Post Your Bad Media Experiences Here
6. October 2006 @ 04:15 |
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I meant Taiyo Yuden, not Ruden, but don't know how to edit my post.
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6. October 2006 @ 04:22 |
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vkellogg..THE LITTLE GUY at the top right of your post can help U edit.Silver TY's frm SupermediaStore are orig
AfterDawn Addict
6. October 2006 @ 04:29 |
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sounds like to me that perhaps your "3 burners" may be on the "older" end of the dvd drive spectrum~ if i may ask, what are the makes/models of your 3 burners?
a POSSIBLE remedy to your situation right now would be to see if there are updated firmwares available for your 3 drives, if they are really THAT old, then i have a feeling that your new media you recently purchased from ebay (which is not a good idea in MY opinion) are too new to be recognized by your drives (by "new" i mean they are either of the 8x or 16x variety in rated speed and PERHAPS your current firmware doesn't support those specific MID codings and a generic write strategy can't even be applied to the newer/faster discs)~ :)
also, while there ARE some honest sellers on ebay with media, it's hard to find them...i'd be personally interested in knowing WHO this seller is that claimed "genuine Taiyo Yudens" and convinced you to purchase 500 in 1 order... :)
if authenticity is what you are in search of, and in the shiny silver as you had mentioned you preferred, then the best prices online here in the U.S. can be had at :,, for Taiyo Yudens...those 3 stores ALSO sell a variety of Ritek discs as well for your choosing. do a bit of price shopping as they frequently have sales and one store can be a bit cheaper if free shipping is their current promotion at the time :)
finally, as to the RICOHJPN coding, Ritek is the manufacturer of those discs, it's just a diff. MID coding~ they are made in taiwan despite the "JPN" u see on them, but from MY OWN experience, the RICOHJPNs work very well on all my various drives~ i would personally put them on par w/ my Ritek coded ones~
hope that helps ya out, your last question leads me back to my suggestions earlier as to where you can find LEGIT, shiny silver topped media...the 3 stores i mentioned online are quite is too, but their pricing can be a bit high when it comes to media, but they have sales on Ritek media from time to time and it's reasonably priced~ :) if YOU are perfectly happy w/ Ritek made media, then it's about finding the slower rated ones if you can...or ultimately, upgrade your burners/firmware to be able to use the faster rated speed media~
Recommended Media:
Taiyo Yuden 4x dvd-r TYGO1/ 8x dvd-r TYGO2/ 8x dvd+r YUDEN000T02/ 16x dvd+r YUDEN000T03
Verbatim 8x dvd+r MCC003
Verbatim dvd+r DL (MKM001)= flawless no compression backups
"Do Yourself A Favor, Use The Good Stuff
TY & Verbs 4 Life~ :)" ~docTY~
"Its better to be quiet and appear stupid, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
I am always prepared to recognize that there can be two points of view - mine and one that is probably wrong - John Gorton
6. October 2006 @ 04:33 |
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Thank you, I just edited. I will go look at Supermedia store.
What about the 500 DVD+Rs that turned out to be RICOH, rather than RITEK. Is RICOH decent media? It did burn fine & seemed to play fine in both my players, but will it hold up decently over time?
Should I refuse them, or keep them to use until I get some real TY or Ritek, and then use them for test burns, etc.?
AfterDawn Addict
6. October 2006 @ 04:40 |
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Quote: Is RICOH decent media?
as i mentioned above, it's quite decent media...SOME members here will even go as far as saying it's "better" than Ritek media~ :) what works for ONE person isn't necessarily going to hold true with others, it's about finding and figuring out WHICH media works the best for YOUR individual drives~ :)
i'll ask again, what are the makes/models of the 3 burners you currently using? i could possibly give you some recommendations if i know what you are working with here... :)
Recommended Media:
Taiyo Yuden 4x dvd-r TYGO1/ 8x dvd-r TYGO2/ 8x dvd+r YUDEN000T02/ 16x dvd+r YUDEN000T03
Verbatim 8x dvd+r MCC003
Verbatim dvd+r DL (MKM001)= flawless no compression backups
"Do Yourself A Favor, Use The Good Stuff
TY & Verbs 4 Life~ :)" ~docTY~
"Its better to be quiet and appear stupid, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
I am always prepared to recognize that there can be two points of view - mine and one that is probably wrong - John Gorton
6. October 2006 @ 04:51 |
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Thank you.
Burners are: Pioneer 106D (Firmware 1.08), HP300c (Firmware 7H29), Pioneer DVR-110D (don?t know firmware and it?s busy writing, so I can?t check it). One o the bad batches of media (the 200 unrecognized RITEK) came from Meritline, so I?m not sure I?d be comfortable buying from them again. I?ll take your advice on the RICOH and keep them. Sorry to be such a newbie here!
I am uncomfortable stating the name of the Ty Ebay seller, in case it is my older burners and not bad media....
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. October 2006 @ 04:55
AfterDawn Addict
6. October 2006 @ 05:10 |
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no need to apologize, we all start somewhere~ :)
your newest pioneer is more than capable of the faster speed media, but the older pioneer + hp MAY be lacking, the reason i say "lacking" is that the most recent firmware updates for those drives are quite old...
let's take ur Pioneer 106D as an example, you are using the most current firmware, but 1.08 was updated on June 9th, 2004, that's over 2 years ago! a lot has changed in media over the course of the last 2 years, i am going to guess that is the reason why it can't even recognize the media nowadays~ :)
your newer Pioneer, the 110D is one step above the Pioneer that I personally use and have been using for almost 2 years, the dvr-109~ :) so, i know for a fact that given the right media, whether it's 8x or 16x rated, it IS capable and will burn them just fine~
if you got a bad batch of Riteks from meritline and don't feel comfortable buying from them again, i can totally understand that and your reasons for doing so...i'm just giving you a few options as to where you COULD shop for new media, the choice is yours~ i would seriously recommend you stay away from ebay for dvd media, there are so many shady sellers that will take your money and RUN, OR, claim one thing and send you FAKE discs and leave it at that... Taiyo Yudens are some of THE most commonly faked dvd media on ebay, stay away from the seller "silvertek" at all costs; we've exchanged a few words here on AD and he's scammed a handful of others here too with his fake Taiyo Yudens~ :)
Recommended Media:
Taiyo Yuden 4x dvd-r TYGO1/ 8x dvd-r TYGO2/ 8x dvd+r YUDEN000T02/ 16x dvd+r YUDEN000T03
Verbatim 8x dvd+r MCC003
Verbatim dvd+r DL (MKM001)= flawless no compression backups
"Do Yourself A Favor, Use The Good Stuff
TY & Verbs 4 Life~ :)" ~docTY~
"Its better to be quiet and appear stupid, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
I am always prepared to recognize that there can be two points of view - mine and one that is probably wrong - John Gorton
6. October 2006 @ 05:32 |
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Thank you for your thoughts and help. I am almost tempted to just get another 500 of the RICOHJPN, because they work in all of the burners and your comment "but from MY OWN experience, the RICOHJPNs work very well on all my various drives~ i would personally put them on par w/ my Ritek coded ones" gives me confidence in them. I mostly use DL media in the newer Pioneer, and use +R in the HP 300c and +R or -R in the older Pioneer. Both of the older writers have been working fine with the RIREK 4X DV+R media I've been using for the past year, so it just seems I need to make sure to stick with 4X DV+R media for them?
It wasn't "silvertek" on ebay (unless he's assumed a new identity?) The ebay listing for the TY media said it was 8X DV-R (but the packaging said "Value DV-R"). Of course the DV-R didn't work in the HP 300c, and from your comments, I gather the 106D may be too old for it, but the newer Pioneer should have seen it?
Again, thank you!
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6. October 2006 @ 10:28 |
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vkellogg..U STATED-->I am uncomfortable stating the name of the Ty Ebay seller, in case it is my older burners and not bad media....<---
Why would U feel uncomfortable ?Regardless of your Burners.We are here to assist,not hinder
Ritek from Meritline are probably legit..Meritline IS A SOLID store to purchase at.SoundS like U got older 4x burners..BenQ Burner at is 40 bucks VERY-Good burner
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20. November 2006 @ 19:34 |
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I bought a 5 pack of Fujifilm DVD-RW's from Best Buy and All 5 are un useable in my computer and the DVD Recorder for which I bought them. The Sony DVD/Vcr Combo unit for wich I bought the RW media returns an error with all 5 discs. I thought I would use them on my computer but all 5 are unuseable in my computer using a Pioneer DVR-109 DVD Burner.
Senior Member
29. November 2006 @ 23:02 |
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Wsa recently reviwing some old data DVDs and found 2 more CMC-Mags less than two years old had failed on me, as well as a Sony RICOHJPN. So much for the "Made in Japan" rule...
Yes, I know CMCs suck. I'm a TY/Verbatim fan now.
Also had an Advance (?) disc fail as well as a 4x RITEK. Wasn't the "old school" RITEK supposed to be good?
-Do you believe you own your computer and shouldn't be told what you can run and do? Then say *NO* to Microsoft Vista!
-Since half the questions here involve media problems, here ya go: Only use Verbatim or Taiyo-Yuden discs (get your TYs from, not Supermediastore or meritline). Forget the rest, no matter what "brand" they sell under. Always burn at 4x speed regardless of the speed rating of this discs or your drive. If you have burn problems with these then you have to update your drive's firmware. For double-layer discs, only use Verbatim DVD+R DL and burn them at 2.4x speed.
11. December 2006 @ 14:50 |
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This is about TDK. So my friend gave me a bunch of his backups saying they were good quality TDK, i haven't heard much bad about them so i agreed. But then i looked yesterday and found a identifier program that tells you what it is, and Nero speed. I test one of his games, turns out to be a CMC MAG. Actually, 1/7 of those discs were real TDK (TTH02). So i decided to test that one. Total score was 15 on Nero speed. So just saying that I don't think TDK is all that great, ill go and buy some verbs to replace my memorex ones that i bought. What do you guys think about this news?
Senior Member
11. December 2006 @ 16:50 |
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Yes, go with the Verbatims.
I was about to post anyway that more of my TDK has crapped out on me. This was TTG02, like in my previous post. It's possible that the drive I burned them on did not recognize the TTG02 MID, as it had problems burning them too (I remember returning 1 opened and 1 unopened 50-pack due to the high coaster rate). I've also heard that at least some of the TTG/TTH are Taiyo-Yuden, which is even more shocking. Still, though, I feel TDK is not very good.
Oh, yes, and going through my stuff I'm seeing more CMC Mag and Advance Media (AMR) failures.
-Do you believe you own your computer and shouldn't be told what you can run and do? Then say *NO* to Microsoft Vista!
-Since half the questions here involve media problems, here ya go: Only use Verbatim or Taiyo-Yuden discs (get your TYs from, not Supermediastore or meritline). Forget the rest, no matter what "brand" they sell under. Always burn at 4x speed regardless of the speed rating of this discs or your drive. If you have burn problems with these then you have to update your drive's firmware. For double-layer discs, only use Verbatim DVD+R DL and burn them at 2.4x speed.
Junior Member
20. January 2007 @ 19:44 |
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you guys want to see the best dvd media ever look at this.
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1. February 2007 @ 14:33 |
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Up till now my computer has been having successful burning on any
brand plus or minus and any speed disc. 2 weeks ago I bought
some Sony -R 16 times. Imgburn would only recognize them as 2.4 or
4. The resulting burns were terrible. Took them back and got
Sony +R 16 times. Same result. My firmware is up to date. So I
took those back too.
Tested my equipment on several other 16 times discs-it works fine.
The salesperson at the store said a lot of people have been bringing
back the Sony. They haven't had trouble with their other brands.
I won't be buying any more Sony.
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11. March 2007 @ 07:29 |
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now that was funny brother you gotta step up to some good media and new burner to get the best quality roll with some ty's to get the job done right..

I'm not showin off here i'm just showin my work that..I have burned..
Done out of Here!
11. March 2007 @ 09:59 |
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Originally posted by Shardel: The salesperson at the store said a lot of people have been bringing back the Sony. They haven't had trouble with their other brands. I won't be buying any more Sony.
Yes, it's a shame that Sony slowly moved away from using re-branded TYs to some apparently inferior media. I was really hoping they'd use the same vendor as Verbatim is using for their 16x +R media, as I've had some respectable results with it so far. I'm using up the last of my Sony 8x DVD+R TY's now, and I sure will miss them. Great media...
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11. March 2007 @ 16:36 |
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Well brother you better get on the order train and order you some fresh ty's 8x y u can..I get mine from or i look around on the net to find the deals on them..I usally order a 100pack at a for $31.00 dollars no higher than that with free shipping..That's how ..i do..but if I'm pressed for time..i just use the verb's until they
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11. March 2007 @ 18:29 |
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Just goes to prove..Nowadays U can't depend on famous name brands,as they are turning out crap.Fuji did the same thing on their DVD's
Few yrs back name brand was important,not today.People trusted namebrands..Now we are being @#!&*%.About the only thing we can rely on is other peoples comments in forums like these
11. March 2007 @ 20:05 |
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Originally posted by bigwill68: @delateur
I usally order a 100pack at a for $31.00 dollars no higher than that with free shipping..That's how ..i do..but if I'm pressed for time..i just use the verb's until they
You know, if I could get the +Rs for a price like that with free shipping, I'd probably do it, but normally they run a bit higher. I'm happy with Verbatims overall, though. They're doing great in my burners (Benq 1655 and Lite-On 1693S) and standalone players, so far, and I've had no problems playing movies on any other standalones I've used, from very old Toshibas to slightly old Pioneers. If I could get TYs at the great prices I'm getting Verbs for (last batch was $20 for 100), I'd do it in a heartbeat, but as the differences in quality to me is unnoticeable, I'm going with the low cost leader! :)
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11. March 2007 @ 23:54 |
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that's cool they with the low prices if that's what makes you happy..I'm not mad at you for cutting cost whatever doe's the
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Junior Member
20. March 2007 @ 13:38 |
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It seems maybe i got a bad batch of -R Verbatims of all things.My burner is pretty well up to snuff,i have plenty of memory on my HD,and i'm burning at a slow speed.These were in a 25 pack - 16x.But i've gotten a lot of failed burns out of this batch,where as my TY value line -R's have been working just fine.
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20. March 2007 @ 16:38 |
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pholmes31..I had problems with Verbs,but it was'nt burning.Within a 10 DVD Player radius,I had 2 players that would not play them.They were both Cobys.Really strange!Had some junk DVD's & they played fine
21. March 2007 @ 11:08 |
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@pholmes: I can't speak for the -Rs, I haven't used them after I mistakenly bought some TDK -Rs that worked fine, for the most part, but did have some compatibility issues. Since then, I'm sold on booktyping +Rs to DVD-ROM. In that regard, Verbatim and TY have never let me down!
Sorry to hear about your bad experiences with the -Rs, just reinforces my love of the +Rs!
6. April 2007 @ 08:19 |
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I got some memorex DVD+R DL discs media code RITEK-D01-01 from best buy and they seemed to burn fine w/ Nero and my nec 3520a burner. After a restart I put them in the drive and there is nothing there. Any ideas?