HOW TO: Softmod Correctly
7. January 2008 @ 09:21 |
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oops. i was listening to misfits (i was thinking of hatebreeders )when i was typing i meant xbreader file from the other forum.
Junior Member
9. January 2008 @ 08:52 |
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Hey can someone pls answer my above question....Also, I saw this statement;
"You can transfer the files across via an already modded Xbox. This process is completed via FTP. With a memory card inserted into one of the controllers, the location I:\ should become available. Simply drag the correct folder for your game across to the memory card along with the SID4 installer."
I intend to use Splinter Cell, can someone pls tell me the correct procedure to go about creating a folder so I can transfer the files in the folder via FTP to my modded XBOX and from the modded XBOX to the memory card? What will be the name of the folder?
AfterDawn Addict
9. January 2008 @ 17:56 |
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If you have a modded Xbox, simply drag across the Splintercell save file and loader (Should be a folder called 5E00000CCCC or some crap) to E:\TDATA or UDATA (I can't remember, i'm not at home to check), you'll see other folders that look similar. Drop the folders in there and they will become available in your 'Memory' in MS Dash, transfer to memory card!
Junior Member
10. January 2008 @ 03:57 |
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hey I wanna go and buy an original copy of Splinter Cell from a friend. Can you pls tell me the correct name of the Splinter Cell save folder, so I can create the folder on my laptop, I wanna put the SID Installer and Splinter Cell save in the folder, FTP it to my modded XBOX, so I can copy it from my modded XBOX to the memory card, I wanna softmod a cousin's XBOX which is not modded. Please also confirm the correct folder in my modded XBOX (E:\TDATA or UDATA) to transfer to. Thanks
AfterDawn Addict
11. January 2008 @ 16:47 |
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Download the SID exploit from my software page.
When you get it, extract
Open the zip files and extract the '5553000c' and the '21585554' folder to your desktop.
FTP those two folders to E:\UDATA
They will then be available in your 'Memory' Screen.
Transfer them to a memory card and start the Softmod process on tyhe new Xbox!
Use my tutorials to show you how to do it!
Junior Member
11. January 2008 @ 17:15 |
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Thanks a lot man....This is perfectly helpful
AfterDawn Addict
11. January 2008 @ 18:31 |
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That's why I'm here!
If you have any issues or questions, don't hesitate to ask!
11. January 2008 @ 20:33 |
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Hey, thanks for all the tutorial stuff, it's very helpful. I have a problem though. I can load the loader onto my USB and it's fine, I can xfer them to my XBox as well. But after that, when I put Splinter Cell into my XBox, it says the disc can't be recognized as a game/DVD/music CD. I tried putting in a different game, and I get this same error. I tried putting a DVD in, and it recognizes the disc. Music CDs are also recognized. I have a version 1.0 XBox, and am using Splinter Cell to try and softmod. Any ideas how I could fix this? Thanks!
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11. January 2008 @ 21:09 |
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Ok I have to get a new XBOX tomarrow and start all over. Is it possible to use the USB controller crossovers for this? I am talking of the ones that allow you to use a XBOX controller on the USB port for a PC?
21. January 2008 @ 13:09 |
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hey guys im having a few problems trying to softmod an xbox, as i have an official memory card and i am using a friends modded xbox to transfer the files over to the memory card using a router connected to the xbox and a wireless connection to a laptop to ftp the files over, but every time we try to copy the files over the ftp directly to the memory card the save file becomes corrupt, we are using xbmc dashboard as my friend deleted his ms dashboard on accident so we have no access to that, so we are using the built in filebrowser to see the files on the xbox, i am wondering if we need to transfer the files to the xbox's hard drive first then to the memory card? is this correct or should i be able to transfer directly to the memory card... one other thing is what files am i copying to the memory card the whole UDATA folder with the two folders inside of it for each save or just the folders within the UDATA? and does it matter which version of these files i am using.. we have been trying to use the 5.01 version but does this differ much from the 4.0 version?
thank you for any help if you are able to :)
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21. January 2008 @ 16:28 |
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I had this same problem, you are simply copying the wrong folder. Open the UDATA and you should get a folder with a bunch of numbers for the name, use that one.
21. January 2008 @ 17:19 |
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thank you.. i will try your method tomorrow from the looks of it, it seems it will work and thats where i have been going wrong, thanks again mate
Junior Member
23. January 2008 @ 13:31 |
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hi all im going to attempt this tomorrow, hopefully my AR will
be here then. just to clarify for myself here (i have read the tuts
honest!)my dash is upto date, used Halo2.
1. im using SC to do this so use the ZIP file SID45.NK.Launcher and
SID45.NK.Loader.SplinterCell.PAL. (in UK so PAL)
2. get these onto my Xbox via AR unit.
3. use SC game to activate exploits as descibed.
4. most important BACKUP THE EEPROM AND THE MS DASH at the appropriate juncture.
before i continue at this point i can FTP into my xbox (Direct connection using a crossover cable)and copy the eeprom.bin (saved with lower case lettering) and the MS dash to a safe place on my PC.
these can then be used to furnish the xboxhdm1.9 with all the info
to make a Live linux disk for creating a new system on a virgin drive. the Copy of the folder 'C drive' is put into the C folder of
Xboxhdm1.9 and the eeprom.bin (correct case) is placed in the EEPROM folder of Xboxhdm1.9. create the ISO and you then burn a disk that can setup any viable HDD as a stock unit for your xbox leaving the original HDD softmodded but safe as a backup if things go wrong with the new HDD.
also in theory i can use liveinfo to confirm the HDD codes etc.
i can also put chimps2.6 as an app on my softmodded xbox to clone
a new HDD by swapping the DVD drive with a new HDD.
how is my understanding of this guys?????
Kacking myself here.
Junior Member
23. January 2008 @ 15:57 |
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Ok major problemo
I installed the softmod on the xbox I installed XBMC
everything was going well untill i coulden't open my disc tray.
Everytime I press the eject button I hear the xbox reading the cd but then it just stops and continues to play the game.
I tried everything banging it trying to hit the eject button a billion times. but I can't get the darn Soul Calibur 2 out
Please help I don't want to play Soul calibur 2 for ever I don't want to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it something to do it the software
Junior Member
23. January 2008 @ 16:06 |
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hi m8
samsung drive? they are known for this. mine is the same.
the mag clamp wont release. press eject, and jab the tray front in and up, works for me. failing that look just under the right edge of the drawer theres a very small hole. straighten a paper clip, insert into hole, push firmly and the drawer will open.
Junior Member
23. January 2008 @ 16:08 |
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I can't even load MS dash
Junior Member
23. January 2008 @ 16:13 |
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Thank you soo much
I don't need to play soul calibur for the rest of my life. thank you thank you and thank you
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24. January 2008 @ 09:51 |
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I thought the Samsung were known for being the best out of the ones the XBOX can come with?
Junior Member
24. January 2008 @ 12:46 |
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they are in terms of quality and ability to read
nearly everything thats thrown at them. the magnetic
problem is, i think, due to basic physics the spindle
being a hard metal, in theory, only makes a temporary
magnet when exposed to a magnetic source. maybe over
time the 'snap' (there was a way of causing an metal
object to become magetic by a heavy blow) of the mag
clamp and its inate magnetivity causes a more permanant
change. however i wonder if a new drive band and the
correct type of grease on the sliders and pivots of the
transport unit would solve this problem in a few or many
samsung units. i have the same problem so im looking to
see if i can make it better.
Junior Member
26. January 2008 @ 09:50 |
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hi all
nice one chunkhead! followed you tut to the letter!
and instant success. my only problem was the FTP
i set up through a router with straight thru cat5
set the IP's and couldnt get a connection. my PC
is wirelessly connected normally. so i had a cable
from a NIC card to router and a cable from xbox
to router. took me an hour to get it going...........
i had to turn off my wireless link! then it all clicked.
cheers matey your a star. the actual softmod only
took 10 minutes.
Junior Member
26. January 2008 @ 16:49 |
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k I've got a problem
...and this happens often
I put in a burnt disc right the XBMC recognizes
then it auto plays it
but then after that it's just a black screen and the XBMC restarts
any ideas?
Junior Member
27. January 2008 @ 20:02 |
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Originally posted by gezuz: Hey, thanks for all the tutorial stuff, it's very helpful. I have a problem though. I can load the loader onto my USB and it's fine, I can xfer them to my XBox as well. But after that, when I put Splinter Cell into my XBox, it says the disc can't be recognized as a game/DVD/music CD. I tried putting in a different game, and I get this same error. I tried putting a DVD in, and it recognizes the disc. Music CDs are also recognized. I have a version 1.0 XBox, and am using Splinter Cell to try and softmod. Any ideas how I could fix this? Thanks!
If this happens to all the games then you have might have to open your xbox
one of two things might have happened
One Your laser lens is dirty try cleaning the lens (you can find the tutorial in Chuckhead's tutorial& software page.)
Or you have to change the power settings
use this link. (courtesy chuckhead)
31. January 2008 @ 00:13 |
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hey im having problems, i update my dashboard with Halo 2 and Halo and KOTOR and some other games, or at least i tried to. I dont think i did.
It recognizes the usb as a memcard wit the files (SID 4 Laucher, SplinterCell NTSC), but wont let me copy them over to the xbox any help?
Junior Member
31. January 2008 @ 07:11 |
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only things i can think of, have you left the
2 files zipped? (you have to)
31. January 2008 @ 16:14 |
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lol no i didnt leave them zipped but i re-extracted the files from the main zip and then it worked thanks