roxio vs nero...your opinion/why
Junior Member
27. September 2003 @ 20:35 |
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hey guys i have both nero and roxio but i cant have both due to driver reasons and i have only been using roxio and would like other peoples pros and cons because i am hesitant to switching and trying to learn a new app.
im talkin about roxio easy cd dvd creator6 and nero express
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1. October 2003 @ 09:07 |
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You can have both apps on your computer, I do .
Easy6 and Nero build and can burn from either program.
The trick is to only install 1 packet writer. Since you already have Roxio's Drag to Disk installed(formerly Direct CD) don't install Nero's InCd. As for burning DVD's from Roxio you can only burn DVD's from the DVD Builder program and can't from Creator Classic. This bites because the audio AC3 format isn't supported in DVD Builder(why in God's name I don't know)So the only way is to burn from an iso image not from the standard files in an VIDEO_TS folder. Using DVD Decrypter you can rip directly to an iso image, if your using DVD Shrink you then have to convert the files to an iso, an extra step you don't have to do if you burn using Nero.Also I've found Nero allows me to burn faster and can even burn 1x media at 2x. Overall ease of use I've found Nero to be the better software for burning DVD's.
Junior Member
1. October 2003 @ 11:01 |
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thanks for the reply, unfortuantely i have Nero express which came with my dvd burner and it doesnot do dvds ironically, it does vcds and svcds. so might need to go and get Nero 6
but thanks
2. October 2003 @ 08:56 |
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I've never used roxio but I know I don't like Nero. To put it mildly I detest it. I can never get it to work properly.
we will fight them on the p2p, we will fight them in the schools and colleges, we will fight them on the usenet and on the irc. We will never surrender.
15. October 2003 @ 18:32 |
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Hi. I have finally figured out how to burn perfect DVDs with Roxio CD and DVD Creator 6 Basic. I don't know if this is the only way to get it done, it's just the way I found that works, so I'm sticking with it! I rip the dvd with either SmartRipper or DVD Decrypter to get my VOBs. If it's a single layer disc, you're fine. If it's a dual layer disc, then just take your VOBs, divide them in half, rename them appropriately to start at "1" and use IFO Edit to make new IFO and BUP files for them. You may also need to use VOB Edit to repair the files, but maybe not. Either way, the point of this reply is that you just load your VIDEO_TS folder (full of vobs, ifos, and bups), AND your AUDIO_TS folder (for compatibility reasons; nothing's in there most likely) into a new DATA project in Roxio 6. Then just go under the file menu and into Project Properties. Make the file system ISO, instead of UDF. Then click Validate Project under the file menu. Then burn! I'm telling ya, it works fine. This after a week of trial and error and much frustration. lol If you need more info, let me know. 5 discs of this and it works just fine with Roxio 6.
AfterDawn Addict
22. October 2003 @ 17:36 |
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One point no one has mentioned so far, with Nero you can burn 2 discs at the same time.
On the last step, when asked what burner you wish to use (when burning multiple discs) use the "SHIFT" key and highlight both burners.
I also like Nero for general ease and has been mentioned, faster burns ?
Like ice cream people like different kinds for different reasons, cast 1 vote for Nero -
AfterDawn Addict
22. October 2003 @ 18:15 |
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Silly me -
I just remembered that the way I have them on my system is by going into "msconfig", startup and turning off Roxio Shared and easy CD creator 6 programs (I have NeroCheck in system32 turned off too). I turn them on on my Desktop as needed. They work well that way.
(I love Roxio for burning my CD's and my SVCD's)
Junior Member
24. October 2003 @ 13:35 |
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Just a little info of you go to full version of Nero 6. I am running both Roxio 6 and Nero 6 on Windows XP Pro with no issues at all.
AfterDawn Addict
24. October 2003 @ 18:52 |
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There ya go - the votes are looking even up - run them both -
Enjoy, Pete
Junior Member
31. October 2003 @ 19:12 |
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thanks, i have ended up getting Nero 6 burning rom, and have both roxio and Nero installed. no problems. although i am using Nero more because it is new and i want to learn more by using it but MARZMAN if you make dvds the way you are talkin about then you are using twice the dvds as if you were using dvdxcopy xpress or dvdshrink or DVD2One. although i have come to the conclusion that Nero is a better dvd burning engine than roxio but roxio has the style to the dvds like catchy menus and crap
31. October 2003 @ 20:11 |
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Yeah, you're right. I just recently started shrinking the extra long ones with DVD Shrink. So they all fit on one disc now. I held off because I figured it would look really bad when it was compressed so much. But when I finally tried it with something like Gladiator, which took a whole lot of compression, it looked exactly the same. I tried it on the tv and I can't tell any difference than the original. So ya, there it is, wonderful technology. :)
Junior Member
4. November 2003 @ 04:47 |
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I've used dvdshrink then recordnowmax. works great, lasts long time. my trial recordnowmax is about to expire. is there a way to keep reloading the trial? if not has anyone used roxio 5 to rip a dvd movie. can you give me some detailed instructions. dased and confused!
30. December 2003 @ 11:54 |
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Marzman, can dvd players read iso's? because i dont want to just be able to watch it on my computer
AfterDawn Addict
30. December 2003 @ 15:57 |
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Although this thread is several months old, it has been recently been updated and re-reading it, not all questions were ever answered Sooooo,
Tossing my 2 cents in again,
No one ever got back to you but if you ever need info on using Nero, give me a yell and I'll walk you through with no mistakes, guaranteed -
I've seen your posts since November so I know that you don't need to be told that Roxio cannot rip a DVD.
If your ISO files are minus their copy write, you should be able to burn them to DVD?s and have an exact a product as what you made them from ?
OR to answer your question,
Yep !!
(The total votes are in, Nero, RecordNow Max, and CloneDVD and for some people Roxio (although I still haven?t found it reliable with my operating knowledge of it ;-))
Are all good programs if they work for you ?
And in the long run, isn?t that all that we really give a ?Darn? about anyway ?? ;-))
My last words - ??
30. December 2003 @ 17:08 |
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Nihilo: I'm not sure about the whole ISO thing. I must have been mistaken. Looking in Roxio's project properties for the dvd-r burn, it says its a UDF file system. and for ScubaPete: I use Roxio 6 because it's all I have that works, and yeah, it's worked on over 25 dvds and it always gives me perfect burns of whatever I've prepared with dvdshrink. I don't know why some people have problems with it. All you have to do is make sure you put the audio_ts and video_ts folders in there cos it doesn't put them there on its own. Anyway, It's all I found that would work. I tried burnatonce and it just locked up my system time after time. So I'll jus stick with Roxio since it works fine for me. God bless and happy burning!
2. January 2004 @ 04:42 |
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My opinion, I hate Roxio. Ever since they bought up Easy CD Creator, they've messed it up. After making a somewhat stable version of 5, they released 6, and it didn't work out of the box! Label Maker couldn't display white, for deity's sake! :>
Nero, I've had no problems with, until recently. Version 5.x was the first app I ever had that stably ran, burned compliant DVD movies, and make disc images. RecordNow was always bombing out and was rather cumbersome to make images with at the time. Version 6 initially ran fine for me, but, starting with, it wouldn't run right with any version of Norton AntiVirus's AutoProtect. Writing to disc images would just stop at some point, but, the app would still contine "on," thinking it wasn't done or doing anything.
So, I've stuck with Nero, but, I have also successfully gotten Nero, RecordNow, and Easy CD all working simultaneously. Just don't enable the packet writers. At all. :) To me, they're too unstable. Causing crashes, data loss, etc. Recently, I had Nero and bits of Easy CD 5 (Label Creator) and Easy CD 6 (All but Label Creator) running on the same machine okay. Of course, it does require going into msconfig, etc.
2. January 2004 @ 11:09 |
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Would you be kind enough to send me a step-by-step guide to backup dvd movie with Roxio 6 (I have the Video TS files ready after using DVD Shrink). I need to know the exact version you have and settings etc.)
I have searched many places with no luck and very frustrated. I read your post dated in Oct. but it wasn't specific enough.
I understand Nero is a much better software, but I hate to spend another $80 after I invested the DVDXCopy Gold which works well with my old TDK burner but not with my new Plextor 708a (which comes with Roxio 6)
Thank you!
2. January 2004 @ 21:09 |
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To van-gogh:
Starting from when you have your VIDEO_TS folder ready from DVD Shrink, open Roxio's Creator Classic. Pick a new DATA project. Type the movie title where the disc name is (040103_0048). You want two folders inside the main disc: VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS. Nothing is in the audio folder; I've heard it's just for compatibility. The video folder should contain the shrunken dvd files and all from DVD Shrink. You can check Project Properties if you like, but it always says UDF file system for me. You can also click Validate Project under the File menu, but again, it always accepts it. The only hairy thing you have to watch out for is misspelling audio_ and video_ts. Once it's all loaded up, burn it. It's that simple. I'm telling you, it has always worked for me, no errors except when I used some cruddy cheap media. Specs: Roxio Creator Classic Version software; NEC DVD-RW ND-1300A dvd writer hardware; 1.7Ghz Celeron + 128mb DDR RAM. Hope this helped man.
3. January 2004 @ 09:50 |
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Thank you for your quick reply. I will try your methods and let you know about it. I remember I read from another thread that it also use the Roxio DVD builder after creat a file from the Classic Creator. Have you tried both programs? I am somewhat confused about different functionalities offered by Roxio. Reading from the Roxio manual, I thought the Classic Creator is for burning data or music cd only.
3. January 2004 @ 20:14 |
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The way I see it, Roxio's DVD Builder program is geared more for home movies and such that you made yourself and want to put on dvd. Unless you're actually messing with home movies, I'd leave it alone. Even uninstall it; it's not necessary for cinema dvd backups. Stick with their Creator Classic and keep burning as data dvds. God bless!
3. January 2004 @ 20:38 |
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I never could get Roxio's DVD Builder to ever complete 1 disc. It would always bomb out. Plus, if it had to change screen resolution to run, which it doesn't because that is entirely unecessary (!), it doesn't properly change the resolution back!
4. January 2004 @ 07:18 |
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Thanks for the clarifition. Now I know why Roxio is so confusing and no one likes it. Sounds like there
are two methods to burning dvd movie with Roxio. One is what you suggested and the other method is what Darkfoss posted a while ago (see below.) Yours seems to be simplier, but according to Darkfoss, the Classic Creator will not burn dvd movies. I will try both methods.
Burning DVDs with Roxio 6(Darkfoss method):
I've done it with Easy cd/dvd Creator 6. Takes a bit longer than Nero though.
1.Rip the dvd to your harddrive with shrink/dvd decrytor or whatever's your fav.
2.Open up Creator Classis and select new project data disk.
3. Drag the VIDEO_TS folder to the center window. No need for the Audio folder.Name your disk ie Gladiator or whatever movie your backing up.
4.Click on file at the top left and select create disk image. After your image is done and saved close out Creator Classic.
5.Open up DVD Builder and from file select burn disk from image. Find the iso you just created and burn.
The main reason you can't just select the VIDEO_TS and/or AUDIO_TS folder(s) directly in DVD Builder is most likely you'll get an AC3 error and get offered the option to burn the DVD without sound.
11. January 2004 @ 22:55 |
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Thanks for the info. I tried your method and did not experience any problems.
To Summarize:
CPU - P4 1.8GHZ
DVD - Plextor 708A
Software: DVD Shrink 3.1 + Roxio
After using Shrink to backup my DVD, I opened Roxio Easy CD Creator ans followed your instructions. Again no problems here.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. January 2004 @ 23:00
AfterDawn Addict
12. January 2004 @ 15:39 |
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14. January 2004 @ 15:56 |
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I can burn DVD's with Roxio or Nero but I have a problem. I have a 4x drive, with 4x media and can select 4x as a write speed in both programs, however, it only burns at 1x. Does anyone know why this happens. Can someone please help me. Thanks.