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15. July 2007 @ 20:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What is the general consensus on the quality settings that you can choose to shrink? Does it even make a noticeable difference? Thanks in advance.
15. July 2007 @ 22:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Do you mean compression settings? I usually don't go below 70%.

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16. July 2007 @ 07:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
here ya go

"When I look at the smiles on all the childrens faces, I just know theyre about to jab me with something."- Homer Simpson
23. August 2007 @ 20:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Couple of questions related to above posts:

1/ rcrockett - what happens if you've selected "main movie only", removed unwanted audio streams, set start and end frames, and still the compression is at 60% ?

2/ 300bowler - could i use "maximum sharpness" in the AEC setting to compensate for the high compression rate ?

Thank you


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23. August 2007 @ 20:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
1/ rcrockett - what happens if you've selected "main movie only", removed unwanted audio streams, set start and end frames, and still the compression is at 60% ?
I would recommend DVD Rebuilder for titles that require high levels of compression.

2/ 300bowler - could i use "maximum sharpness" in the AEC setting to compensate for the high compression rate ?
You should use "maximum smoothness"; max sharp is for low compression jobs.

23. August 2007 @ 20:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the quick reply.

Before I browsing through the DVD Shrink forum to see if there were any other posters who had the same issue. I found this guide on using DVDFAB Decrypter + VobBlanker (or FixVTS) + DVD Shrink + ImgBurn guide.

I downloaded DVDFabHDDecrypter and followed the guide, thru the relevant steps. I then glanced through the steps for the other programs, excluding DVD Shrink, and was confused.

When I ripped The Host DVD, using DVDHDDecrypter, and opened it in DVD Shrink it had the same compression levels, as if I had reauthored it in Shrink and made a few adjustments.

So, the question is, (finally !)

1/ Why is it ripped in Decrypter, when this can be done in Shrink ?
2/ What are the other programs for, if you can do it in Shrink ?

I seem to have an increasingly large collection of DVD-related programs these days, and am not sure what a lot of them really do ?

A long post, but this is what's going on at the moment.



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23. August 2007 @ 21:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You really only need three programs to make backups:

One to rip (DVDFab HD Decrypter, AnyDVD)
One to compress (DVD Shrink, Recode, DVD2One, CloneDVD)
One to burn (Imgburn, Nero)

While the guide you are using is excellent, the need for VobBlanker or FixVTS isn't always needed. Additionally, while you may be able to rip older movies with DVD Shrink the newer you get the less effective it will be as a ripper.

2/ What are the other programs for, if you can do it in Shrink ?
VobBlanker and FixVTS effectively clean the results of leftover copy protection that is produced during the rip. Lately the copy protection found on DVD's is structural and can actually be embedded withing the file structure of the disc rendering the rip unusable. DVDFab and AnyDVD have caught up with the movie houses that apply this protection and are doing a pretty good job of providing a "clean" rip so that these extra programs aren't needed. There are some advanced features in VobBlanker that if you know what you are doing will allow you to remove (blank) different cells that will remove various aspects of the video such as trailers, FBI warnings etc. Most recommend a "movie only" backup which removes those items anyway and frees up space on your backup allowing for a higher quality results and less compression. DVDFab HD Decrypter allows you to rip the "movie only" which makes the rip times go down, rather than ripping the entire disc and then reauthoring with DVD Shrink. You can also remove unwanted audio tracks and subtitles when ripping in this manner.

23. August 2007 @ 21:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks. new knowledge brings new questions. so...

1/ most DVD i've ripped i've used Shrink, some which have 'data cyclic errors', I've cleaned and/or used Decrypter to rip

2/ is there a simple guide to using DVD Rebuilder ? I've been reading the Help file and it's giving me a headache !



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23. August 2007 @ 21:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
1/ most DVD i've ripped i've used Shrink, some which have 'data cyclic errors', I've cleaned and/or used Decrypter to rip
When you say "Decrypter" do you mean DVDFab HD Decrypter? The error you are getting is likely due to copy protection that hasn't been removed from your source disc.

2/ is there a simple guide to using DVD Rebuilder ? I've been reading the Help file and it's giving me a headache !

The main thing with DVD-RB is getting the paths set correctly to your encoders, the program itself is really pretty simple. Here is a good guide: ...and the FAQ:

23. August 2007 @ 22:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok, I'm going through Quickstart Guide to Rebuilder. I've already installed previously, but am not sure what or whether I've installed CCE.

In the installation of Rebuilder, I was presented with a setup for CCE. I am going through that now and can see a page that asks me to select the DEFAULT to be used - CCE choosen - and then the version.

What version do I select ? BTW, I've downloaded the freeware version of Rebuilder.



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23. August 2007 @ 22:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What version do I select ?
What version of CCE did you download? I would recommend HCencoder's free.

Here is a guide that goes a little more in depth:

I think that you should be choosing "automatic setup" and the paths to all the encoders are put there for only need to go throught the CCE setup if you have one of thier encoders.

24. August 2007 @ 22:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks for all your help.

if i want to rip a DVD-9 to my hard disk, using DVD Decrypter, then manipulate it later using Rebuilder, is ISO Write the best mode ?

I have being using file mode in the past ? What is the difference between using the modes ?

Also lastly, if I have specified a path for CCE accidentally, in setup, can I delete or non-specify that path, so I can use HCencoder ?



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25. August 2007 @ 01:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You can rip the disc in either mode and get the same outcome, so it doesn't really matter. Since Imgburn and DVD-RB will accept both formats that isn't a factor either, although most prefer file mode because in ISO mode some of the copy protection can be brought along with the rip...I too would recommend and typically use file mode. The ISO is just a container that has all the same files as a VIDEO_TS folder, it's just in a nice neat package.

As for removing the path to CCE, I'm sure you can, but I don't have access to the program right now to tell you how...if you select HCencoder for your project it really shouldn't matter though.

25. August 2007 @ 17:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Having trouble ripping a copy of R4 Babel using DVD Decrypter. The disc is scratched quite badly and I've cleaned it a few times, using isopropyl alcohol.

Can I post the log here for comment ?


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26. August 2007 @ 03:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If your drive can't read the disc your only choice is to get another copy and try again. You can post the log, but it probably won't help us. Why are you still using DVD Decrypter? You need to be using DVDFab HD Decrypter instead.

26. August 2007 @ 04:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Why so ? I heard quite good things about DVD Decrypter and getting comfortable with using it ?

Another thing. Today, used Nero Recode2 to convert movie only to Nero Digital. Quality was very poor, followed instructions in guide posted on this site:

Convert DVD Movie to Nero Digital

This guide show's how to use Nero Recode 2 to convert a DVD movie to Nero Digital. The Nero Digital codec is based on MPEG-4, therefore it produces higher quality video at lower birates, allowing you to store entire DVD movies in files small enough to fit on CD-Rs. This guide converts just the main movie quickly to Nero Digital.


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26. August 2007 @ 04:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Why so ? I heard quite good things about DVD Decrypter and getting comfortable with using it ?
Because it hasn't been updated in several years, basically it isn't effective at removing all the protections off discs as I explained about DVD Shrink earlier.

Another thing. Today, used Nero Recode2 to convert movie only to Nero Digital. Quality was very poor, followed instructions in guide posted on this site:
The quality should deminish quite a bit when you take a file that is several gigs in size and reduce it to 700MB...I would use Recode to burn either the main movie or full disc onto a DVD instead trying to put it onto a CD.

26. August 2007 @ 04:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is this alright ? me asking lots of questions ? being reading up quite a bit, but heaps of info and different views.

I set Nero Recode2 to burn to a DVD size, 4.7GB and it took over 2 hours to complete.

Is it worthwhile to use any of the other Recode options for encoding, e.g. Main Movie to DVD, etc ?

DVD's I've burnt since I started have all been using Shrink and Nero to burn. On a 17" LCD monitor and 51cm CRT television, they look pretty good, will it be much different for a larger screen ?

Know there is a lot there, but grateful for info



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26. August 2007 @ 04:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ask all the questions you want, that is why we are here...

Let's start from the beginning.

Are you wanting to backup the entire disc, menus-special features-movie?

26. August 2007 @ 04:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
generally just the main movie, but may include menus in future, i.e the main page where play, scene selection, extras, etc, are shown.

worried that when get better t.v, that movies burnt in past with shrink will look average ??



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26. August 2007 @ 05:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've let some friends with HD LCD TV's borrow my movies and they say they look great.

Rip using DVDFab HD Decrypter in movie only mode, remove all audio except AC3 5.1 and any subs you don't need and then use Recode to create a compressed VIDEO_TS folder. Then open Imgburn in build mode and burn to blank DVD. Use the compression settings given by 300bowler above if compression is needed...these settings will increase your backup time. If you have over 70 as compression ratio use DVD-RB instead.

31. August 2007 @ 19:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello again Locoeng and others,

I've got a query regarding your last post. You suggest ripping in movie only mode, using DVD HDDecrypter, and then using Recode to compress to a VIDEO_TS folder. Finally, burning using Imgburn in build mode.

I have followed the first step, i.e. using DVD HD Decrypter to rip, and consequently have a folder for VIDEO_TS (about 3.7GB) and AUDIO_TS.

My query is why would I need to compress to a VIDEO_TS folder, using Recode, when I already have a VIDEO_TS folder ?

Is this for movies which don't fit on a regular blank DVD ? or does it improve quality ?

I've played the ripped movies (from my hard drive) using Showtime and they look fine.

Thanks again,


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1. September 2007 @ 03:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You only need to use Recode when the movie won't fit uncompressed onto the won't improve quality at all.

3. September 2007 @ 23:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks Locoeng,

I've got a few questions about DVD RB, and rather than post the query in that forum I thought that I'd continue this thread.

First off, I ripped a DVD to the hard drive using Fab HDDecrypter, then plugged those files into Rebuilder. The whole process took 270 minutes ! and after a few searches through the forum found that the program is CPU-intensive. Of course, this depends on your CPU.

My specs for system are

AMD 64 Athlon 3200 2Ghz,1GB Kingston DDR400, MSI K8N Neo4-F, Seagate 250GB HDD, ASUS 6200 TC 256mb.

1/ Is it worthwhile upgrading the CPU to improve processing time for RB and other encoding ? Any model recommended ?

2/ I put the encoded files through a program called Bitrate calculator, which measures a few stats such as current, peak and average bitrate and quantization.

I then put the original DVD into the same program. The bitrate for the original DVD was much higher.

Is this to be expected ? Will the quality of the product from RB be reduced ? Should the bitrates be exactly the same ?



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4. September 2007 @ 03:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
1/ Is it worthwhile upgrading the CPU to improve processing time for RB and other encoding ? Any model recommended ?
I wouldn't upgrade just for this one program, your processor should be just fine.

2/ I put the encoded files through a program called Bitrate calculator, which measures a few stats such as current, peak and average bitrate and quantization.

I then put the original DVD into the same program. The bitrate for the original DVD was much higher.

Is this to be expected ? Will the quality of the product from RB be reduced ? Should the bitrates be exactly the same ?
This question might be better answered in the RB forum as I don't usually pay attention to bitrates produced by RB. I do know that the quality should be higher coming from RB than Recode or DVD Shrink. How big is the file that you are working with?

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