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PS3 blu-ray drive dead
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21. July 2008 @ 10:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Help please. my PS3 just got 80010514 error also when I play MGS4.
Now the problem is it can read only DVD and CD but not BluRay or sometimes it can read BluRay but just like 5 mins. then it stop reading disc.

Now the questions,

Is it 100% confirmed that the problem caused by the Blu Ray drive? Not because bad HDD (I came up with this idea because Blu Ray game and movie normally accessing the HDD)?
Also, the above poster seems failed to fix his/her problem by replacing this laser kit...

So, what?s the difference between KES and KEM?
AAA and ACA?
Which one is better? Is it compatible each other?

Is there any calibration needed like those good old PS and PS2 drive?

21. July 2008 @ 10:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@ rwoo1

Maybe the HDD as I mention on my post above?
I have no chance to swap the HDD since I don't have it.
If you can, please try to swap the HDD with the new one and let me know the result?
Or maybe you're getting refurbished laser drive? Where did you buy it?
21. July 2008 @ 22:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I do not believe it's the HDD. I did a complete reformat of the HDD just in case which felt would be a waste of time and was. I purchased the game PAIN from the Sony store which is stored on the HDD and it works fine. Everything works except blu ray dvd's and games. I can go on internet and download. I just updated to the lastest version of PS3 firmware(2.41). I can play regular DVD's, CD's and PS2 games without any problems. I know the easy way would be to return to Sony but i rather fix myself and pass the info on to others. I'm tired of reading forums that say return to Sony, return to Sony, that's not the point. The point is to understand what is wrong and fix it yourself. I purchased the laser with rails (KES-400AAA) from MCM electronics. I highly doubt the laser is bad. They had it in stock and I have ordered other parts from them in the past. I feel comfortable ordering from them and believe you are getting an oem part as opposed to other internet vendors. They have fast serivce and you can track your order, first class operation. You can very well get an OEM laser from other vendors but you just dont know and have to take their word on it, just as MCM. It's a shame Sony won't sell any PS3 parts from their online parts store; I recently found a response that the blu ray drive board for the the KES-400AAA is the problem, more specifically it's the chip that controls the dvd/cd drive(ic Bd7956fs). This sort of makes sense since this is the only other electronic piece inside the dvd/cd drive and everything else works on my PS3. Does anyone know how to test if the chip is bad on the drive board? You can buy just the chip or the complete board. The complete board would be alot easier to replace plus its only $10 more then the chip. Any thoughts?
22. July 2008 @ 06:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think the driver IC is used to generate PWM signal to spin the motor.
Please check below link,

I posted my questions also there.

In the latest post he/she said that if the problem started with BluRay, it's the laser.
At first, this sounds stupid because if it's the laser, why it's still reading DVD and CD? Actually, it makes sense since the laser is different. CD and DVD uses red laser and BluRay uses blue laser.

I have an idea, to open the laser KES 400AAA, the metal part that is, to reveal the reflective lens.
It might have some burn mark in there. This is happened because of humid air and high voltage low current which convert O2 to CO2 and leaves stain in the lenses.
This is similar to what happened to old CRT TV, you can see black stain everywhere near the cathode yoke.

Unfortunately I have no time to try this. I'll update as soon as possible after I did that.
22. July 2008 @ 20:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, nothing wrong with the refelection and focus lens.
I really wondering what is deffective from my 3 months laser.
But I doubt it's the driver IC, and if it is, then the disc won't spin.
22. July 2008 @ 22:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello, after reading all the great tips and advice on how to repair the blu ray i was wondering, can the PS3 read and play games if the blu ray does not work? if so does it affect the quality, graphics, etc?
25. July 2008 @ 17:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My gosh, there's a whole group of people that have the same problems that I do! You DO exist!!

That's it, I have had it with Sony. The PS1 still works, my first PS2 died (gave me DREs - disk read errors) and so I bought another PS2 and now 13 1/2 months into my PS3 and the freakin' blu-ray drive dies.

Sony's products and "customer service" are no longer worth the expense and headache.

Sony will fix it for $149, it'll take 3-4 weeks and we'll send you a box and instructions on how to pack it... just give us your credit card information and we'll send you the box.

Wait, did you just say, "Give us your credit card information and we'll send you a BOX?!?!" and take your PS3, send it back in a while, hopefully it'll work well and then how long will it last!?

Just as someone else already previously said, I'm not shelling out $150 every year to keep my PS3 up and running. I'll open it up, check it out and possibly see about getting one of those puppies for $50 if the magnet thingy didn't fall out and after I read all these awesome posts!!!

If that doesn't work I'll go buy a different console... and from now on they'll be no more Sony anything for me. It won't take much "not buying" from Sony to make up for a couple hundred bucks and hours of hell. I can guarantee that I'll buy much more than that from someone else. Time for me to redirect Sony's profits.

Thanks everyone for your smarts and insight. I look forward to fixing it myself and giving Sony the finger once and for all - either way they get that finger ;-).

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28. July 2008 @ 00:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey all, sorry for the late replies to everyone, I've been on vacation.

spence510: Ya, mine's a 40 gb, personally, I'd probably let Sony take care of it for you. The job is pretty easy, ya, but I'd prefer to get something fixed/replaced for free rather than to spend money and do it yourself. Plus if you have luck like mine, things may get worse before they get better in a DIY job. Of course, I do understand feeling the need to fix it yourself, Just don?t say I didn?t warn you :P.

atrac88: I was in a hurry, I spend the extra for EMS shipping, it was somewhere around $20 came in after about a week, I think it was only 3 of 4 bucks for standard shipping (probably 2 to 3 weeks based on my experience ordering stuff from China.)

Lungberg: The difference is KES: just the laser unit, KEM: whole unit (rails, motors, and laser unit.) AAA and ACA are different types of drives, in the AAA, the blu and red lasers come from a single lens, in the ACA, there are 2 separate lens, one for the blu-ray, and another for red laser. No, they're not cross-compatible. Also, there shouldn't need to be any calibration involved as long as everything is screwed into place properly.

rwoo1: I agree that this it probably a controller board issue. I also agree with Lungberg, in the fact that if it was the controller IC, you would probably not get any life from the drive no matter the type of disk. Gotta be something else on the controller board? As I believe I've stated in a previous post, I have read from one source that it is possible to replace the controller board, permitting it's the same revision as the original board. In theory, I believe if you can't get the replacement board to work out of the box, you may be able to desolder and swap the nand flash that holds the drive's firmware. Things look a little grim, I wish you the best of luck with this one.

splat58: if the blu-ray is dead, you can't play any blu-ray media, so no PS3 games, and no blu-ray DVDs at all.

Swolfe: Ya, I had those damn DREs on my first PS2 as well, and I did a load of work trying to revive a VAIO laptop that I had as well. Don?t even get me started on the ?quality? of Sony products. I swore I wouldn?t buy any more stuff from them, but it seems I?m a glutton for punishment, as I got this PS3, and another product from them as well. The only way to ward off these broken Sony blues is to fix it yourself, quick easy, and cheap, and then laugh in their faces. We?re here for you.
29. July 2008 @ 13:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So if I know that my diode isn't emitting light, would it be a safe bet to only purchase and replace the laser diode? I see no reason to replace the entire laser assembly otherwise, and the diode replacement would be more fun.

Do you know where to purchase the kem-400a laser diode? I've got the 410 here:, although I've spent little time searching thus far.
Junior Member
29. July 2008 @ 16:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have replaced two drives now that would not spin. If you ask me, the tiny motors are going bad.

I think this is a widespread problem that Sony needs to address. And they need to stop asking for a F'ing receipt. It the unit is less than a year old based on the manufacture date (Month/Year) listed on the unit, they should repair it for free, regardless of where you bought it from or if you lost your receipt!

On a sidenote, I ordered a replacement mechanism from psxboy and they are fast and it worked fine! Replacing the mechanism was a little more of a pain than I thought it would be...those tiny ribbons wrap around the inside of the case so you have to take it apart more than just removing the top cover and the 4 screws on the actual mechanism. :(
29. July 2008 @ 19:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by atrac88:
I have replaced two drives now that would not spin. If you ask me, the tiny motors are going bad.

According to's blog, people have successfully replaced non-spinning drives with simply the lens. They use "lens" interchangeably for both the diode and the lens assembly it seems, which bugs me, but the point is that they did not need to install a new motor.

This implies that your game disc is not spinning because the laser is not emitting light to reflect back. Therefore, the assembly cannot detect the disc, and doesn't even bother to begin to spin.
29. July 2008 @ 21:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by PsiLizard:
Hey all, sorry for the late replies to everyone, I've been on vacation.

spence510: Ya, mine's a 40 gb, personally, I'd probably let Sony take care of it for you. The job is pretty easy, ya, but I'd prefer to get something fixed/replaced for free rather than to spend money and do it yourself. Plus if you have luck like mine, things may get worse before they get better in a DIY job. Of course, I do understand feeling the need to fix it yourself, Just don?t say I didn?t warn you :P.

atrac88: I was in a hurry, I spend the extra for EMS shipping, it was somewhere around $20 came in after about a week, I think it was only 3 of 4 bucks for standard shipping (probably 2 to 3 weeks based on my experience ordering stuff from China.)

Lungberg: The difference is KES: just the laser unit, KEM: whole unit (rails, motors, and laser unit.) AAA and ACA are different types of drives, in the AAA, the blu and red lasers come from a single lens, in the ACA, there are 2 separate lens, one for the blu-ray, and another for red laser. No, they're not cross-compatible. Also, there shouldn't need to be any calibration involved as long as everything is screwed into place properly.

rwoo1: I agree that this it probably a controller board issue. I also agree with Lungberg, in the fact that if it was the controller IC, you would probably not get any life from the drive no matter the type of disk. Gotta be something else on the controller board? As I believe I've stated in a previous post, I have read from one source that it is possible to replace the controller board, permitting it's the same revision as the original board. In theory, I believe if you can't get the replacement board to work out of the box, you may be able to desolder and swap the nand flash that holds the drive's firmware. Things look a little grim, I wish you the best of luck with this one.

splat58: if the blu-ray is dead, you can't play any blu-ray media, so no PS3 games, and no blu-ray DVDs at all.

Swolfe: Ya, I had those damn DREs on my first PS2 as well, and I did a load of work trying to revive a VAIO laptop that I had as well. Don?t even get me started on the ?quality? of Sony products. I swore I wouldn?t buy any more stuff from them, but it seems I?m a glutton for punishment, as I got this PS3, and another product from them as well. The only way to ward off these broken Sony blues is to fix it yourself, quick easy, and cheap, and then laugh in their faces. We?re here for you.


Thanks for the update. I just have a hard time believing that you can not just replace the whole board unless it it is tied to the same revision as the original board. Isn't the firmware for the controller board stored on the motherboard and not the controller board? Isn't the drive a blu-ray ROM, as in say a PC, where you can just swap out the drive and replace it with another and why would a comapny sell a replacement board( if this wasn't the case? I would think it would not be in their best interest to sell a part they knowingly would not work. They are not the only company selling these boards. It looks like it's an easy swap. Has anyone replaced just a board?
29. July 2008 @ 22:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi folks,

I dug up this thread last night after my 2yr old ejected a disc on my ps3 the forced it back in immediately. The drive will now not accept discs properly, that is it will take it halfway then struggle, then "steal" the rest but makes a horrible clicking noise. I have retrieved the disc using the wife's tweezers but there was a "rubbing" mark left on it. Of course, Sony weren't interested in helping me without the $150 so I disassembled it myself and from what I can gather the drive is in it's unejected state as trying to insert a disc (power off) makes it bump into the motor that makes the disc spin.

Am I right in assuming this motor lowers on insertion of a disc then raises to spin the disc? If I am right, is there a way of resetting it physically to an ejected state so I might be able to use it again? I reassembled the ps3 and it works as before, won't take a disc fully then takes it and clicks, more rubbing marks as it seeming forces the disc over the spinner. Eject doesn't work, just makes the clicking. Any advice?
30. July 2008 @ 00:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
LOADING PROBLEMS - drive will not eject/accept discs

Symbiox: I'm not very active online, so I threw this together because I've had and seen a few people with this problem. It's long, tedious, and quite elementary, but I hope that it will save hundreds of man-hours of headaches:

Haha, apparently wikihow believes that "how to make money in runescape" is worthy of being called a its own category of articles. I also might have to rename the article if it is too difficult to search for.
Junior Member
30. July 2008 @ 01:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
vekst0r: The diodes look to be a new addition to the site, they weren't there when I bought my laser assembly. I can't find just the diode with a quick search, you may have to get the whole lens. Plus it's annoying replacing the diode in the lens with that white epoxy that you have to remove.

rwoo1: I'm not sure, previously it was believed that the ps3 drive controller boards were keyed to the motherboard, much like the 360. I've only seen the one forum post that claims they aren't keyed. I can tell you I have read about a lot of people attempting replacement of the drive controller board, and the system no longer detecting the drive at all. On any drive, including PC optical drives, the firmware stored on the drive controller board itself. If you do buy one of those controller boards, I'd definitely like to know how it turns out for you.
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30. July 2008 @ 06:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user

So I've got a 40GB with the KES-400A. The video included details my problems.

Earlier someone said that when the PS3 boots, the lens will emit a light. Mine does not seem to do this.

Also, as shown in the video, the KES-400A will move along the spindle like it should. If the magnet enclosed in that white disc is not present while the system boots, the black circle that holds the disc spins very fast. So I know the console can spin discs.

But I also remember someone said that the PS3 will begin to spin a disc after the lens emits a light and has that light return to it by reflection. If this is true, then I believe my problem is that my KES-400A does not function; it will not emit any light and therefore, the drive will not spin any discs.

I need some opinions. Do you think the problem is the KES-400A alone, or something else?

it's a miracle I found this place. Every other forum quickly dismissed my problem with "call sony" over and over, it gets incredibly annoying. I refuse to surrender $150 for something that shouldn't have malfunctioned in the first place.

Thank you kindly
Junior Member
30. July 2008 @ 06:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by vekst0r:
Originally posted by atrac88:
I have replaced two drives now that would not spin. If you ask me, the tiny motors are going bad.

According to's blog, people have successfully replaced non-spinning drives with simply the lens. They use "lens" interchangeably for both the diode and the lens assembly it seems, which bugs me, but the point is that they did not need to install a new motor.

This implies that your game disc is not spinning because the laser is not emitting light to reflect back. Therefore, the assembly cannot detect the disc, and doesn't even bother to begin to spin.
I definitely can't argue with that! I'm a believer now. Sony isn't putting out units with bad motors...they're putting out units with bad lasers! ;)
30. July 2008 @ 10:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well it appears I've done something awful during my disassembly/reassembly process. Although the ps3 will boot up as normal and displays the demos I've downloaded from PSN, choosing to play anything results in nothing but a black screen and having to reboot. I have trailer videos saved on the HDD and I can view those fine, but no games... help!
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30. July 2008 @ 14:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Symbiox:
Well it appears I've done something awful during my disassembly/reassembly process. Although the ps3 will boot up as normal and displays the demos I've downloaded from PSN, choosing to play anything results in nothing but a black screen and having to reboot. I have trailer videos saved on the HDD and I can view those fine, but no games... help!
Hi, Symbiox. I had this problem too when I tried to use my PS3 without the Blu-ray drive. In order to play any games, your PS3 needs the controller board, which is attached to the bottom of the Blu-ray drive. If you have this attached but its still not playing anything, there may be a problem with it. Check the ribbon connections.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. July 2008 @ 14:21

30. July 2008 @ 14:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That sounds likely, I was really unhappy with those ribbons when I saw them, give me an old fashioned plug and socket any day, those looked so flimsy and I was puzzled at how any contact was actually being made in that setup, I guess I didn't connect them back up properly.
30. July 2008 @ 19:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The KEM400AAA arrived today from PSXFanBoy and I think I'm starting to tear up! *sniff* The top was cut through the DHL tape on both ends of the top box flaps - probably customs... idk, but I hope there was enough packing around the rest of it (I worked at UPS for a while and I know packages don't get treated too nicely)

BTW - PSXFanBoy was very good - quick, responsive, etc.

I will let you all know how surgery goes. I know you've all been waiting ;-)


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. July 2008 @ 20:09

30. July 2008 @ 23:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by swolfe:
The KEM400AAA arrived today from PSXFanBoy and I think I'm starting to tear up! *sniff* The top was cut through the DHL tape on both ends of the top box flaps - probably customs... idk, but I hope there was enough packing around the rest of it (I worked at UPS for a while and I know packages don't get treated too nicely)

BTW - PSXFanBoy was very good - quick, responsive, etc.

I will let you all know how surgery goes. I know you've all been waiting ;-)

And... It works!!! OMG I am so happy - I started up a movie and a game and BINGO! Sony got no money and I am rockin' and rollin'! Woo-hoo!!!!!

Thanks everyone and let me know if you need help opening that PS3... awww yeahhh.

Peace Out!

Junior Member
30. July 2008 @ 23:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by splat58:
Hello, after reading all the great tips and advice on how to repair the blu ray i was wondering, can the PS3 read and play games if the blu ray does not work? if so does it affect the quality, graphics, etc?
No, it can only play games that are stored on the hard drive. But even for this, you will need the controller board which is attached to the bottom of the blu-ray drive.

Shouldn't be any difference in graphics quality.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. July 2008 @ 23:39

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30. July 2008 @ 23:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by swolfe:


Nice work! I'm gonna go ahead and order mine. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

And... It works!!! OMG I am so happy - I started up a movie and a game and BINGO! Sony got no money and I am rockin' and rollin'! Woo-hoo!!!!!

Thanks everyone and let me know if you need help opening that PS3... awww yeahhh.

Peace Out!

Awesome! Im going to go ahead and order mine. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
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31. July 2008 @ 00:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Has anyone had any trouble yet with the assembly replacements from psxboy? The first one I have installed in the drive has already failed! It worked fine at first, then it would stop reading and the screen would go black. Now it doesn't read at all. So all-in-all it lasted about two days! :(

Yep, this sucks! I don't even know their return policy.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 31. July 2008 @ 01:37

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