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8. February 2006 @ 01:28 |
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i have just seen on ebay a guy is selling an xbox memory card with the splinter cell filesl on it and the splinter cel game for very very cheap.
is that all i will need? do i need to buy a disc with the evox thing on it?
what else will be needed?
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8. February 2006 @ 03:04 |
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rbfrule: well you need the splintercell and be warned the splinter files can destroy your xbox if he giving the bad ones....if not then your cool
newbie: is it orignal? non platinum?
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9. February 2006 @ 10:15 |
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where can i get all the fiels i need to put on the memory card?
can i ayve the exact links pelase
also. do i need evox?
where can i get it?
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10. February 2006 @ 05:38 |
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thats what im trying to figure out
10. February 2006 @ 06:45 |
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I have a uk xbox bought around winter 2003 with a dashboard version 5101 and a kernel version of 5960. I have read that if my dashboard version is above 4920 and my kernel is above 5713 I am unable to install linux to my xbox, but I've also read that it is possible to do it with a dashboard version over 5659 so I dont know. The main reasons I would want to mod my xbox would be for emulators, watching DivX movies and homebrew software, could someone please recommend a method for me (i.e. buy a old xbox, install a mod chip and flash it to install linux, connect the harddrive to pc, etc...). I have a decent amount of computer knowhow but I have no idea about how to write and compile kernels,flashing bios chips etc...
Any help appreciated.
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10. February 2006 @ 22:40 |
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i am buying a kit off ebay with the memory card n game for cheap. ho do i copy that memory card and make a double of it?
how do i copy the fiels to my xbox then back on another memory card?
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11. February 2006 @ 00:31 |
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Do i need a dashboard dis or will the splinter cell fiels install evox for me????
where can i get the splinter cel files from?
Junior Member
11. February 2006 @ 05:28 |
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I have seen that action replay, the part has some of the plinter cell files. It called soft mod and splinter cell linux. I have the files also if you want them. Does any one know how to FTP games to the xbox without burning them? I have c-box tools.
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11. February 2006 @ 08:32 |
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selyan: i pm'd you with details.
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12. February 2006 @ 12:14 |
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Hey evryone
I was wondering if someone can tell me how to bridge so that i can get host.
Junior Member
12. February 2006 @ 12:23 |
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How to bridge what? I dont understand? Connecting your xbox to pc?
12. February 2006 @ 13:53 |
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what do i need to soft mod
12. February 2006 @ 13:56 |
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i am trying to learn how to mod but i have no money and no programs to install
Junior Member
12. February 2006 @ 15:41 |
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You need an action replay kid and the 2 splinter cell files. Then if you want you will have to buy a bigger HD if you want more space.
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12. February 2006 @ 16:40 |
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what are the two splinter cell files the linux and the what?
Junior Member
12. February 2006 @ 18:11 |
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Get Softmod isntaller deluxe version 2.0 NTSC from an irc client and this will ahve them there.
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14. February 2006 @ 11:02 |
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where on ther internet can i find the splinter cell files?
can i ahve a link please?
Junior Member
14. February 2006 @ 12:45 |
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You will have to get them from an IRC client, they are not on the website of nay sort. i have them, but i can not send them for email reasons.
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15. February 2006 @ 01:52 |
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OK...I already have a softmodded XBox, my friend did it for me. I have the 007 save on my XBox, could I just transfer that file onto a memory card to my friends Xbox, and his will be Modded?
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15. February 2006 @ 03:33 |
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whats an irc client and stuff. how will i get the files?
Junior Member
15. February 2006 @ 12:43 |
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I recoment you go and Google it and get the IRC client. I would recomend this site and go into their tutorials page on the forum or the chat channel and they will tell you how to do it. Sorry for being brief, but the tutorial I was going to give you did not have the site working.
Junior Member
15. February 2006 @ 13:02 |
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Ok, First Post, Only to Say a few Things.
Cheers Technique For the Info but i have a couple of updates.
For once us Brits have dipped in. I just tried The Sid4.5 Softmod using The CLASSIC Splintercell (Budget Version) which i picked up for a couple of quid at a car Boot, Im sure Game has shitloads of them for under a tenner.
Then i tried to figure out the cheapest way of getting an Xbox save to a memory Card. Well i Ummed and Ahh'd And i must confess that i cheated. I went round to my mates house and stole his Executer Chipped Xbox whilst he was out on the beer and Used Xbox Save Manager to transfer the files needed to my Memory Card. Then i did the Install as Directed ALTHOUGH I had a little teething problem with a blank screen and was ready to throw it down the stairs, but fo some unkown reason i double tapped The eject and Unleash X Booted. (maybe its a quirk, maybe its meant to be like that). I have also found the cheapest way to get a memory card is to use a USB Flashstick (most self respecting geeks have them as standard now the floppy drive on laptops has Gone,RIP Floppy Discs) I then took a broken controller i had lying around cut the cable and i counted Five Wires. USB only uses four. (i Matched colour for colour and ignored the yellow) and connected it to my Xbox. It got formatted in FATX and became my xbox card. Will work on piccys if Req, and WHEN i suss out how to transfer to the Card using a PC and NO Cheat system and no mates Xbox I will post in Red, i Promise.
Lets try and keep Softmodding the CHEAPEST SOLUTION
Websites For ENGLISH INSTALLER (Scroll down to The SID 4.5 K-Nave File Its a torrent so save the torrent and then Google Bitcomet 0.61 to Download it) (Gives you a cheeky Save game Manager for your PC)
All i asked santa was for an Xbox................
......................Why was i so Bad last year?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. February 2006 @ 13:24
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4. March 2006 @ 19:41 |
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well i know how to softmod an xbox using splintercell one and how to take off evolution x and get ur old on back.i can help any one putting mods on ur xbox and being able to mod on everynew map how to use ppf o matic and how to use flash fxp aol instant messanger screenname:halomodderhalo and i will even send u mods already configuered with mods and ill send 'em to you but before u send frien request on AIM u will have to give me a 2 month subscription and i will help you and softmod ur xbox
Junior Member
5. March 2006 @ 07:30 |
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Or if you go to the site I said, there is plenty of help. IF any one needs hel just email me at I have the splinter cell files too, but have to figure out a way to send them to people cuz email wont accept them for virus reasons.
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6. March 2006 @ 14:00 |
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if u need help wit modding, send me a friend request on xbox live or im me at gunit1158
i modded n im banned
and i know how to mod
wo0t w0ot!!!!