Upgrading HD on Softmodded Xbox Tutorial
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15. September 2005 @ 10:43 |
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Quote: hey can you if anyone knows tell me the answer to this i have been burning the .iso to my cd-r and wen i go to boot it i changed my bios and when it boots it says looking for media could not find media try again now my question is whats wrong? does it have to be a cd-r/w or can i use the cd-r i created trust me i copeid the right file please help!!!!!
Try using a DVD-R or a different type of CD-R brand. Many xboxes have trouble reading CD-Rs. If it must be a CD not DvD try CD-RW, their compatibilty rate with xbox drives are pretty good.
16. September 2005 @ 16:34 |
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Actually, changing the media wouldn't make a difference, as you're not putting it into the Xbox drive, you're putting it in your PC drive. Hunkre, i'd make SURE you're burning the iso properly, that's the only thing i can think of, other than you're not setting your BIOS on your PC to read the correct CD drive that the cd-rom is in when it boots...when the iso is created, right click on it and click open with DVD Decrypter. Decrypter is a fool-proof method of burning the iso...
Intel Core2 Duo, 400GB HD, 2GB RAM
Softmodded 1.6 XBox w/ 120 GIG HD
V4 PS2 w/ HD Loader, 80 GB HD
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18. September 2005 @ 16:01 |
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thank you i did infact not burn it as a .iso but as a .dat file sooo im done with that one other problem though....
i am softmodding to a sony hdd 40gb and i have formatted the drive it is now an xbox drive but i am trying to lock it and when i go to lock i do this i go lockhd a then it ask do you need help to find password??? i cant selct no so i say yes then i get this screen
welcome to the mini live linux
this progam will unlock or lock an xbox drive("something like that")
it just keeps typeing y is this supposed to be a loading screen or is there an error because ive let it load for around an hour and a half and it just keeps typing y over and over again please help im on the last step what does this mean please someone who has done this help me
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19. September 2005 @ 06:25 |
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I would assume that you are experiencing an error. I upgraded my HDD to a Seagate 120GB HDD, and when I went to lock it, it took less than 5 minutes... maybe even less than 2 minutes, very fast. I would suggest trying again... look around on the internet. I once found a site that showed which HDD's are Xbox compatible. Maybe the one you are using isn't compatible. Maybe it is. Sorry that I cannot be of any more help with this issue.
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19. September 2005 @ 13:04 |
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ok yes it is a possibility but when you guys went through that it dint just ask you that then go to the mini live linux did it? then just types y's till it loads? i dont know thnx for the suggestion but it is the same exact hdd as a regular xbox drive but i will try it with a differnt drive though i will let you know if that is the problem i have the eeprom on the disk and everything though there should be no problem if this is an error wouldnt it say hdd could not be locked? i dont get it ill reply and tell you if it does the same thing next time i post
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19. September 2005 @ 16:04 |
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ok i tried every possible thing and this is infact an error i tried it on 2 different drives and cant figure out what it means but it does it in both senrios if you did this tell me if you cam e to that screen too and what this means please help... jodtrini
20. September 2005 @ 01:31 |
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It sounds like you do not have the eeprom.bin file placed in the correct folder on the cd-rom you're using to create the new drive. Double check this and make sure it is correct, and if it is, the drive should lock when you enter "lockhd -a" at the command prompt...
Intel Core2 Duo, 400GB HD, 2GB RAM
Softmodded 1.6 XBox w/ 120 GIG HD
V4 PS2 w/ HD Loader, 80 GB HD
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21. September 2005 @ 22:37 |
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ok i was wrong you cannot lock this drive no matter what
[url=http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=9/26401211322.jpg&s=x7] [/url]
heres anouther veiw
[url=http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=9/26401222086.jpg&s=x7] [/url]
sorry they are so bad then it goes to this screen that says welcome and i dont know if all you guys got this but it keeps typeing y's is this a loading screen and am i not waiting long enough?
[url=http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=9/26401311511.jpg&s=x7] [/url]
closer veiw
[url=http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=9/26401283477.jpg&s=x7] [/url]
so wtf is going on im getting a little to frustrated but yah sorry maybe its just my version of this pc sux but im doing evrything right so tell me is that a loading screen i mean it looks normal but i dont know it's annoying someone who just did this or something please tell me did you get that screen even for one second if i try to run a locked ps2 hdd does that have something to do with it but i tried to do this with a 15 gb hd and it still did this so i dont get whats going on btw thnx jobtrini i did check it was in the wrong folder but now everything is right and it is still doing it
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22. September 2005 @ 16:16 |
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DUDE PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU'RE DOING...you said you're typing "unlockhd -a" when you're supposed to be typing "lockhd -a"....it seems to me that you're trying to rush too much instead of reading the tutorial carefully and making sure you understand exactly what you're supposed to be doing....
Intel Core2 Duo, 400GB HD, 2GB RAM
Softmodded 1.6 XBox w/ 120 GIG HD
V4 PS2 w/ HD Loader, 80 GB HD
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22. September 2005 @ 16:29 |
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oops i must have mis typed i did mean lockhd-a sorry my bad but plan and simple is this a glitch or is ita loading screen
23. September 2005 @ 07:23 |
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Does anyone know where I can get an ISO file that has already been created? Just curious.
23. September 2005 @ 23:31 |
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u can't get an ISO from someone else, u need to make one that has ur xbox's eeprom otherwise ur new harddrive wont boot in ur xbox after it has been locked with someone elses code...
xbl gamertag = destructor7
xbc gamertag = d3structor7
-Soft Modded
-160 gig hdd
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24. September 2005 @ 05:22 |
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Thanks. Guess I was just trying to be laszy
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25. September 2005 @ 20:28 |
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hey could someone make a how to lock the hdd for xbox on a softmoded
hdd thread that goes step by step through it in detail a retard would get ?
26. September 2005 @ 07:45 |
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so i finaly got around to getting a bigger hd, i only have a 20 gig, i have run through the tutorial and was able to lock it correctly and it works on the xbox, but the primary folder i use is E where i load my games, i have all the free space on f but i need it on the e, any ideas as to how i can chose where the memory is available????
26. September 2005 @ 07:50 |
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oh this the space available on e : 4.537.958.400 on f: 12.540.608.512 and c: 343.228.416
at the moment i do have any games loaded but i want to know how to get the 12.540 to the e drive so i can load and run more programs? i hope someone understands , well i guess ill run the 10 gig that came with xbox for now, if anyone has any input it would be awesome. thanks
26. September 2005 @ 23:27 |
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What's the problem with the space being on the F: partition? Nothing works any differently...it's just put on the F partition instead of E. The E partition can only hold about 4.5 gigs and then everything after that is given to the F, and then the G partitions if it's over 137 gigs...
Intel Core2 Duo, 400GB HD, 2GB RAM
Softmodded 1.6 XBox w/ 120 GIG HD
V4 PS2 w/ HD Loader, 80 GB HD
27. September 2005 @ 09:19 |
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yeah i was freaking out for no reason, i setup my folders and fixed ini file and everything works, i am so excited. thanks you guys for the help. :)
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27. September 2005 @ 15:39 |
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how long should it take to lock and what does it look like if the drive cant lock? oh and btw yes im still trying im sad i burnt everything right i even typed the maual key it gave me the same screen with y's i tried it on anouther drive i got same problems so i cant figure out... how long does it take to lock? oh and one last thing is it possible for me to unlock and reformat the origanal xbox hdd because it does not even load in my cpu and how would i do this sorry btw i delted my dashboard soo you know lol i need help plz help some one thnx
28. September 2005 @ 17:40 |
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My hdd was locked right when I told it to do it, like fractions of a second.....
Maybe you messed something up on the harddrives or something by doing it so many times, idk, I had just taken my new 160 gig hdd out of its box when I did it, like I said just after I upgraded it, the whole thing took about 5-10 minutes after I had everything
xbl gamertag = destructor7
xbc gamertag = d3structor7
-Soft Modded
-160 gig hdd
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28. September 2005 @ 21:17 |
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alright well i am just gonna buy a hardmod anyone now any websites to buy hardmods at cheap the kind that will let me hotswap harddrives perferibly with unleash x dash on it and around up to 50$ hopefully 20 and preferibly with no solder needed ok thankyou if not post a website anyway i might see something i want anyways
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30. September 2005 @ 17:08 |
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would it work if i have unleasx
3. October 2005 @ 21:21 |
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You guys ROCK.. I went to upgrade my Hdd to a 250 segate baracudda. got the cd burned and went to clone my stock drive (had to unlock it to do so) when it was done i went to lock it again and my HDDs were frozen... I thought i just wasted about $300 on hardware... Ill try a couple of other computers to lock it.. man i hope this work...
Thanks guys
26. October 2005 @ 00:04 |
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I followed the softmod guide first, worked great, then I tried to upgrade my HDD. I followed this exactly, but the HDD wouldn?t lock. I didn?t know if this was a problem or not, so I put it in the xbox anyways. When I booted up, I got an error saying service required. Call customer support. There is 05 in the upper left hand corner and the green power light flashes from green to red. The HDD I was trying was a Seagate 120GB HDD. Any thoughts/ideas on how to fix??
Btw...Before I gave up and tried it in my xbox, I did try to reboot my computer and reload from DVD the xbhdm1.9 to try and lock it again, but it wouldn't load from the disk for some reason this time...
Ok, I managed to get the dvd to read again, and I erased the HDD and re-did it. This time, I formatted it using the xbhdm, then instead of using that to do the lock/unlock (my bios doesn't allow me to lock the primary master apparently) I turned off computer, switched HDD to primary slave, then used hdlock, hddisabl to lock the hdd. It seemed to go successfully, as it said Done, but when I put it in the xbox, low and behold the error code 6 now. So I just gave up and returned the HDD and will try again later. Anyone have any suggestions, ideas, tips for me for next time??
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8. November 2005 @ 21:29 |
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This guide is a Godsend for softmoding. Very good job! I just finished following this step for step and now I'm the proud owner of an 80gb softmodded Xbox :D
For those of you having hard drive freezing, make sure to check this list http://www.xbox-hq.com/html/modules.php?name=Xbox_HardDrives and see if your hard drive is compatible first!