PS3 Modding
29. July 2005 @ 14:33 |
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The TV itself, not the picture. Not HD Pictures on a standard tv, im talking a bout the tv itself, that is HD
Sony PS2 (Playstation 2) Slimline (V12) GH-035-71
Sony Playstion 2 Region: NTSC (North America - USA and Canada)
DVD-/+R: Verbatim DVD-/+R 1x-8x 4.7GB MCC and PRO-DATA DVD-R 4x 4.7GB
DMS4 Lite Modchip + ToxicBIOS Ver. 1.3 + Possible Fix
Dual Shock Controller
Dual Shock 2 Controller
8MD Memory Card
Burner: Sony DVD RW DW-D26A
Software: DVDDecrypter, Nero, and Alcohol 120%
Junior Member
3. August 2005 @ 08:57 |
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i believe the wires used for HD are 2 sets of rca jacks? correct me if i'm wrong... will the PS3 have HD graphics?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. August 2005 @ 08:58
4. August 2005 @ 05:38 |
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Thats the Beauty of PS3
IT WILL HAVE a native HDTV implementation (meanning if you whant to play on a PAL TV You will nead a HDTVtoPAL decoder loosing all the high res benefits) straight to 1080p that means 1900*1080 progressive scan not interlaced (ofcource it wil support all the lower standarts 1080i 720p etc. )
Also I think it will be DUAL HEAD 1080p :) meaning 2 independent HDTV for us to enjoy :0 talk about possibilities :)
also two palyer gaming will never be the same :)
or I heard so :)
I am the end
of the dream you chase
I am always just beyond ...
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. August 2005 @ 05:44
7. August 2005 @ 12:05 |
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I don't think that the games will be 25 gigs a game atleast in the begining. 10-15, all it really seems like is a graphic increase not more levels and xbox 7 ps3 still have the same type of AI, no matter what size they are I'm sure things will work out fine.
9. August 2005 @ 10:29 |
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Why would all games be that large? Do you really think developers that usually use less than 2 GB of data are suddenly going to use 25 GB? Most games for the PS2 are less than 3 GB, especially Japan-specific games that never see other shores. Usually only a few developers have the resources and money to create such huge games. Generally the size of the medium is a not a prominent limiting agent for most developers.
Blu-ray is supposedly capable of holding ~25 GB per layer. The feasible upper limit on the number of layers has yet to be determined.
10. August 2005 @ 19:06 |
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look at grand Theft Auto San Andreas...the graphics sucked ass, but the game itself basically took up 4GB...i mean...if you have a isc thats 50GB, i think you'd want to create a long game, with extremely good graphics.
Sony PS2 (Playstation 2) Slimline (V12) GH-035-71
Sony Playstion 2 Region: NTSC (North America - USA and Canada)
DVD-/+R: Verbatim DVD-/+R 1x-8x 4.7GB MCC and PRO-DATA DVD-R 4x 4.7GB
DMS4 Lite Modchip + ToxicBIOS Ver. 1.3 + Possible Fix
Dual Shock Controller
Dual Shock 2 Controller
8MD Memory Card
Burner: Sony DVD RW DW-D26A
Software: DVDDecrypter, Nero, and Alcohol 120%
10. August 2005 @ 20:17 |
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you do have a point^^^
but that doesn't mean we who make/use back ups arn't going to be able to hack it.
Junior Member
11. August 2005 @ 20:36 |
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woah,woah,woah wait back to the top. Ok so if you think ps3 modding is pointless becuse the "BLU-RAY" discs will be 30gb, look at ps2 they used CD-R's when it was 1st released and look at this previous-gen consoles
N64 Cartridge-128mb
PSX CD-R- 700mb
Dreamcast GD-R 700mb-1gb
(and Dreamcast Managed to fit those graphics on a CD-R and there graphics are as good as a PS2's
What if Sony used the same concept that Sega used except with DVD's that would be about 10.1gb of Storage, I Say That a lot of storage for 1 game, and your forgeting the HDD that will be avalibele. Besides people will always find a way around todays "COPY-Right"
Junior Member
11. August 2005 @ 20:39 |
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what i mean by Dreamcast Concept is the GD-R was a CD-r but the DATA was tighttly packed toghther, just to clear that up
12. August 2005 @ 09:51 |
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Obviously they'll find a way to backup games, but the games+graphics will be atleast or more than 12GB... I mean why would SOny use Blu_ray disc that are around 25-50GB if they aren't going to even use half or 3/4. Look at the DVDs that Sony and MS are using. The games barely fit, and sometimes they need to use DL-DVD. Sometimes the games barely even fit on DL-DVDs too.
Sony PS2 (Playstation 2) Slimline (V12) GH-035-71
Sony Playstion 2 Region: NTSC (North America - USA and Canada)
DVD-/+R: Verbatim DVD-/+R 1x-8x 4.7GB MCC and PRO-DATA DVD-R 4x 4.7GB
DMS4 Lite Modchip + ToxicBIOS Ver. 1.3 + Possible Fix
Dual Shock Controller
Dual Shock 2 Controller
8MD Memory Card
Burner: Sony DVD RW DW-D26A
Software: DVDDecrypter, Nero, and Alcohol 120%
Junior Member
12. August 2005 @ 11:52 |
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i think i need to bring up a point said in the 1st page, if you think about it 25-50gb of gameplay is almost like a entire virtual world, but not every game will have 25-50gb of ONLY Gameplay Data,so you would be able to reduce about 1/3 of the size or by replacing the FMV's with blank ones. so you thinking that this is a good point...................
...............................well i think Sony Knows this and will make all PS3 Games Non-Linear such as FFX,FFX2,FFXI,KH(most squarenix games) and some others. what i mean by non-linear is if you have ever tried to rip one of the listed games the ISO would show the correct size, but when you opened it there would only be about 5-10mb of files
12. August 2005 @ 13:21 |
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Of course they will!
19. August 2005 @ 13:40 |
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but with a disc that has 25-50GB of sapce...dont you think theyll take advantage of that and make a long game? For example NBA live for was like 4GB and the graphics werent that great...the whole games was basically DATA. And GTA: SA...bad graphics and long ass game.
Sony PS2 (Playstation 2) Slimline (V12) GH-035-71
Sony Playstion 2 Region: NTSC (North America - USA and Canada)
DVD-/+R: Verbatim DVD-/+R 1x-8x 4.7GB MCC and PRO-DATA DVD-R 4x 4.7GB
DMS4 Lite Modchip + ToxicBIOS Ver. 1.3 + Possible Fix
Dual Shock Controller
Dual Shock 2 Controller
8MD Memory Card
Burner: Sony DVD RW DW-D26A
Software: DVDDecrypter, Nero, and Alcohol 120%
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27. October 2005 @ 08:02 |
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In one message on the first page, you were talking about small storage afat32 drive. You can easily upgrade that, that is if they dont have security on it. By using partition magic, to give your hardrive a fat32. Or increasing its partition size. Very simple process.
The blu-ray disks, well technology is ever changing. Its pointless to even fight about because someone out there will always find away to make things easier for them to mod who would be willing to share their info with others.
Hard drives, that come supposedly exclusive for the the ps2 or xbox are just mere hard drives. They can be exchanged for bigger hard drives. Yeah sure they probably have other info on it as well, but if you take the hard drive out and stick it in your computer and use partition magic to create another partition on it, go to the top menu and select check out hard drive or whatever it says, you can easily grab that information. Or use something like winimage to make an image of the hard disk in question. Burn it to disk, erase all old info of the hard disk and resize the fat32 or make another fat32 partition if you took the old one off. and put it back on the hard disk in question, thus your harddrive has fat 32.
Im not modder or anything, but I see the possibilities. I understand a psx,ps2,ps3,xbox isnt completely the same as a pc, however there are too many similarities to not give it a whirl.
Junior Member
27. October 2005 @ 09:28 |
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Thats the Beauty of PS3
IT WILL HAVE a native HDTV implementation (meanning if you whant to play on a PAL TV You will nead a HDTVtoPAL decoder loosing all the high res benefits) straight to 1080p that means 1900*1080 progressive scan not interlaced (ofcource it wil support all the lower standarts 1080i 720p etc. )
Also I think it will be DUAL HEAD 1080p :) meaning 2 independent HDTV for us to enjoy :0 talk about possibilities :)
also two palyer gaming will never be the same :)
or I heard so :)
I don't think that this is correct. I don't think you will need a hdtv to pal decoder to play the ps3 on a pal tv. First of all, not all ps3 games will be in hd. Its up to the developer. And even then if a game is an hd game it will also have standard video info(480) on the very same disc therefore allowing you to play the game on a regualar (pal) tv connected to the ps3 via standard rca jacks (a/v multiout). I highly doubt that developers will make a game that can only be played on an hdtv. This will cut out more that half of the potential game buyers as many people do not have hdtvs yet. The following link should help clear some things up:
However, you are correct about the following:
If you do play an HD game on a pal tv you will lose the benefits of the hd picture.
The ps3 will have 2 independent hdtv outputs (HDMI Outputs)
If I am wrong please someone let me know.
2 wrongs don't make it right, but it damn sure make us even!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. October 2005 @ 08:07
Suspended permanently
28. October 2005 @ 17:15 |
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Quote: First off , just because blu-ray can hold 25gigs, doesnt mean the games are gona be that big. and second, their not even gona start off using blu-ray right away, so by the time they do start making games that big, developers are gona need faster transfers to. So there will be better faster tech out there when the time comes. Linux will be a secondary OS for the ps3. Then, they have fat32 drives which are really small capacities, and sometimes can be smaller then a normal hardrive, and their purpose is for specifally carring an OS, so you might not need that hardrive you were talking about.
Ok, there is a problem with what you are saying. They are going to be using Blu-Ray discs from the get-go because a blu-ray drive can't read DVD discs, just had to point that out, sorry bout not reading the rest of the discussion :)
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Junior Member
31. October 2005 @ 07:16 |
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Arkadiy, I think there is something wrong with what YOU are saying. If Blue Ray drives can't read dvds then how will the ps3 be able to play old ps2 games which are dvd? The specs for the ps3 specifically say it will be able to read dvds as well as several other formats.
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31. October 2005 @ 14:57 |
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No there is nothing wrong with me, if you want I can let you talk to some of the people creating Blu-Ray discs ;)
That was one of the downsides that PS3 had, they cant play DVDs. But Sony said that they thought it was a gaming console and not a DVD player, so they decided to go with the Blu-Ray instead of HD-DVD which does support playing DVDs.
They looked at the sale of PS games after the PS2 came out, they dropped too about 1% compared too what they used too be, so they decided it was not a necessary thing to have :)
Edit: Just found this article dating Oct. 26, might want to read it :) (I haven't yet but it sounds somethin like what I'm talkin bout from title)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 31. October 2005 @ 15:00
Junior Member
2. November 2005 @ 07:31 |
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I still disagree with some things you are saying, however being that this topic has nothing to do with this thread (ps3 modding), I will start a new thread to seperate the facts from the rumors. Feel free to join me in my new thread which I will be posting shortly.
2 wrongs don't make it right, but it damn sure make us even!
13. November 2005 @ 22:20 |
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Nice site here. I just started a site that will hopefully progess into one of the better PS3 Mod sites available. Of course, info is still scarce, but I'm keeping up with the 360 launch, the format war, and any new leaks about the PS3 I can find. Please take a visit to my site, critique it, and bookmark it if you want. It's just hours old, so content and design are lacking. Check it out..
Junior Member
14. November 2005 @ 13:14 |
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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>UEFA EURO 2008, SCHWEIZ SCHWEIZ SCHWEIZ
14. November 2005 @ 16:10 |
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re: BluRay discs
As some of the posts mention here,I think the idea of backing up ps3 games might be time consuming and also cost prohibitive for the first 6 months to one year of its release.I recently saw a Blu Ray burner advertised in an electrical store here in Japan for $4000 usd,I have no idea of the specs.
PS2 V.12 Japan NTSC
Swap Magic 3.6
XBOX 360 Japan
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14. November 2005 @ 17:58 |
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Actually some of the nice Blu-Ray burners are $10,000 (this pretty much means you won't be making backups like before, maybe you can get like a 500 GB HD for your PS3 and do it that way though....)
14. November 2005 @ 18:02 |
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Lol,I would rather buy a 60 inch Plasma and keep playing PS2 games if thats the case.PS3 will cost about 45000 yen here I think...
PS2 V.12 Japan NTSC
Swap Magic 3.6
XBOX 360 Japan
20. November 2005 @ 01:00 |
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i can't remember who said this but i do remember someone saying that they are worried about how advanced next-gen consoles are getting now as software companies can't keep up with them, it was on tv.......i seen it on bravo, i think it was that show called 'when games attack' but can't be sure. to say that games will be 20, 30 gb to start with is ridiculous as game companies will not spend ages developing a game when it can be done easily with 'not-to-hard' graphics. ofcourse as time goes on, they'll experiment & expand, but i can't see any games for the ps3 being over 12 GB for the ps3 in 2006 and early 2007. As everyone may know it takes a long time to make a game for the ps2 at the minute and they're usually about 1 or 2 GB for normal games and a bit more for the better ones. it usually takes about 12 months to create a game for the ps2. i'm worried that games may take even longer for the ps3 to come out because of the size of the disc and software companies are probably thinking to them selves 'fill the disc, fill the disc) hence.............. delay, delay and more delay/worried