Upgrading HD on Softmodded Xbox Tutorial
4. February 2006 @ 18:44 |
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I'm having a similar problem with using xbhdm. I want to upgarde to a bigger hard drive on w/ a softmod. I followed the tutorial and softmodded my box. I then burned xbhdm, put the c and e that I backed up along with the eeprom on the disk. When it booted up to linux I press 1 and it says looking for cdrom tons of times then says can't find. I don't know why because it does boot from the cd. I tried it with the cd on primary master and primary slave. I also tried burning the cd over again. I then put the hard drive into a modded xbox and ran slayer 2.6 on it (I was getting fed up with the non working cd)
I then locked the drive and tried it in the soft modded xbox but had no luck.
Pretty much my question is what can I do to get this bigger hard drive into my soft mod xbox. Is there another way to do it without xbhdm? I'm starting to get grey hair lol.
Junior Member
5. February 2006 @ 06:06 |
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try putting your cdrom drive on the secondary line thats probably your problem, and now your going to have to unlock the hdd before you can use the cd, if that doesnt work try a different computer
5. February 2006 @ 09:00 |
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Alright I'll try doing that. So should I rebuild the xbox hard drive (option 1) and start from scratch? Also will the unlock code be different from 1 xbox to another? This was originally a blank hard drive so unless I put it into a modded xbox I dont see how I would get the unlock/lock code from it in the first place. Also would the "swap trick" be beneficial to me at all?
5. February 2006 @ 16:49 |
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Tried putting the hd on primary and cdrom on secondary but still no luck. I threw it into a modded xbox and locked it using config magic off the slayer's cd and still didn't work. Any ideas?
1 product review
5. February 2006 @ 18:20 |
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I softmodded my 1.6 Xbox just fine. Works like a champ. I followed ALL the steps. When I tried putting the new HDD in the Xbox, It gives me the ol' FRAG light.
The original HDD works like a champ, but when I put in the Maxtor 250Gig, it doesn't work. Any ideas?
I have also tried to make a direct copy. This didn't work, either. The only thing that I can come up with is that the xbhdm is not using the same lock code (which I verify when I lock the original and the new HDD). I tell it to lock the disk with the eeprom file thingie that is burned on the CD; It locks the original with this file, but when I try the same process on the new HDD it gets the code from who knows where (different set of numbers).
No matter how many times I lock the original HDD, it uses the same code (as it should) and it runs my dashboards just fine. The box just doesn't want to accept this new HDD.
Any ideas? Do you need more info?
Junior Member
5. February 2006 @ 19:56 |
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ok the password used to lock the hdd is genertated from the hd serial and the info in the eeprom it doesnt get the pswd directly from the eeprom. Also what error is is giving you when you start up the box with the new hdd? Make sure that you put the jumper back on cable select.
And Parat you are going to have to unlock the hdd before you can use it again. As said b4 try a different computer if that doesnt work ummmm lemme know and ill make a cd for you and send it to you or something
1 product review
6. February 2006 @ 07:24 |
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Ok. Thank you for clearing up why my numbers are different. Yes, I did remember to put the new HDD on Cable Select. I don't remember what the error code was. I will have to pop it back in and find out, tonight.
Be back soon.
6. February 2006 @ 11:00 |
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still no luck. Tried other computers, tried master and slave primary and secondary (with the hd unlocked). Tried even this:
"note for xboxhdm incase of image is nonbootable or you get cannot found linux cd-rom error ( I got): in new xboxhdm 1.7 ( downloaded from both xbox-scene and xbins, xboxhdm>linux>isolinux>boot.cat is named as linux.boot but the make-iso-win hasnt ben updated, change xboxhdm>linux>isolinux>linux.boot to boot.cat to fix the problem"
Which I found on xboxhdm for dummies http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=244043
Still getting no linux cd found. Tried formatting with slayers 2.6 then locking with a modded box but still NOTHING! Checked the hd compatibility and people said they've gotten it to work
any one know what to do?
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1 product review
6. February 2006 @ 17:43 |
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K... The error that I am getting with the new drive is a 6.
I am going remove my softmod and start from square 1. I will install the softmod and do the xboxhdm1.9 thing, while I wait for a response.
Junior Member
7. February 2006 @ 07:29 |
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ok parat maybe try an older version of xboxhdm.
and dj error 6 is a cannot unlock hdd error make sure you are using the correct eeprom the is a prgms i think its called config magic that will give you the pswd that the xbox will use to unlock your new hdd try that and make sure your getting the same pswd from both prgms
1 product review
7. February 2006 @ 10:15 |
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I have been using the xboxhdm 1.9. The linux ISO contains the eeprom that is contained in the backup folder. I have pulled off multiple copies of the eeprom with different methods. They all are the exact same (I opened them in notepad and compared them character for character).
I will try some other methods to obtain the eeprom. Every disc that have burned will unlock and lock the original HD, so... I will keep trying.
Have a new problem, though. Now, for some reason, I can not unlock my Maxtor. I can't do it with the manual password using unlockx or unlockhd -a, -p, -f.
I hope I don't have a 250Gig paperweight. Everytime I "Unlock" it, it says that the process was successful, but when I restart the Linux proggies, it tells me that it is still locked. Sooo... the substitution deal is on hold, while I try to figure out how to unlock my maxtor that was supposidly locked with the same password that I have been using to lock and unlock my xbox's hdd. DOH!
7. February 2006 @ 10:17 |
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Sounds like a nightmare and i'm upgrading my HD soon as the HD arrives :/
Core i7 2600k 3.4ghz @4.5ghz
ASUS P8P67 Deluxe
8gb G.Skill SNIPER DDR3 2200 mhz
Evga GTX 570 SC @ 902/2000
Samsung 1TB HDD
1 product review
7. February 2006 @ 18:19 |
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I don't even know why I bothered with this whole softmod deal. I have had 100% success with Xeniums. Dang. I gotta find a way to unlock my Maxtor 250GB. :(
Junior Member
8. February 2006 @ 03:52 |
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oy ummmm try a diff computer dj also about a page or so back i wrote what i had to do to softmod my box. I also posted a link to a site thattells you confirmed lockable hdd's make sure yours is on there.
1 product review
8. February 2006 @ 18:27 |
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Yeah, I know it is lockable, because I have the exact same drive in my chipped box, and it works like a champ. I can lock that one and boot the retail bios.
I just don't understand how I locked and unlocked it before, and all of a sudden it won't let me unlock it. lol
I can't try another puter yet, because I can't get it unlocked. DOH. Do you know of any programs that will let me unlock this booger? The code that I locked it with won't unlock it.
Junior Member
8. February 2006 @ 23:32 |
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I have a Question for tha pros. I tried to install evo X on my xbox and it installed in french and my m$ dash is gone and i Pulled my hdd out. Can i just get a regular oem hdd or can i get a diff hdd with evoX pre installed on it? Cause i was lookin at a 120 GB hdd that has evoX pre installed on it from http://www.modchipstore.com . Please let me Know b4 i buy it. Thanks
If At First You Don't Suceed Fuck It all And Smoke Some Weed !
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. February 2006 @ 23:35
Junior Member
9. February 2006 @ 04:34 |
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ok dj try another computer to unlock the hdd also look for lockhd on xbox scene i think that may help you
and papa you cant use that hdd unless it is unlocked and you lock it yourself, because if it is locked and you dont get the pswd to unlok it you asically have a very expensive paper weight :)
10. February 2006 @ 05:06 |
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I'm gonna try this method in a few mins .. I'll be back with results :D
Core i7 2600k 3.4ghz @4.5ghz
ASUS P8P67 Deluxe
8gb G.Skill SNIPER DDR3 2200 mhz
Evga GTX 570 SC @ 902/2000
Samsung 1TB HDD
10. February 2006 @ 13:03 |
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I get error code (6) after i put the upgraded HD in xbox .. this sucks :(
This is what it shows when i lock Hard drive
Ready to attempt locking .
Are you ready to continue [y/n] y
Master Password set to 'XBOXSCENE'
Command completed Sucessfully
Detecting Drive Status...
HDD: WD *******
HDD:Firm Revision 0.8550.0
HDD Model WDC WD2000JB 00KFA0
Security Supported : Yes
Security Enabled : Yes
Security Locked :No
Security Frozen : No
Security Account Expired :No
Maybe this can show you what is happening ??.. :-[
Core i7 2600k 3.4ghz @4.5ghz
ASUS P8P67 Deluxe
8gb G.Skill SNIPER DDR3 2200 mhz
Evga GTX 570 SC @ 902/2000
Samsung 1TB HDD
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. February 2006 @ 14:43
10. February 2006 @ 17:04 |
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DjRaise (Junior Member) 5. February 2006 @ 23:20
I softmodded my 1.6 Xbox just fine. Works like a champ. I followed ALL the steps. When I tried putting the new HDD in the Xbox, It gives me the ol' FRAG light.
The original HDD works like a champ, but when I put in the Maxtor 250Gig, it doesn't work. Any ideas?
I have also tried to make a direct copy. This didn't work, either. The only thing that I can come up with is that the xbhdm is not using the same lock code (which I verify when I lock the original and the new HDD). I tell it to lock the disk with the eeprom file thingie that is burned on the CD; It locks the original with this file, but when I try the same process on the new HDD it gets the code from who knows where (different set of numbers).
No matter how many times I lock the original HDD, it uses the same code (as it should) and it runs my dashboards just fine. The box just doesn't want to accept this new HDD.
Any ideas? Do you need more info?
I think i have the exact problem the EEPROM.bin that we trasfer via FTP to work with locking HD is'nt what my Stock Epprom says it is , thus i get error 6 ... P.S. This POS HD is 2 secs from getting fired out the fuking window .. 4 hrs trying to fix this chit .. i'm losing my Sanity .
Core i7 2600k 3.4ghz @4.5ghz
ASUS P8P67 Deluxe
8gb G.Skill SNIPER DDR3 2200 mhz
Evga GTX 570 SC @ 902/2000
Samsung 1TB HDD
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. February 2006 @ 17:06
Junior Member
10. February 2006 @ 18:31 |
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ummm all i can think of is look for a prgm that can give you the correct eeprom also there might be an eeprombackup.bin file this is the one you want if that doesnt work try the pswd you get from the setup menu in the softmod make sure you TRIPLE CHECK it though or you could end up with a paper weight :)
Junior Member
10. February 2006 @ 23:54 |
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OK i figuerd out my problem and its MUCH more safer and effective than using your computer and riskin the whole paper wight thing.
Im not sure if I should Make a utorial or not. I Upgraded the hard drive of a softmoddded XBOX using My Chipped XBOX.
---tems needed---
1) A XBOX with a Mod Chip
2) A unmodded XBOx
3) Action replay or a usb memcard (that you made yourself)
4) A Blank Hard drive
5) Exploits For a Softmod ( i use some version of Krayzie (the best softmod exploits ive ever seen)And of course splintercell, or mechassault( iVe only used mech and SC b4)
So yea its like softmod but u need a chipped xbox to mod the other so itll b great if you klnow someone with a chipped XBOX
if n e one wants me to post a tutorial please let me know
------Xbox 1.2 -----
Xecuter 3CE modchip
Western Digital 120GB HDD
LED Lit JeweL
----Xbox 1.6B----
Softmodded with UNleashX
Black jewel and paint job.
SOLD that garbage!
12. February 2006 @ 14:05 |
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OK, I figured it out , Needed the eeprom from the UDATA Folder not Config-magic .. Config-magic was giving me the wrong eeprom.
P.S. DjRaise .. Get the eeprom from the UDATA Folder . FTP E:/ Drive to your desktop and open the UDATA Folder, Look for the eeprom, or Search for it . Then put the eeprom in the xhdm/eeprom folder and make the Win.bat.ISO
Core i7 2600k 3.4ghz @4.5ghz
ASUS P8P67 Deluxe
8gb G.Skill SNIPER DDR3 2200 mhz
Evga GTX 570 SC @ 902/2000
Samsung 1TB HDD
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. February 2006 @ 05:19
Junior Member
13. February 2006 @ 04:23 |
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there you go nice job :) so does everyhting work now?
13. February 2006 @ 05:03 |
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Yeah it works great . I'm very pleased :)
Core i7 2600k 3.4ghz @4.5ghz
ASUS P8P67 Deluxe
8gb G.Skill SNIPER DDR3 2200 mhz
Evga GTX 570 SC @ 902/2000
Samsung 1TB HDD