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write 2x dvd-r media at 4x
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16. July 2003 @ 12:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Major, or at least, big manufacturers do not manufacture A and B grade at the same time on branded media. Princo, from cd-r media is well known to create B graded (smudges dye that you can clearly see, etc) media. It's not really so difficult to tell the difference between A and B graded if you are in media industry like myself. Best media is not made in the best country, it's who manufacturs. Ritek, even from cd-r media is well known to produce high quality medias and well known to manufacture for other branded companies such as Maxell, etc. Usually, the color of the dye is much thicker and has deeper color and if you look at the edges, you can see how well the dye is proportioned. It's not really the term of "A and B" grade they use amongthemselves. With a person I know who is a big stockholder in Ritek, there are A,B, and C grades of media (cd-r and dvd) avaliable.

Also, as far as big manufacturers such as Sony, and TDK creating their own media, they do not always create or "used to create". They do manufacture their own media but not always. Ritek is one of.. perhaps the biggest manufacturer that takes the order to manufacture branded media because they are realiable. CMC Mag. is well known to manufacture cheap cheap cd-r media but now I see them creating dvd-r, -rw, +rw, etc. media for other companies such as Philips. As far as the cd-r media goes, ritek is the leader, and I don't suspect that ritek is and will hold the first place in dvd-r media too.

It's not the "bad batch, with certain serial number"; that determines the bad batch. It's more likely that B grades are mixed with As. I know big distributors who mixes As and Bs in order to make more profit and it's not unusual to do so (when most of the distributors do when they do sell their medias to first time / newbie vendors, etc.. because they cannot tell the difference).
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16. July 2003 @ 13:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What normally happens with the Datawrite is the first batch is normally A grade to suck in the punters then the next batch is something completely different! Just like Tonyl said it is done to make extra pofits and make a brand look cheaper and good value for money.

Mind you I spoke to the sales director for Ritek just now about this exact issue (Datawrite have gone too far this time) although Ritek are not stating it publicly yet they are in the process of taking action against Datawrite because the Ritek discs he says are Ritek are not they are possibly fake Riteks which are manufactured in Hong Kong - apparently Ritek have installed SAP so they can now trace all stock worldwide and ENET is forbidden from getting any product direct. Ritek see the ENET problem as a damaging brand image company... i.e. supplying lesser grade products and fake products!

My advice is this if you want try media from ENET you won't find it to be consistently good quality - if they say it's Ritek and you get any coasters send the lot back and get a refund, my company never has and never ever will mix a single piece of B grade into our stock we are a little more expensive than most but never has a B grade disc been sold by my company without the customer being 100% fully aware of what they are buying.

By the way Ritek are speaking to their lawyers and considering issuing a formal statement on their website ... bottom line is this - buy from official distributors then you know you have the best product.

16. July 2003 @ 14:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ritek nor other manufacturers cannot file a law suit on vendors, simply, Ritek don't care because there are countless of vendors out there. It's not Ritek or manufacturer's fault that vendors distribute mixed grades to make profit. For example, in United States, all the containers imported from Taiwan or HongKong goes through New Port Harbor, and one major Ritek stockholder distributes through very few vendors (such as shop4tech, where minimum contract is about 100,000 dvd-r medias a month), then those vendors can distribute to other mid-size vendors and such. Ritek nor other manufacturers cannot control such actions. However, they do make most of their profits through taking orders to manufacture branded media from maxell, etc. Bottomline is, manufactures are not going to file law suit againt small vendors(although these vendors seem very big to you). conclusion is that you have to find out the vendors that are legit.

Just because you ordered Grade A/prograde, whatever they name it; and you get coasters, it is very foolish for you to judge, let's say "oh I got a ritek grade A, and ordered 500 pieces and they are defective, thus they suck" is just stupid because you are only informed that you ordered premium grade of DVD-R Medias but you cannot tell the difference whether if they are lower grades unless you are in the media industry.
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16. July 2003 @ 14:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have to say MrYang that that would be the best thing that has ever happened if Ritek publicly do this. Where it would leave though is anyone's guess -- we all know they (and are in E-Net's pockets!!
16. July 2003 @ 15:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
They cannot do it, what are you talking about. That is just a b.s. (read what I just wrote, above) Also, did you talk to the sales director of Ritek? or a sales director that gets the ritek media from another vendor because Ritek do not directly distribute to vendors.
AfterDawn Addict
16. July 2003 @ 15:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I agree with the being in their pocket completely. What a front that website/forum is, lol.

I disagree with you Tony. I am not in the media selling business at all, yet i could still tell you the difference between a grade A and a grade B disc. Its quite simple, Mr Yang will clarify this. there was quite a difference in performance between the dvd-and-media riteks over the unbranded grade B's i tested. The difference were favourable to Mr Yang.

16. July 2003 @ 17:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oriphus, what I meant was, telling the difference between A and B just by looking at the media(s). Anyone can run batches of media & burn then then tell the difference.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. July 2003 @ 17:13

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17. July 2003 @ 00:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It would be a dream come true for me if you could tell the difference between A and B grade just by looking at the media!!! Wouldn't that just be so handy!

The plan for Ritek is this - no unbranded media to be sold as A grade, the problem with unbranded bulk coming out of the factory is others can buy it and overprint it with their brand and claim they have a deal with Ritek.
Only authourised OEM partners brands to be recognised as A grade media, this will be checkable on the website. Other brands which claim to be Ritek but which are unofficial to be classed as B grade or below. Basically Ritek want everyone to know you should only buy the official OEM partners brands and everything else is either fake or overprinted bulk.

Oh yes Ritek are in the business of persuing individual companies - the reason is this, say ENET screw the UK market for them this is only the start they could then move more fake and lower grade media into the rest of Europe damaging the brand further. The real reason they will persue a individual company is so that they can then trace were the conterfeit products were manufactured and then its these rogue factories in China, Hong Kong that they come down on like a ton of bricks.

Oh Tony, Ritek do have a distribution channel worldwide which we are a part of, we are official distributors in the UK so we are banned from shipping their products outside the UK and screwing other markets... the contacts I have mean I can pick up the phone and speak to them in Taiwan to clarify direction and problems happening with the brand. After all the importance of the brand and the protection of it are paramount, so believe me when I tell you they catch anyone trading fake product they will hit you with everything!

17. July 2003 @ 14:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
to file a law suit on every company.. hmm let's see, it would take at least 1000 years to settle.
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17. July 2003 @ 14:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
True, but if you go for the big ones (like ENET) that's most of the job done.

Slightly better companies like Medea might breathe a sigh of relief at this one as well ;)
17. July 2003 @ 16:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Now you are not even realistic, or do not have any business experience. Do you know how long it takes to settle a.. let's say a small 5 million dollar file? I'm being realistic, meaning looking and discussing about the stuff that happens now, not what will happen 7 years after.
AfterDawn Addict
17. July 2003 @ 18:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Business Experience is nothing to do with the law and how these court cases work. You wouldnt be a business men, you would be a lawyer. Business men would hire lawyers to do that for them.

7 Years? It can take months sometimes to get the right reaction, or the wrong one depending on what side of the battle you are on.


AfterDawn Addict
17. July 2003 @ 18:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am using 1x RitekG03 with Fuji label and when burning with DVDDecriptor set at 2x I got a max write rate of 4.3x and the movie plays fine.
17. July 2003 @ 20:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey sly, so you are burning at 4.3x?? (confused)
AfterDawn Addict
17. July 2003 @ 22:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Tony, have you used DVDDecryptor? If you have, you would know it usually burns faster than you set it at. I am using 1x discs, but set it to burn at 2x. It averages around 2.2x but i'm saying at times it has gotten up to 4.3x for a little while and ive had no problems.
18. July 2003 @ 02:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes, but this is only for movies, not for data files. :/
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30. July 2003 @ 12:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

To be honest with you ,in my humble opinion i think you Gentlman are wrong in youre asummptions that Datwrite are knowingly selling Defective discs on purpose . Yeh , may be a certain bad batch's will come in of defective discs, if get any faulty discs datawrite is more than happy to exchange youre faulty discs no questions asked. Secondly how are they to tell that those discs are going to be faulty ? Surely like you say you can not tell be looking at the exterior! You made a second point of being a official distributors of Ritek Media in the uk ,well why is that there is only a handfull of you distributors in the UK? It's not Ritek's way of ripping of the consumer is now is it ? I hope im misinformed here but to be honest with you it's looking like more of the latter as i cant see how 2-3 distributors of Ritek media is going to drive prices down prices and its a easy way of Fixing prices of media.
This is how i see it the more competion there is ,better prices for the consumer. Then maybe Datawrite may not need to sell "Fakes" as you say!!

Please note i have no associations with datawrite. Im just a Happy Datawrite consumer.This

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. July 2003 @ 12:48 > forums > dvd±r discussion > dvd±r media > write 2x dvd-r media at 4x

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