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PS2 Sonic Heroes Swap Magic fix guide
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21. March 2004 @ 08:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

i think you are one of those people you talk about when you say it only works your way

yes we did use the dummy file from swapmagic and no i didnt change the licence to slus i kept the sles settings the same as jag and surprise it did work so forget trying to be mr big and telling everyone it dont work our way as you may well have guessed it does as not only myself has performed it ok but also jag

and what more information do you need i followed l burnas guide changed the lba numbers exactly as he said then hit the record button after putting sles 51950 in the volume then the files where made i then did the dos commands and made the iso file 2.83gig i then burnt the iso with Nero at 2x and hey presto it worked how much more do you need to know before you understand it worked ok for us

ps you have a serious attitude problem m8
21. March 2004 @ 13:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Dear GEEZa,

Firstly i NEVER E-V-E-R told it couldnt be done but rather the opposite. Yes i was sceptic at first cuz of the missing info u forgot to mention regarding the questions i posted earlier. And for once ur not talking gibberish here and actualy cleared some things up wich is MAINLY wot uve kept and did (approximately) to made and working PAL backup as it should be. But the facts/logic behind this proves me the opposite. Tell me this, how on EARTH could ive burned coaster after coaster after coaster after F*****G coaster by using the same strategie/guide in the way u JAG86 and maybe others used???! Meaning , ive Builded the last image for the F-I-R-S-T time W-I-T-H an SLUS_20718 american license code instead of SleS_519.50 European and it WORKED RIGHT AWAY ??????? AND AGAIN I DIDNT WORK WITH AN AMERICAN VERSION OF THE GAME BUT PAL/EUROPE ONE!0
so By building emediatly an working backup the last time using for the F-I-R-S-T T-I-M-E an different approach wich is again replacing its ID license content therefor i must have done something right!! Unfortunately i cant say the same for the other backups i did made in the way u and jag87 claims to work by and actualy did kept the SLES_519.50 id code information and its file like u said it should be. It seems only to work if i change the SLES id CODE into an SLUS id code in the volume tab like L-BURNA reccomend me to Do and try. u See my point. Also thats why i asked in my previous post to DUMMY (crackfile not the original) into consideration. BTW how can ONE tell weither or not it is an American/jap we dealing with (remeber the slus thing i had to type in to have an working backup)?? . If u or L-Burna for that matter could clearify that would be great!!

urs Entity,

Judge not lest ye be judged !!!
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21. March 2004 @ 18:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just think it is cool you both got it to work.The best thing is to see what progess you both got from it.You both know now how to use the program so there really isn't no need to argue over what works and what doesn't.The method that works for you is the best method there is,so the best advice I can say is to stick with what works for you.

Peace L-Burna

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
21. March 2004 @ 21:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
[Bold] A M E N

L-Burna :)

Judge not lest ye be judged !!!
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22. March 2004 @ 08:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello all,
First I would like to give my thanks to L Burna for the Sonic Heroes guide. it was very informative. I have read all the way through.
However, I am still not able to get it to work. I have the sony CD/DVD 1.5. I downloaded the apsi from Nero, put it in the same dir as the sony cd/dvd. and it still says apsi device failure. I have tried several things to get around it, but no success. I did download the winapsi32.dll for win XP, like I have.(win XP pro SP1). with the device failure I never have the option to make the ISO to disk.
Other question, would it be possible to use a program like UltraISO which permit extracting/changing files from within a ISO?

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22. March 2004 @ 08:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The program cd/dvd gen from sony is used to compile all the files in the right order to make the iso file.If you are having problems getting the program cd/dvd gen working it might be a bad program you got.The best thing to do is to get the program again and try again if not that you can try out a program called cdvd gen which is pretty much the same thing and can be found off mirc or a search in google.I also seen some programs that could be helpfull which are located at the isoedit tool and apache tools are very good to use.I would suggest trying to get the program sony cd/dvd gen to work if not I will do my best to help out.The program Ultraiso is good to use with just extracting the files from a .iso other than that I don't think it can compile the files in there locations.

Peace L-Burna

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
22. March 2004 @ 09:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey xzotick

try putting the winaspi32.dll into your windows system 32 folder and deleting it fron the dvd gen folder
sounds silly but thats how i overcome the same problem

ps no dissrespect to you l burna but i found it works this way rather than putting it in the dvd gen folder especially if your running xp
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22. March 2004 @ 13:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I gave it a try in the windows/system32 but still no luck. still got the message cd/dvd-rom recording unit controller ASPI manager loading failed. there was a wnaspi already in the system32, but I renamed it to *.old first then put in the one off the Nero site. Thanks for the advice. I am going to look at the other tool L burna said.

23. March 2004 @ 01:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Dear xzotick,

Ive got for ya the following link where u can download the latest Aspi 4.71 adaptec files wich consist 4 files & an guide how Aspi layers Realy works. Try this instead of using Nero aspi.

Urs Entity,

Judge not lest ye be judged !!!
23. March 2004 @ 03:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi l burner just a quick couple of questions first is.
when the open up sony cd generator if u click preferences what do u choose on default area am trying to backup ntsc japan sonic slus 654.31 so would i select japan then also at the near end of ur guide when u say to go to volume button and u type that code next to it on the right it has license area should i change that to japan aswell thats all thanx have already wasted 3 dvd-rs and ended up with black screen so hopefully 4th time lucky lol


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. March 2004 @ 03:42

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23. March 2004 @ 09:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You should change the region to America and enter this for the Disc Name:SLUS-20718 this is all you need to do if it is the NTSC version.If it is the Jap version put in Jap in the region and the Disc Name:SLPM-65431 and put the actual modules folder in also for all regions.

Peace L-Burna

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. March 2004 @ 09:14

23. March 2004 @ 11:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
cheers guy for the help i thought so ok will post and tell u the result soon thanx for the brill guide and ur time sweet bruv

24. March 2004 @ 02:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

If it doesnt work the L-Burna's way (no offense burna) then u probebly have the same BIG problem as i had. Namely, in my case i eventualy had to put in an SLUS_20718 id code aswel an American license code for my PAL VERSION OF THE GAME instead of SLES_519.50 id code (original source) for crying out loud. And it ONLY worked "FOR ME" that way go figure. So if u wonder why u burn that much coasters take that litle annoying SLES/SLUS/SLPM ID CODE in volume tab thing (not the Originaly files in the root dir) into consideration, despite the fact that Jag87 & Geeza whom are convinced to have build an working backup by just holding it TRUE id code for the PAL version wich is again the SLES_519.50 info and its license area code wich is Europe (AS IT SHOULD BE GUYS no offense). Also it still remains an B-I-G question to me why it not worked for me in the way They did it? However like i posted earlier iam still conviced by the fact i probebly was dealing with an American version of the _DUMMY_ file cuz of the SLUS_20718 thing i FINALY and ONLY got it to Work!!!

So GOOOD LUCK u gonna need it
Iam holding my fingers acrossed.

urs Entity,

Judge not lest ye be judged !!!
24. March 2004 @ 05:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well like i said mine is the japan NTSC version from so i will put jap stuff and slus code in
hopefully it will work

24. March 2004 @ 07:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ys im so happy i knew it was the prob i put the whole modules folder in and changed the volume part and walla it works thanx a lot guys for help and u burner cheers hope there are a lot more guides like this in future cheers also has anyone had any problems with manhunt at all uk PAL dvd version

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24. March 2004 @ 07:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just wanted to says thanks to L-Burna. and others. Got it working with the Adaptec ASPI driver. dont know why the Nero wouldnt work. maybe this will help the other XP users.


24. March 2004 @ 17:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
xzotic iam glad the adaptec way helped u out as i told ya.
Say Aachil just to check out if i follow u correctly! Did ur backup Only worked by giving ur Jap version an SLUS_ (American) Id code instead of giving it an SLPM_ (wich is logicaly the JAP id code) ??!!?? Cuz it still puzzles me why i had to give my ORIGINALY PAL (Belgium) version of sonic an SLUS_207.18 (American) id code instead of its ORIGINALY SLES-51950 id code to GET IT TO WORK????!!???? So iam still sorting this inlogically behaviour out, if anybody could inlighten me?

Urs entity,

Judge not lest ye be judged !!!
26. March 2004 @ 10:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey Burna! I don't think I missed anything from your guide, but I keep getting a black screen when I play the copy? The only thing unusual is that when I was extracting the files to the folder on my desktop I got some errors with the ROFS.CVM file at around 87% of extraction? I clicked on (ignore all) and it finished the extraction. Should there have been any errors at any time during this process? Thanks for your help.
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26. March 2004 @ 18:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you got some errors while extracting the game then it must be a bad iso file you made.The best thing to do is to make the iso with DVD Decrypter.If any errors show up then try alcohol 120% if errors keep coming up alot then the best thing to do is to get a better disc one that will read without errors.I hate to say it but alot of the times programs will get interrupted with reading errors which sucks when you are trying to make a backup of a game that is really messed up.I think alcohol 120% might give you a lil help but if you are getting those errors close to the end of the game you might want to try alcohol out.If it is getting errors from the start of the game when making the iso file then you will be waiting for days it seems like to read the iso file.I hope you can get a better disc to make a backup of this game.

Peace L-Burna

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
26. March 2004 @ 20:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Burna guru ... I know that this is out of the subject but I have problem following the thread of 007 everthing or nothing ... I have swap magic dvd 2.0 and I burned the cdloader v7 fix with the dvddecrypter on the dvd disk (ritek) ... somehow at the end of the burning process, the dvddecrypter finished the writing stage and got stuck at the synchronizing cache stage ... I just forced the DVDdecrypter to close down and used the cdloader v7 as is ... I put the swap magic disk then insert the cdloader disk, then press the triangle to eject then replace with the SM disk again, the screen says insert the dvdr with ea method, I inserted the 007 disk then at the left corner it came up invalid media... Did I confuse you so far?... What is my problem with that cdloader and/or my process?... Thanks.
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27. March 2004 @ 10:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The problem is the cdloader if you use dvd decrypter with the newer builds of cdloaders it won't burn right.The best thing to use on the newest cdloaders is probably Cdrwin or either Nero.I use Nero Express this won't lock up on you when you burn the image files such as .bin and .cue or either a .iso file.If you get stuck burning the cdloader with Nero Exress or Cdrwin then it is a bad cdloader you got.It seems to me like you got a bad burn on the cdloader just try it again and see what happens when you use Nero Express.If the file is a .bin and .cue file for cdloader just open up the .cue file and burn that.If it is a .iso file just open up the .iso file and burn.You also might want to burn as slow as possible the slower you burn it the better results you will get.The cdloader you use for 007 EON is the cdloaderV7_beta5.1 just use the 5v3 no pin option and you are all set.

Peace L-Burna

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. March 2004 @ 10:28

27. March 2004 @ 12:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I also suspect like you that the original disc was really scratched up which is why I think it kept producing errors. I'll try with Alcohol 120 or get a better disc to backup.
So just for the record you do agree that the extraction process should complete through to 100% without any errors, right?

Thanks for your help!
Senior Member
27. March 2004 @ 17:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah I agree because you are gonna have to take files and compile them.If you get errors this can result in the black screen which you are getting.It pretty much has to be close to perfect almost.If you can get this thing called gamedoctor for scratches and a cleaning kit for dirt and dust this might also help out alot.They both aren't real expensive and will be worth it but if the disc is too scratched up then this might not help out,but still it is worth trying out.

Peace L-Burna

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
29. March 2004 @ 12:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I am a real new guy here - i have (or thought i had) downloaded the cd/dvd generator. Unzipped it (i have version 1.5 and 1.2) - but when i dble click on the exe file nothing happens???

It dont install - what on earth am i doing wrong.

I understand the principle of what to do to burn the game (sonic) and have it ready waiting - but just cant get the software to install!!

30. March 2004 @ 00:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Sorted my prob - thanks anyway - think pc just needed a reboot and now i have installed the software and will look later on what to do

Thanks for your time and hope i havent wasted it!!

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