Blank media sales (updated weekly, daily, hourly)
Senior Member
22. February 2009 @ 17:19 |
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Originally posted by LOCOENG: Originally posted by saugmon: The +R's are always higher for some ungoddly reason!
You get 6MB less on +R as well :(
Good to know. I never noticed that. So even though they say 4.7Gb's they're short 6MB's huh? I did notice a couple of times that I had to adjust the output size on some DVD+R's as Fab kept telling me to throw a Dual Layer in. Thought it was a bug, but when I lowered the output it went through.
@ RippDogg Those verbs are usually lower at Office Max when they're on sale. About $20 or so. Guess everything might be going up.
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
1 product review
23. February 2009 @ 08:27 |
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Quote: DVD+R/DVD+RW/DVD+R DL and DVD-R/DVD-RW exact sizes
DVD-R/DVD-RW = 4 706 074 624 bytes ( 4488 MB )
DVD+R/DVD+RW = 4 700 372 992 bytes ( 4482 MB )
DVD+R DL = 8 547 993 600 bytes ( 8152 MB )
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. February 2009 @ 08:28
Senior Member
23. February 2009 @ 09:06 |
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Thnx Loco. Also reason to use quality blank DVD discs as some crap media won't even hold these outputs because of ink not going all the way through to end.
Guys this might be a crazy ?, but I've searched the forum, and have only come up w/guides or formats concerning it.
My ? is, do you need cd audio blanks to create a audio cd, or can you burn lets say .mp3 files, or w/e using 1 of the goodies like Burrrn on to a cd-r, and it'll still be a audio cd? Burrrn states it creates audio cds out of mostly any format, but I've only used cd-r blanks, so does it write them to the cd-r blank as a audio file? When I open the disc up in my pc it won't have .cda as the format, it'll say .mp3. So I'm confused as I read that a audio cd was in .cda format, especially when it's a store bought one.
Can someone please straighten me out on this. Thnx.
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. February 2009 @ 11:38
Senior Member
23. February 2009 @ 14:21 |
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DVD-R holds slightly more data than a DVD+R discs because the address structure is in pre-pits while the DVD+R uses a high frequency wobble in the tracking groove for addressing.
.cda is the Red Book format for uncompressed audio files using 16-bit data sampled at 44.1kHz. All CD players following the Red Book specifications ought to be able to read these files. MP3 is a file format for compressed audio. This format is not in the Red Book specs. Many of the latest CD players, particularly car stereo CD players, can decode these MP3 files and play them. The advantage is that because of compression, a single CD-R can hold far more than 80-minutes worth of music. You would have to record these MP3 files as data files, not as audio files. The player that can play MP3 files will recognize the .mp3 extension and apply the correct decoding.
Senior Member
23. February 2009 @ 15:47 |
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Thnx Joe. I was wondering about this. I just went to my mp3 files and sure enough Burrrn does burn them as audio, so they take up the brunt of the whole cd-r. I'll use another proggie I have n burn some as data to see how many I can fit onto a cd-r. I did hit Google this morning so I did have the low down on the 16 bit per channel uncompressed audio files used by .cda n the store bought discs. I just needed the pullup on how n what can go on cd-rs when talking audio.
As you prolly read by now they never really mention using Audio Discs to have to burn in Audio. Guess they figure most would know as much. Greatly appreciated.
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
Senior Member
23. February 2009 @ 15:55 |
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Originally posted by dr_ml422: Thnx Joe. I was wondering about this. I just went to my mp3 files and sure enough Burrrn does burn them as audio, so they take up the brunt of the whole cd-r. I'll use another proggie I have n burn some as data to see how many I can fit onto a cd-r. I did hit Google this morning so I did have the low down on the 16 bit per channel uncompressed audio files used by .cda n the store bought discs. I just needed the pullup on how n what can go on cd-rs when talking audio.
As you prolly read by now they never really mention using Audio Discs to have to burn in Audio. Guess they figure most would know as much. Greatly appreciated.
But they still sell CD Audio cdr's in some of the stores however I don'y buy them as a regular cdr burns just fine as an audio CD in a computer drive.
Senior Member
23. February 2009 @ 16:06 |
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Yes I don't buy them either as cd-rs are that more flexible and also cheaper. I had to xplain to my DJ friend last night that there was really no difference in the quality of the burn. He thought because they say audio that they were better. I told him since he already thinks they're better his judgement is skewed so he's listening w/his mind more than his ears. Lol... Kid has great work though. I barter w/him w/videos. Just turned him on to cd-r verbs. He also thought that it was the top of the cd that determined the quality. I kinda laughed. I asked him where do you record on the top or on the bottom? He got the picture. Although I added that the top was important as crap media will let ink seep through n mess up the contents.
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
Senior Member
26. February 2009 @ 08:21 |
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FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
AfterDawn Addict
26. February 2009 @ 15:03 |
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Did you see the latest feedback bigtox?
Product is now Junk
Reviewed By: Ryan on 12/2/2007 Tech Level: somewhat high - Ownership: more than 1 year
This user purchased this item from Newegg
Pros: Use to be good and reliable.
Cons: Now that they moved their production to a different country the quality is horrible. I have coastered 12 in a twenty pack.
Other Thoughts: Will research new DL DVDs.
Excellent price on them,but +2.4x not made in singapore?
HP a1118x-b/athlon 64-3300+/BenQ 1650 BCDC/LG 8163B/Modded Wii/Epson-R300 and Ty Watershields!!!
AfterDawn Addict
26. February 2009 @ 17:11 |
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My Verb 2.4X DLs are made in Singapore. I'm afraid to buy unless I see the MIS confirmation! But great price. But not for coasters.
Senior Member
26. February 2009 @ 18:28 |
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well o'h Soggy one and Garmoon ect!!! It was more of a FYI kinda post ! I suppose I should've Elucidated myself upon the situation better ? Personally For the Little DVD+R DL burning I'll ocassionaly do ? I'll Just Buy locally even if it cost the Odd Shekel or two more ? And I'll know up front if it's Singaporian or not before walking out with it !!! But that's me ! I'm mainly a single layer guy anyways !!! 0nions and Ogres have layers not sQuatches LOL!!!! but I hear ya's !!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
26. February 2009 @ 18:40 |
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I never used a DL, but heard from other more xperienced users that all in all none really lived up to what they should have. Would that be a fair assessment? Again, to what they should have. IOW the hype? Thnx.
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
AfterDawn Addict
26. February 2009 @ 21:05 |
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DL works great when I wanna keep every peice of footage like Pron!!!!!! Gotta keep the bonus jenna/brianna footage.Don't wanna miss a lick.
No problem for me. I burned one of my remaining +2.4x singapore verbs a couple weeks ago. Imgburn kicked out an error. Tried a free Memorex Ricoh DL and error'd the same. Both discs were ok and no actual burn took place. Next day,that same verb burned ok. It had 4 hrs of entertainment, LOL! Tried running it through dvd shrink,but the quality totally sucked. Looked like vhs taped in SLP mode.
When it comes to pron,gotta keep the quality up!!!!
HP a1118x-b/athlon 64-3300+/BenQ 1650 BCDC/LG 8163B/Modded Wii/Epson-R300 and Ty Watershields!!!
Senior Member
26. February 2009 @ 22:22 |
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saugmon- a Pollywog who Likes Prawn ? I'll Have the no# 7 combo with Prawn and Sweet & Sour Sauce all over everything and Two Seven UP-Pee!!! lol!!!!Float on , Float on !!!!!! LOL!!!!! You've been Prawned !!!!! HA!!!!,HA!!!!!!,HA!!!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!! - Party Doll -A- G0-G0 1&2 Good Prawn medicine Silly but Good LOL!!!!!!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
26. February 2009 @ 23:06 |
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Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. March 2009 @ 08:40
Junior Member
7. March 2009 @ 03:51 |
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100 pk. 16x +R Verbs @ NewEgg - $25.99 w/ free shipping. $17.99 with the dreaded mail in rebate.
 "The poor dog, in life the firmest friend. The first to welcome, foremost to defend."
Senior Member
7. March 2009 @ 04:39 |
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Originally posted by dr_ml422: @ saugmon I hear you on that pron. I got into this whole genre of digital video via that route. I stopped at the end of a 360 cap. Targus Case. After discovering Old Man Max nothing impressed me anymore. That Hillbilly's something else. I wanted to snatch all the VHS tapes the local mom n pop shop had, but he threw them on sale for practically nothing by the time I got to him.
It's prolly a crapshoot on those DL's. Some have received MIS.
@ bratcher and the rest of the printable crew. Supposedly best deal ever:
Any word on these Magnavox for at least decent giveaways or w/e?
I've never used the Linkyo TY's however the reviews look good. It might be Valueline discs but I don't know for sure.
As to the Magnavox, last ones I used 3 months ago were CMC's. Good burns with nice test results although they are not inkjet printable. The one's I've burned still play back fine.
Senior Member
7. March 2009 @ 05:34 |
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Hi bratcher. No the Linko are the retail for Supermedia. They do business either as them or under them. So those will be premium, but never value line. Snatch them you won't regret it.
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
Junior Member
7. March 2009 @ 09:18 |
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Why can't we go back to the old way of posting media on sale? Where someone just posts an individual post telling of this weeks sales.I find this one big thread tiresome to wade through even if I click on the end of it. Too many posts not related at all to what's on sale if you ask me. That being said I rarely even try to find out what's posted in this one anymore.
7. March 2009 @ 12:15 |
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Originally posted by Fiji5555: Why can't we go back to the old way of posting media on sale? Where someone just posts an individual post telling of this weeks sales.I find this one big thread tiresome to wade through even if I click on the end of it. Too many posts not related at all to what's on sale if you ask me. That being said I rarely even try to find out what's posted in this one anymore.
I manage subscribing and wading thru obscene amounts of posts each day, is one single thread with a few replies really that painful ?
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AfterDawn Addict
7. March 2009 @ 12:36 |
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Click on media sales thread and click last page and whalaa!
The local B&M media sales has been atrocious lately.
Memosux,TDK,HP,nextech,Philips out the ying-ying. If there was anything decent on sale,I'd post it.
HP a1118x-b/athlon 64-3300+/BenQ 1650 BCDC/LG 8163B/Modded Wii/Epson-R300 and Ty Watershields!!!
Senior Member
7. March 2009 @ 12:39 |
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Originally posted by dr_ml422: Hi bratcher. No the Linko are the retail for Supermedia. They do business either as them or under them. So those will be premium, but never value line. Snatch them you won't regret it.
Yes it does say that they are premium line on the SMS web site. Seems to be a penny more per disc for the 8x version & 3 cents cheaper for the 16x discs. As good as they seem to be I think I'll stick with the regular inkjet printable TY's for now instead of getting the Linkyo brand of them.
Junior Member
9. March 2009 @ 06:41 |
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Originally posted by creaky: Originally posted by Fiji5555: Why can't we go back to the old way of posting media on sale? Where someone just posts an individual post telling of this weeks sales.I find this one big thread tiresome to wade through even if I click on the end of it. Too many posts not related at all to what's on sale if you ask me. That being said I rarely even try to find out what's posted in this one anymore.
I manage subscribing and wading thru obscene amounts of posts each day, is one single thread with a few replies really that painful ?
Yes it is actually so bye bye.
Senior Member
9. March 2009 @ 12:22 |
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FWIW - K-mart had the SonY 16X DVD-R or DVD+R's on sale Starting Sunday for $10.00 a 50Ct Cakebox /spindle ! The ones I bought were MIT ( Made in Taiwans)- Cheapest I've seen SONY's in awhile Though somebody would be interested !!!!! Ciao!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
9. March 2009 @ 13:38 |
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That is pretty good. They're usually about $22.00 or more when staples has them. Not bad either. MIT pretty decent B+.
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. March 2009 @ 23:05