Upgrading HD on Softmodded Xbox Tutorial
14. December 2005 @ 18:36 |
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yeah, I was playing around with my 2 xboxes one day.. lol.. trying to fix the one that the hdd broke in... I got lucky the first time I tried to hotswap and the second xbox booted up.. the second time I got an error (the hdd wasn't locked or something)... but I kept trying and found out that it is all about timing in turning the one xbox on and connecting the cables at like just the right time... so it might take u a few tries before you get the hotswapping to work...
good luck if you are gonna try it by hotswapping and then getting the eerpom that way... I would suggest you get the eeprom and the hdd making cd burned b4 you buy the hdd, just incase it is some other kind of problem with your xbox
I should also mention that I tried the hotswapping a coupel of times with my original hdd from my working xbox and then a couple of times with my 160 gig for my working xbox and noticed that original hdd seemed to boot the 2nd xbox more often (however this was b4 I noticed the timing had to b just right, so I might have handeled my 160 gig hdd more carefully and been slower at connectiing it missing the boot sequence and failing to load the dash board)
I also want to say that you need to make sure the eeprom you get off the hdd via ftp is actually for the broken xbox and not from the working xbox. To check this you can download a hexeditor and open the two different eeproms u have and c if they r identical or not. If they are not identical then you have the eeprom you want[look at the dates created if u mix the two up (most recent = broken eeprom)]
just search google for a free hexeditor.. or use a free trial
xbl gamertag = destructor7
xbc gamertag = d3structor7
-Soft Modded
-160 gig hdd
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19. December 2005 @ 17:02 |
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I'm having the same issue as Vnsnty628. I used xboxhdm 1.9 to upgrade. When I made boot disc, I only backed up my C drive on it, not E (would've been too big to fit on CDR) Everything worked great. Once I moved the original TDATA and UDATA to the new drive via FlashFXP to get my gamesaves, some games don't load, when I try to start, they just reboot to the dash. Same thing when I put the original disc in, just boots to XBMC. Also, FlashFXP could not transfer some of the folders in TDADA/UDATA, seems those were the saves for the games that are now not starting. So I dl'd some saves and tried to manually put the save folder in TDATA and UDATA, it would not let me, I got the following error:
R] RNFR /E/5454000f
[R] 350 Directory exists, ready for destination name.
[R] RNTO /E/UDATA/5454000f
[R] 450 Internal error renaming the file
Move Failure!
If I try to load or save any of the games that are working, game freezes.
What am I doing wrong?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. November 2005 15:43.
try moving your music file to the pc hd, then make the iso, burn it on the cdr, then move the music file back to the xbox. usually the music file is the biggest on e partition
30. December 2005 @ 06:57 |
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I am in a similar situation as oedomsa reported on Nov. 18th.
Upgraded HDD to Mator 100GB using xboxhdm 1.9 and everything worked perfectly (partitioned, formatted, and locked all with sucessful messages).
After I inserted new drive into xbox and powered up, the console boots into the M$ dashboard and not the Evox dashboard I had on the original softmodded drive.
Any explanation as to why?
Do I need to reinstall the softmod that I originally put on (Splinter Cell)?
I don't understand why I'm unable to boot up into the Evox dash.
Any help would certainly be appreciated.
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Junior Member
30. December 2005 @ 18:02 |
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ok you probably have to i did that also and reinstalled my soft mod and it worked look at my post a few pages ago it tells you exactly what i did and its workin fine
31. December 2005 @ 04:12 |
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Thanks footbal95.
I did see your post and thought I was going to have to do this.
Glad to hear that others are experiencing this issue but able to easily resolve it.
Thanks again and Happy New Year!
Junior Member
31. December 2005 @ 10:41 |
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1. January 2006 @ 14:30 |
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Question What kind's of HD are compatible with Xbox Can We use ATA 100 , ATA 133 , 8 MB Cache, 12 mb etc... ?
Thanks Pitt
Core i7 2600k 3.4ghz @4.5ghz
ASUS P8P67 Deluxe
8gb G.Skill SNIPER DDR3 2200 mhz
Evga GTX 570 SC @ 902/2000
Samsung 1TB HDD
Junior Member
1. January 2006 @ 15:38 |
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there ya go go to that site and put in the hdd you want to try it will tell you if it has been reported as working or not :)
1. January 2006 @ 16:41 |
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Thanks footbal95 .. :)
Core i7 2600k 3.4ghz @4.5ghz
ASUS P8P67 Deluxe
8gb G.Skill SNIPER DDR3 2200 mhz
Evga GTX 570 SC @ 902/2000
Samsung 1TB HDD
6. January 2006 @ 06:17 |
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I have followed the guide and it all went swimmingly until I turned on the xbox with the newly setup HDD. The XBOX booted fine, but it booted to the default XBOX "green" dashboard.
The original xbox had evbox installed and was working perfectly. Is the expected outcome as per the guide in this thread, do you need to "redo" the evox install to get it to work or should evox be loaded straight away just like the original hd was (thought that was the purpose of creating the iso of the C and E drive).
Any help you can provide would be great.
(I have an X3 modded box also that I have played with, even installed a new HD with minimal effort, actually the same HDD as I am trying to install now on a soft modded xbox).
Thanks in advance....
6. January 2006 @ 06:37 |
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I don't know what the expected outcome should be in the HDD upgrade process, all I can tell you is my experience.
After the HDD upgrade, I had to go in from the M$ dash and delete the linux and Splinter Cell game saves from the original soft mod, and do a reinstall with my Splinter Cell game.
It was all tickety-boo after that.
The weird thing is every one of my app's and skins from the original HDD were there, but for some reason it just wouldn't boot to evox.
At first I tried to turn the soft mod back on through the SC game save boot to UnleashX, but it pooched the drive and I got the dreaded Error 13 message.
So I re-formatted the HDD, and just did a fresh install of the SC soft mod exploit.
One thing I learned in this process, is that when I went to lock the hard drive after using xboxhdm, I wasn't able to type in the "lockhd -a" command when my M$ usb mouse was attached to the computer.
Strange eh?
When I unplugged it and rebooted, no problems.
Maybe this little tidbit will help others in that boat.
Junior Member
7. January 2006 @ 07:33 |
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check out my post a few pages back it explains what i did and it is almost error proof :)
10. January 2006 @ 16:08 |
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Ok I followed the guide exactly even printed it out so I would make sure to follow it properly and I tries 5 times and keep getting a error 06 which i research and found its that the xbox cant unlock the hdd, the hdd im using is a Samsung SP1604N 160 gig, another question I have I set the jumper on the hdd to master to install from the boot cd I made now the stock hdd in the xbox has the jumper set to cable select to I put my new hdd to that didnt work got same error so I tried it on master, same thing, anyone have any idea how to resolve this? I am using Evox from SID, and it says my drive is compatible in the list, cant think of anymore info to put in here but if you need something else please ask
Junior Member
10. January 2006 @ 17:48 |
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ok are you using your eeprom or typing the password manualy? umm are you sure its lockable look at the link i posted above. Or try a fresh eeprom gotten from the evox backup prgm aight. if that doesnt work let me know and ill research it
10. January 2006 @ 18:02 |
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ok are you using your eeprom or typing the password manualy? umm are you sure its lockable look at the link i posted above. Or try a fresh eeprom gotten from the evox backup prgm aight. if that doesnt work let me know and ill research it
i backedup my eeprom with evox and used it , thought maybe it didnt take right so i rebacked it up n tried again same results, yes it says my drive is compatible in that link, I am lost my stock hdd still works but I would like to backup my original games for safe keeping so I need a bigger hdd......its a softmod install so you know and i have not upgraded anything as far as eeprom or bios unless thwe softmod does it automatically, I am no0b to modding and this is my 1st attempt at putting in a new hdd
10. January 2006 @ 18:05 |
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from what i am understanding from other forums and threads the error 06 means 6 - kernel - Cannot unlock HDD
Junior Member
10. January 2006 @ 18:17 |
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yes he stated that in his original problem, ummm lemme see .......... look for a prgm that will tell you the pswd using the eeprom and write it down and try typing it in manually. look on xbox scene i think thats where i found it
10. January 2006 @ 18:27 |
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ok there is a txt file in my backup folder wit the info in it hddinfo.txt gives me all that stuff now what ?
Junior Member
10. January 2006 @ 19:32 |
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ok that alone will not work because the xbox generates the pswd based on the hdd serial number that is what the prgm i mentioned is for check on xbins, im sry that i dont remember what it is called, but you can try it buy make sure you type it in exactly and quadruple check it cuz if you mess up and dont know the pswd you typed your hdd is gone forever. try it ill keep lookin for that prgm
10. January 2006 @ 19:33 |
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ok i will search for a program that finds it from the eeprom too if you find anything please post thanks for your help
Junior Member
10. January 2006 @ 19:37 |
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oh and to the person who wanted someone to post a dl of the cd i can do it for you but you still need the eeprom and you would have to put it on a floppy when you go to lock the hdd
man thats **** i cant post more than once in 3 min cuz im a noobie >:( i resent that oh well i guess i can wait lol
ok in my waiting i found the prgm it is called liveinfo and you can get it off of xbins if you know how if not give me an aim addy or something and ill send it to you
10. January 2006 @ 20:15 |
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ok I have liveinfo and it doesnt have instrustions, I am a no0b sorry but do I need to connect my stock xbox hdd to my pc now to read the eeprom from it? I tried ftping the backup from the xbox to my pc but it doesnt seem to work when I load it
10. January 2006 @ 22:16 |
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blah I just put it back in my PC screw it lol thanx tho for trying to help guess I cant change my hdd
Junior Member
31. January 2006 @ 00:19 |
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I must b the only person in the world that didnt get this tutorial to work. i did EVERYTHING perfect and it didnt work. the only conclusion i can think is that i am using a 1.6b and it wont work with the 1.6b eeprom. :( i am goin to try it with a 1.0 tomorrow and if that doesnt work ill b pissed i got. it will boot the disk to the menu but when i press 1 and hit enter it just resets my pc. and it does this no matter what
im stumped. but is there a reason it wont work with a 1.6b eeprom?
------Xbox 1.2 -----
Xecuter 3CE modchip
Western Digital 120GB HDD
LED Lit JeweL
----Xbox 1.6B----
Softmodded with UNleashX
Black jewel and paint job.
SOLD that garbage!
Junior Member
31. January 2006 @ 04:52 |
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no i dont understand why it wouldnt work try reburning the disc w/o the eeprom on it (put the eeprom on a floppy) and make sure your jumper settings are correct for the hdd (master or maybe CS, ummmmmmm lemme see wut else, nope nothing comes to mind. IF you cant get this to work try leaving off your E drive when you burn it