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COD4 best class setup?
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17. January 2011 @ 22:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by do0minat0r:
Originally posted by Dumbpoopy:
you have to rank up to get more guns

my setup:

Primary: M4 Carbine with red dot site (digital skin)
Secondary: Desert Eagle
Perk 1: Frag x3
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Martydom

i'm also a big fan of the G3 and i'm starting to try and snipe with the Dragunov
it looks better with blue tiger
who cares how it looks, its not like your going to be paying attention to your guns looks when your constantly looking for people to kill :|

Do NOT listen to me, I have no idea what im talking about
5. February 2011 @ 08:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ells101:

WOW some suggestions have been extremely awful apart from two.

-Drop Nade when killed
-Slan name :- Noobadom
is THE worst PERK EVER! NEVER use it! YOU GET CHEAP KILLS! NO RESPECT! (Oh and what confuses me is why snipers use martydom,still dont use)

Last Stand
-Get to kill someone using a pistol before dying(Doesnt work if you are killed by explosion or by knife or by headshot so some of the time it is ineffective
-Slang Name:-Noob Stand
another awful one. NEVER USE!!! CHEAP KILLS!NO RESPECT!

Grenade LAuncher
-Fires a impact detonated grenade from an underslung launcher(Replaces Perk 1)
-Slang Name:- The Noob Tube
Ok my main real rant on this is is that you have no perk 1 which can be used on something A LOT more useful. The only time I use this is when i do Hardcore!

Also dont use the P90(MP5 does a waaaayyyy better job)

Oh and the differnce between flash and Stun
Cons-Takes longer to throw and higher chance to flash you.
Pros-COMPLETELY IMPAIRS VISION AND HEARING! Important for people who DONT WANT TO HEAR YOU!Flash radius is MUCH bigger
Cons-People still have good vision whilst under their effects and relatively easy to shoot people whilst under their effects.
Pros- Their shooting is more difficult and it takes a shorter time to throw.

Overall personally i would go for the flash. Better really.

OK now my classes.These are all based on the last time before prestige i.e level 55

Assault(Main assualt class VERY GOOD IN HARDCORE!! ALWAYS 1 SHOT KILLS!)
M14 w/ Silencer or ACOG(I think,Assualt rifle version)
Camo-Digi Camo (the only actual useful one) or whatever takes your pick
Perk 1- Bandoleer or Bomb Squad(depends how good you are or how much ammunition you use i.e. if you are REALLY gung ho)
Perk 2-Stopping Power(With M14 it takes 2 shots or 1 headshot)
Perk 3-Sometimes Extreme conditiong or Deep IMpact
Pistol- M9 w/ Suppressor (ALWAYS PUT SUPPRESSOR ON PISTOL! If you have flanked and you have no silent weapon then your pistol can take them out silently...Also it sounds cool :D)
Special Nade-Flash (Always better than stun because you cannot see AT ALL whereas with stun its very easy to shoot someone)

Ghillie Mist (My second flanking class also quite useful or assault espicially against a good team)
Primary Weapon- G36c w/red dot(My fave assault!)
Camo- Digi (above reasons)
Perk 1- Bandoleer
Perk 3-Steady Aim (Quick kills when flanked)
Pistol-M9(highest cap magazine)
Special Nade-Stun(purely because its slightly faster to pull and throw)

Ghost/SUPER FLANKER (My best class and my fave by far)
Primary Weapon- MP5 w/ Silencer(MUST HAVE SILENCER,MP5 and silencer are like best brothers and i dont get why a red dot with an MP5 would ever be useful)
Camo-Red Tiger(More Respect)
Perk 2-Dead Silence
Perk 3-Bandoleer or BOMB SQUAD(VERY USEFUL although it depends on the map i.e. if it's a sniper map or not)
Pistol-M9 w/silencer

Support(Really its anti-heli but i do use it on other occasions)
Primary Weapon- First LMG you getw/red dot(soz cant remember name!)
Camo-Digital Camo
Perk 1-Stopping Power or Sleight of Hand(For obvious reasons)
Perk 2-Extreme Conditioning(BEACUSE YOU WILL BE SLOOOOWWWW)
Perk 3- RPG-7(Great anti-heli,shoot once with RPG then finish off with some bullets)
Pistol-Gold Deagle(No reason to be stealthy ;p)
Special Nade-Smoke

Finally Snipp Snipp (Well its a sniper class)
Primary Weapon- Barret 50.Caliber
Secondary Weapon-P90(I hate this weapon usually although its not to bed when used with a sniper)
Camo-Woodland or Desert (more camoed in,amkes little differnce but it helps ;p)
Perk 1- Claymore( Quite good against most people but clever people have a good eye for them soooo) or Bandolier
Perk 2- Steady Aim or Iron Lungs (Depends on what you are going to use)
Perk 3-Overkill
Special Nade-Flash Bang

I hope this has helped people and if there are any errors im very sorry.

If you wish to disagree or agree with my opinions and perks then please contact me on

For whoever uses a 360 my gamertag is ells101 For whoever has steam my name is ells101 ([TBN] Spyro the Pyro)

you dont get "respect" for what camo your gun has -.- you get respect by acually being good in matches

Do NOT listen to me, I have no idea what im talking about
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10. March 2011 @ 10:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
my favorite classes are

stealth class

i always change
desert eagle

uav jammer
silence dead

Rush class

p90 red dot
desert eagle

stopping power
deep penetration

Qscope Class


claymore x2
sleight of hand
steady aim
20. March 2011 @ 10:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i play on servers with a lot of people and Marty is really useful on Vacant on those servers.
Trust me it works
20. March 2011 @ 10:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I luv the m40a3 on overgrown it rocks.

Ok my most used class is:

Primary:M4 w/ silencer
Secondary:Desert eagle
Special grenade:stun (the flash grenade has a BIG flash)
Perk 1:Bandoller
Perk 2:Stopping Power
Perk 3:Martyrdom

This is pretty good on all medium sized maps
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3. June 2011 @ 15:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Im only lvl 27 but i have one good class for search

M4 Red Dot
Usp.45 Silencer
Stun *3
UAV Jammer
Extream Conditioning

Well its not a bad class (i got 25 killstreak with this)
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4. June 2011 @ 04:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well im only lvl 27 but i have a good class for serch

M4 red dot
USP.45 Slincer

UAV Jammer
Extream Condtioning

(i got 25 killstreak with this)
24. July 2011 @ 11:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by glenquag:
For Headquarters - Which I play mostly I use:

Primary: MP5 w/ Red Dot
Side Arm: Desert Eagle
Flash x1 - For Quick Distraction
Perk 1 - Frag x3
Perk 2 - Stopping Power
Perk 3 - Matrydom

My Sniper Class

Primary: Barret .50 Cal
Side Arm: Desert Eagle
Flash x1
Perk 1 - Claymore x2 - Protect your hideout
Perk 2 - Stopping Power
Perk 3 - Iron Lungs or Deep Impact.

i think that
MP5 acog
Ak47u red dot sight
special grenade- smoke
perk.1 bandoliner
perk.2 overkill
perk.3 matydome

is the best give it ago i get 25+ kills with it minimum
17. November 2011 @ 19:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Primary: Ak-47 with Greanade Launcher attachment.
Secondary: Desert Eagle

Flash bang, Juggernaut and last stand

PS. This really pisses other players off but it is still an effective combination > forums > consoles > ps3 - everything else > cod4 best class setup?

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