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DVDFab Official/Beta release thread (post updates here)
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Senior Member
25. December 2008 @ 13:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the update.

My 2 cents, I was thinking about getting anydvd, but all these hours I'm working this week, won't be seen till my first paycheck after the new year, 2 Jan. Oh well, guess I'll stick to dvdfab platinum.

AfterDawn Addict
25. December 2008 @ 18:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yall are going to be sorry for not getting ANYDVD now, much as I am sorry for not getting DVDFab Plat when free updates for life was around. I got it but w/o life updates. You need BOTH, sooner or later; and both these programs deserve the money spent for the time they spend updating them, so on Tuesday we can back up our DVDs! JM2C

Senior Member
25. December 2008 @ 22:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by 7thsinger:
Merry Christmas Ferg!

I do intend on getting Anydvd. However, i'm watching my pennies considering the whole job situation. It's worth adding to my arsenal. How about you?
I am still on the fence, but after receiving a little cash for Christmas. I am leaning hard toward the purchase. I am like Garmoon with Platinum, waited too long and missed out on lifetime updates. I don't want to be regretting not pulling the trigger here as well. So I figure sometime before the 1st, I will be a proud owner of AnyDVD.

Senior Member
26. December 2008 @ 00:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Anydvd is great. I think though they're drawing a lot of attention from mpaa, sony and anyone else as posted on the recent bd+ resecured thread. It's ok to stick it to these guys, but I'd lay low while doing it. Better to let sleeping dogs sleep. Fab goes on w/their business but not so engaging or adamant about what they're doing. The renewal fee for Fab Plat is peanuts. about $9.99 or w/e.

Whether Blu-ray sticks around or not is irrelevant, but a new hd format might be. If Anydvd says they'll support w/e comes out that's great. If the big boys get really riled up and will their way into something like what happened to ripit4me that's another story. Worst case scenario you'll have something that'll break at least something for the rest of your days whether updated or not. I've been on the fence myself.


Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
AfterDawn Addict
6. January 2009 @ 16:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've also posted this same question in the Slysoft thread. Will DVDFabPlat and/or Slysoft allow me to install anyDVD, CloneDVD and DVDFab on two pcs (my names) with different ISP addys.

AfterDawn Addict
6. January 2009 @ 17:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Garmoon the answer should be YES

Antec 1200 Full-Tower Case/Thermaltake 750-Watt PS/ASUS SABERTOOTH Z77 Mobo/Western Digital Black WD500 500GB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache/NVIDIA GeForce 8800GTX 384-bit GDDR3 PCI Express Video Card/CORSAIR DOMINATOR PLATINUM 16GB DDR3 /Intel Core i7-3770K Ivy Bridge 3.5GHz (3.9GHz Turbo)/CORSAIR Hydro High Performance Liquid CPU Cooler/3-Asus DRW-24B1ST Sata Drives/Samsung 2493HM 24" LCD Monitior 1920x1200 resolution,5ms respone time/OS Windows 10 Pro SP1 64-bit
Senior Member
6. January 2009 @ 18:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Garmoon, I own 2 registration codes for dvdfab, and have only used one to install it on my desktop and my laptop. I have been holding onto the second code as a back up.

AfterDawn Addict
6. January 2009 @ 21:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks guys

In case you haven't seen this in the Bangkok thread. To get AnyDVD to work just disable A1 scanner in DVDVideo settings. Then it all works right. Anydvd will open disc in seconds. Don't forget to reset A1 after.

Senior Member
7. January 2009 @ 08:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
DVDFab Beta is out (January 7, 2009):

What's New: Beta (January 7, 2009)
New: Updated VSO burning engine.
New: Increased conversion speed for "DVD to Mobile" greatly. (DVDFab Mobile Option)
Fix: Eject wrong drive tray if there are two or more DVD writers when burning for second time.
Fix: A freeze problem when converting DVD in certain cases. (DVDFab Mobile Option)
Fix: A crash problem when converting DVD like "Sleeping Beauty". (DVDFab Mobile Option)
Fix: A crash problem when converting DVD to Xbox 360 or Zune in certain cases. (DVDFab Mobile Option)

BTW, for new protection which was found on Bangkok Dangerous (US) and Disaster Movie (US), you can turn off PathPlayer and make "Main Movie" copy (select title 1) for now. We are working on it, and it should be supported very soon.

Best Regards,
DVDFab - The ultimate DVD copying/converting/burning software! Copy any DVD to DVDR/PSP/iPod/etc.
DVD Region+CSS Free - Watch and copy any region code CSS-encrypted DVD on any DVD drive!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. January 2009 @ 08:49

AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
7. January 2009 @ 08:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Garmoon - yes. I use the same reg code for my laptop as well as my desktop.

RTM - thanks for posting the upate. Will download later.

7. January 2009 @ 21:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just wondering if anyone else has had a problem installing this one??

For me, the install goes through as normal, but when I click on the DVDFab icon, nothing opens.. Checked the Task Manager to see if it was running and right after I click the icon, DVDFab.exe does show up, but immediately vanishes from the active Processes list..

Tried uninstalling and re-installing and still the same.. Uninstalled and re-installed v and its working like a charm.

Maybe a corrupted install file???

Originally posted by rtm27:
DVDFab Beta is out (January 7, 2009):

What's New: Beta (January 7, 2009)
New: Updated VSO burning engine.
New: Increased conversion speed for "DVD to Mobile" greatly. (DVDFab Mobile Option)
Fix: Eject wrong drive tray if there are two or more DVD writers when burning for second time.
Fix: A freeze problem when converting DVD in certain cases. (DVDFab Mobile Option)
Fix: A crash problem when converting DVD like "Sleeping Beauty". (DVDFab Mobile Option)
Fix: A crash problem when converting DVD to Xbox 360 or Zune in certain cases. (DVDFab Mobile Option)

BTW, for new protection which was found on Bangkok Dangerous (US) and Disaster Movie (US), you can turn off PathPlayer and make "Main Movie" copy (select title 1) for now. We are working on it, and it should be supported very soon.

Best Regards,

~~~~ Nothings Forgotten. Nothing Is Ever Forgotten. ~~~~

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. January 2009 @ 21:39

AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
7. January 2009 @ 22:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I had no issues installing this update, nor any other for that matter.

Perhaps you should do a complete, clean uninstall (including a registry cleaner when everything is removed) and then install the new update.

Suspended permanently
7. January 2009 @ 22:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Running the new DVDFab on Disaster Movie now...
AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
7. January 2009 @ 23:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Make sure to take this into consideration:


BTW, for new protection which was found on Bangkok Dangerous (US) and Disaster Movie (US), you can turn off PathPlayer and make "Main Movie" copy (select title 1) for now. We are working on it, and it should be supported very soon.

Senior Member
8. January 2009 @ 04:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
DVDFab HD Decrypter Beta Beta (January 8, 2009)
New: Added support for new copy protections.
Fix: Eject wrong drive tray if there are two or more DVD writers when burning for second time.
Fix: Converted WMV file cannot be played in certain cases. (DVDFab Mobile Option)
Fix: Reduced memory usage when converting DVD to Xbox 360 or Zune. (DVDFab Mobile Option)

This version should fix the problems with "Bangkok Dangerous" (US) and "Disaster Movie" (US).

Life is Grand !

Junior Member
8. January 2009 @ 05:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello my Afterdawn Gurus and Mentors!

Well time has marched on and I have had to march with it. My beloved DVDShrink and Ripit4me have hit the wall on some of the newer movies, (I do NOT LIKE Sony!) and to keep in step I just invested in the DVDfab Platinum software. Up until now I have used nothing but free software, but this seemed great on the free trial so I jumped.

Having said all of that, I learned years ago when I was a bright shiny newbie that learning how to use a tool right is best done by asking the Afterdawn crew, so here I am.

I first did a search for threads on the DVDfab5 software, and after looking at a few this seemed like the right one. I hope so, and if not someone will surely shift my post to the thread that will allow me to ask the questions I'm having. But most of them have risen from reading this thread, so here goes.

The way I have been using the program is to rip the movie to my hard drive. Then I take VobBlanker and discard the "junks". After that I hit it with DVDShrink to fit it, and then burn with my old reliable Nero. Often I just do a "Movie Only" when shrinking, but it varies with my interest in the extras.

One thing I saw here tonight is that it might also benefit me to use FIxVTS as well. I have used it all the time when I followed the Ripit4me guide by arniebear. But I honestly never knew exactly what it did, and even when I read the guide for it I still don't really get it, other than it provides some kind of cleanup function.

So what I want to know first is if I'm using the DVDfab Platinum to its best advantage. Next, if the sequence of use that I have described is ok, or should be improved upon by making changes. After that, if I should add FixVTS in the sequence of my process. And if so, should it be before or after VobBlanker?

Last, years ago I tried Anydvd and it completely slowed down my computer when I did a free trial to the point I had to give up on it. Yet some here have expressed that it is better to have both tools, DVDfab Platinum and Anydvd. It would seem to me that they do the same thing, and I'm cheap. So what is the reason to have both instead of just one or the other?

OK, enough for now. But as always, thanks so much in advance for your help. There is no better advice found in cyberspace than the crew at Afterdawn!!


8. January 2009 @ 07:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Actually had tried doing the complete uninstall/re-install and still didn't work.. (I run 3 junk/reg cleaners as a rule: CCleaner, Advanced Windows Care Pro, & Vista Manager --- each one seems to pick up on different things, so pretty sure everything was cleaned out).

Anyway, just saw the post for the next updated version Beta and this one installed without a hitch.. So, not sure what was going on, but back in the game with the latest up-to-date tools. (AnyDVD was also updated yesterday to

~~~~ Nothings Forgotten. Nothing Is Ever Forgotten. ~~~~
Senior Member
8. January 2009 @ 08:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the update, Miss Bryston. I went to bed a couple hours before you posted and was going to check this morning. Glad to see someone else was checking for updates for dvdfab.

AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
8. January 2009 @ 08:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for posting the update, i'm sure plent of people were waiting on this one.

Odd indeed. But, glad you're up and running again.

AfterDawn Addict
8. January 2009 @ 16:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

One good case for having AnyDVD was the fact that it was the only thing that worked on Tuesday afternoon (on the disc I had)after the A1 scanner was disabled. DVD FabPlat never could open the harder DRM copy I had- with any options given here on Tuesday.

As for slowing down your pc, I can't imagine why? I've never experienced anything like that and Any is loaded 90% of the time.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. January 2009 @ 16:22

Senior Member
9. January 2009 @ 04:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
DVDFab HD Decrypter

January 9, 2009
DVDFab Updated!

* Happy New Year!
* New: Added support for a new copy protection as found on "Bangkok Dangerous" (US) and "Disaster Movie" (US).
* New: Updated VSO burning engine.
* New: Increased conversion speed for "DVD to Mobile" greatly. (DVDFab Mobile Option)
* Fix: Eject wrong drive tray if there are two or more DVD writers when burning for second time.
* Fix: A freeze problem when converting DVD in certain cases. (DVDFab Mobile Option)
* Fix: A crash problem when converting DVD like "Sleeping Beauty". (DVDFab Mobile Option)
* Fix: A crash problem when converting DVD to Xbox 360 or Zune in certain cases. (DVDFab Mobile Option)
* Fix: Reduced memory usage when converting DVD to Xbox 360 or Zune. (DVDFab Mobile Option)
* Fix: Converted WMV file cannot be played in certain cases. (DVDFab Mobile Option)

Life is Grand !

Senior Member
9. January 2009 @ 05:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Wow, 3 updates in a row. Gotta love them for working hard and doing their best to fix the bugs as best as they can.

Thanks again, Miss Bryston!

AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
9. January 2009 @ 08:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Will download later! Glad to see Fengtao and company staying on top of this. Good work to those guys.

Suspended due to non-functional email address
21. January 2009 @ 10:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I was behind on these updates. Thanks to all who keep everyone updated. I am updating to latest version now. I need to check here more often.

Some assembly required.
AfterDawn Addict
21. January 2009 @ 15:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You should have DVDFab set to notify you when updates are available. Then you won't be behind. :) > forums > digital video > copy dvd to dvdr > dvdfab official/beta release thread (post updates here)

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