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5. May 2006 @ 14:07 |
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na it is 4d u are just upset cause i was right and u are wrong.
Senior Member
5. May 2006 @ 14:32 |
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This argument (and thread) is absurd.
gregii: the purpose of the hypercube is to explain the concept of another spacial dimension. It doesn't reveal another dimension, will you ever be able to see another spacial dimension.
The fourth dimension is time. And the PS3 will not be able to manipulate time, nor will it somehow reveal a supernatural spacial dimension.
(according to einstein, the 4th dimension is a complex of space and time. either way, gregi, you are making youself look extremely uneducated. Please stop now)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. May 2006 @ 14:52
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5. May 2006 @ 14:47 |
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yeah ure just saying that cause u know im right and u were wrong
get it right up ye!
Senior Member
5. May 2006 @ 14:53 |
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Please see my edited reply.
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5. May 2006 @ 14:59 |
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4d is not time plus there is a 1d - 24d dimensions (so you want to explain what they all are)
Senior Member
5. May 2006 @ 15:16 |
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Right... and the playstation 3 will be capable of gaming on all of those dimensions, right? AS LONG AS SONY SAYS SO!
Senior Member
5. May 2006 @ 15:18 |
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We don't know how many dimensions there are. They're all based off of theories. Quit acting like a childish, ignorant prat already.
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5. May 2006 @ 15:18 |
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I think everyone should just cool down a bit, take a deep breath, take a step backward and read this more in-depth analysis of what Ken Kutaragi meant when he said 4D gaming:
Quote: An Interactive World
The defining thing about video games is that you are interacting with the world which the game takes place in. So far, games have mostly had a 'scripted interaction' to them; you can interact with them as long as you are interacting a specific way. However, with this next generation, games can and should be moving more and more towards an open-ended interaction experience. Sleep at the inn... it might be raining tomorrow. Come back to another part of the game in May... that's when the flowers in that area bloom. Stick around in one city too long carjacking and cop-killing... the feds will eventually start setting up stings and making life more difficult.
With both the 360 and the PS3 utilizing mature on-line models, it should be possible for games to change and interact with gamers in many of the same ways that the world does when you walk out your front door.
Ken Kutaragi talked about this to a certain extent, calling it '4D Gaming'. Obviously this isn't the sort of interaction needed in every game. No one needs to sit and watch the flowers grow in Devil May Cry. But many games and types of games stand to benefit from a user experience of immersion instead of playing.
Peace everyone.
Senior Member
5. May 2006 @ 15:32 |
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I already addressed that:
Quote: I suppose sony can call it whatever they want, but, no, there is no such thing as 4D gaming.
That's what I meant. Sony can call this "new type of gaming" anything they want, but it certainly isn't 4d.
Besides, what sony has explained it to be isn't anything new or groundbreaking. (WoW, anyone?)
AfterDawn Addict
5. May 2006 @ 16:14 |
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Quote: 1st Dimention- A straight line.
2nd Dimension- Image of something, a shape. It is not tangibile.
3rd Dimension- Someting real and solid.
4th Dimension- Time.
abuzar1: you are completely right.
think about it: right now, we are experiencing 3-D gaming, just not quite the way these guys are looking at it. we are experiencing gaming the 1st, 2nd, and 4th dimensions, as time is continuously ongoing. however, for 4-D...well, as said by someone earlier, we'd need holograms...and that is still quite a bit far off for the typical home gamer. true virtual reality is nothing but a fantasy for us right now.
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5. May 2006 @ 16:38 |
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Quote: rabbity u dont count cause u are byassed (u have a xbox 360 it is natural for u to say the ps3 is shit even though it will rain supreme over the xbox)but dont get me wrong if i was born a xbox player i would love the xbox but you know sony has been around (well making consoles since the very beggining and revolutionising the 20th century with the ps1 and the arrival of metal gear solid kinda helped it along a bit as well.So it is not fair for bill gates to take a bit of another industry and try and make it his own.Even though he has enough money staying in developing software programs(and hell probably make another 100 billion with windows vista coming out this year)
Rofl and Sony didnt do the same thing? They pretty much swooped into the gaming market aswell. They have been here since the beggining? What about Atari, Nintendo, Sega? If anyone is revolutionizing gameplay its Nintendo. I mean look at their new system with the controller. They are actually trying new things. All sony and Ms give us is a new system with better specs. I mean dont get me wrong i think they are awesome regardless but basically any other company with the resources could have fille the void if sony wasnt here. Last time i checked developers make the games and they just make the hardware to play the games, nothing a high end pc cant do aswell.
Quote: Persoanlly i think sony is just trying to hide something major from the public and keep them off guard then suddenly unveil it just before the realese that will blow us all away!(including microsoft.Do not underestimate sony on this one!Sony know what they are doing.
Rofl yea they are hiding the price, and im sure it will blow us all away. Why do you think they havent announced it yet. If they did everyone would prob be f* that and go buy a 360, wait for a Nintendo Wii, or upgrade their pc.
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5. May 2006 @ 18:09 |
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people ,people.
4d gaming is real time. nuff said.
the allmighty mudearies...
79% Sony Fanboy , 10% xbox fanboy , 11% Kidtendo fanboy.
6. May 2006 @ 01:53 |
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Quote: Razengan clock frequency doesn't automatically make a processor better.
Wrong. More clock frequency always makes a CPU better. What you're probably trying to say, is that a microprocessor with a higher clock frequency is not always the best one, in that case you're right. That's because there are many variables that must be taken into consideration.
That's why I said that even when the Cell has only one core, it has seven SPE's that could be better(maybe not) than having two or even three cores. Besides, I was just showing GregI that the Cell was more powerful than his laptop's microprocessor.
Do you really believe that a 1.67GHz dual core can really outpower a Power PC Based 3.2GHz Cell processor?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. May 2006 @ 01:55
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6. May 2006 @ 02:12 |
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i just go by ghz so 1.67 x 2 since it has 2 processors = 3.34ghz
Junior Member
6. May 2006 @ 03:05 |
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Read this great article on dual-core processing:
Some pertinent points:
Quote: "Faster" can be directly related to clock speed but don't make the mistake of thinking that INTEL's higher clock speeds make it "faster" than AMD.
...with a shorter pipeline, the data gets through it faster thus balancing the equation. This is one of the reasons why an AMD processor can compete with higher clocked INTEL processors.
A dual core processor won't be twice as fast as a single core processor nor will it be as fast as a dual processor system.
So raw numbers on clock speeds may be meaningless when comparing different types of CPU's i.e. AMD and Intel and PowerPC and CELL. Also when it comes to dual core processing it is not as simple as multiplying by 2.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. May 2006 @ 03:09
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6. May 2006 @ 03:16 |
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hi there,thanks for the info and taking the time to type that out.Does it help that my laptop can load up windows in 4 seconds and be fully operational?
Senior Member
6. May 2006 @ 03:21 |
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Panasonic PT-AE3000 1080p Projector//Carada 110" Criterion High Contrast Grey 16:9 Screen//Oppo BDP-83SE//Toshiba HD-XA2
Classe SSP800 Processor//Classe CA-5200 5 Channel Amplifier//Classe CA-2200 2 Channel Amplifier
Bowers & Wilkins 802D L-R/HTM 1D Center/SCMS Surrounds/JL Audio Fathom f113 x 2
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6. May 2006 @ 03:31 |
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Senior Member
6. May 2006 @ 03:41 |
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Quote: Unfortunately, there is no sign of the flux-capacitor that makes "4D" gaming possible on PS3, but surely it's contained somewhere within these gi-normous units.
I think the writer was trying to be humorous - see the obvious reference to the "Back to the Future" movies.
Panasonic PT-AE3000 1080p Projector//Carada 110" Criterion High Contrast Grey 16:9 Screen//Oppo BDP-83SE//Toshiba HD-XA2
Classe SSP800 Processor//Classe CA-5200 5 Channel Amplifier//Classe CA-2200 2 Channel Amplifier
Bowers & Wilkins 802D L-R/HTM 1D Center/SCMS Surrounds/JL Audio Fathom f113 x 2
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. May 2006 @ 03:43
Suspended due to non-functional email address
6. May 2006 @ 03:43 |
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oh also have you guys seen the new call of duty 3 trailer its awesome, and i think the release dat is late 2006.
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Junior Member
6. May 2006 @ 04:05 |
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Quote: see the obvious reference to the "Back to the Future" movies.
OMG - here we go again with this time travel business. LOL!
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6. May 2006 @ 04:17 |
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Junior Member
6. May 2006 @ 04:29 |
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I don't think Ken Kutaragi was referring to a 4D cube when he brought up the idea of 4D gaming. See this more in-depth article that someone posted yesterday about 4D gaming:
As the article says he was referring to a more "open-ended interactive experience."
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. May 2006 @ 08:38
Suspended permanently
6. May 2006 @ 04:38 |
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i see ur point but im trying to say to the other people that the cube which is 4d does not resemble time travel in anyway.
AfterDawn Addict
6. May 2006 @ 06:01 |
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Your so edited by ddp GregI your a stupid edited by ddp thats all.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. May 2006 @ 07:50