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10. March 2006 @ 10:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey i cant get my ip to work i dont have a router is there a way to mod the halo2 maps without one and i click make a backup thing but i cant get back to the normal dashboard and sometimes evox dont come up also how do you burn the whole game to the harddrive
Junior Member
18. March 2006 @ 01:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
too many questions.............................
Ok, Routers are not required, you can bodge it with a crossover cable. has a good tutorial on this. But routers can only cost a tenner and if you love halo, it really starts to rock eith a mini Xbox lan going on!!
With the backup you did on the softmod i presume you WANT MS Dash back. Firstly use BoXplorer to check that you still have it (check e drive, then backup). If you see a file named MSDASH.XBE then click to see if thats your dash. If you cannot find it you will have to download and FTP across a working dash. Then you can revert the Mod.
Hope that Helps, And to put a game on to a stock Xbox drive, use DVD2XBOX, but you are kinda limited for space. (approx 4.5GB) so enjoy

All i asked santa was for an Xbox................
......................Why was i so Bad last year?
19. April 2006 @ 01:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
where can i get an official xbox memory card and action replay "max"???

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19. April 2006 @ 04:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@Oakley28. I found an action replay Max at my local EB games was about 25-30 bucks. The kit came with a USB to memory card adaptor, 8MB memory card and cdrom with SW for moving files over to the memory card. Also found it at Wal-mart. AHH good old wally world.
19. April 2006 @ 05:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
do you just need action replay or the action replay max????

also somone told me that you need an official memory card is this true???

would this be okay

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. April 2006 @ 05:26

Suspended due to non-functional email address
19. April 2006 @ 05:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@Oakley28 I used the memory card that came with the action replay kit and had no problem softmodding my xbox. Not sure if there is any difference between the action replay and action replay max. Just found the box mine came in and it says action replay max on it.
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19. April 2006 @ 05:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry did not ready your entire post. the item on ebay looks near identical to mine, and the item list has everything you need. Memory card, usb adapter and sw to run it. should work fine happy bidding.
19. April 2006 @ 05:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you did read my post i edited it soory but thanks for replying. Ill bid on it now and see what goes down. Still confused on how to do the mod but im sure ill be fine. I know how to do the mod, its the backing up the eeprom or summit thats baffeling me :S
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19. April 2006 @ 06:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Use Krayzie Ndure softmod pack. really user friendly when you run the softmod the very first thing it asks you to do is backup eeprom and M$ dash. It also will not let you install the softmod until it finds the back up of those files so you cannot break it even if you wanted to. I am no expert but if you need any help getting the files or running the mod send me a PM (if you win the bid LOL).
20. April 2006 @ 17:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay..I finally softmodded my xbox. I wanna put a game i already own on my HD, And install homebrew. Any help or links to places that can would be of great use. I looked everywhere on xbox-hq and found nothing.
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21. April 2006 @ 01:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just use unleashed dashboard drop the game in the tray and in the menu choose copy game to hard drive and presto
21. April 2006 @ 02:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
how do you back up the hard drive ??? is that what the FTP(ing) with your computer is all about?? Just wanna make sure i know exactly what im doing before i do it. Also tio FTP, can i use a regular ethernet cable or do i need a differnet cable ???
Junior Member
21. April 2006 @ 13:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Once you boot up with the game's linux installer, you can ftp your original hard drive. You can use an ethernet cable if you are on a router or you can get a cross over cable if you do not use a router. Make sure you back up ur eeprom before you mod. Just ftp everything, the C and E folders of your stock hard drive incase anything will go wrong later.
21. April 2006 @ 14:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
this tut sucks!

\¯\/¯/|¯|)¯)/¯/\¯\\¯\/¯/ | | | |
/_/\_\|_|)_)\_\/_//_/\_\ ! ! ! !
21. April 2006 @ 16:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

no need, don't read it then
21. April 2006 @ 17:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Next time keep your trap shut.

My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
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22. April 2006 @ 03:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
For Softmod Querys, a Nice instruction Manual

Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition
Official Users Manual

DISCLAIMER: We do not take any responsibility for any damage or loss of data that
may be caused by this program. Always only use at your own risk, and remember to
read this manual CAREFULLY before proceeding to use this package. If you do not
read this and do something incorrectly, it is your own fault.
This document is not affiliated with Microsoft Corporation.
'Microsoft' and 'Xbox' are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Chapter 1: Introduction................................................................................ 1
Xbox Color LED Indications. .......................................................................... 1
Chapter 2: Features...................................................................................... 2
Chapter 3: Checking your Dashboard Version .............................................. 3
Chapter 4: Installing SID 4.5 on your Xbox.................................................. 4
Copying the Gamesave to your Memory Card / USB Device ............................... 4
Copying the Gamesave to your Xbox.............................................................. 4
Chapter 5: Running the Game Save via the Game......................................... 6
007 Agent under Fire ................................................................................... 6
Mechassault ............................................................................................... 7
Splinter Cell................................................................................................ 7
Chapter 6: The SID 4.5 Final Main Menu....................................................... 8
Chapter 7: Backup and Restore. ................................................................... 9
Chapter 8: Removing the Softmod................................................................ 9
Chapter 9: Virtual Eeprom Patching ........................................................... 10
Appendix A: Xbox Error Codes.................................................................... 14
Appendix B: Softmodding Tutorials ............................................................ 15
Hard Drive Upgrade using a Modchipped Xbox................................................15
Hard Drive Upgrade using a PC ....................................................................16
Hotswap Tutorial - Recover a HDD without Eeprom Backup ..............................17
Hard Drive Cloning using Chimp ...................................................................18
Appendix C: Frequently Asked Questions ................................................... 19
Credits ....................................................................................................... 21
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual

Page 1 of 23

Chapter 1: Introduction
Welcome to the most advanced, easiest, yet safest Softmod in the History of Xbox
Exploits. This softmod offers many options for those who want a simple softmod, just to
boot to it And load their favorite dash and get on with their mod going, also it?s made for
those who Are into playing Xbox Live!, and that want a softmod as well. IN NO WAY THIS
BLOCK XBOX LIVE! ON BOOT. There exists 2 dual boot features and 1 single, as they go
like this.
Single Boot (boots Dash)
- This is as simple as it gets, open tray, and closed tray will boot your softmod.
Dual Boot Open=Gamesave
- This will make it so when your Xbox DVD tray is open, it will boot to SID 4 Installer,
- When the tray is closed, it will boot normal Softmod, and your dash of choice.
Dual Boot Open=Retail (NDURE)
- This will make it so your Xbox will run in retail mode when you power on with open
DVD tray.
- Allowing you to play your original Xbox live games on Xbox Live! Without having to
remove your softmod via the Gamesave, and it?s 100% proven to work, but you
must have an account made already, as this will not access Xbox Live! After you
install softmod to create a New Account!
Xbox Color LED Indications.
Now you?ll know what is running and what is going on, by the LEDs of you Xbox on your
front panel. The following Chart will explain what they mean, and how they work.
Green/blinks when DVD tray opens.
- Retail Mode by the Ndure Install, or simply your Xbox is not modded.
Green/does not blink when DVD tray opens.
- Modded state, yet color of lead could have been changed by a Dashboard or an
Application. Config Magic, Avalaunch can cause this, it is not dangerous or bad.
Orange/blinks when DVD tray opens.
- not scripted, nor program to do so, but this is what is usually done by Linux Distros,
nothing to do with SID.
Orange/does not blink when DVD tray opens.
- This is when your Gamesave is running. When you boot SID 4, or power with open tray menu
having Gamesave to boot, this is the color of LED you?ll get, and it?s for you to know.
Red/blinks when DVD tray opens.
- Never heard of it.
Red/does not blink when DVD tray opens.
- This is when your softmod is active. It specifies that softmod is running, can run
unsigned code, Linux, homebrew and all that good stuff you?re here for.
Cycle/where the lights cycle through all colors.
- This means that your dashboard target was not found by nkpatcher 11, none of the
3, now, don?t worry as SID 4 was scripted to rescue your dash if it?s lost by the
press of ?A? when your at that menu, however if you accidentally formatted your
HDD, you?ll loss all other files and we are not responsible for that loss. SID 4 strictly
stays to its system and will only keep safe of its function to the point that it takes
care of boot, and important files to keep your Xbox alive, and has nothing to do
with your OTHER files.
- It can also mean your video cables aren?t plugged in the back of your Xbox.
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual

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Chapter 2: Features
1. - Features 3 different Install Methods.
- Single Boot. Where it will only boot your dash of choice installed.
- Dual Boot. Where it will boot your softmod when tray is closed and something else
when your DVD tray is open.
2.- Features all new Ndure (New Dimension Uber Rmenhal Exploit) for those who
want to be able to have a softmodded Xbox, and still get to play on Xbox Live!, of course
you must use only original games, and have an account already made.
3. ? Nkpatcher 11 and the following features put to its best use ever.
- Virtual C (ShadowC), having mount a file to replace your C drive Having your MS
Dash in it so you can use it, yet hiding your real C files to prevent deletetion,
tampering of critical files that can break your softmod.
- Virtual EEPROM, Taking your true eeprom backup, patching it to prevent
applications from unlocking your HDD!!! Something never ever done!!! OF COURSE
4. - Having 3 Dashboard targets and a hidden rescue dash.
- e:\evoxdash.xbe, e:\dash\default.xbe, and e:\dashboard\default.xbe.
- If none of the dash targets are found, then it will boot to
C:\rescuedash\default.xbe, where it will load a menu to restore your dash for
security reasons.
The following has been disabled, and the consequences.
- Since it boots to a hidden xbe file, it?s another nkpatcher system allowing
the use of all partitions normally. THIS CAN BE DANGEROUS IF MESSED
- Since files are exposed, we have disabled all possible tampering with it, by
denying all FTP access, and even the boot of a CD (non-original), to prevent
you from messing something up.
- You cannot boot discs while this is running, only originals, but they must
be cold booted, and they are cold booted, then you don?t get true access,
unless your booting the game you used for the softmod.
5. - High Definition Patch
- SID 4 now lets you run your Xbox in High Definition mode correctly.
6. - Full support by all the Admins/Moderators from
- Forums for this installer are in the above link and we support it in everyway.
- Please feel free to post any bugs, or behavior reports to
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual Page 3 of 23
Chapter 3: Checking your Dashboard Version
To make your job easier the Softmod Installer, it is recommended that you use the latest
version of Xbox Dashboard which is available (1.00.5960.01). This is how you would check
your Xbox?s Dashboard version.
? MS Retail Dashboard ?
1) Click on the Settings button on your
Xbox Dash, press A.
? MS Dashboard Settings Screen ?
2) Scroll down to the System Info at the
bottom of the next menu, press A.
The System Info screen will give you all the
information you need to know about your
Xbox console including your kernel version
and dashboard version.
? MS Dashboard System Info Screen ?
3) In the system info it will display your
Dashboard versions This is
a screenshot of something similar to
what you will want to see. The section
highlighted in red shows you what your
Dashboard version is. If the Xbox is not
showing this version, and you wish to
keep this dashboard, you will have to use
the Auto-Installer Deluxe 3.0 Final
DVD to finish off your installation.
Alternatively you can try loading a game
such as Halo 2, Burnout Revenge, Splinter
Cell 2 or 3 (1 is too old), and this can
update your dashboard for you.
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual Page 4 of 23
Chapter 4: Installing SID 4.5 on your Xbox
Copying the Gamesave to your Memory Card / USB Device
The three most popular ways to install the Gamesave (which is the .zip or .gsx files that
you have in this directory) are the following:
Action Replay: US Official Website - European Official Website
Game Shark: Official Website
Mega X-Key: Official Website
Just a quick tip about memory cards, reports have come in about 3rd-party cards not
working properly, you can check the Xbox-Hq Memory Card Database for more
information. The most reliable way would be a Mega X-Key in my opinion, which uses the
same format as Action Replay for Gamesave.
The Action Replay and Mega X-Key will only be able to use the .zip files, and the Game
Shark can only use the .gsx files.
To copy the game save over to your device, these programs support the drag and drop
feature just like Windows. So, open your desired program and then drag and drop the .zip
or .gsx file to the memory card. In about half a minute or so it should be done.
There are 5 files in the SID package, you will need to transfer TWO of these to your Xbox
(this is a little different from the older SID systems so please beware). You need the main
installer file, and the Gamesave for the game you wish to use. Here?s what the files do:
SID4.Installer The main Installer
SID4.Loader.007AUF Loader for 007 Agent Under Fire
SID4.Loader.Mechassault Loader for Mechassault
SID4.Loader.SplinterCell.NTSC Loader for Splinter Cell (NTSC Version)
SID4.Loader.SplinterCell.PAL Loader for Splinter Cell (PAL Version)
Copying the Gamesave to your Xbox
Insert your USB Device or memory card into your Xbox before you start it up.
Once you?ve started your Xbox, the MS dashboard should appear.
? MS Retail Dashboard ?
1) Select Memory from the menu
and press A.
? MS Dashboard Memory Screen ?
2) Now, select the memory card that you
inserted and press A.
3) Shown below are screenshots of each Gamesave. Select the Gamesave you want to
copy to your Xbox HDD by pressing the A button on your Xbox controller. A Menu will
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual

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? SID 4.5 Installer ?
? 007 Agent Under Fire ?
? Mechassault ?
? Splinter Cell (PAL) ?
4) Choose the copy icon (as shown in the images below) and press A to copy the
Gamesave you have selected to the Xbox. We are using 007 as an example. Be sure to
check your Xbox region if you are using Splinter Cell. Eg. NTSC/PAL.
? Choose Copy and Press A ?
? Select the Xbox Hard Disk and Press A ?
5) Once you have successfully copied over all required Gamesave to your Xbox HDD you
can now continue to boot the original game (007, Mechassault, or Splinter Cell) and install
your Softmod. Restart your Xbox and load the game of your choice into your Xbox DVDRom
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual

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Chapter 5: Running the Game Save via the Game
The following screenshots show what you have to do to launch the Softmod installer. If you
see any other screens besides this, something is obviously gone wrong with transferring
the game to the Xbox, or you don?t have the correct version of the game.
007 Agent under Fire
? 007 Main Menu Screen ?
1) Once the game is at the main menu,
select the Load Mission option?
? 007 Load Mission Screen ?
2) Now select the Xbox Hard Drive option
(which loads the Gamesave from HDD).
? 007 Loading Mission Screen ?
3) It will show a loading screen to confirm
it is working.
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual

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? Mechassault Main Menu Screen ?
1) Once the game is at the main menu,
select the Campaign option?
? Mechassault Campaign Screen ?
2) Now select the Run Linux Gamesave.
Please note that the following information
MUST be the same on your Xbox otherwise
you have got a bad copy of Mechassault.
Controls: Normal
Difficulty: Regular
Current Level: Going Down Hard
Splinter Cell
? Splinter Cell Main Menu Screen ?
1) Once the game is at the main menu,
select the Start Game option?
? Splinter Cell Start Game Screen ?
2) Now select the Linux Gamesave.
? Splinter Cell Checkpoints / Levels Screen ?
3) Select the Checkpoints option.
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual

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Chapter 6: The SID 4.5 Final Main Menu
All menus will be self explanatory, and will go to the point, but make sure of the following
tips to complete a successful softmod.
1. - Must have a retail MS Backup, either made by this installer or a previous SID installer
that supports the target E:\backup\MS\, this backup must not be modded, and must have
retail files, no dash version is specified if not installing Ndure.
2.- If you plan to Install Ndure, YOU MUST have MS Dash 5960 either in your MS Backup
or your True C drive (newest 1.6 Xboxes have this).
3. - Backup of your EEPROM must be made no matter what to complete the install. This is
due to the fact that an eeprom backup is needed to be patched, and put into your hidden
boot files to be loaded with the all new nkpatcher system, allowing this eeprom to be
loaded instead of your real one to prevent apps from unlocking your HDD, and if you mess
with your eeprom, then it?s just your virtual eeprom and not the real one, leading to a
broken Xbox.
4. - The Uninstall Feature is picky. You must have a retail, non modded, MS Backup to it
can proceed, it also pay attention to what it tell you, so you don?t make mistakes, and you
select ?YES? or ?NO? wisely.
Please be aware that SID 4 will take around 15-30 seconds to install a file called
"shadowc.img", so if you see that it looks like if it froze, don't panic, and let it run.
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Chapter 7: Backup and Restore.
You have options to backup and restore your ms dash, as well as your softmod, but you
may not restore your mod backup if an MS Backup is not present, so some limitations are
there to prevent you from messing up your softmod, or losing valuable files of your Xbox.
If you plan to use Xbox Live!, you don't need to do this, simply install the Ndure feature,
but make sure you have an account before you do, cause once softmod is install, you
cannot make an account.
Chapter 8: Removing the Softmod.
This is by far the easiest thing to do if you use the installer, simply have you MS Backup
not modded, and run ?Uninstall Softmod? and all will be done automatically, just make
sure you read the onscreen options so you don?t run into any mistakes when it comes to
deleting all other files on E:\.
The Uninstall feature will do it all for you, but you?ll get prompt for special actions, on
prompts, you don?t have to say ?YES? unless it?s what you want to do.
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual Page 10 of 23
Chapter 9: Virtual Eeprom Patching
This chapter will teach you how to set up your eeprom after the install of SID 4.5 if you
want that extra step in the security of a softmod.
?X-Man9? from official developer of the nkpatcher systems after
Rmenhal, has stated that some games cannot keep Xbox Live! Data in HDD if your Xbox
HDD is nulled, we haven?t had any issues, but he has stated that games like ?Ghost Recon?
will automatically delete your Xbox Live! Maps from your HDD if your HDD serial is not
We/I will not be held responsible for data loss, do this at your own risk.
STEP 1: Getting to access true files on your Xbox C drive.
First you must understand how ftp works, this tutorial will not teach you how to ftp.
First you must have an nkpatcher *.xbe loaded that will not mount the virtual, this *.xbe
can easily be the one you booted SID 4.5 and it?s how this tutorial will show it to you.
1. - Cold boot game of Choice or use a file manager to navigate to save.
2. - If you boot SID 4.5 from game of exploit, simply fix your Network Settings to a proper
way to access your Xbox from ftp. If your going to use a file manager, the file to be
executed is NOT menu.xbe, you?ll execute ?install.xbe?, this file is nkpatcher 11-01 with no
virtual mounts. Directory for manual boot is: E:\UDATA\21585554\000000000000\
3. - you?ll get the eeprom.bin found in C:\ from your real partition, to know if it?s your real
partition, you should be able to see the following files (not all files or folders are mentioned
\shadowc.img <<<< if you see this, you?ll know it?s your real C partition.
\Xbox Book.xtf
\eeprom.bin <<<<< this is the dump file you?ll ftp to computer to make your changes.
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual Page 11 of 23
STEP 2: Making Changes on the eeprom.bin dump
First you?ll open up LiveInfo.exe. (This tutorial should have it for you, if it doesn?t, please
download in either Xbins, Xbox-Hq downloads, or any other place that hosts these files for
This is how live info will open up to be like.
This is usually how you?ll
see it when it opens up.
Now the Next pictures will
go in order as you must
follow the tutorial, if you
already familiar with Live
Info, just go to the last
picture to see what needs
to be done.
Open the File by choosing
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual Page 12 of 23
This picture will show you what need modification and WHAT NOT to modify.
MAC address is very important, as well as the hash of the eeprom to be a valid file, this is
the reason why we are doing this manually, since most of the PAL users can?t get a good
eeprom patch by previous versions of SID 4/SID 4 separate fix
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual Page 13 of 23
This is what?s to be modified. You don?t have to make them all Zeros, it can be anything
randomly, just make sure you don?t randomly make it correct.
After all this is done, simply use the ?Save as .BIN? and either overwrite the old
eeprom.bin or name it differently, just make sure you have a proper backup of the eeprom
your self, and not the modified, if you try to make new HDD with this modified eeprom
you?ll never get it to work, since it?s only going to give you invalid HDD keys, and your
HDD will result in error 06 on your Xbox.
Make sure that you ftp the modified file named eeprom.bin to overwrite the old file in C:\,
after you have completed this, simply turn off Xbox, and power back on, most apps/dashes
including ConfigMagic will display your unlock key, but when it?s time to call the eeprom to
unlock is when it will fail. To see if your changes are in fact active, please use ConfigMagic,
and see what you get onscreen, UnleashX and other dashes will always display the correct
unlock key in the settings or info screen.
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual Page 14 of 23
Appendix A: Xbox Error Codes
Error Cause Description
Motherboard Error
Eeprom check failed
Ram check failed
HDD not locked (retail BIOSes require the HDD to be locked)
Cannot unlock HDD
HDD timeout
HDD not found
HDD parameters (PIO/DMA/or size {debug}, certain size
minimum is required for debug)
DVD drive timeout
DVD not found
DVD parameters (PIO/DMA)
Dashboard launch fail (due to missing/bad key, or anything
else that would prevent it from running) and the dashboard
didn't specify why it failed
Error loading dashboard (dashboard generic error)
Other files to do with dashboard / dashboard settings (specific
dashboard error)
The dashboard has attempted to load and failed: It was a cold
boot, and the dashboard didn't specify why it failed, but it (for
some reason) needed to be noted that the DVD passed the
challenge/response authentication
21 Anywhere
Typically means you're missing .dip files on your c: Drive or
you have .xip's from a different (wrong) dashboard version. To
fix simply restore a complete backup of the c: drive.
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual Page 15 of 23
Appendix B: Softmodding Tutorials
Special thanks to Pirrup for these tutorials.
Hard Drive Upgrade using a Modchipped Xbox
Hardware Needed:
- Hex Screwdriver Set
- Computer
- A modded Xbox (chip)
- A softmodded Xbox with retail disk.
- A bigger HDD
Software Needed:
- FTP software (FlashFXP)
- EvoX dash (to make eeprom backup, install it on both Xboxes)
- Xbox-HQ Auto Installer Deluxe Boot Disk.
- Config magic (install it on chipped and softmodded Xbox)
1. Use EvoX to make an eeprom backup from your chipped Xbox and the softmodded Xbox
(you can install EvoX as a dashboard)
2. FTP the backup Eeproms to your PC, also transfer your C and E drive (softmodded Xbox)
to your pc.
3. Put the big HDD you need to prepare in your chipped Xbox.
4. Run Xbox-Hq Auto Installer Deluxe Boot Disk and make the big HD ready. (Don?t forget
to install Config magic on this HDD)
5. Open the Config magic folder and delete the contents in the data folder and transfer
your backup of the C and E drive to the data folder.
6. Update your chipped Xbox eeprom from the bin file. (Eeprom backup from softmodded
7. Reboot the Xbox and open Config magic and lock the HDD. (Now it's locked with the
eeprom from the softmodded Xbox)
8. Turn off Xbox and remove the big HDD out the chipped Xbox.
9. Put it in the softmodded Xbox
Now, the HDD will work in the softmodded Xbox.
*** Optional if you play on live with your chipped Xbox ***
10. Run Config magic again on the chipped box and update eeprom. (This time with the
eeprom backup from chipped Xbox). This will restore your chipped Xbox eeprom back to
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual Page 16 of 23
Hard Drive Upgrade using a PC
Hardware Needed:
- A PC, a blank CD-R/W and a CD Burner
- Torx 10 + Torx 20 Screwdrivers (to open your Xbox)
- A Large HDD
Software Needed:
- XboxHDM 1.9
- FTP Program (FlashFXP)
- EvoX dash (can be installed as an app)
- DVD Decrypter
1. First make a backup from your retail disk (C, E drive and your eeprom), you can use
EvoX to backup eeprom (eeprom backup can be found on E).
2. FTP your backup data to your PC using a FTP program.
3. Unpack XboxHDM onto your pc
4. Put the eeprom backup in the xboxhdm\linux\eeprom folder, put C and E folder into the
xboxhdm\linux folder and overwrite the ones already there.
5. In the root of xboxhdm is a file named 'make-iso-win', run this file and wait for it to
6. It will make an .iso file. (You can burn this file with DVD Decrypter)
7. Take out all your hard disks in your PC and put the new hard disk (for the Xbox), make
sure its primary master and first boot is CD-ROM.
8. Put the disk you made in the CD-ROM drive and boot your PC.
9. You will get a menu, now choose Option 1 (by typing ?1?) and press enter to boot VGA
console with Xbox-drive utilities (default). Type ?xboxhd? when it asks you for a login.
Another list of options will show up, choose option 1 again (the one that says ?Build a new
Xbox HD from scratch?) and it will begin to format and write the partition table etc. If you
put your C:\ and E:\ onto the CD then when it asks you about them type yes and when it
asks you if you would like an F select yes.
10. Reboot your PC (we are almost done)
11. Now for locking the hard drive. This time type ?3? and hit enter to boot Linux with
locking/unlocking utilities. Next, type in ?lockhd ?a?. It will now search for the eeprom on
the CD and will automatically lock the hard drive. Now turn off the PC and take out the
hard drive when it has finished locking. Put the disk in your softmodded Xbox.
You just upgraded your hard drive and can be used in your softmodded Xbox.
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual Page 17 of 23
Hotswap Tutorial - Recover a HDD without Eeprom Backup
Hardware Needed:
- A PC (remove all HDD's), blank CD-R/W and A CD Burner
- Torx 10 And Torx 20 Screwdrivers - To Open XBOX
Software Needed:
- XboxHDM 1.9
- DVDdecryptor (
- C drive backup or latest MS dash
IMPORTANT: Make sure the Xbox and PC are close to each other
1. If you got a backup of your C you don't need to download latest MS Dash, if you don't
have a backup download MS Dash and keep it ready on your PC.
2. Unpack xboxhdm onto your PC.
3. Put the MS Dash in the C folder into the xboxhdm\linux folder and overwrite the ones
already there.
4. In the root of xboxhdm is a file named 'make-iso-win', run this file and wait for it to
finish. It will make an .iso file.
5. Burn this file with DVD Decrypter, and leave the CD in the PC.
6. Unplug the Xbox DVD-ROM IDE cable, take the power cable off the DVD-ROM.
7. Turn on the PC, Before the PC BIOS looks for Hard Drives, hit the Pause/Break key. It
should pause at this time.
8. Turn on the Xbox.
9. It will boot to an error code (#11) regarding the DVD-ROM, but the Hard Drive will be
unlocked, this way you'll get xboxhdm to access it on first attempt
10. Hit space bar to continue booting the PC. If it takes a long time to boot (several
minutes), then the HD has not been unlocked.
11. You will get a menu, now choose Option 1 (by typing ?1?) and press enter to boot VGA
console with Xbox-drive utilities (default). Type ?xboxhd? when it asks you for a login.
Another list of options will show up, choose option 1 again (the one that says ?Build a new
Xbox HD from scratch?) and it will begin to format and write the partition table etc. when it
asks you about C type yes and when it asks you if you would like an F select yes .
12. Power down PC and Xbox.
13. Put the Hard Drive back in the Xbox and boot.
PLEASE NOTE: If you get a message about a frozen drive, just disable auto detect for the
drive (xboxhdm will detect the HDD even if it's disabled!)
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual Page 18 of 23
Hard Drive Cloning using Chimp
Hardware Needed:
1. A Y power splitter (or use an external power source for the second HD, like another PC
or external disk box etc.)
2. Torx 10, 15, 20 Screwdrivers to open Xbox and replace the HD
Software Needed:
3. Chimp (installed as an app)
1. Open the box with the Torx 20 Screwdriver.
2. Use the Y splitter so both Hard Drives would have power when Xbox is on.
3. Loosen the DVD's IDE, but must still be bootable (it minimize the remove chance of IDE
damaging as it is really not designed for hotplugging).
4. Boot Xbox.
5. Launch chimp.
6. Swap the IDE cable from DVD to the new HD.
7. Follow the menu (the first item must be run before others).
Xbox 1.6 problems?
If you have a 1.6 box and you can't see the Linux prog (graphics). In that case, you need
to telnet into it, the menu will be same.
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual Page 19 of 23
Appendix C: Frequently Asked Questions
1.- I can't get gamesaves into the memory card with Action Replay?
Make sure you have original Microsoft Memory card or another brand that it's known to
work, not all memory cards will allow files that's aren't game related to be added, like zips,
rars and non-xbox default files. Also make sure you drag and drop 2 zips, the SID4 and your game of choice, and you'll add both gamesaves to your xbox, since
the launcher are the files that install the softmod, and the other gamesaves are to boot to
Launcher, so no launcher and gamesave can lead to ERROR 21, black screen, or MS Dash
2.- I get just a black screen when i boot it.
Make sure you only do it to retail xbox, that means no other softmods installed, if you
have a previous softmod install, remove it and leave C in retail, all other files will not be
affected, also make sure that's the only gamesave you have, and no other gamesaves in
hdd of that 1 game. Another issue is that if you are trying to boot SID 4 when running
modded from SID 2 or other PBL based softmod, it will lead to freeze or black screen, this
is due to the fact that PBL doesn't allow nkpatcher to load, PLEASE BE IN RETAIL!
3. I can't install any of the softmods in SID 4!!!
Did you read the manual? Did you read the on-screen warnings?, It will NOT INSTALL if
you don't have a retail MS Backup and eeprom made by the installer.
4.- I can't install the Ndure.
Once again, did you read things right?, you CANNOT install unless you have MS Dash 5960
Installed on true C before install.
5.- I successfully installed SID 4, but i can't use the retail mode to go on xbox live.
It should work, as it's proven to work, make sure you power on the xbox with eject button
so it loads retail mode, wait till it loads MS Dash, and put game disc in, after ingame sign
in with an already made xbox live! gamer tag account. YOU CANNOT MAKE AN ACCOUNT
6.- Why do i have to set my clock every time i power on the xbox?
You should only have to set it once after softmod is installed, and only after you unplugg
after 4 hours. So make sure YOU SET YOUR CLOCK, and press "A" to save it to xbox, then
IGR or power off, and on so it takes effects, that way you shoudln't have to set your clock
again, unless of course you cut power for more than 4 hours.
7.- When i ftp i can see F and G, but i can't access them.
You cannot access to what you dont' have, by default SID 4 is set to enable both of these
so you don't have to worry about updating your lb48 patch etc, some xbox stock hdds
have F, some have G, the only real way to know if you have an F, is by using file explorer
with UnleashX or SID 4, and if you see F you have it, if you don't see F, then you don't!
8.- When i boot retail mode, all i get is a hang, and black screen.
Make sure that ms dash was not modded at all, but here's a manual solution if you have
this. Boot SID 4, use the file manager, go to C, and look for the file called:
settings_adoc.xip, make sure you don't have it in C, or C:\xboxdashdata185ead00, this
can make it hang, also this file is to be deleted automaticly by the installer, and it's also
the reason why you must set your clock when you boot you xbox after the install of SID 4.
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual Page 20 of 23
9.- When i boot Ndure retail mode, all looks good, but i choose the xbox live tab from MS
Dash and it goes to a black screen.
Simply is cause xbox live tab from MS dash loads it's own dash files from C:\xodash, but
that's where the exploit fonts are located, so if you choose that it will freeze cause it will
try to load the fonts again, leading to wanting to boot softmod, which will end up freezing,
you will also get a black screen if you try to PUT A BACKUP GAME when running Ndure. In
no way Ndure allows you to run backups in Xbox Live!. Use FuckMS for that, but we will
not help you do this, and you can get into serious problems and get your credit card
blacklisted if caught.
- Always sign in to xbox live from ingame, not from MS Dash.
Then simply you need to read this manual over again and make sure you haven?t missed
Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition Official Users Manual Page 21 of 23
Interface used UnleashX v0.38.0515 Build 565
Scripting by Nknave
Graphics by Pirrup
Tested by DJB
Angelos Dracul
Written by Nknave
Proof Read by DJB
Angelos Dracul Book is :

All i asked santa was for an Xbox................
......................Why was i so Bad last year?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. April 2006 @ 14:17

22. April 2006 @ 13:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
dear lord did anyonwe read that??? lol

cheers dude what exactly is it for???

tell me you didnt write that, that would o took some patients lol !!!
Junior Member
22. April 2006 @ 14:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i found it lying around my hard drive.
Its an Instuction booklet that came with my Softmod Download, It covers everything, even fault codes, thought it would answer most peoples querys, and no, i just cut and past the whole lot, links and all so im not sure if the links are still valid :-)

All i asked santa was for an Xbox................
......................Why was i so Bad last year?
Junior Member
22. April 2006 @ 14:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It should not take that long to softmod. I would use sid 4.5 now. Its the latest and its got capability to dual boot so u can still use Live if you want to. Get it from xbins.
25. April 2006 @ 11:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey i'm having trouble i tried to install SID v2.0 using splinter cell and for somereason when i try to add the two zip files to the memory card using action replay i get a error saying there is not enough space on the memory card even though its brand new and nothing else is on it. what should i do?
Junior Member
25. April 2006 @ 15:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You have to do one at a time.
22. May 2006 @ 18:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i know some of you might think im the stupidest kid on earh for asking this .. but whast the difference on softmoding and an actual chip .. i know that with soft moding you dont have to open the xbox but does that means that soft moding is better?
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23. May 2006 @ 06:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
rob - okay softmodding is cheaper, easier, and is a less danger to your xbox. when you use a softmod, you are simply replacing the ms dashboard (when you turn your xbox on, the green menu with like memory, xbox live, music etc.) you can replace it with several "Modded Dashboards" such as EvoX or UnleashX. When you have a modded dashboard, you are able to FTP to your xbox (Access the files on your xbox, such as for getting the Halo2 maps.) When you run the game save for the first time (for 007, mechassault, or splintercell) it brings you to a menu (the shortened version). When you are in this, you still have The MS dashboard when you take the game out. However, you can replace the MS Dash with the modded one (it would say like Install Softmod, etc.). I dont know much about hardmodding (a mod chip) because i didnt want to open my xbox and frick with it i( lol) . I highly suggest a softmod, however.

Some Universal Features of a Softmod:
- Apps (Applications)- With a softmod installed, you are able to run programs (applications) on your xbox. I have a web browser on mine, as well as Xbox Media Center. There are many different APPS and they are all pretty cool. Most softmods also come with the APP called DVD2XBOX, and app that enables you too copy any game or movie to your xbox harddisk.
- Trainers - Alot of softmods come with trainers. These are pretty much cheats, or specific mods. For example, a Halo2 Trainer might be: SuperJump. These can't be used on Live, however.
- Emulators - You can run emulators on your xbox, such as for N64 or SNES.

This is just a few of the capabilities. IF you have any questions, ask!

Legit to the maximum...
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23. May 2006 @ 06:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
rob - okay softmodding is cheaper, easier, and is a less danger to your xbox. when you use a softmod, you are simply replacing the ms dashboard (when you turn your xbox on, the green menu with like memory, xbox live, music etc.) you can replace it with several "Modded Dashboards" such as EvoX or UnleashX. When you have a modded dashboard, you are able to FTP to your xbox (Access the files on your xbox, such as for getting the Halo2 maps.) When you run the game save for the first time (for 007, mechassault, or splintercell) it brings you to a menu (the shortened version). When you are in this, you still have The MS dashboard when you take the game out. However, you can replace the MS Dash with the modded one (it would say like Install Softmod, etc.). I dont know much about hardmodding (a mod chip) because i didnt want to open my xbox and frick with it i( lol) . I highly suggest a softmod, however.

Some Universal Features of a Softmod:
- Apps (Applications)- With a softmod installed, you are able to run programs (applications) on your xbox. I have a web browser on mine, as well as Xbox Media Center. There are many different APPS and they are all pretty cool. Most softmods also come with the APP called DVD2XBOX, and app that enables you too copy any game or movie to your xbox harddisk.
- Trainers - Alot of softmods come with trainers. These are pretty much cheats, or specific mods. For example, a Halo2 Trainer might be: SuperJump. These can't be used on Live, however.
- Emulators - You can run emulators on your xbox, such as for N64 or SNES.

This is just a few of the capabilities. IF you have any questions, ask!

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