How do you copy DVD in simple terms
4. April 2004 @ 11:10 |
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What do I need to do to copy encripted DVD to a blank DVD. I know this question has been asked but the answers are not clear. like what is a ASPI layer, I went to the web site mentioned and did not see it.
I ordered DVD- Cloner $59.99 a program which was susposed to do everything which does not work.
What is a simple program I can buy and what else do I need to do just copy an encripted disk to disk. I need easy to under stand directions in simple english not for the program to buy but the other programs to make it work. .
Senior Member
5. April 2004 @ 00:43 |
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the easiest way is to use DVD Shrink , it will copy a protected dvd to a blank dvd , its an all in one program meaning it will rip , encode and then burn a dvd , the guide to using DVD Shrink is available at this site , just print it out and follow the step by step procedure , it will tell you everything you need and how to do it in plain english .
happy burning :o)
Senior Member
5. April 2004 @ 00:57 |
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ps . DVD Shrink is free so save your money for blank dvds.
also dont buy cheap blanks you will have no end of probs , i recomend any ritek which uses the g04 dye or vertabin discs , good quality discs means 99% sucsess .
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6. April 2004 @ 22:38 |
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12. April 2004 @ 03:07 |
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im using dvd shrink and nero but when dvd is copyed they only play on multy region dvd players i am copying them on region free but they still wont play please help
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12. April 2004 @ 06:49 |
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i have used shrink to copy but the roxio program that came with the computer only makes copies that play on this computer,not on my soney dvd player. dvd dereipter appears also to copy and burn smaller movies but needs other files to work like aspi layer and patin coffin driver. the recomendations seem to go back and forth between shrink and decrypter and throw in Nero for $70. for $70 dollars i might as well get a commercial program that does everything. the rest of these recommendations just seem to be a lot of trouble.
12. April 2004 @ 08:58 |
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There are three steps to copy DVD:
- rip to hard drive (DvdDecryptor)
- change content to fit DVD-5 (remove not needed things, transcode to reduce size or split to 2 disks) (DVDShrink, DvdReMake, etc)
- burn (ImgTools classic, DvdDecryptor)
Junior Member
12. April 2004 @ 09:10 |
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RM686, you said, "the computer only makes copies that play on this computer,not on my soney dvd player".
You may have a media issue. What type of blank DVD are you burning to? A -R, +R, -RW, +RW? You need to make sure that your sony set-top player can read the media you are writing to. I have heard that most set-tops can't read RW disks, and that DVD-R has the best chance of being compatible with your set-top.
12. April 2004 @ 18:23 |
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You're making this too hard on yourself. The simplest and cheapest method would be to use the two freeware apps you already have - Decrypter and Shrink.
As daba has already stated, Shrink is able to use Decrypter to burn so you need not worry about Patin Coffin or Roxio.
You said your copies aren't working in your Sony, correct? Standalone players can be fussy about what they will play. Follow this link and find out what media is best for your model of Sony:
As woof811 has already suggested, good quality media such as Ritek G04 or Verbatim Metal AZO go a long way towards a good burn and compatability.
My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
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"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
18. April 2004 @ 14:21 |
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decrypter will not read the files made by shrink. they both dont seem to work together at all. why do different posters state different facts like all you need to copy and burn is shrink. not without a burner program. you may be able to decrypt with shrink but you are going to spend money on some other program. does anyone have a combo that will work. i dont want Nero. if i am going to spend money i want somthing simple, cheap and that works. i wasted days tring to get these FREE programs to work and its not worth the time nor is it enjoyable.
18. April 2004 @ 14:45 |
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RM686, Hang in there buddy :)
When you hit the "Backup" button on Shrink, a little window will pop up. In this new window will be "Select Target Device" use the drop-down to select "ISO Disc Image". Then choose where you want the image to go with "Select Target Image File".
Once Shrink is done, open Decrypter. Go to Mode>ISO>Write. Choose the VIDEO_TS folder where Shrink put the image and then burn.
Quote: decrypter will not read the files made by shrink.
This could be explained if you are using Shrink to rip in File mode - Decrypter will only burn ISO's.
My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
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"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
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19. April 2004 @ 14:40 |
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And the genius award goes to NEPHILIM. Shrink and Decripter are working like a swiss watch. After weeks of trying to figure this stuff out Nephilms last two posts put everything in working order.
Thanks big time.
Also if anyone out there is interested I got a refund of my 59.99 from DVD CLONER 11 after I put a stop on my credit card.
19. April 2004 @ 17:29 |
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I've been having a really crappy day but ^that^ made it much better :)
Have fun RM686 and don't be a stranger! Take a bit of that refund money and get a table dance for me :D
My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
24. April 2004 @ 11:13 |
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The easiest way is not DVD Shrink. The easiest way is to use DVD XCopy Platinum. It has a really easy interface. Eneter the dvd, hit no it's not rented or store bought, insert the original dvd, hit start, wait, take out original when it tells you to, enter blank dvd, hit start, take it out when it says finished. That's it.
Senior Member
24. April 2004 @ 11:30 |
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hold on a minute DVD Shrink is free and dvd x copy isnt .
dvd shrink will do everything dvd x copy will do , no probs .
dvd shrink is an xllent program that costs nothing , so you can save your money for your blank dvds .
dvd shrink and DVD Decrypter i cant praise highly enough .
trust me shrink works just print out the guides and follow step by step .
happy burning :o)
Junior Member
24. April 2004 @ 20:16 |
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I concur. I never had success with DVD Xcopy outside of a few good burns, the rest were coasters. I'd suggest sticking with DVD Decrypter/DVD Shrink. If you do eventually get Nero 6 Ultra Edition it should come with Nero Vision Express which has Nero Recode 2. Basically it's a lot like Shrink but I like it more myself. Also, AnyDVD will work with it ($21 program that removes CSS/Macrovision/Makes disc region-free on the fly) although I still prefer to use Decrypter for some reason but when I find a method that works I normally stick to that pretty heavily. ;)
25. April 2004 @ 01:50 |
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After a variety of combinations I descovered that:
1. Dvd decryter does not need any aspi layer if you ripping at gile mode. It jas to be installed only if you want to copy using iso mode (dvd's smaller thab 4.36 gb)
2. DVD Shrink is capable to read all ripped files from DVD Decrypter using file mode. Also DVD Shrink by it's self is able to operate with out aspi layer.
3. Nero is capable to operate with all provided files either from decryper or shrink.
4. Dvd palying devices acting some times with a variety of strange behaviors (the ancient UDF file mode or the newer DVD file mode devices).
5. Ifo edit may be used to correct some of the unwanted effects between the various types of devices concerning usualy the video_ts.ifo file.
6. Instead of dev decrypter also smart rip may be used but first aspi layer drivers must be installed.
27. April 2004 @ 23:08 |
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Thought I'd join this debate too ...
I've had my DVD Writer (Lite ON 851s) for just over a week now. Made about 25back ups in that time using DVD Decrypter & DVD Shrink. I have found both very very easy to use and met with 100% success rate.
As has been said, why pay for any software when it's already out there for free?
29. April 2004 @ 18:17 |
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DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter works fine.If you want speed DVD Shrink and Nero 6 Ultra with more options
and if one clik option-I Click DVD and DVD43
RM686-I have also wasted my money on DVD-Cloner2( Which I purchased due to NO 1 position in TOP TEN Review. I was unable to burn a single movie.Every time their support team has different answer-I have to use different program for working DVD Cloner-still everything failed. I was not able to stop my credit card payment(30 days refund period is going to finish on April 30th - Finally got their answer-They are going to submit my refund request. Is there any way to have my money back for the product which failed to deliver its claims?
29. April 2004 @ 21:41 |
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I just ran into something odd. I entered "DVD Cloner" into Teoma (search engine) and the first hit was this site selling "CloneDVD ver.2" which has nothing to do with Slysoft's CloneDVD2, not to mention they want 99 bucks for the download and the really weird thing is the site is Check it:
Plus they're selling something called "DVD X Player" and it seems like it's PowerDVD and AnyDVD rolled into one for $79.
Seems a bit shady to me.
My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
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17. May 2004 @ 07:01 |
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To everyone who wants a 1 click copy and burn, I bet DVD Decrypter could if he wanted to make his 1 click. What do you think.
I also found out the hard way by purchasing DVD Cloner 2 for 59.99 per information from the website that rated it #1.
I tried everything the tech support told me to which was delete this software download this software do this do that till I got so confused and fed up I asked for my refund. They said they would only refund if their software failed to work on my sysstem. I told them that not getting a burn was a failure and i wanted my money back or I would bash them on every forum I could find.
They then sent me an option to download a reufnd form which I did and had to fax it to them. I am suppose to get my refund but I will almost bet you I don't.
I made the mistake of paying with it with my debit card instead of a credit card, so I could not stop it.
Will let you know if it works.
to teikyo30:
You are so up on DVD XCopy Platinum: I bought it also and could not get it to work after all instructions from their tech support (just about the same nonuseful information as DVD Cloner2).
What I had to do on it was unload it off my computer and put in in my software library .......I then downloaded Decrypter and Shrink and am completely satisfied with it.
HP 7975 Pentium 4W/2.0 XP Home
Maxtor 80 GB and WD 80 GB (used for movies only)
Pioneer 116 DVD ROM,and BenQ 1640 Combo
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17. May 2004 @ 07:43 |
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DVD Shrink is very good, but if you want to go another way use DVDXCOPY XPRESS, its takes 2 clicks. It Rips it then burns it, the movie, 2 steps, VERY EASY!
17. May 2004 @ 08:01 |
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That is if you can get XCopy products to work.
I can't and finally gave up trying.
HP 7975 Pentium 4W/2.0 XP Home
Maxtor 80 GB and WD 80 GB (used for movies only)
Pioneer 116 DVD ROM,and BenQ 1640 Combo
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18. May 2004 @ 10:19 |
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Well, it works for me
21. May 2004 @ 21:22 |
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Hello all,
I registered just so I could say thank you.
I bought a writer yesterday. Then viewed this thread about one hour ago. By following the your very simple steps I created my first backup. I must say that it was sweet!!! Less painfull that I could have ever dreamed. It was very easy using Decrypter / Shrink and best of all it was FREE. Other than looking at the disc I am unable to tell the difference. THANK YOU again...
Your #1 fan,
Shad (redtab99)
My Signature!