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Arrest warning on Kazaa - help!
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1. May 2003 @ 20:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I was downloading some stuff (ok, porn, you got me, but all LEGAL) and all of a sudden I got a message from another user saying I was under arest.

- I do not knowingly download child porn. -

Just want to make that clear. Any user of Kazaa can tell you, though, that the lengthy descriptions on any file will have all sorts of words, including "pedo" and "kiddy" even if it's a 90 year old woman.

I want to believe it was just someone screwing with me.
Suggestions? Advice? Anecdotes?

2. May 2003 @ 06:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey i just tink sumone messen wich u u probably aint in troubl at all how long ago did u download it??
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2. May 2003 @ 07:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you're downloading porn files with 'pedo' and 'kiddy' in the titles you deserve to be arrested. Lets hope it's a just a matter of time before they come and take your computer and you away.
2. May 2003 @ 09:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
To Bonton-
In case you didn't notice, even music files have those words in the description sometimes. They're a "selling tactic" to get certain people to download anything so they can increase their output and get a better sharing rate.
2. May 2003 @ 11:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
its true i accedently downloaded sum porn it was NOT child porn but it said kiddy so like he said it waz an accedent

when im dead and in my grave no more pot shall i crave and on my tombstone shall be seen here lies the bones of a smoking machine
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2. May 2003 @ 15:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Honestly Officer I only downloaded this stuff by accident. I'll bet they all say that. It's not an excuse. Morally or legally. If the files are using such 'selling points' they skould be avoided. Here in the UK downloading and possessing such images is a clear and absolute serious criminal offence. Your motive is not relevant legally. I don't use Kazaa but I've always found it easy to avoid dodgy files on any other file sharers I've used. By the time you've downloaded it its too late, you've already technically laid yourself open to a very long prison sentence and a totally screwed life. We're not talking about pirating movies or CDs, this is a very unpleasant business and it sounds like you should be trying harder to avoid it. I just don't buy 'accidently' I'm afraid.
2. May 2003 @ 23:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
still..just keep ur messagez off..and chill ..but yes i alos dont buy'accidenatly ' and sum i was indeed messing with u ..
8. May 2003 @ 05:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Geez, give him a break people, if you would open your eyes you might see that even some songs have the words kiddie or child porn in the description. And he said what he did download WASN'T child porn.
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9. May 2003 @ 00:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My eyes are wide open, thanks. He wasn't downloading songs. What he said he was doing was downloading porn with words like 'pedo' and 'kiddy' in the description. At the very least a very stupid thing to do because if the description proves to be accurate it's clearly criminal, certainly in the UK or US. There is NO legal defence for this crime, see recent case involving Pete Townsend. I'd be interested in the forum moderators opinion on this.
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5. June 2003 @ 11:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Dear bonton, I?m sorry to say you?re so full of shit im wondering how you were given birth to. The government has much better things to do then browse through random people?s files in search of "kiddy porn". Your probably so apprehensive about this matter because you have yourself downloaded "kiddy porn"(***** pedophile). Frankly you disgust me. You know as well as I do that(member:)stillhere is at no threat at all. If your idea to worry him amuses you then your quite pathetic. Anyway my point is you?re a looser and you have no life.
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6. June 2003 @ 02:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can you read? I didn't send him the message. I just think he was asking for it. That's being wound up or arrested, it makes no difference to me. My point is very simple, you are responsible for what you download and 'I didn't mean to do it' is not any sort of excuse. I made no comment on the likelihood or not of him being nicked. Obviously, there is next to no chance of that happening. But that's not the point.

Your ignorant and irrelevant abuse simply proves you have no coherent argument. Also what is a 'looser'? If it's someone who gets loose, that's me. I always like to get loose before I get tight. :-)

All reasoned responses welcome.
6. June 2003 @ 08:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok you are all just being drama queens here.
Dude, if you were going to really be arrested for downloading kiddie porn (accidentally or otherwise) the feds would have entered your crib in a no-knock raid and seized your shit. If that didn't happen, and snce you are posting on a board I am assuming it didn't then some a**hole was f**king with you. To the rest of you....back off and give the guy a break, if you use Kazaa you have downloaded porn AT LEAST once, if you say you haven't you are a big fat liar!!!!!!!!
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6. June 2003 @ 11:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I?ve never used Kazaa (put off by all that spyware) but I have no problem with WinMX, eMule or SoulSeek at the moment or Napster, AudioGalaxy or numerous others in the past. But I also don?t think I?m being difficult or overly dramatic and I?m not actually trying to piss anyone off. All I?m saying is:
1. You are responsible for what you download, both legally and morally, and need to exercise a reasonable degree of care over it.
2. Downloading files with dodgy words (pedo, kiddy etc.) in the title or description is exercising no care and is, at the very least, irresponsible and risky.
There doesn?t seem to me to be anything contentious about either of these points. It?s just common sense. And I?m not on an anti-porn crusade. I couldn?t care less.

I?m going to install Kazaa Lite to have a look as I?d like to know what is different about Kazaa downloads. Perhaps it is impossible to avoid the sort of thing I?m suggesting should be avoided, although I doubt it. I also fail to see how adding misleading dodgy words to relatively innocent files would increase your share rating. I would have thought it would stop more people than it would encourage.

On the subject of pain in the arse spyware, avoid Xolox. It?s worse than Kazaa, worse than anything else I?ve ever come across. And it?s ugly.
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10. June 2003 @ 20:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok this is basically the way it is. Anyone who knowingly downloads child porn from the internet deserves to be and should be locked up!! The sad truth is a lot of people do!!

Now with kazaa, it doesnt surprise me one bit!! i reckon 80% of the files on kazaa have misleading descriptions, filenames, keywords etc etc...

stillhere obviously was unlucky and managed to get his hands on files that some freak renamed. I dont downlad porn off kazaa! i barely use kazaa anyway but i know peoiple who download a lot of porn off kazaa and one for instance once told me people need to be carefull of what they get because there's a lot of "dodgy" stuff floating around that has been renamed! So it happens!!

Now bonton, relax a bit, i know you hate child porn and im pretty sure everyone else on this thread does too but if the guy accidently got the file, it aint his faultm it is the fault of the sick bast... who renamed it in the first place. Downloading normal porn is legal as long as its not copyrighted! Child Porn is a serious offense in most countries as we all know so i can see why stillhere got worried when he recieved that message after accidently recieving bad material!

This is what I think happened..

some person brought a file to kazaa. The file could be classed as child porn and people knowingly downloaded this file and knowingly shared it amonsgt others, then it slipped into the hands of some person who decided to rename it to trick people into downloading it. Now when you pulled up a search and you thought the file you were getting was legal, little did you know that all the other sources for this file clearly stated what this file really was but you were unlucky and were reading the description and filename that someone else added!! So u downloaded it thinking it was ok! Then someone who saw you on their upload list decided to PM you! I reckon this was someone who likes to share child porn and he was only doing that to protect himself, to make it look like he was only sharing it to catch others who shared it and he was in fear that you were law enforcement. It could easily happen to anyone!

You're fine trust me! Nothing is gonna happen to you. I recommed u use eMule or DC++ or something good in future and scrap kazaa altogether!!
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11. June 2003 @ 04:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've had a look at Kazaa and can see the problem. I'll stick to WinMX and eMule.

I agree with what you say about anyone who knowingly downloads child porn but, in the UK anyway, the law is broader than that. It doesn't matter whether or not you know what you?re downloading, the offence is in the downloading itself. And it is an absolute offence, with no allowable defence. Again, see Pete Townsend case. I don?t believe Pete Townsend is a pervert and I don?t think the legal system did either, hence the very light sentence he received, but once they have the evidence you can only be convicted. And, light sentence or not, Townsend is now on the Sex Offenders Register for the rest of his life. For instance, he has to inform the police if he moves and there are a number of other restrictions. I think the legal position is different in the States. You guys have a Bill of Rights, we have Common Law. Individuals have a lot more protection under a bill of rights, any bill of rights, than under English Common Law. Even if those individuals are deviants. Hence our present governments reluctance to adopt the proposed European Bill of Rights.

Unless you?re a serious pervert and have been downloading/sharing a load of this stuff there is practically no chance of the law ever being involved. An occasional accidental download should not be a problem. But practically no chance is not the same thing as no chance. A friend of mine recently had his PC taken by the police because of what he had growing in his greenhouse. God only knows why but they took it. Again, they probably have a lot more freedom to do this sort of thing in the UK than in the States. We also recently had a case here where a driver fell asleep at the wheel and the police used evidence from his PC to prove he had been up and online all the previous night. In either of these cases if they had found even one high category child porn picture a prosecution and conviction would have been unavoidable and inevitable. You might get a very light sentence like Townsend but you have to be convicted.

Take care.
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11. June 2003 @ 17:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm actually in Ireland lol, not the U.S at all! We have pretty much the same law here as the UK! I know the cases u are on about, the guy who fell asleep at the wheel of his car and crashed onto a train track, then called 999 and as he spoke a train came along! also recently the pedophile from the chatroom who waited till his victim was 13 to avoid a life sentence!! Fucken sick it is!!
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11. June 2003 @ 17:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i agree with bonton
coz i know how the laws in UK like but u cant blame stilhere

however a solution for this is simple use the AVI previewer pre-installed on kazaa lite
so u can see the file u are downloading way way wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy b4 it completes
as we all know kazaa is the haven for mis leading file descriptions
probably why this program has been created
so use the AVI PREVIEWER to check if it is wat u were looking for continue downloading
however if it is somink u didnt want then terminate the download
oh yeh STILLHERE some fool was jus messing with yo ass (get it lol)

mAkE wAy 4 tHe BaD GuY

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. June 2003 @ 17:33

13. July 2003 @ 14:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I gotta agree with bonton. Even if you are 100% sure that a file containing a description with "pedo" and "kiddy" is really a pink floyd mp3, you should not download it. Under the law (in at least Canada, USA, UK, Russia, and many more), if you are not aware that you are commiting a crime, or believe that you are in the right when you are wrong, then you are STILL GUILTY. and as such, downloading files off KaZaA with such disgusting names with not negate you from blame of said crime.

Therefor, by downloading this file you are talking about, you HAVE commited a CRIME. Obviously, you are not being charged. But to download any file with a description that even CLAMES to have illegal content is still, well, illegal
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13. July 2003 @ 15:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeh good point!!!
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15. July 2003 @ 16:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
By the sounds of things, even if he did download a file with "pedo" or "kiddy" porn in the title he wouldn't have broken any laws. It's the contents of the downloaded file that could land him in prison, not the name of the file. So if as he say's there's was no incriminating data in the file then he hasn't got anything to worry about.
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15. July 2003 @ 18:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
true ye, just sad that this shit exists on the net!!
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16. July 2003 @ 13:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Too true Dela

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16. July 2003 @ 17:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thats one thing i never ever got, they go mad over music but child porn?? oh no they dont give a sh** about it now cause they are loosing money from tax etc etc that would usually be paid on cd's, man that is screwed!
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17. July 2003 @ 13:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You've hit the nail on the head. The only political reasons for pressure being applied to the police to crack down on this sort of shit are money and public opinion. Sadly the celebrity paedophile quota has currently been filled and that makes it yesterdays news, also it cost's a huge amount of money and resources to investigate and convict a paedophile and if successful they are sent to prison and there's no money in that.
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17. July 2003 @ 14:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeh true
they let prices of innocent kids lives be determined on cashflows
what a democracy
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