darthnip, been following thread, need help with Mirc, how do you request files. went into ircspy.com, this sent me to a channel which I was connected to ( as I was amswering trivia Q's posted) , I could see the files I was after but didn't know how to get them. I am using emule with no real problems, but always looking for faster dl's. can pm you, but thought open forum was a good start.
Hey Darthnip! I found a way to see the file. I got the VCDGear program and I changed the format of the .cue .bin file to MPGE and I can open it with almost any player now. The only problem is, that the cuality is not that good, I don't know if that's the original quality of the .bin or if the quality got lost during the convertion. For the size of the MPGE file I should be getting pretty good quality. Do you know of any programs that convert format into a different that isn't MPGE?
This was a great read, but I have a question?
I just started with "IRCspy" and its the greatest thing I'v ever seen. The problem is I tried downloading 3 xvid movies now and all three said corrupt upon Extracting the .rar files (CORRUPT <-bad word). I'v gotten avi files to play and apps to work no problem.
Q. My question: is there a way to use ftp and get files off ircspy? Im thinking my ftp may be a more Reliable download proggy. Or do you think these files were just bad to begin with?
Hey I'm am semi-new to IRC and I really liked the layout of #aowarez on beyondirc.net except i got BANNED for no reason...I tried to sign on to aowarez w/ a diff. ISP and then the kick msg I got was "don't evade a ban"...but i am trying to find another channel / network where I can use @find to find files and can download from FTP's...I don't understand the xdcc, fserve thing so much and I would much rather prefer a server/channel similar to aowarez...any suggestions? Thanks!