HOW TO: Softmod Correctly
AfterDawn Addict
7. September 2007 @ 00:12 |
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For those looking for my previous Softmod guide, sadly I have abandoned it. Mostly due to my inability to update it and I felt it was a fraction overwhelming. The original guide will be broken up into smaller sections for easier understanding. Please refer to the 'Troubleshooter' for their location.
If you would still like to view the original page, it can be found HERE
What You Need:
* You'll need one of three games...

You can use any version of the original Splintercell (Classic, etc) however the other must be the original. Splintercell is the most stable and you should aim to get this.
* You'll also need a memory card (Original or copy, doesn't matter)

* You need the Softmod files, found HERE
* You need to select the method in which you can transfer the softmod files to the memory card.
a) You can purchase an Action Replay card and transfer it via that. The tutorial for that procedure is found HERE, then come back here to continue the installation.
b) You can use a USB Thumbdrive to make the transfer. That tutorial is found HERE
c) You can transfer the files across via an already modded Xbox. This process is completed via FTP. With a memory card inserted into one of the controllers, the location I:\ should become available. Simply drag the correct folder for your game across to the memory card along with the SID4 installer. If you are unsure how to FTP, simply follow the guide found HERE
If all has gone well this far, you should now be at your main screen in your Xbox and your memory card inserted into a controller.

You now will want transfer the SID files across to your HDD.
To do this go to the "Memory" screen.
When you get into the Memory menu, click on the memory card (by pressing left on the D-Pad) and select it by pressing A.

When you get into your memory card and find the file, press the right button on your D-Pad to select the file and then choose copy to HDD.

Do this for BOTH files or else the installation will not work/start.
Also ensure that you do not already have a savegame file for the game you are trying to use!
Now that the files have been transferred to the Xbox, put the game in that you are going to use to softmod with (Splinter Cell, Mechassault, 007:AUF).
Each game is different when it comes to how to load linux. Here's the break down:
Splinter Cell: Go to Start Game, click LINUX, and you wont see any check points, but still press A for the Check Points twice. Then the installer should load up. Pics of the process:

Mechassault: Go to Campaign, click Run Linux and that should load the installer. Mechassualt is known to be harder to get the installer loading since it requires a certain edition. Please be sure that when you have 'Run Linux' highlighted, the files description is as follows:
Controls: Normal
Difficulty: Regular
Current Level: Going Down Hard
If that does not show up, then you will have to get a different version or get Splinter Cell or 007.
Pics of the process:

007 - AUF: Go to Load Mission, then select the Xbox Hard Disk option and that should load the installer. Pics of the process:

That's it, you should now be at the Softmod screen.

Firstly, go to 'CREATE EEPROM BACKUP'. If you do not do this step, the installer will NOT let you move on. After you click that, a new menu will come up. In that menu, click 'BACKUP EEPROM'. When that is done, click 'BACK TO MAIN MENU'.

Next, go to 'CREATE MS BACKUP'. This will create a backup of our dash for uninstall purposes and also to allow us to "Dual boot".

Once you are back to the Main Menu, scroll down to 'Install Softmod'.

Click Dual Boot for NTSC or PAL (which ever one is for you, if you do not know, please contact someone for assistance)
Click Knaves Ndure, Open tray = Retail (Means if you turn on your Xbox wit the 'Open' button, your console will boot to the normal MS Dash with no Mod. Used for Xbox Live, etc. If you turn it on with the 'Power' button it will boot modded!)

Choose either the Installation for EvolutionX or UnleashX. For a Novice, I would suggest UnleashX. I personally use UnleashX.

Three messages will pop up. After reading and understanding each, Press A. On the 3rd message, you will get this message: "All requirements pass. Continue Install?" Click Yes. (It has just checked to ensure you have a 5960 Dash)
**NOTE** If this fails, simply follow the tutorial found HERE
After the installation is complete, you will get this message:
"Softmod successfully installed, your virtual eeprom must be patched, after eeprom, now you'll boot to installer". What this means is that your eeprom has been made virtual (Tricks your Xbox) and will be patched (Softmod). Just press 'A'.
Now a new message pops up:
"The installer will now boot to patching system after it is completed, please turn off Xbox and power back on without game disc to finish install."
Click YES. It should go back to the main screen.
Select 'Shutdown' from the menu. The following steps need to be performed quickly...Press the 'Eject' button, remove the disc and press the power button (little one). Your Xbox will now be off again, but with no disc in the drive!
Press and hold the power button. When it boots up, UnleashX will appear with a "Softmod Successful" message. It says that it needs 1 more step to finish the install. PRESS A.

That's it. Softmod installed! Congratulations!
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Junior Member
9. September 2007 @ 19:36 |
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I'd like to add that if you accidentally rebooted after that screen at the very end pops up, it shouldn't mess the installation up.
It didn't for me, at least.
Great tutorial. Worked perfectly. :D
Bleh. I'll make a sig later.
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AfterDawn Addict
10. September 2007 @ 02:23 |
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No, quite right. Sometimes the Xbox will give you hassle trying to take out the disc.
Simply press the 'eject' button, remove the disc, power it off and then power it back on with the 'power' button! All should be fine!
Junior Member
22. September 2007 @ 00:16 |
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Okay, just to let EVERYONE know don't use any other softmod installers they are STUPID! Like the one I was using I was installing the softmod going back to the MS Dashboard. Now with this softmod works perfectly. Except was a strungle to get Splinter Cell out that quick but besides that no problems. There's no need for me to put in a new xbox harddrive which is pretty sweet.
I like to thank you chunkhead for all your help. Now I can start playing my burned games again. Well anyway peace out.
- Gizza
Junior Member
22. September 2007 @ 01:11 |
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Ugh, My xbox is now in black and white.. Like when I load the MS Dash and the xbox turning on when it loads mod it's black and white. Oh yeah and games are black and white too.
AfterDawn Addict
23. September 2007 @ 19:38 |
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I've read you other post also, it's not entirely your TV's fault!
I have the same issue.
The SID files for some apparent reason ALWAYS select NTSC as the default, regardless of what you select!
New TVs can auto switch between modes (I didn't know we had this issue till nearly 6 months later).
Anyway, both Slayers and AID contain a program called 'Enigma Video Switcher'. Use this to correctly set the region. You will need to select the wrong one, then the correct one for it to accept the changes!
28. September 2007 @ 06:19 |
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Great tutorial, but I'm wondering if you can answer a question for me. I'm wanting to put a bigger hard drive in my xbox but really don't want to go through the whole "unlocking / locking" business.
Is it correct that you only need to do this when you want to be able to get onto xbox live later. For example if I didn't care about xbox live could I just put a new drive in without doing anything else?
Junior Member
28. September 2007 @ 08:16 |
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Originally posted by Yateball: Great tutorial, but I'm wondering if you can answer a question for me. I'm wanting to put a bigger hard drive in my xbox but really don't want to go through the whole "unlocking / locking" business.
Is it correct that you only need to do this when you want to be able to get onto xbox live later. For example if I didn't care about xbox live could I just put a new drive in without doing anything else?
You have to unlock/lock :P
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28. September 2007 @ 10:55 |
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Senior Member
30. September 2007 @ 17:16 |
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If you have read the main page, chunkhead states that the tutorials have been taken from all over the xbox forums, reworded and does not take full credit and only where stated. Personally, I like these tutorials better and all should be stickied.
AfterDawn Addict
1. October 2007 @ 02:06 |
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Originally posted by corn: Don't take you the wrong way, but didn't you just copy off of this tutorial?
No offense taken! ;)
Unless the Softmod process has drastically changed in recent times, aren't all the tutorials available just a copy of the next one?
The only difference with my tutorials is CLARITY!
What I am doing here is not trying to take credit for others work, but rather allow others to clearly and fully understand the process and also to answer any questions they may have, prior to even asking!
Personally, my first Softmod experience used the guide you provided. Although quite complete, it lacks the correct wording and syntax that will enable a complete noob to tackle the procedure with confidence!
I'm not here to take credit for anyone, just to help!
My tutorials are a work in progress, any advice regarding them is appreciated!
Suspended due to non-functional email address
1. October 2007 @ 02:25 |
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Oh, ok, sorry for the misunderstanding, just this other tutorial sounded just like the one you wrote.
Junior Member
5. October 2007 @ 04:46 |
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ok so I did the softmod with your guide. worked great and easy to follow btw. ok so now what? I think I need to install a dashboard. I grabbed avalanch from somplace but how do I install it. and where do I go from here. I also grabbed qwix101. I donno I'm a little lost. lol. thanks for the help.
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5. October 2007 @ 16:35 |
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worked easyer than the first time i modded a xbox.
i do however have one there a version of SID that has the xbox trainers that im wanting to also install? thanx
AfterDawn Addict
5. October 2007 @ 17:37 |
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Use AID v4.10 to install all external applications. You can get it from my software page!
Junior Member
6. October 2007 @ 04:58 |
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I did grab the aid 4.1 from your web page and I'm still lost. I actually think I didnt get the complete download. I only have a file of 44.6 mb. let me try and grab it again. is there a step by step in there to help guide me on my way?
Thanks Chuckhead
20. October 2007 @ 14:11 |
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When i try and drop the spinter cell game save into my memory card through action replay i just keep getting invalid game save. What should i do?
AfterDawn Addict
20. October 2007 @ 20:38 |
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You have extracted too much from the Softmod files!
When you downloaded the files, they will have been a .rar file.
Extract only this!
The drag those contents through the AR software, not the files within!
29. November 2007 @ 13:35 |
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Thanks chunkhead!! Of all the tutorials I've looked at in preparation to do a softmod, yours is the clearest and easiest to follow. Everything went great except for one minor issue that I think you should add to the tutorial.
After the final step I rebooted several times using the power button and kept getting the MS Dash instead of UnleashX (red ring on front light). The problem was that I didn't bother to set the time properly (it defaulted to a 2004 date). As soon as I set the proper time & date in MS Dash, UnleashX loaded no problem.
29. November 2007 @ 13:40 |
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This really is a fantastic tutorial. Thanks Chunkhead.
Although I used installer version 5... and am now using Avalaunch as a dash (WAY better than unleash I think) the install methods are the same.
Thanks again... my xbox is now pimped out with a 250gb HDD and Avalaunch/XBMC
AfterDawn Addict
30. November 2007 @ 00:34 |
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@ Humungus
I'm glad you found it as easy I tried to explain it!
As for your clock issue, unless the clock is set correctly, most games won't boot properly either.
As for it defaulting, I think this was an oversight on your behalf prior to starting the softmod process. You probably didn't think about it when you turned the console on and clicked 'Ok'. The Softmod shouldn't affect the clock!
@ Yateball
Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated!
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Suspended due to non-functional email address
9. December 2007 @ 16:13 |
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Chunkhead...can any other version of Splinter Cell be used?
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10. December 2007 @ 07:09 |
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No, it must be the original splinter cell, and ideally NOT the platinum hits version.
AfterDawn Addict
14. December 2007 @ 19:21 |
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It MUST be the original Splintercell, and ANY version of that game will work (Original, Platinum and Classic).
Junior Member
15. December 2007 @ 14:57 |
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I get the files on my memory card, but then my xbox can't see them, really can't figure out why.
Any ideas?