Alerternatives to Kazaa??
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22. July 2003 @ 11:44 |
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hey join our irc channel and look for help there, :-)
UK_MEWZ, just cause the status says newbie, doesnt mean there is a pure genius under it ;-)
Senior Member
22. July 2003 @ 13:47 |
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i think ur wrong there with the grammer arrangement
UK_MEWZ, just cause the status says newbie, doesnt mean there is a pure genius under it ;-)
i think it should go somink like this
UK_MEWZ, just cause the status says newbie, doesn't mean there ISN'T a pure genius under it
smack smack
Staff Member
22. July 2003 @ 20:21 |
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Yep im pretty sure people realised that, u try about 2 hours sleep in 40 and then u try to type!
22. July 2003 @ 21:16 |
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Sleep.... lol.... sleep *snicker* .... sleep is overrated.
Staff Member
23. July 2003 @ 09:37 |
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ehhhhhh ok then
23. July 2003 @ 13:15 |
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Are there any good p2p that u can use even if u are behind a router??? I'm pretty new so i don't know so much about port forwarding and that stuff.
Staff Member
23. July 2003 @ 18:28 |
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eMule will work behind it but ye you need to make some changes! im pretty sure a lot of p2p works behind a router!
23. July 2003 @ 18:53 |
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Just make sure to forward ports to yourself or if need be, place yourself outside of the router's firewall.
Staff Member
24. July 2003 @ 09:37 |
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Yep indeed, damn computer does need to be able to communicate directly with servers/sources :-)
26. July 2003 @ 01:10 |
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Yes about the router thing: I have an ADSL router, and yeah I get lowID issues and most of the time I can't connect at all.
The router's firewall isn't even turned on, however NAT is. I've tried looking for port forwarding on the router but I don't think it has that as such. I emailed tech support and they told me I had to set up some virtual servers or something, which would make some pinholes in the NAT firewall which would then connect directly to my computer.
Hasn't worked yet!
Staff Member
26. July 2003 @ 05:22 |
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Well you will have to sort out the port forwarding or you have no way of connecting properly unfortunately! Time to hit the books! lol
26. July 2003 @ 09:48 |
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What brand of router do you have? Look around under the advanced options you may find it!
26. July 2003 @ 13:46 |
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I FINALLY got a High ID!!! I looked at advanced options and set up a virtual server. I don't think the speed is so bad... for me it was around 40 kb/s after a couple of hours. Emule sure is alot better than kazaa!! I just wanted to say thanks to Dela and everyone else that helped me!!! Emule roxxx
Staff Member
27. July 2003 @ 00:33 |
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Yes it roxxx, lol good luck man!
Senior Member
29. July 2003 @ 16:51 |
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slowly but surely people are beginning to convert and face the light
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31. July 2003 @ 10:51 |
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Its about time :-)
6. August 2003 @ 08:39 |
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i may be a newbe here but not to p2p
DC= is good if you can make friends with someone that has a file that you want if not youll be waiting about a week to get just one game or movie and the file share for some hubs is just crazy like 100gigs
Filetopia= ppl are just rude wont let you connect or will cut you off so dont even try it
Kazza lite= great for MP3's but when it comes to ps2,xbox games give it up there are none on there and movies are dieing down very fast on there so you will get alot of fakes or 15sec movies
Irc= about the same as the rest you can find alot of stuff but you can only d/l a file from one peep at a time and they go off all the time and there is just to much to fig out
Edonkey= sucks evertime i have tried to use it i cant connect no matter what i try
Shareazza= just now trying it and it sucks sure you can find alot of games but you cant ever connect to the users to d/l and if you do man you talking about slow
FTP= is great if you can find someone that has one
Winmx= lots of files but be ready to be inline for about a week b4 the d/l even starts bc eveone is Q'ed like a MF'er
overnet= just tryed it and its useless VERY VERY slow and cant connect to recive the files
we need a p2p that puts all the good stuff from each p2p together like have kazza's search,speed and d/l one file from more then one peep dc's games and irc's movies but untill then all of them really suck in there own way....
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. August 2003 @ 09:10
6. August 2003 @ 23:59 |
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thuglove - I agree pretty much with what you said. DC++ seems interesting at first, but the only files I managed to get are a few songs, after waiting around 30 minutes just for one. I tried some movies and games but I guess I was way too optimistic.
For Emule, I always have a high ID, but just to get the dl to start, I have to wait a few hours, then it downloads at around 5ko (at its best) for a few minutes, then tries to connect again... I just haven't got the patience to wait a month for a movie. However my uploads always work fine!
For MP3 I guess the best is K++/Kazaa lite, even if you do have some corrupt files every now and then. A good alternative for music is soulseek, not as fast but still very reliable.
prez - stop your bullshitting, K++ isn't that bad, I get a lot of my mp3 with it, and they work fine, good quality and all. For the corrupt files, I just dl a different file!! And it goes easily at 50Ko... so what's your problem? Ok, for movies & big files it's crap, but that's not what I use it for.
thuglove - Have you tried BitTorrent? For movies, it's pretty much the best prog out there, you get fast dl, very good quality movies, and for the choice well all you have to do is to find some good web sites that have bittorrent links. Give it a try!!
Staff Member
7. August 2003 @ 04:18 |
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thuglove, you left out bit torrent!
27. August 2003 @ 21:02 |
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ive never tryed it but im going to give it a shoot in a sec,thanks
27. August 2003 @ 21:15 |
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i cant get bit torrent to work,after i install it(witch only takes like 2sec's)i go to the folder it makes and click on the only icon in there and it says faled evertime
27. August 2003 @ 23:35 |
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What version do you have? Try downloading BT++, it works fine!
27. August 2003 @ 23:38 |
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can i get a link?i think it was 3.2.1 or something
28. August 2003 @ 01:56 |
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Go here to download bt++ :
Then all you'll have to do is to find some web sites that have torrents to download. Here is a good one :
You clic on the game/movie link that you want, and it should open the BitTorrent window automatically. Or else you can right clic and 'Save target' and put the link on your desktop, then double clic it.
That should do it!!
Staff Member
29. August 2003 @ 08:45 |
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Man u dsont open bit torrent and search for files like other p2p apps, u go to website that post torrent files, click the link and it downloads the files as ArsnLupin mentioned! Try this list -
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. August 2003 @ 08:46