, who would have thought they'd drop to the prices they are now and with that, some of the "cheaper" players will play ANyThiNG you throw at them~! :)

we all have our own preferences in format, nothing wrong w/ DVD-R, but, i like to "booktype" on all my DVD+R to the universally accepted dvd-rom for best chance of playability on my stand alones :) if your drive is capable of bitsetting (booktyping) i would seriously consider the DVD+R format and making them into dvd-rom which SHOULD play on all YOUR standalones (regardless of age) as well as your friend's :)

good luck and burn on...Taiyo Yudens 4 LIFE~!


Recommended Media:

Taiyo Yuden 4x dvd-r TYGO1/ 8x dvd-r TYGO2/ 8x dvd+r YUDEN000T02/ 16x dvd+r YUDEN000T03
Verbatim 8x dvd+r MCC003
Verbatim dvd+r DL (MKM001)= flawless no compression backups
"Do Yourself A Favor, Use The Good Stuff
TY & Verbs 4 Life~ :)" ~docTY~
"Its better to be quiet and appear stupid, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
I am always prepared to recognize that there can be two points of view - mine and one that is probably wrong - John Gorton
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6. December 2005 @ 21:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Booktyping is one of those handy "use it if you've got it" items. The capability has never been one of the criteria I use for buying a burner and the 2 I've used recently don't have it. The ROM format is the standard, so having a unit that booktypes to it (+R only) definitely helps with insured playability on those old players. However, most of the new standalone players will play almost anything round that fits in the tray. Even those several years old play the +/-R media, though many won't handle the RW. With new players ridiculously low in price, there's no call for using old equipment, except the desire to do so. Over the past few years, I've run into a playability issue on one player. It was one of those cheap freebie promos from a magazine subscription. Go figure. LOL

As long as the media is good quality, it matters little if it is +R or -R, unless there is a known compatibility problem that will crop up. That's one of those old equipment issues. One need not tie themself to one media manufacturer either. Taiyo Yuden is good, but then there's MCC, Ricoh, Ritek, and Sony to name just a few that also give good results. I tend to go by manufacturers and not just brands. For instance, Ricoh made much of the Ritek-Ridata media and they supplied quality media for Verbatim as well. Ricoh has been a manufacturer of much of the quality +R media over the past few years for many different brands. Many of us favor media we've had good results with, nothing wrong with that either, just limiting.

To a degree I've repeated part of what kivory666 said. I differ though on the importance I give to boodtyping and I fear I won't be limited to burning with just Yuden. LOL Though I will be for a while. I still have 160 or so of them in my current supply. I've been using them for some time now. So I'm definitely not trying to diminish their name. But I've also got a large number of backups done with Ricoh and MCC.


I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -
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7. December 2005 @ 03:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello..brobear..Can U get a little more in depth on..MCC
I used ProDisc..I think the 1st part of last yr or maybe even a little further back.But they changed their media code..& i think they changed to something like MCC blahblah..& were crappy Disc.I ended with about 20 or 30 bad Discs per 100 after my 1st order of these crappy Discs i quit useing them all together..but the first ones i bought [ ProdiscS03 ]were a pretty good low end DISC.WITH maybe 1 or 2 per 200 with bad sectors..But the older ones seemed to hold up fairly well..& for the price,I think about $.26 ea you just could'nt go wrong..But like I said I just quit useing them after they changed their media code
AfterDawn Addict
7. December 2005 @ 04:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

i completely agree with what you have said, valid point and there is nothing more i can really add~ :)

i tend RARELY to ever go by "brands," much like you, it's the manufacturers i'm more concerned about...i'm sure i haven't had as much experience as you in regards to Ricoh made media, i've tried a few here and there early on and while they were decent, i just kept on experimenting before i found what has really "worked well" for ME and my setup~ :)

i've used MANY MCCs, as per my sig. (i just happen to PREFER the DVD+R format, just personal taste), almost all under the Verbatim label, but, that's beside the point..i rely heavily upon various manufacturers (Taiyo Yuden and Mitsubishi Chemical Corp. are the ONLY 2 that i have the CONFIDENCE in, based on my own user experience, each and every time~) :) definitely NOT implying the other manufacturers are "bad" or "not good," just that i'm the type to just stick with what has "worked for me" the past few years~ thousands of backups later, i made MY decision as to what i will or will not use, and in MY CASE ALONE, the only 2 will be TY & MCC~ :P

anyways, before i continue to ramble on and on and on, i'll just leave it at that; i know without a doubt there are a few "cream of the crop" manufacturers out there that have worked very well among MANY people, past, present and future...

burn on my friends and as a side note, i've ALWAYS respected your opinion and depth of knowledge here brobear, you were one of the very first members that i sort of "kept my eye" on when i first joined AfterDawn~ :) you've made VERY concrete and valid points and you are one of the FEW people that always seem to maintain a maturity level of that over a 14yr old in EACH and EVERY thread i've read...i lose my temper fairly quickly, so thank you for being
someone that i admire and look up to when responding to various posts here. i've learned so much in my time here, just wanted to let you know that your posts have NOT been overlooked and are continually appreciated by ME (and im sure MANY MANY others) :)


Recommended Media:

Taiyo Yuden 4x dvd-r TYGO1/ 8x dvd-r TYGO2/ 8x dvd+r YUDEN000T02/ 16x dvd+r YUDEN000T03
Verbatim 8x dvd+r MCC003
Verbatim dvd+r DL (MKM001)= flawless no compression backups
"Do Yourself A Favor, Use The Good Stuff
TY & Verbs 4 Life~ :)" ~docTY~
"Its better to be quiet and appear stupid, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
I am always prepared to recognize that there can be two points of view - mine and one that is probably wrong - John Gorton
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7. December 2005 @ 18:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

LOL Glad to hear you think I sound like someone past puberty. LOL I'm no whiz kid, so I try to stay on a common sense level and like you pass on what I've had some experience with.

I've put in some time burning Verbatims as well as other brands, so I can agree that from experience, Mitsubishi and Taiyo Yuden are top manufacturers. But Ricoh made a bunch of the Verbatim +R over the past few years. Verbatim and Memorex were two of the brands I used to intentionally buy, knowing there was a good chance it would be Ricoh. Knowing Ricoh would be +R helped. A bunch of companies would use Ricoh only for the +R while using multiple manufacturers for the -R. Times change and it's getting harder to track a manufacturer through the brands. Some databases are helpful, but they don't update the info fast enough. For instance with Memorex and the +R Ricohs, I got some CMC because I wasn't aware of the change. For the longest people swore CMC only made -R for Memorex. Then as more CMC +R media came online, the consumers started to realize the sad truth. If a person knows a particular brand uses only a particular manufacturer in one location, then they can be more sure of a particular purchase before they take it home for testing. Such as Japanese made Verbatim or Sony. With Taiyo Yuden and now Ricoh selling under the generic in the US, US consumers can be assured of their purchase. That's online, you don't see those as much in stores.

Just a note of interest since you're a +R fan. Ricoh specializes in +R/RW. That's all they make, or all that I'm aware of. Seems things come back to bite you if you say something concrete about media or a media company. LOL In the past a lot of the Verbatim +R was manufactured by Ricoh. That's a link I've supplied in the past. It shows a lot of brand-manufacturer cross references. Use the Search box on the right. These words will be helpful.


Select the Anbieter or Hersteller in the dropdown box and click Anzeigen. The brands and info come up in English. It's easy enough knowing just the 3 words.

Thanks for the compliment. Fairly often I'm hearing less flattering words. LOL Have a good one.


I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. December 2005 @ 18:31

Senior Member
8. December 2005 @ 04:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
rick5446- I use both but mainly DVD-R the thing with the DVD+R is if your burner and programs allow it , You can bitset or Booktype Your DVD+R/RW media which makes it appear to be a DVD-ROM to your player or drive! I think that media quality is more important than Whether it's DVD-R or DVD+R ! other than if your booktyping your media as this process can be done only with DVD+R/RW media! I boughtan APEX 1010W a few years ago and it has trouble playing original DVD movies not to mention playing burned backups ! But I have a NORCENT player I bought last year plays everything just about! Newegg Just Had A Norcent Player on sale for 19.99 or so plus shipping It came to like 23.00 & change So I bought two 1 for living room & 1 for spare bedroom ! Installed the 1st one working great ! the other ones going to the living room ! So If you can Booktype DVD+R media with your current burner It may behoove you to try that ! Or you could update your burner to one that can booktype if yours can ! or perhaps Get more current dvd player that will play + & - ! Either way rick5446 Good luck & Happy Burning ! Happy Holidays !
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8. December 2005 @ 06:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I really don't know the significant value for doing booktype..other then being able to play in older players as U say..souds to me like its just another media improvement or[deception] that is intended to trick the player into thinking it the right type of media which is DVD-R's

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8. December 2005 @ 08:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
rick5446- Yeah Buddy ! essentialy you are correct ! I apologize For not being clearer im what I meant to say ! Basically that given identical levels of quality in each type of media that they are in essence the same save for the ability to booktype with the DVD+R media ! I was not knocking your choice of media type either I mainly use DVD-R myself Just expounding on the familiar theme ! Hope all your burns are clean & error free ! Happy Burning & Happy Holidays!
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8. December 2005 @ 09:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You got most of it right. The booktyping process "fools" the player into believing what it's reading is a DVD ROM disc. It does it by placing a code on the disc during the burn. Since all standalone players are supposed to be DVD ROM compliant, theoretically, all the booktyped DVD +R discs should play in all players. Some have tried a few times, but the process hasn't workded with -R media. Then we can get into other media compatibility issues... Staying on track though, booktyping doesn't fool a player as to -R format. As stated, booktyping (or bitsetting) can only be done with +R media and only with certain burners. If the player is both DVD ROM and -R comptible, then booktyping is supposed to fool it for DVD ROM. It would be just as simple to use a -R for backup. Booktyping has nothing to do with quality, just compatibility.

Nowadays, if there's a hardware issue with compatibility, the cheapest out is a new player, the things are dirt cheap. You can get a good one for less than $70 and decent ones much lower. Chain stores like Wal Mart are selling them like hotcakes.

The court of public opinion is still out on whether booktyping is a worthwhile option. Booktyping isn't an industry standard. Some manufacturers have it, but many don't see the need. There's no rush to add the capability and you rarely hear about it except here in the forums and that with a person having compatibility issues with old equipment. The need to booktype dwindles each passing day as the old equipment "passes on". Can't resist those bad puns. LOL Everyone have a Merry Christmas and may Santa bring you a big spindle of blank media, and a shiny new burner to play with. Ho, Ho, Ho...


I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -

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8. December 2005 @ 09:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Too bad it's the time of year the unknowing give that crappy media as stocking stuffers to us demented "backer uppers". LOL If you get a load of crap, you can share the bad news with us here where you'll have a sympathetic audience. Give us the brand, speed and format, along with the manufacturer code; that way we know exactly what is being called junk. DVDInfoPro, DVD Identifier, Nero and a bunch of other apps provide the codes. The first two are freeware and DVD Identifier is specific for reading codes. DVDInfoPro has a lot of handy utilities though.

Hope this helps get us back on track. But we don't mind rambling as long as it is on the media topic. LOL Bought or received any junk media lately?


I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. December 2005 @ 09:21

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8. December 2005 @ 13:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
brobear- you must have written the budweiser WAZZUP ! commercial Cause everytime you post it ends up being True TRue !And I am most inclined to agree with you on all those counts ! The only cure for getting your xmas stockins stuffed with various brands of Crappy Media is to ask the blessed givers of gifts to give you a gift certificate to your favorite Media purveyor - BestBUY, CircuitCity, Compusa , OFFICEDEPOT ECT! then go pick out what you really wanted! Barring that tell them to memorize one Word ( VERBATIM) Hopefully that will insure you getting decent disk most times ! Or inserT your brand of choice here ! I like the gift card Idea better but everyone has their own opinion on that issue! Or if the wonderful bestowers of gifts would'nt think you or me as Gauche! ask fer' CasH! & a xmas card! but some may find cash a little too impersonal ! I'm currently debating whether too ask the stepdaughter to go to OFFICEDEPOT and pick up the OfficeDEpot DVD Sale media Buy one get 2 free picked up the 8X DVD-R Myself sunday & Coded them Ritek G-O5's like the Maxells I bought onBlack friday! If I do that though I may end up with RICOHJPN media instead of Ritek & although I have both 8X & 16X Burners =NEC's I geberal burn video at 4x most times ! I have heard of Ricoh Media but am more familiar with the Riteks From post here at In general would you compare Ricoh to Ritek as being about the same quality wise comparing similar speed media of course !Might just end up with a gift card instead ? anyway Thanks for the information & wisdom ! Good Luck , HappY Holidays & Happy Burning! > forums > dvd±r discussion > dvd±r media > post your bad media experiences here

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