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Overall Menu Selection Problems with DVDXCopy Platinum!
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13. March 2004 @ 19:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'll admit that I am very new to DVDRW technology, but was lucky enough to purchase a 4X -R, +R, -RW and +RW drive (Lite On). The first issue experienced was that I had to install the program twice, back to back, in order for it to even recognize that I had a DVDRW burner installed. Past that point, the Platinum version has both DVDXCopy and DVDXCopyXpress, as well as DVD XCopy Rescue. What I've noticed in both the Advanced and Simple modules is that most of the buttons are greyed out. They simply are not selectable. I did my reading on TDF files, and downloaded three for DVD Retails DVDs that I own. The only module that I can get to do anything is the Express version. If I choose the Advanced module, Almost all of the buttons are greyed out. I know that I have the appropriate TDF files installed in the df folder, and yet you can not select a particular tdf file, you can't see the list of available tdf files, and you can't look at the details. The Options button is greyed out, and I don't see a START button anywhere that I would click on in order to begin the burning process. Basically, I'm stuck with using the Express version, but I paid $149.99 for the Platinum package (version 3.2.1), and am very frustrated with the lack of documentation, either in paperback form along with the product or as a PDF included on the disc inself. Can anyone provide feedback to me on this? Did I somehow get a copy of Platinum that doesn't contain everything. When I click on the "?" for help, it pops up an error message indicating that it can not locate the PLATINUM.HLP file. A search/scan of the install CD revealed that it's not there. One would think that for $150, the product would at least have a complete e-manual in PDF form included on the install disc, all appropriate Windows-based HELP files included,..and none of the buttons greyed out,...especially on the Platinum version which is suppose to be their greatest bundled package. I could use any feedback that anyone can provide me!

14. March 2004 @ 17:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Checked the platinum folder, a 94 page .pdf is located there.

14. March 2004 @ 17:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
versions of platinum up to and including had a help file located in simple mode, which is express, once express is opened, there is a question mark next to the "x" in the upper right corner.
Correction, Only the RF versions of Platinum have the PDF.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. April 2004 @ 09:22

15. March 2004 @ 12:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ronster: Checkout the PDF its woth printing out all 94 pages of it,its very useful also the DVD Rescue one which is only a few pages.

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18. March 2004 @ 06:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
For those of you who've replied, I appreciate the feedback. Before I purchased DVD XCopy Platinum, I looked at 7 different packages at 4 different stores. Every tech I talked to indicated that this is the ONLY package that really works. My conversations with Tech Support via 123 Studios indicated that any version that's 4.x.x has had sections "removed", making it impossible to make backup/archive copies of Retail DVDs that you own, if they have Copy Protection as part of their creation. I examined some of my oldest DVDs, and they all seem to have that protection inherent. Does the 90+ pages of documentation contain information about why most of the buttons are greyed out (non-selectable)? Basically, I can't use the Advanced version at all. I can open it, but can't examine anything, or initiate any kind of burn. Only the Express module seems to work, and ONLY if I choose not to copy the Entire Disk. Any feedback on this? Thanks for the technical help!!!
10. April 2004 @ 17:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey. I read this thread and saw that there should be a .PDF file associated with my DVDXCopy Platinum files. I couldn't find any .PDF files. I did find some lame instructions. Any help to offer? I have Easy CD and Easy Media creator loaded. The source CD wasn't any help. I'm like Ronster, a new guy to DVD's but this DVDXCopy software isn't real user friendly.
I tried to use it to burn some existing VOB files from a family video. No deal. When I put the original DVD and ran the code (DVDXCopy express for all love), it burned a wee bit and that was it. And it took over an hour.
Help is the easy expression. I hate throwing $ away on difficult software.
11. April 2004 @ 09:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Only platinum RF has an instructional .pdf<p>
You can always logon to site and download platinum RF,remove the .pdf and delete the RF version, just be certain and install it to separate folder than the Platinum version that you have installed. If not, you would have overwritten the version that you have with the Ripper. 321studios does and can not supply anyone with Ripper versions of their software. Always maintain a backup copy.
Hope this helps.
12. April 2004 @ 15:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sucker321 - Thanks for the PDF file tip for DVDxCopy.
Yesterday, I tried to copy a DVD using DVDxCopy. After 90+ minutes the program wanted me to load a blank DVD which I did. After a very short time, the message was "Finalizing, please wait". I gave up (I'd been here before) and I had coaster with a little burned in ring. What gives? I'm having poor luck with my DVD burning! Is it an acquired taste like olives?
Thx. Dean
12. April 2004 @ 15:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ooops. 321Sucker, sorry!
12. April 2004 @ 16:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What operating system is on your pc?
Do you have nero 6.3?
Go to add/remove programs and remove:
Interactual player, Go back, PC Friendly,
Most likely you have one of these programs installed.
Also, you may want to update the ASPI layer for your OS.
Nero 6.3 has a ASPI check within the NERO tools.
But first do the add/remove programs thing first.
Also,until you are a lil' more experienced, purchased a few (RW's). DVD media can become expensive coasters.
Let me know how things went.
1 more thing.
You can always contact 321Tech Support and have them send you the macros. They will know what you a referencing.
Online Support Web:
Phone Support Phone: 636-720-3703
8am - 9:30pm, CST, 7 Days a Week

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. April 2004 @ 16:51

Junior Member
12. April 2004 @ 18:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I feel bad for you Ronster. I went through the same thing when I spent $100 for DVDXCopy Gold to find out that it is worthless. I was lucky enough to have paid $20 since it had a rebate and then I sold it on ebay.

My point is that you should dump it and go with better software like DVD Shrink.

Just my recommendation.
13. April 2004 @ 04:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
In reply:
What operating system is on your pc? ans: Windows XP Pro
Do you have Nero 6.3? ans: No, unfortuantely
Go to add/remove programs and remove:
Interactual player, Go back, PC Friendly, ans: None shown with Add/Remove Program
I have the DVDxCopy .PDF file and will print/read it for guidance.
What's frustrating is that I have a family DVD (bunch of 30 year old family movies) that I ripped with DVD Shrink 3.2 and burned onto my own DVD using Intervideo DVD Copy. Worked great! But the trial period ended and so did my successes. I was hoping for great things from Easy Media Creator and DVDxCopy - they may be great but not for what I want to do. Sounds like Nero 6.3 or Pinnacle Instant Copy 8 may be my next choices. No one talks about Intervideo DVD Copy.

13. April 2004 @ 06:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Something is causing early finilization.
Could be that your aspi layer is corrupted.
Why do burns work with say Intervideo whatever?
THere software has it own ASPI, possibly, I dunno.
But I do know that the DVD XCopy line doenst incorporate an ASPI layer within its software. Therefore, must use the windows ASPI layer.
If the WIndows ASPI layer is corrupted, you get bad burns with DVD XCopy line of software.
But early finilization sounds like packet writing software is interfering with the burn process.
Use the phone numbers to contact or email 321studios for the macros. THese macros have a list of the software that intereferes with the DVD Xcopy ripping/burning process.
If this is too much trouble.
Use DVD Decryptor and DVD Shrink
They will work, 98% of the time without tweaks.
They both work very well for me.
Oh and yes, I have every version of all of the softwares that 321 Studios produce, even the newest DVD Xtreme.
13. April 2004 @ 16:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
321Sucker - I downloaded the trial Nero 6. Who reads instructions ... I plunged ahead (pun intended). I finally got to Nero Burn ROM (or something) and tried to burn a previously ripped DVD. I got a "Focus or Tracking Error". Say what? I had received other messages from the other software but didn't know what it meant. Figuring that I had a "bad rip", I tried to burn my family video which had worked before. Same d%^& message. I'm wondering if my Sony fancy DVD burner is toast. It sure isn't burning.
Thanks for all your suggestions and ideas (half of which I didn't understand [yet]). I think I'll try to have Nero rip and burn my family video. We'll see what happens.
Thx Dean
13. April 2004 @ 16:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well..CmdrKeen9 my friend,
My intentions were to use Nero6s' info tool to check the Windows ASPI layer to see if its corrupted or not. The firmware for your drive , the brand of media used can also cause problems for DVD XCopy software. There may be software conflicts or you may have Windows XP Media center, which by 321 standards is not a full Operating System, they state that some much needed system files, that fully support the 321 software, are not built into WIN Media Center.
Yes I have all versions of the DVD Xcopy line, but use none, see 321 gave them to employees for free.
I have enjoyed multiple burns with DVD Dcrypter and
DVD Shrink, but those are free and who wants to use the free stuff when they've paid for the good stuff, right?
Unfortunately, the 321Studios Line is too Problematic.
Although, when all conditions are good and the humidity is just right, you very well could get a successful burn that will actually playback. I mean to say, some folks have the perfect pc's and DVD Xcopy line works flawlessly while others..........well, they just suffa.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. April 2004 @ 17:00

Senior Member
25. April 2004 @ 21:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
321sucker, you seem to have all the answers, were you in technical support? Anyways, from your other threads, you seemed to like Platinum RF version if you were to use any. I also read in some threads that you could have both the R and the RF on your computer at the same time, if in different directories.
Okay, I have the latest R (boxed) and also an oem version of xpress that I got with my Liteon 451s burner. I could update to RF and use the ripper from the oem, or have two versions of Platinum. The thing is.....I am totally inept with computer so I need step by step instructions on the entire process. Would you kindly be able to help?
Also, even though I do have 2 dvd players, I am especially attached to my Toshiba SD2200. It is as old as the hills, but I have upgraded with firmware and have only had 2 problem movies out of 500 or more. Roots-25 Anniversary, and Spygame...couldn't get rid of subtitles. I have read at, this player may be capable of reading dvd-+r with bitsetting with Liteon 811s. It would be a real bonus if I could get my burnt dvds to work in this player, even though it was only designed to read commercial cds and dvds. I noticed in another thread you are familiar with Liteons as well.
One more question, I read in the downloaded manual, it is better to read and burn from the same drive. Why is that? I have both, the other is a Liteon 166s rom.

(The 4.0.3. manual does not look much different than the RF version, have they purposely left out important information?)

Thanks for any input.
25. April 2004 @ 22:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The two versions of DVD XCopy must be installed to different directories (folders) on your pc. THe RF version may be used to burn but the movie must first be ripped and decrypted. I recommend using DVD Decryptor for this. But first you must create a folder named "video_ts" and rip the movie to this folder. Use the browse function in PLatinum RF to locate the movie in the video_ts folder. The lite-n 411/451s series can be flashed to burn at 8x using the 811/851s firmware, but do this at your own risk. There are excellent tools out there to do this, do some research for this info. I recommend flashing with the .bin file, not the windows. You will understand. Also flashing to an 8x burner has the benefits of alllowing you to use 4x media that will burn at 8x thus saving mony by not having to purchase 8x media. Usually I find that 4x +R Sony, TDK, Ritec or Fuji media can spin at 8x. THe liteon bit tool only works on +r media. So, although you have your work cut out for you, this will enhance your knowledge and give a better usnderstanding of the DVD technology.
P.S. I am always here to help.
Senior Member
26. April 2004 @ 20:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Thanks for the info. I'll be back!!!!

To anyone that's interested I did find a 150 pg. pdf version of the Platinum 3.2.1. guide at

I'm not sure if there is a thread for the above, if there is please post it, and let me know where.

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