CCE speed and compression
Junior Member
25. June 2004 @ 05:51 |
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I have been trying to get to grips with cce/rebuilder, after some teething problems getting it set up(as some of you know), I have just copied lord of the rings, this is a long movie but it took 8-min for phase one, 623 mins for phase two, and 22 mins for phase three.
The comression ratio was 50%, I did have half d1 set but got 0% movie improvement from extra reduction, the speed i noticed ranged from 0.5 - 0.65. I also made sure i turned off norton ect. Is there anyway of getting a better performance out of this. ie less compression and a little faster?
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25. June 2004 @ 06:09 |
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That's definitely slower than it should be since I remember you saying you have a P4 1.7GHz. As I mentioned to you before, my Celeron 1.7GHz gets a speed of around 1 (usually a little higher). The next time you encode, open the task manager and look at what CCE's CPU percentage is. It should be close to 100% most of the time. If you still have the required files from your last project, you could re-encode the first segment or 2 just to check your CPU usage as well.
Edit: I'm assuming this is a second encode with the movie since you originally reported a time of 540 minutes (much closer to what you should get) in the other thread. I'm just trying to figure out why it would have slowed down.
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25. June 2004 @ 06:34 |
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vurbal: just to give you a little feedback with a different computer. I followed your guide with Rebuilder/CCE. I have no idea what my CPU percentage was. Never checked. I do have a Pentium4 3.0Gz, 1Gb of 3200 RAM. I processed LOR III with 10 min/135 min/ about 15-20 min. Phase 2 with Mystic River took 112 minutes.
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25. June 2004 @ 06:45 |
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That sounds about right for LOTR with your CPU. I don't know how long Mystic River is, but if it's a long movie that's about what I'd expect as well.
25. June 2004 @ 06:51 |
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Sorry, Mystic River is 138 minutes. Thanks for the info. Again, great work. Rebuilder/CCE is EASY to use and the quality of the transfer makes me not care when I'll find cheap DL DVD media.
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25. June 2004 @ 06:57 |
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That's probably right for Mystic River then. It's a little on the slow side, but some movies are just like that. It's still within the range I'd expect, so I think you're set. Now if we can just figure out what's slowing mccoy5 down...
Junior Member
25. June 2004 @ 12:08 |
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I tried running cce again and had a look at my cpu usage, in pahse1 it was about 89%, during phase 2 it was 100%. Dont know what else to try.
The movie I tried in the other thread was different (platoon about 1hours 55min long) to the one I burnt last night (lord of the rings retun of the kings). Sorry forgot to mention that. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
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25. June 2004 @ 13:18 |
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It's a little strange that it's only 89% in Phase 1, but Phase 2 seems fine obviously (unless somebody knows a way to get more than 100% CPU usage) so I'm still confused by your PC's performance. My laptop (with the Celeron 1.7GHz) sometimes slows down to that speed, but I've always been able to solve it with a reboot (or 3)and I've assumed that it was because the CPU was being throttled back because it's a laptop. In any case, you definitely should get faster encodes than my 900MHz Athlon (it gets between .8 and 1.0) so there must be something that can be done. I'll have to give it some thought.
25. June 2004 @ 21:53 |
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mccoy5, you have defragmented your HD recently, right? When you boot up, do you think the process takes any longer than it used to? Do you have a registry cleaner? Have you cleaned out all useless/temporary files? Have you used a program like Spybot to get rid of Spyware/Adware? I don't think these issues matter that much but make sure they are done anyway.
Junior Member
26. June 2004 @ 00:23 |
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I will give my machine a defrag to see if it helps, as for spyware ect i do check it regularly with spy bot, when it boots up it seems ok, not perticularly slow. I will do a bit of maintenance and see if it helps.
Junior Member
26. June 2004 @ 05:51 |
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I have tried defrac etc, it has made no difference at all. I am still running the demo of CCE SP 2.67 would this be a restriction of the demo version?
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26. June 2004 @ 06:53 |
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No, it's not. I suppose it's possible it's a memory problem, but if that was the case I would think it wouldn't finish at all. If CCE can't get the memory it wants it will just keep requesting it until Windows "runs out". Actually I've had it run out just because the pagefile got used up, even though there was still almost 100MB of free physical memory. How often do you reboot your PC? More importantly, did you happen to reboot in between encodes? If not, reboot and try starting again.
Edit: Don't kill me for being a dumb#%!@ (you're going to want to - trust me), but I just now noticed that you were resizing to half D1, and I think you were close in your original post about that slowing it down. The thing is, it's probably not the compression. It's AviSynth resizing. With the default Rebuilder AVS files there isn't anything that adds a significant amount of time, but resizing is different. It can add significant CPU cycles to AviSynth's frameserving process, so that may be what caused the problem. There's an AviSynth plugin that can actually tell you how long various filters take (ie actual CPU time), but I haven't used it so I can't be more specific. If you want I can look into it and let you know what you need to run it and give you instructions, but since I actually re-read your post and saw that important detail, I'm pretty sure the resize is slowing you down by probably the difference between the speed I thought you should get and the speed you are getting. That would also explain the lower CPU usage on the first pass, since there's a little less for CCE to do on that pass anyway, so you noticed the AviSynth slowdown more in CPU utilization.
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Junior Member
26. June 2004 @ 11:22 |
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Do you think it would be worth running without the half d1 setting on, just to see if it speed things up a bit?
if I cant get it any faster prehaps I will use it over night so as not to tie my pc up too long. I might have to use somthing else on the smaller movies, and leave this for the 'epics'.
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26. June 2004 @ 11:33 |
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Yeah, that would probably be the best way to test it. Keep in mind that the performance does vary from one movie to another, so if you get anywhere from .8 to 1.1 you're probably doing as well as your CPU will allow.
Junior Member
28. June 2004 @ 00:35 |
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tried to burn lord of the rings again, this time it took 656 mins for phase 2, (thats nearly 11 hours)and I didn't see the speed go over .6. I also turned off half d1. Any other ideas what I can try?
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29. June 2004 @ 18:00 |
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Other than reinstalling Windows, I'm out of suggestions. Sorry.
Junior Member
30. June 2004 @ 00:39 |
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Do you think that would work? prehaps I might try it if all else fails... Thanks for all your help anyway. If i get it sorted i will let you know
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30. June 2004 @ 07:05 |
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Yeah, it might help. I noticed that you posted on Doom9 and nobody there seemed to know what's going on either, so I can't see what would cause this other than some kind of Windows problem. If you reinstall, I'd recommend getting DVD Rebuilder and CCE setup before anything else so you can test it under a sort of control condition. If it runs the same speed at that point, I'd have to say that's the best speed you're going to get. Maybe it's just a CPU issue, but I hope not.
Senior Member
30. June 2004 @ 19:32 |
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You also need to check cpu temp.
High temps on a P4 can slow things down without errors because of the throttling.
Check your cpu and power supply fan.
My Dual athlons are running about 1.95 speed on the Matrix that I am encoding again. I'll have to check speed on my next big movie. I think it was lower when I did Braveheart. It was 3hrs to encode.
Junior Member
30. June 2004 @ 22:25 |
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I thought i would ask at doom9, if anyone else had any ideas before I reformatted as from experience i know this will take all weekend..
I have had a look at the temp of my machine and it didn't seem to be running hot.I am going to test my ram tonight and also load the newer version of rebuilder, lets see if any of this helps?
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1. July 2004 @ 14:21 |
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Something just occured to me, and I don't know why I didn't think of it before. It may not make any difference, but I do all my encodes with RBFarm, even when I only use 1 PC. I seem to remember that there were some issues at one point with CCE running a little slower than it should when it was called by DVD-RB. I thought this was taken care of several versions back, but it's never been an issue with RBFarm so it may be worth trying out.
If you look at my guide you'll see instructions for using RBFarm. Ignore the parts about networking because they don't matter if you're encoding on a single machine.
Junior Member
1. July 2004 @ 22:12 |
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I tried the new version of rebuilder, and also loaded CCE SP 2.50 (an old version i found on my hard drive). The first try I got speeds starting at 1.3 which decreased to .8. When i ran it again I saw speeds of about .9 to .7-.65. I let it run over night copying lord of the rings return of the kings, this took about ten hours for the whole process. It seems to be getting a little quicker. Tonight i will try rbfarm and see how I get on.
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2. July 2004 @ 03:25 |
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Great! That's definitely an improvement, and much more like what I'd expect from your CPU.
Senior Member
2. July 2004 @ 04:47 |
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I don't think you'll get any speed improvement using RBFarm on one PC. Even when there was an issue associated with the amount of time DVD-RB was using during the encoding process (fixed several versions ago) -- it was fairly small and was related to the way multithreading was handled.
Junior Member
3. July 2004 @ 01:11 |
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I tried rb farm last night it didn't seem to make any difference, I copied ronin last night using cce & rebuilder that took about 8 hours, the copy was very good. I expect that is about the best I will get until I upgrade my system.
Thanks for all the help guys.