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2. April 2006 @ 08:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
For the not so brave, some Costcos in Canada have a 50pk of regular dvd cases for under $15. I can't recall the exact price (I think $13.99).

Excellent haul Smacks! The thrill of the hunt, love it!
Senior Member
3. April 2006 @ 05:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
mackd- Good to know also You can often pick up the VERBATIM slim type DVD cases at samsclub. Depending on whats in stock at the time you can get 25 ct. cases for $ 6.47 or so 50 Ct . for $12.00 & change or a pack of 100 for $24.00 & change ! Before Jvc Baptized me into the DDDCRS= Dumpster Diving DVD CASE RETRIEVAL SOCIETY ! That was what I used & they are really very good actually ! But as our potentate of Plastic JVC says "FREE IS FREE " & that beats any sale price I know of! Have Been checking the dumpster but seem to be in a dry spell for now ! But I refuse to give up the quest ! thanks for the info mackd & Dive safe , happy Burning & have a Nice day LOL!
Junior Member
9. April 2006 @ 04:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Another good haul in the world of dumpster diving. 33 DVD, 5 double, 2 white, 1 pink, 24 green, 13 BB lockables, 24 playstation, 8 gamecube, 35 VHS, and 3 UMD (a first time find) for a total of 148 cases. I even found the game Halo for the x-box. They even threw in a full box of sharpies for me this week. Toxy you might have to relocate if the dry spell doesn't let up. Maybe their just stacking them up in the backroom and one day you'll find the dumpster overflowing with cases. You'd faint. Good Luck everyone and Happy Diving.
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9. April 2006 @ 04:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
And....................a partridge in a pair tree!!!!!
Senior Member
9. April 2006 @ 07:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Smacks- I sure hope so- To be fair have'nt had a chance to dive as much lately ! & when I have either wifey was with = WWW or dumpter was freshly dumped ! or Full of only garbage ! But being a Stuborn Coon ass ( read Cajun !) I refuse to give up the good fight ! You've Been doing great Smacks! keep it up ! And to our resident female compatriot NailedNY - There talking about Lindsay LOHAN for the WonderWoman movie ! You can take her right ? LOL! and one final Thought ! " RAZZLEBERRY DRESSING " God Bless Us everyone ! We're gonna need another timmY! Happy Hunting & Safe DIVING !
Senior Member
15. April 2006 @ 08:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I made a small haul this morning. I got:

1 white case
7 clear cases
12 lockable cases
1 original double case
3 game cases
6 original cases

for a total of 30 cases. Not bad, but not what I was hoping for. I was hoping to get several original double cases. I only have a couple left. The one original double I got, was one of those that has the snap down locks, on the edge. I'm not crazy about those, but I can live with it. :o)
Good luck to y'all!
Junior Member
16. April 2006 @ 06:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Not a bad day today. I got 68 dvd, 1 grey, 7 white, 18 green, 11 PSX, and 8 BB lockables for a total of 113 cases. I was in kind of a hurry this morning and forgot my flashlight. Oh well, my cell phone is pretty bright so i used it to illuminate the dumpster a little bit. Happy Diving Everyone.
Senior Member
16. April 2006 @ 07:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Smacks- & All the dumspterkateers - great going ! still in a slump But have'nt abandoned the ship ! I think I may have to expand my blockbuster territory further out ! Now to justify the drive Shopping further out ! I know there is a Blockbuster a few miles from the old sams & it has produced pretty good no big halls but some already boxed up & ready to go ! Continued good luck & Happy Easter to all & everyone else God bless !
Junior Member
30. April 2006 @ 10:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've made two dives recently and have come out pretty good. A week ago I managed to bring in 81 cases but that isn't nothing compared to this morning. 207 DVD, 16 double, 1 clear, 5 white, 1 purple, 9 green, 57 psx, 58 BB lockables and 1 vhs for a total of 355 cases. That's the most I've ever taken in one haul. I'm also glad to say this was my 11th dive and I've got over 1300 cases. Just a little over two months of work had paid off pretty good. Hope everyone else is doing good to. Happy Diving!!!
Senior Member
30. April 2006 @ 11:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Smacks- yOU gO BOY !

Great Going - Have'nt hit myself in qiute sometime still looking but either empty dumpsters ! Full of trash & nothing else or freshly dumped ! in my defense I will say with fuel being so high I'm not getting t o go as often so that night be it too ! May have to expand my territory ! well Keep the candle burning My friend & continued good luck ! dive safe & dive smart ! Kudos!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. May 2006 @ 13:12

Senior Member
6. May 2006 @ 06:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Good News

My dumpster diving drought has officially ended ! went Diving last Tuesday @y local Blocckuster ! With my recent luck expected either Just trash or an empty dumpster but low and behold a small cache of cases in the now infamous clear platic bag ! so I rescued them quickly from landfill obscurity & stuffed them all into a handy cardboard box ! When I had opportunity to do a count I had 47 cases !ot a big haul I know ! but as our Resident Potentate of Plastic & Lord high everything else ! JVC would say "FREE IS FREE " & after com ing up dry for ages I am happy to find that many ! I estimated about 30 by eyeballing my catch ! so I'm 17 to the good as for as I can see ! Don't give up , Don't Give in!, Never surrender ! and to all our little DUMPSTERKATEERS! Keep up the good work Smacks , NaliedNY !, & everyone else - Until then LIve free & Dive !
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6. May 2006 @ 06:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Way to go Big!!!! Yeah!!! I took a dive yesterday and got about 20. I've been dery for a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG time too. I'll check out 2 more tomorrow. Great Job Smacks!!
6. May 2006 @ 12:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
its mostly blockbuster where you guys get covers from right? and the good day to go would be wednesday morning since new movies are out on tuesday?

BENQ 1620 / 1650
Pioneer 111L

Junior Member
6. May 2006 @ 14:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've been reading a lot of these posts about BB dumpster diving.. Sounds like a great idea.

Is it illegal in any way? Although dumpster diving isn't below me, I can't imagine calling my parents from a police station for stealing trash. Lol..
Senior Member
6. May 2006 @ 14:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
mord- You would thinkso my friend but atleast @ my local Blockbusters It's a yes /no proposition! sometimes WED. is a good day ! sometimes not ! Sometimes it's a thursday ! or saturday ! I've even gotten a big load or three on Sundays & fridays Basically it depends on if they dump them bye two's & fews or en- masse! So I check them whenever I'm by blockbusters just incase no matter what day of the week it is. But WED. is a Good day To check as well !Well thanks for your input & help mord! & happy Burning -Safe diving!
Senior Member
6. May 2006 @ 15:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Draugr- Start on page seven of this thread It covers ( Pun intended) what you are asking somewhat !
Junior Member
7. May 2006 @ 09:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Another good day for dumpster diving. I got 109 New,81 BB lockables, 21 PSX, 6 double, 3 white, 1 clear, 17 green, and 8 VHS for a total of 246. I even found a copy of Fun With Dick and Jane in mint condition. This dive puts me in at over 1500 cases so far.

Mord-If you do a little bit of reasearch and find out what day the trash gets hauled away and dive one day before that. At my BB's the trash gets hauled on Monday mornings, so I dive on Sunday. That way I don't miss anything. I get all the cases they've thrown out for the whole week. Also it seems to be true that there will almost always be one big clear bag that has almost all cases in it. This is the one you want and most other bags in there will only yield a few cases. Good Luck Mord and if you start diving let us know how you do.
Happy Diving everyone.
Junior Member
7. May 2006 @ 10:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Wow im gonna have to go check out my local blockbuster's dumpster only problem is i live in Mount Morris Michigan and all the closest stores are in flint michigan... i usto live there and if you ever seen F9/11 you'd have gotten a smal glimpse on how shitty it is and if anyone seen me looking in a dumpster i'd probably be getting questioned aboud a missing person on something.
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7. May 2006 @ 11:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey guys!!! Did a little dive this morning myself. Haven't been to these 2 in a long time. The first one I only got about 15 and they smelled like syrup. BUT free is free. A little sticky too. The second was I hit big. A ton of vhs cases that I kicked aside, then boxes and baqs full of dvd covers. There was so much trash that I jumped in and searched around. I have not counted them yet but there is a lot of them. I found my fist red case. Love it. I also got a very cute light pink one that I will put my favorite movie in so I can spot it from across the room.
Way to go smacks! I'll give you the count later..................
Senior Member
7. May 2006 @ 14:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
da dum da dum ! WONDERWOMAN ! - You go girl !
Senior Member
7. May 2006 @ 14:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok y'all! I'm getting jealous now! :o)
It's getting to be a case of the students getting better than the instructor............
Keep up the good work!
Junior Member
7. May 2006 @ 16:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the general direction, BIGTOXY69! I suppose I'd be long gone before the cops arrived anyway.. :)

Supposedly, they get the new movies in Tuesday, so I think this Wednesday morning around 5AM, I'll take my chances. I have two somewhat near me, one I believe shares a dumpster with Papa John's Pizza, a Chinese Restaurant and Subway. The other one shares one with Subway and Baskin Robins Ice cream... I better wear some old clothes!
Senior Member
8. May 2006 @ 11:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Draugr- Sounds like a Plan

I'm lucky sort of the main dumpster I check does'nt appear to be shared ! but there is a TACO Bell Nearby So I do find some residue ! The BB staff's leftovers I'm guessing ! Just be careful Draugr my friend because sometimes along with the dvd cases & other goodies that end up there . there are Bottles & broken glass ect. would'nt want anything to happen to our latest convert would we? You may find that like peanuts & potato chips once you start dumpster diving you just can't stop ! especially if you hit a payload of cases ! You may not hit every time but as long as you enjoy the hunt your on your way ! I'm exstatic if I find a big amount but still happy if I find just a few ! As Jvc - The Guy that started most of us diving would say " Free is free " No tax , no shipping ! You might also want to look behind the dumpster's sometimes the BB staff will put them ( DVD CASES) in a big garbage bag behind the dumpster ! Found 62 cases like that while visiting new orleans once ! Anyways Draugr welcome aboard our little corner of You'll find that the dumpster divers post are enteraining , silly and sometimes even down right fun ! And I would say on an average we are a friendly supportive and cordial bunch of people ! We are not Clique-ish or exclusive in anyway and there is always room for one more ! Good Luck Draugr - Happy Hunting, safe Diving & Happy Burning !

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. May 2006 @ 11:48

Junior Member
8. May 2006 @ 19:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the warm welcome, BIGTOXY69! You are right, I'd better watch out for that broken glass, don't want to die of blood loss with my feet dangling out a dumpster! As for being addicted, it all depends if I find anything! With all the nasty I can expect in those dumpsters it makes me glad I have a truck. Just throw the bag in the back and be off! To be honest, I can't wait for the expression on the faces of my parents when I pull up covered in mess with a garbage bag over my shoulders. And, I'll have to restrain myself if I get that "high" from free stuff because gas is too expensive these days! I wish I knew what day they get their trash picked up, so I could go the day before and gets a weeks worth of potential garbage! I've read that some of the BB's use the original cases, I hope mine aren't like that. Anyway, I hope to live up to some of you veterans! And hopefully, the "Free Is Free" saying will give me the strength and courage to plow head first into some smelly and nasty dumpster!
Senior Member
9. May 2006 @ 05:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Draugr- Again Goood luck with your Dumpstering adventures ! ON the cases Sometimes it's the Original Kind and Often they are the Lockable rental Cases ! Either way they work fine ! And if anything I think that the Lockable Type are just a tad heavier duty then the cases that dvd's come in originaly ! I Have no scientific data on this just my humble opinion . But as they say in Da' Hood!!! It's all good ! I use either kind although I tend to find more lockables sometimes ! & you can't go wrong with either in my book ! Hope you enjoy your cases when you get them And don't freak your Peep's Out too Much Okay ! Dive Safe " FREE IS FREE " > forums > general discussion > all other topics > dumpster diving !

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