could the xbox 360s rpg be better than the ps3s?
Senior Member
12. December 2005 @ 21:06 |
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Okay so lets say people like Fantasy RPG's and realism. Why wont people like the xbox 360 RPG's? Is it because you lot say there will be no fantasy games on the 360? I think you will find yourselves to be wrong.
Secondly why isnt anyone getting excited over Blue Dragon, Lost Odessy, Ninty Nine Nights and my personal Favourite Mass Effect.
12. December 2005 @ 21:17 |
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Too true Zelda, most pple haven't even looked at these games because they either don't do their h/w or choose not too. Its not like these games are made by unknown developers mass effect is made by those who did star wars knights of the old republic, NNN is directed by the guy who directed resi evil and the other two are made by square enix, the guys who created Ffantasy.
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13. December 2005 @ 11:46 |
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Im too tech!?
Quote: Why wont people like the xbox 360 RPG's? Is it because you lot say there will be no fantasy games on the 360?
But you did the same with ps3, you assumed no "realism" on the ps3 so nobody can say that the xbox360 will have no fantasy? Yea thought so.
Quote: most pple haven't even looked at these games because they either don't do their h/w or choose not too.
HELlo,ff isnt the only rpg on the ps3, so ppl also havnt done their h.w and choose not to look at ps3's rpg's even though we only know of ffviii is comming back. And for what i know ff11 is realistic on the most part.
13. December 2005 @ 12:36 |
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No you misunderstand me, firstly I didn't say final fantasy was the only rpg coming for ps3 I know there are games like Elveon, master project, monster carnival etc. You do have a good selection on ps3, obviously we haven't heard much on them but it seems likely to be good on the rpg side of things. What I was trying to say is you say
Quote: The game final fantasy is like the best selling rpg for its fantasy Which m$ games do not have.
And I was just pointing out microsoft do have 2 rpg's made by square enix the team who make FF and other rpg's made by well known pple. Too say microsoft aren't going to have many fantasy syle games
Quote: Most people who buy rpg's buy them for fantasy more than realism, which is what makes final fantasy so popular. M$ leaks that ability.
Would not be fair when you haven't seen the other titles I mentioned in my previous post. To presume m$ rpg's are all going to be realistic because the xbox rpg's were like that is not fair as m$ are making an effort to make sure they appeal to the wider population with their games as they are trying to break into the asian market.
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13. December 2005 @ 12:42 |
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Oh sorry the only point i was trying to prove is that everyone( is saying that the xbox360 will have realistic rpg's, while ps3 will have fantasy rpg's which is way wrong.
All of us are assuming that neither system will have what ever, with out the facts.
@chimpanel, that post wasnt only to you, it was to zelda and , who kept saying that the ps3 wont have realistic rpg's, and the xbox360 wont have fantasys
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. December 2005 @ 12:57
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14. December 2005 @ 06:06 |
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Nephilim, i just read this thread over, and you said that you hid the threads. That explains everything now, i was going to send feedback today because i thaught it was a glitch.
14. December 2005 @ 08:18 |
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Nope, no glitch. Just babies that can't debate like resonable human beings.
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