sony ps3 OS linux homebrew.
Senior Member
20. June 2006 @ 14:01 |
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Lol MazinZ.I know these os's he listed are not able to support such a big project like ps3 the communtity just isn't big enough.
Hey Maz speaking of halo on ps3 kainx brought something cool to my attention it's called wine. It's an app for linux that allows you to run windows api on linux including direct x.This means eventually linux could be able to run Microsoft pc games.Can you say halo on ps3?
here's a link
(ps.Dont even think about bashing me on it Ipirate.I never said wine on ps3 would happen just sighting it as a possibility.I know about the different distro. )
Senior Member
21. June 2006 @ 08:04 |
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That would be cool if they could get it to work fast enough. Wine isn't perfect

Senior Member
21. June 2006 @ 12:41 |
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Yeah wine the latest release is 0.9.15 so it's still a beta but it can do alot more than most projects that are still a beta.The crazy thing is this is 100% java I think not a hybrid language making it more stable than most things of it's nature.
ps3 will be around a while and this will be getting further and futher towards a full release soon.Sony has to allow this stuff though or it won't happen.
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22. June 2006 @ 21:33 |
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i think the ps3 has really set itself up for a 10 year lifecycle with the hardware and software they put into that. but i think they are getting ahead of themselves because they r just predicting what will be the norm in the industry
my creation!
Senior Member
22. June 2006 @ 21:44 |
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well I agree with that sorta.I think ps3 could last that long with that kind of hardware but I think ms won't wait 10 years...
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22. June 2006 @ 21:49 |
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it will be interesting because i think the next xbox will be in 6 years and i wonder if that forces sony to make a new next gen consoule sooner than it plans?
my creation!
Senior Member
22. June 2006 @ 21:54 |
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Oh it will .That's what I mean.I kinda hate MS sometimes but that's what these forums are for lol.
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22. June 2006 @ 21:57 |
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i feel like microsoft is more about the shortterm quality with the x360 and plan to make another system to make more money, but sony is thinking of the long jevity they are sacraficing better graphix early but it will be worth it 5 years from now
my creation!
Senior Member
22. June 2006 @ 22:00 |
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I agree but ms doing that result's in sony having to answer and sometimes I just wish ms would leave for good.I like 360 but damn how much can ms own.You know?
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22. June 2006 @ 22:04 |
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but ya know ms is so rich they will find away to stay alive in the consoule war.
my creation!
Senior Member
22. June 2006 @ 22:12 |
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Exactly...despite having no innovation,no exclusives,no nothing xbox thrives.And nintendo can't but yet they have the most innovation and good exclusives.But money can't buy fans.I will never be purchased!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. June 2006 @ 22:12
Senior Member
26. June 2006 @ 08:26 |
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I'm in total agreement. They follow in everything even in their OS.
I think this console cycle though will be on of the longest
M$ will deff try to force the hand of sony and nintendo but by then hopefully thise twocompanies will have the good sence not to get caught in that trap and if they dont M$ 3rd console might just go bye bye

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26. June 2006 @ 09:01 |
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Ok, a very late reply, i know, but...
Quote: i'm a linux guru
linux is way better than windows, so is osx
open sourced, virus free goodness
First off KainX, do you want to tell us that after you posted in here : We should believe you are a linux guru?
Not to mention i only saw you in the linux forums but once, and it was in that thread..
So to me, it seems VERY unlikely.
As for Linux being better, that's true for people that don't mind doing a lot of work *like myself*, but for the standard computer user, Windows or OSX are much better.
And.. virus free goodness ? you have got to be kidding me here.
So yeah, the number of virusses on linux are scarce, but what about rootkits, exploits *and buffer overflows*, trojans, etc ?
But enough smacking you about the head with that, back to the subject at hand.
As far as the ps3 linux distro will go, it will probably be Knoppix and Debian based, just like the ps2 version was.
this is only speculation of course, but it seems the most likely answer to me, more so when you consider the fact that the kernels used in knoppix and Debian are widely considered the easiest and most open kernels to work with.
Again, i could be wrong, but that's my view on this.
Now let's just hope that it won't take to long for the hackers to find some buffer overflows that give us more options to tinker with the ps3's more internal settings, so that using backups and whatnot becomes a more easily attainable goal....
Wanna tell me off, go ahead.
I dare ya !