NEW HDLoader 0.8B
23. August 2006 @ 22:21 |
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24. August 2006 @ 03:15 |
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o.8b allows you to map only the buttons you want to change the udma or mdma can set the buttons you dont use to 'none'.
28. August 2006 @ 08:40 |
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Hi everyone,
I am new to this forum but somewhat not new to the HDL. I have some very simple questions that I hope you can help me with. To I have treid researching the questions I am about to ask but have not been able to understand / put into effect much of the answers I have found. PLEASE PLEASE try to keep the answers so that someone who knows not much about computer programs.
1) The big question is Do I need anything else other then a then my Computer w/ a DVD/CD burner, 40gig Hard Drive, Ps2(unmodded), Network Adapter and the HDL disc to be able to get/ make and updated version of the HDL i have purchased? -- I had seen answers that said no but it seemed all the answers also revolved around a PS2 that was modded in some way.
2) Do i have to some how take the hard drive out of the ps2 and hook up to the computer .. if so how?
3) If everything i have is OK, is it more or less just taking the files of the original HDL modifying them and making a new disc?
- - If so, is there an idiots guide to doing this or can someone email me the proper way to do it? Basically as far as computers are concearned I am of plug + play knowledge and thats about it ... in case a description of my knowledge was needed. or better yet, when i saw something invilved a .elf file, i thought it involved a website for people with pointy ears that had there own files ...
Forever will be greatful to anyone that can understand where I am coming and that can help me.
28. August 2006 @ 22:31 |
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is this working with xenosaga episode 2 and 3?
29. August 2006 @ 21:38 |
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Does anyone have a copy of HD Loader 0.8 for a PAL system ?
Because every iso or file I find here are NTSC.
Would be very helpful ;)
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30. August 2006 @ 13:00 |
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do i need swap magic to patch hd loader cause i have a 250 gb hard drive for my ps2 please any help
the frogster is in the house
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30. August 2006 @ 13:40 |
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can i use a backup swap magic dvd on a non modded ps2
the frogster is in the house
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30. August 2006 @ 13:57 |
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i would also like to know how they compress the dvd to play on a ps2 cause i want to make a backup of hd loader and swap magic. any website or program would be appreciated.
the frogster is in the house
Senior Member
30. August 2006 @ 14:12 |
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1. September 2006 @ 08:12 |
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i just need to know if that is all i need just bought the swap magic disc and flip top lid but did i really need that
the frogster is in the house
Senior Member
1. September 2006 @ 08:23 |
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YES once you have the swapmagic discs and fliptop you can make a MC Exploit for HDLOADER you'll need swapmagic to install the exploit and then you can run games off the HD ... If a game isn't compatible with HDLoader then you can always run it using Swapmagic discs
Junior Member
4. September 2006 @ 13:05 |
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just as an can use the flash drive that comes with action replay to put it on your memory card and use hdloader that way.
Senior Member
4. September 2006 @ 14:19 |
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Yeah Action Replay Max Evo with USB Flash Drive will work also...
I just like having Swapmagic for the games that don't work with the hard drive & Hdloader
As for installing via cheat device I perfer Codebreaker not only can you transfer game saves to and from MC & USB devices you can also transfer to and from your HARD DRIVE which is really nice..
9. October 2006 @ 15:35 |
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where can i get the actual elf of hdloader v0.8b?
not the bin and cue
9. October 2006 @ 16:46 |
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IF you already have the bin/cue the .elf is within it. Mount the image with Daemon Tools or Alcohol 120% OR open the .bin with WinRAR and IoBuster, WinImage, or any image manipulation software and you should be able to extract it from there. IF you already have the bin/cue burnt, pop the disc in the drive and copy it out of it! :)
PS2 V9 with Custom Flip Top
MC Exploit
ULaunchELF 3.78
HDLoader 0.8a with 160Gb Maxtor HDD
Nintendo GameCube DOL-001
XenoGC 2.0
POTS adjusted to 400Ohms from 496Ohms and runs everything thrown at it
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
9. October 2006 @ 17:25 |
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o cool thnx
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27. October 2006 @ 07:37 |
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can i play online games with hd loader patch or do i need the original game
the frogster is in the house
27. October 2006 @ 08:34 |
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I have got HDloader booting from the HDD using the exploit compiler and a PS1 game. I can play games from HDD, but when i try and install them from DVD-R onto the HDD, it says "not a valid PS2 disk". I can play the games with my flip-top, so i know they are good. Is HDLoader supposed to work with Backup discs, or only Pressed?
Senior Member
27. October 2006 @ 09:46 |
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Hdloader will only install Pressed discs by itself.. So use Winhiip in your PC to install games on your PS2 HD (Inside PC)
but you can fool HDLOADER into installing a Backup by Refreshing the TOC of an original game or Swapmagic disc..
open the tray (not fliptop the TRAY) insert Orig game or Swapmagic Disc) let it fresh itself for a min or so Insert the backup with your fliptop and then go to install and that should work...
28. October 2006 @ 04:26 |
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Posted by dman33
just as an can use the flash drive that comes with action replay to put it on your memory card and use hdloader that way.
Here's what I've got...
1) v5/6 PS2 (not modded) + 32Mb memory card
2} bought an ARMax Evo that comes with a 16Mb USB key.
3) Network adaptor with original network access disc
4) 40Gb and 80Gb Maxtor IDE drives
I know how to install the HDD so that's not an issue. Also, I have no problems with putting the HDD into my PC, if needed, having built and tweaked PCs for the last ten years.
What I would like to know is how I go about getting that download version of HDL onto my memory card as you described so that I can get my original SoulCalibur3 onto the HDD. Or do I need to go and buy something extra, like original version HDL, HDA or SM3.6?
Thanks in advance.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. October 2006 @ 04:33
Junior Member
29. October 2006 @ 02:19 |
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Does the memory card exploit using HDLoader require a PS1 disc in the drive (or swap disc then backup PS1 disc) everytime? Is it possible to just boot up the PS2 and have it read from the memory card and boot HDLoader, having nothing in the drive?
Assume in all these questions that I'm talking about an unmodded PS2 when answering. I suppose it might be possible with a modded PS2 but I'm not concerned with those right now.
I may end up buying the most recent HDLoader pressed disc from the official source (not to be confused with HDAdvance), instead of buying the Swap Magic with the slide card.
29. October 2006 @ 03:17 |
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NewbOne: You will need the PS1 disk every time you want to boot the Memory Card Exploit.
K3itaro: I think you need the HD Loader pressed disks, or someone with a modded PS2, in order to install the Memory Card Exploit.
Junior Member
29. October 2006 @ 11:23 |
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Then I don't see the point of this memory exploit, I would need to buy a PS1 disc along with the Swap combo (w/ slide card) in order to boot to HDLoader (without swapping discs everytime), only advantage being I would have access to regular HDLoader updates this way.
Whereas buying a pressed HDLoader disc would be the easiest route, though I think the website states that I won't be able to load games from PC to PS2 HD through network cable and this is bothersome. Doesn't HDAdvance (hacked older HDLoader version) allow this? Or is the means of doing this independent of these two HD programs? In other words, does the loading of games through the network cable to the PS2 use a different program entirely and if so does it require Swap magic? Is there any reason to favour HDAdvance over a newer pressed HDLoader disc?
29. October 2006 @ 12:27 |
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Ok, after following from Step 3 onwards in the following post...
...I can now run CDLoader.Elf from the USB memory stick that came with my ARMax Evo. This now allows me to run backed up versions of my games on DVD-R discs. I tried it and it works like a dream. As such, this proves that I can run Elf apps (or whatever people want to call them) with my combination of hardware.
Then I decided to try putting the elf file from onto the same USB memory stick, try to load that and all I get is a nice black screen, not even a flicker.
I read elsewhere that PAL PS2 systems (which is what I've got) might need to use a HDAdvance elf file instead and so I went off and found a few different version of those and a few version of HDLoader whilst I was at it, just in case. In total, I found about half a dozen versions of each and tried running them in turn. All of them resulted in the same black screen after I press yes to load the HDA/HDL elf file - I don't even see a title screen or whatever each app would normall show, just the black screen.
Just so people know, I've already got hold of WinHIIP and successfully added about 5 of my store bought PS2 games so it's not like the hard-drive isn't ready. And yes, it's plugged into the network adaptor which is in turn plugged in and screwed into the back of my PS2.
Any help anyone? :)
Senior Member
29. October 2006 @ 15:03 |
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ARMAX wont load many ELF files,c cdloader is one of the few that work. Quote: DLoader pressed disc from the official source (not to be confused with HDAdvance)
There is no "new" pressed disc, HDadvance 3 is the newest pressed disc available to buy. They do nothing but rip off the Dev community's hard work and claim it for their own, with only a new skin. Dont buy from them, as you have ARMAX i would def recommend just finding a $5 PS1 game and doing the exploit with it. Free updates and everything else it lets you do is well worth it.
You can also use the exploit to run FTP software to network games to your PS2 HDD as well.
There is no newly pressed hdloader, hdadvance is all, any pressed hdloaders will be older than hdadvance and not worth getting.
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