anyone gonna trade in x360 for ps3?
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11. May 2006 @ 15:22 |
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Its more than worth the price a Blu-ray player sale for $ 1000.PS3 biggest package sale for 599 thats $400 dollars less than the Blu-ray plus the all new Cell chip they have inside that will be used in home PC's starting the Begining of next year.I think the question is can people afford it not is it worth the money & thats a personal thing not Sony problem.People ask for the next Gen console you cant make that unless you going to spend money.Not thinking the price is still going to be the same as the console before.
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12. May 2006 @ 01:28 |
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the lower end ps3 model wont have a hdmi port so theoreticaly wont be able to handle 1080p resolution
so in order for any differences in resoltuion betweenb the xbox 360 and ps3 you'd need to get the more expensive one with the much more expensive tv on top of that.
If your buying your ps3 for a blu ray player, think twice, the ps2 had a crap dvd player, wouldnt read dual layered discs, froze up etc. your getting a budget player with the ps3 and you will get what you pay for when it comes to that sort of quailty. ontop of that, HD-DVD will have a cheaper player and production costs will be cheaper becasue there is much modifying on machines that currently print dvd's that needs to be done. HD-DVD coulsd be the optimum format and that would mean your precious Blu-ray player would be rubbish like the betamax in a couple of years.
12. May 2006 @ 02:54 |
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Why is everyone saying it's good value because it has a blu ray layer.
You have to look at it from the angle...
Q: What does a blu ray player do?
A: The same as HD-DVD, but there's loads of empty space left on the disc!
ALSO, the 360 DOES get EXCLUSIVE GTA IV content. It was said by Peter Moore during his keynote speech...
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12. May 2006 @ 03:39 |
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"The same as HD-DVD, but there's loads of empty space left on the disc!"
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12. May 2006 @ 04:10 |
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That not true 1080i & 1080p Picture depend on the eye of the beholder.Some people think 1080i is better.But to look at 360 to only have there games run on 720p thats real sad.That space give programer room to add more thing to the disc, look at 360 it dont have a HD-DVD drive its still running games off DVD9 format.If im going to pay money for a Nex-Gen console i want up todate software not useing old stuff from the pass.Go to and watch some of the games Sony has coming out compared to X-Boxs games its no contest.Far as the GTA exclusive content thats a none issue the PS3 is going to have add on content to just about all there games online and offline.Such as new maps extra guns etc......Most of all its Free.
12. May 2006 @ 04:20 |
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Beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder.
Where the PS3 videos you watchedby any chance the 90% of pre-rendered videos released?
I really don't think Blu Ray is going to change anything relating to game quality. It's worth noting that Microsoft technology has progressed to the point they can put a 3D quake-like game on a FLOPPY DISC!
As for the free download thing...
Microsoft charges a content sensitive price for downloads. If you look at this logically, won't more, greater quality, downloads be released by developers when they are making money for doing it?
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13. May 2006 @ 13:33 |
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oedekerk: Read my posts before you reply.I never said anything about the Blu-ray inprove the game quality.I dont think i heard anyone on the afterdawn forum say such a Floppy Disc who cares about a floopy disc...Whats your point????? What part of free you guys dont understand !
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13. May 2006 @ 14:48 |
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but after last e3 everybody thought exactly that, that ps3 would be at least 2 times better, and that blu ray would help graphics and game size, so how do you know now when saying that ps3 will have better games and better graphics that you are not wrong now. (and by you i mean all the people who say this)
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13. May 2006 @ 16:54 |
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Quote: What part of free you guys dont understand !
you cant possibly believe extra content will be free.
yea the developers are going to go out of the way to give you more free content, not getting payed, using up company resources to meet your needs. <end sarcasm>
sony said their online service to play games will be free. nothing about free content.
i can assure you that if the same content that is sold on xbl shows up on ps3 online service it will have a price tag.
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13. May 2006 @ 17:14 |
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well the only thing i really buy off of xbox live market place is just arcade games apart from that the other stuff is not really needed but can be cool to some people, but what i thin M$ have done well in is making sure that the demos that are released before hand are free, which is a large factor. like being able to play fight night 3 and full auto helped me to save 100 pounds, b/c i was going to buy them untill i played the demos and thought they were not too good, but on the othet hand ghost recon demo made me want the game and so did battlefield.
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14. May 2006 @ 04:15 |
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@ wooopz : They(Sony) never said that the extra content was free you have to pay for stuff like that.The developers got to make some money off that if its 360 or PS3.But im talking about the 50 bucks a year cmon why even charge that plus MS is bigger than that.
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14. May 2006 @ 04:28 |
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i would say its well worth 50 bucks, well not at the momment b/c there are not too many great games, but give it a mounth or two and i will be on xbox live everyday again just like i was when halo 2 came out.
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14. May 2006 @ 06:24 |
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@ oedekerk
i've said it before and i'll say it again fine buy a gigantic HD-DVD external port and spend $200 but then that would mean you spent $600 on a 360 and with the ps3 there is a built in wifi. and for the x360 that is $100 so if you want to get what ps3 has for your x360 you're gonna pay $700 and still not have the quality of ps3.
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14. May 2006 @ 06:57 |
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@ Rabbity : Microsoft screw people over with that Halo map pack for 6 dollars.They charge people for that then gave it away for free three months later.My brother is a Microsoft nut but he is still ticked off about that.
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14. May 2006 @ 08:33 |
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well i can undertand that you brother and othe rpeople can be a little upset, but to be honest i would rather pay that money to play the new maps for the first three mounths when everybody willo also be playing them, after that the hype goes down and everything resumes normality. if sony can sell the ps3 for less then a blue ray player whcih is going to be 1000 bucks then a hd dvd in stores for 500 will probably sell for around 100 as an addon for xbox 360, b/c think about it why when M$ have the money would they sell an addon for 200 bucks which would then make it the same price as ps3, they have the money and can handle selling it for 100 maybe less, well either that or they might just reduce the price of the xbox 360 this x-mas.
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14. May 2006 @ 12:17 |
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@Dr. Cool
I don't know how much the external HD-DVD is gonna cost but you may be right. However, I haven't the slightest interest in Blu Ray or HD-DVD for watching movies, to be honest. My TV is 26" and you probably wouldn't notice. I play games on a 16" monitor, getting me HD for $15 (that was the price of the monitor). I'd only spend money if I was getting something NOTICEABLE, between HD-DVD's and DVD's, i'm happy with good ole DVD.
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14. May 2006 @ 14:04 |
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14. May 2006 @ 18:10 |
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Quote: Too me, Sony are behind scraping up ideas from Microsoft and Nintendo and have shown nothing in the way of innovation.
OMFG. How old are you son? 7?
Tell me how 360 is "innovative".
PS3 first ever to use/have/develop:
1. Blu-Ray
2. Cell Processor
4. 7 BlueTooth devices/controllers
5. True HD
Xbox360 still uses GDDR3 ram, PowerPc cpu, DVD...same old same old.
AMD Athlon 64 3700+ @2.8Ghz ///1.5GB Corsair XMS
Radeon X800PRO///ASRock939-DualSATAII Motherboard
PowerLiner 400Watt PSU///Logitech X-530 5.1 Surround Sound///NEC Double Layer DVD Burner///Arctic Cooling Freezer 64 PRO
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15. May 2006 @ 01:06 |
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PS3 first ever to use/have/develop:
1. Blu-ray
2. Cell Processor
4. 7 BlueTooth devices/controllers
5. True HD
When you're innovating though, isn't it a good idea to make the new product BETTER than what's out the now?
Blu Ray may have it's benefits, though if you aren't picky enough to want/afford HD-Movies, probably not noticeable technology for about 5 years. It'll start being used when the Xbox 720 comes out.
The cell is going to create games which look pretty much the same on both consoles whether it uses a different technology or not (look at the games they revealed at E3, they could easily be mistaken as 360 games).
I can't think of any time i'd want to use 7 bluetooth devices simultaneously (As usual, Sony just trying to use bigger numbers to look good).
True HD? I'll never have a 50" TV to notice so why do I care?
Doesn't it strike anybody else as a poor effort from Sony? They have announced a console in the region of no better/marginally better than a 360 when they've had over a year longer to develop the console.
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15. May 2006 @ 01:24 |
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yeah thats what i try and say, sony has loads of great features but not many of them actally help graphics or gamplay.
also in my opinion none of the ps3 games looked better then games like crackdown, gears of war, shoadowrun, mass effect, its just that they looked great mainly b/c they had loads of action in the trailers. but i supose that they were firt gen games for ps3.
but what i want to know is if xbox 360 is slightly ahead at the momment, which was already expected b/c it came out a year before, but what if the rate of increase in graphics stays the same, so that ps3 will never catch up to the xbox 360 just b/c it came out a year before. and do not say it can not happen b/c look at the ps2 whcih is much more inferior to the xbox but god of war is better looking than most games on xbox at the momment, mainly b/c it came out a year before, but in the case of the xbox 360, it is not as inferior as ps2 was to xbox , its easier to develope for so easier for developers to harnes the power, and ps3 is a lot harder to develope for as it uses cell, blue ray, etc, etc.
thats just my opinion on it.
15. May 2006 @ 01:34 |
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Any marginal difference in horsepower won't matter, as Rabbity says, the time dev's have had with the 360, and the PS3's 'supposed' power should make a pretty even playing field when both consoles are on the market.
On SOME Xbox games, a slight graphical boost was noticed compared to PS2 which had more noticeable 'jaggies', but this time I think the difference will be even LESS noticeable. E.g. some great PS3 games, some crap ones. Some great 360 games, some crap ones. It's goin' to be down to the developers to set the games apart from the competition.
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15. May 2006 @ 15:29 |
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But what you guys dont understand is the cell does more than Graphic.Its the first system that make everthing in the Game come to life Like Madden for Ex:Every player will react like the real player in others words Each player will have there own brain not brain dead like the Madden on 360.Madden on 360 sucked real bad.I notice on the 360 some games like Kameo:The Elements of Power.The ememys on that game are brain dead they do the same thinks over & over.Sony games not going to do this every creature on the game will react diff.
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15. May 2006 @ 16:07 |
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firstly it was thought that the cell wouldhelp the graphics card but it is now known that it can not, maybe apart from a little here and there. i do have to admit that cell will be better in physics but when xbox 360 is using all of its three cores it will not be far behind. oh and also me personally only really play games for xbox live, so its not a probelm for me having brain dead ai. oh and i just remembered something i read on ign when they had a developers interview with the guys who made oblivion, and they basicaly were talking about their ai, and ign asked how clever are you npc's and they said, that they mhad made them so clever that they were not going along with the game anymore, that they were actually doing their won thing and if you did somehting like drop soething then they would run out of the bushes grab this thing and then run way, so they basically had to make them stupider, so i really think you got to get your facts right when you say xbox 360 is not this, it can not do this, its far inferior to ps3, blah, blah,b blah, you know how it goes.
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15. May 2006 @ 21:51 |
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You cant handle the truth either i see...LOL
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15. May 2006 @ 23:05 |
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well the only reason i keep answering back to your every quetstion, is b/c you and the others just keep on saying the same thing like ps3 online WILL be better, how do you now this, ps3 games will look better, how do you know this, ps3 is from out of space, how do you know this. when i say something bad about the ps3 its either facts or my personally opinion, but so far, i have not seen any links from you or any facts what so ever. all i am saying is wait till the ps3 comes out then if its true we will see, if it can really beat the xbox 360 but by saying it now, your just sounding really stupid.
i would also just like to point out that i will be getting a ps3 on the day of release, the only reason i am bashing it is b/c i do not think its worth the money.