anyone gonna trade in x360 for ps3?
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29. March 2006 @ 17:16 |
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i am very very very dissapointed withx360 anyone gonna trade in x360 for ps3? i might if games dont get better.
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30. March 2006 @ 12:27 |
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what makes you so dissapointed with the 360? I will pick up a ps3 but never trade my 360 for one.
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30. March 2006 @ 12:41 |
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The games have been dissapointing except for about 3, i probly wont sell mine but its hard to buy new games for systems that games are expensive for
31. March 2006 @ 21:19 |
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Quote: The games have been dissapointing
It's hard to tell if the lack of stellar titles for the 360 is not a general sympthom of nex-gen gaming with it's higher development costs. Probably after the PS3 arrives more games will arrive for both consoles, or maybe the PS3 gets more titles.
But we won't know until at least next spring if the PS3 will be getting more developer support as did the PS2 in it's generation. If that's the case, then Sony should dominate the market.
That considering that the PS2 dominated the XBOX even when the XBOX was a more powerful system, had a better online service and offered better resolutions. This time around both consoles have equivalent power, but PS2 will offer one more resolution than the 360, HDD support for all games and even a refined online service.
Quote: its hard to buy new games for systems that games are expensive for
If 360 games are expensive PS3's should cost even more. Not that much, considering the expected price difference between BD-Video movies and DVD movies. But still more expensive.
Of course it's your money so if you feel disapointed you should do what's best for you. What's a next-gen system good for if you can't have fun with it?
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31. March 2006 @ 21:41 |
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Good idea to trade xbox360 for a PS3.
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1. April 2006 @ 02:41 |
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That is why you don't buy xbox360 at launch time.
Wait til they make more games, so you can decide what games are good.
I bet you that you will trade xbox360 for only 250 store credit.
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1. April 2006 @ 04:07 |
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give the xbox 360 some time, you never really expected it to come out of the blocks with awesome games, i mean every console has its bad luanch even ps2. i am going to buy a ps3, but i can probably garante that the same problems will take place, like with what happened to the xbox 360 and freezing and the games might not be all that great at the start, so when that happens, i will have my xbox 360 with its fixed probelms and next wave of next gen games to play with.
10. May 2006 @ 00:07 |
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i'd just keep the 360 and buy a ps3 cause theres gonna be exclusives.
10. May 2006 @ 02:49 |
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Trade in 360 for PS3. That is the stupidest thing I've heard.
1. Blu Ray is unnoticeably different from HDDVD (I guarantee GTA IV will look the same on both consoles regardless).
2. PS3's online service will NEVER live up to XBL.
3. Microsoft has announced compatibility between 360/mobile/pc
e.g. You can transfer a car from Forza to a PC program, design you're own bodywork, then transfer it back to the game.
PS3 can NEVER have this level of compatibility.
4. The 360 controller sh*ts all over the 'Dual Shake' (don't even bring up it's 'original' motion tilt idea because dev's only heard about it A WEEK AND A HALF AGO).
5. The 360 lineup for this year and next is very solid. Amazing racer (Forza 2), amazing MMORPG (mass effect), amazing fps (Halo 3), Amazing free-roamer (crackdown, saints row, GTA IV), amazing RPG (Blue Dragon, Fable 2) amazing MOOR (TD:Unlimited), amazing Mech games (Lost Planet, Chrome Hounds), amazing sorts games (lots coming), amazing World War shooters (COD3, Hells Highway), amazing horror (F.E.A.R., Alan Wake) a bit of stealth (Splinter Cell DA)
6. The PS3 doesn't have the spec it released last year (dual HDMI etc.)
7. There's a whole load of XBL Arcade games coming including Lumines and Pac Man).
8. The 360 camera (this was shown at E3 in conjuction with a Poker game to be available on XBLA, and you pictured yourself from three angles and it put YOUR face on the character!)
9. Downloadable content. Since beginning of E3 on Monday, the Marketplace has been flooded with free demos/trailers. Also, lots of extra content gets released for games. e.g. PGR3 cars, COD maps, Oblivion stuff etc.)
10. 90% of this stuff is available NOW, not in OVER a year.
11. The 360 is $200 cheaper
However, if you want to see the few films released on the spectacular piece of futuristic hardware that is blu ray... infact never mind that. If you don't want a 360, get a Wii !!
Sony is falling by the wayside, and did anyone else notice that last year they slated the Wii for its controller, and Microsoft's XBL service. This year they're stealing the ideas!
I have a 360 and was goin to get a PS3, but this is a joke, Nintendo it is.
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10. May 2006 @ 03:04 |
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@ oedekerk Im sorry i disagree with you on the PS3 online service it will be top of the line.Better than 360 or Xbox ever had it will link up with the PSP also its Free....And many more things
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10. May 2006 @ 03:20 |
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nobody can say ps3 online will be better than xbl or worse, all we know is that xbl is awesome and it has over 2 million subscribers, so when a game like halo 3 comes out you are sure to have plenty of people to play with, unlike a few years ago when games like mechassult had really good xbl gameplay but not many people playing the game, and i presume this will be the outcome of the ps3 online for the first year at least. so while we play games like gears of war and others people wanting to play ps3 online will be a little lonley, but it will pick up fast seeing as though the online service is free. also i would just like to add that, saying the ps3 online is free does not mean you are saving any money, b/c seeing the price at 600 bucks sony most probably added the price into the total costs.
10. May 2006 @ 03:28 |
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Yeah sorry. That was an opinion. I don't THINK PS3's online service will match XBL. Too me, Sony are behind scraping up ideas from Microsoft and Nintendo and have shown nothing in the way of innovation.
I loved my PS/PS2, but the 360 is giving the PS3 a beating in my opinion. It's becoming increasingly more realistic that the only battle will be between Sony and Nintendo this generation.
Surely someone else out there isn't blinded by love for Sony and realises that it's falling short. It's struggling to bring out 360 capabilities by 2007 forgodsake!!
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10. May 2006 @ 03:31 |
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Who cares if it can connect to the PSP? LOL by the time the PS3 is ou the Origami project will be complete, and it will look like a gameboy in comparison.
I was a fan of Sony/Microsoft, but now i'm more Microsoft/Nintendo. Sony lost there skill to innovate ahead of the pack.
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10. May 2006 @ 03:32 |
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yes i agree, i mean look at the games they have shown, apart from mgs4 nothing is as they showed last e3, and most xbox 360 games are slightly better in graphics terms. but sony are very clever and will by no means lose this war.
oh and you mentioned sony and inovation, well peronally i think they lost that when they made ps2, its basically a ps1 which was great, but with enhanced graphics and nothing more. it still had 2 constrollers it was still using cd format for some of it games.
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10. May 2006 @ 03:45 |
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Yeah true.
I remember getting a PS2 though, and how amazing the games where (e.g. GTA). I think back then they still had the 'magic'.
The impression you get now though, is that they're scraping up ideas trying not to trip up before the finish line.
I mean, on Monday they announced the 'dual shake'. The dev's only found out about it a week and a half ago - you don't get more unorganised than that!
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10. May 2006 @ 03:55 |
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but even if the ps3 is having problems and is also not living up to what it promised, apart from a few people the majority of people will be blinded just by the word playstation 3 and the pathetic blue ray
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10. May 2006 @ 04:00 |
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Sony has not lost there skills its MicroSoft thats copies everything they do.Look at all the Big titles Sony has to offer the only one X-Box has to live on is Halo..Instead Microsoft like to Port games just to try to stay a float.Sony was the first to start the online gameing(consoles) so there online gaming on the PS2 do suck really bad(to many cheaters).X-Box had time to adjust to PS2 online service.But now the tables are turned Sony had time to adjust to the 360.There is a reason Sony is the number#1 saleing console on the market.Barnone
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10. May 2006 @ 04:18 |
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@ damondash
sorry mate but sega started the online console thing, think you'll find chu chu rocket back in the day kicked it all off, via a little help form a windows ce operating system a la microsoft.
also the dualshock pad, its motion sensors are far less superior o that of the wii, in fact it seems totaly different. in fact id go further to say that the motion sensors in the pad are identical to the pad that microsoft released back in 1998 that did the same thing. lol, innovation and sony just arent going together right now.
yes sony may have had time to adjust to ms cbl service but that doesnt chnage the fact that they said they were going to do sooooo much more with the ps2 online service and didnt, what makes you think that they will live up to their promises. they sure didnt do that with the ps3, they changed it from last years e3. if you buy the cheaper option then you are going to be left behind, in features that they go on and on about. lol. and games wise, the microsoft pre e3 conference, ms showed off alot of games that were exclusive, something that sny didnt realy do. y? because either there are none or they just look rubbish. if you are going to get a ps3, wait about 2 years, it took 18 months or there about for sony to start bringing out any decent ps2 games.
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10. May 2006 @ 04:44 |
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Buncel33 Microsoft games dont come close to PS3 games..LOL look at the top saleing games pass three years sony was all ways on top.Far as release games here you go.MetalGearsoild4,Unrealtourment007,Resident Evil 5,Gran Turismo HD,and FinalFantasy XIII.Let me know if you want somemore.Im sorry but Microsoft dont have one game that out sold any of the 5 games i just named.Not even Halo 1 or 2.Plus FinalFantasy is the most played online game between the two consoles.
10. May 2006 @ 04:49 |
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I just remembered... they also said last year having to different priced versions of a console (talkin bout 360) was a stupid idea.
@DamonDash Microsoft does not rely on Halo, or ported games for that matter!
How can I back this up? I DON'T LIKE HALO!
As for originality, Crackdown, Gears of War, Lost Planet, Blue Dragon, Alan Wake, Saints Row, theres loads!!
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10. May 2006 @ 04:50 |
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you are basing all of your facts on ps2 and xbox, but xbox 360 has a lot more awesome games this time around. oh and dreamcast was the first to have straight of the bat online gaming not even ps2 which came out later did not even have online play at first they had to release an add on.
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10. May 2006 @ 04:50 |
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you are basing all of your facts on ps2 and xbox, but xbox 360 has a lot more awesome games this time around. oh and dreamcast was the first to have straight of the bat online gaming not even ps2 which came out later did not even have online play at first they had to release an add on and it was still crap.
10. May 2006 @ 04:52 |
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Speaking of originality. metal gear solid FOUR, gran turismo FIVE, resident evil FIVE, final fantasy THIRTEEN, Unreal Tournament 2007. Not one original game there!!
Are you trying to tell me not one of the 200 upcoming games interests you?
*cough* *fanboy* *ahem*
There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who know binary, and those who don't
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10. May 2006 @ 05:09 |
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One Ninja Gaiden the only one, the rest dont get me....Nintendo had that one first not Microsoft.
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10. May 2006 @ 05:12 |
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OOps my bad Sega not nintendo.....