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PS3 blu-ray drive dead
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18. November 2009 @ 11:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by uk_dan2k:

First, did you put the black & white cable back together? Second, if you replaced another blu-ray laser and its having the same problem then you might want to buy another laser and try to fix it again. The problem is the blu-ray laser you got was defective.
i meant the red & black cable sorry, the wires snapped out of the pin header so wont go back so i didn't bother put it back on the drive.
Also i ordered another laser got wait a week for it come from hong kong now lol
If it broke off and still unable to fix it then you better look for a new drive before you start purchasing so many blu-ray lens! Try to finda YLOD for cheap on craigslist and swap out the blu-ray drive instead. One thing when swapping out the blu-ray drive you neeed to remove the miniboard or circuit board underneath the blu-ray drive on the broken one and place it in the good blu-ray drive because the blu-ray drive is married to the broken ps3.
18. November 2009 @ 11:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
this is the wire i'm on about, sensor wire

just the wire thats broke not the sensor

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. November 2009 @ 11:23

18. November 2009 @ 11:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by uk_dan2k:
this is the wire i'm on about, sensor wire

just the wire thats broke not the sensor
Well, I'm going to assumed the the blk/red wire is to power the miniboard so you will need it. THe miniboard is the driver for the ps3. Without the wire the ps3 will not recognised the blu-ray drive because when I tried to just swap blu-ray drive for another, the cloak ON THE XMB did not rotate at all.
18. November 2009 @ 15:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by jackeroo7:
Originally posted by uk_dan2k:
this is the wire i'm on about, sensor wire

just the wire thats broke not the sensor
Well, I'm going to assumed the the blk/red wire is to power the miniboard so you will need it. THe miniboard is the driver for the ps3. Without the wire the ps3 will not recognised the blu-ray drive because when I tried to just swap blu-ray drive for another, the cloak ON THE XMB did not rotate at all.
I meant clock or timer instead of cloak.
18. November 2009 @ 16:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by uk_dan2k:
this is the wire i'm on about, sensor wire

just the wire thats broke not the sensor
Oh man,that is not good. If I am thinking that you are talking of the wire on the top of the blu ray drive? If it is that one, then you might as well try to fix that by solder or crimping it in there somehow.

That lets the PS3 know that you have inserted a disc and if it is not connected or broken like you just mentioned. Then you will have to fix that wire somehow or replace it. Do that before you try to buy a new drive but even then, the drive doesn't have the wire, the wire is just for that mini board underneath and is connected to that mini board and to the top of the drive. Either fix the wire or look around to buy the exact same wire. Try to find the specs on that specific wire. If it is just a generic wire that is made by alot of manufacturers or if it is Sony only wire? Hope this helps. Later.
Junior Member
18. November 2009 @ 17:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Gryphon77:
Originally posted by uk_dan2k:
this is the wire i'm on about, sensor wire

just the wire thats broke not the sensor
Oh man,that is not good. If I am thinking that you are talking of the wire on the top of the blu ray drive? If it is that one, then you might as well try to fix that by solder or crimping it in there somehow.

That lets the PS3 know that you have inserted a disc and if it is not connected or broken like you just mentioned. Then you will have to fix that wire somehow or replace it. Do that before you try to buy a new drive but even then, the drive doesn't have the wire, the wire is just for that mini board underneath and is connected to that mini board and to the top of the drive. Either fix the wire or look around to buy the exact same wire. Try to find the specs on that specific wire. If it is just a generic wire that is made by alot of manufacturers or if it is Sony only wire? Hope this helps. Later.
the wire is a 28 AWG TR-64 brand. black & red. have fun crimping one of these pins with this kid fo wire. it need some skills & the right tools to properly fix it.
18. November 2009 @ 17:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Gryphon77:
Oh man,that is not good. If I am thinking that you are talking of the wire on the top of the blu ray drive? If it is that one, then you might as well try to fix that by solder or crimping it in there somehow.

That lets the PS3 know that you have inserted a disc and if it is not connected or broken like you just mentioned. Then you will have to fix that wire somehow or replace it. Do that before you try to buy a new drive but even then, the drive doesn't have the wire, the wire is just for that mini board underneath and is connected to that mini board and to the top of the drive. Either fix the wire or look around to buy the exact same wire. Try to find the specs on that specific wire. If it is just a generic wire that is made by alot of manufacturers or if it is Sony only wire? Hope this helps. Later.
yea its the cable that goes to the top of the front of the drive has attaches to a little board just under 1cm long, i found someone who sells the wire so i can just replace that as soon as it arrives, got another laser just incase (can always sell it off on ebay)
18. November 2009 @ 19:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just a simple question, if my laser lights up and all the motors work (including the disk spinning briefly) it surely can't be the laser thats broken right?!

In this case what on earth could be the problem? Mine PS3 has been dead for nearly a year (wont read anything) and I have spend months searching for info.
18. November 2009 @ 20:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Spec23:
Just a simple question, if my laser lights up and all the motors work (including the disk spinning briefly) it surely can't be the laser thats broken right?!

In this case what on earth could be the problem? Mine PS3 has been dead for nearly a year (wont read anything) and I have spend months searching for info.

Yes, your blu-ray laser has died.
19. November 2009 @ 05:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by jackeroo7:
Yes, your blu-ray laser has died.
Why does my laser light up bright blue when I insert the disk then? (I have have run it with the drive all disassembled). The laser should be either on or off (dead or working).
19. November 2009 @ 10:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Spec23:
Originally posted by jackeroo7:
Yes, your blu-ray laser has died.
Why does my laser light up bright blue when I insert the disk then? (I have have run it with the drive all disassembled). The laser should be either on or off (dead or working).[/quote

The bright blue light only indicates that you inserted a disc and nothing more. On the XMB screen you should see the timer spinning briefly and then completely stop. You might think the motor is damage but in most cases its the blu-ray lens that isn't functioning.

Check out the first page of this thread
20. November 2009 @ 00:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by jackeroo7:
The bright blue light only indicates that you inserted a disc and nothing more. On the XMB screen you should see the timer spinning briefly and then completely stop. You might think the motor is damage but in most cases its the blu-ray lens that isn't functioning.

Check out the first page of this thread

Im talking about the actual laser, not the blue LED on the front of the console!

If the lazer lights to read the disc and the disc spins briefly it can't be the laser but some other optical problem within the laser assembly (such as the focusing mirrors, glass etc). I have already tested all the motors.

I have been to the Sony centre 4 times over this to get whats wrong out of them and they for the most part they skirt the issue.
20. November 2009 @ 02:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey again, I had posted my problem back in october about my laser having some issues, and well here's the update. I got my new laser deck in and put it in, but after two days it went out, so after dealing with the seller, they allowed me to return that one and sent me another, and well it didnt last much longer. I put it in, without putting any screws back or that hard metal cover, i placed a disc in and it played no problem, so then I went ahead and put all screws in and metal cover, but before i placed the whole case back together i tried the disc again and this time no spin, no read, nothing. I was as delicate as I could have possibly been through the whole process, so if anyone has any thoughts as to what happened please feel free to let me know, otherwise I believe ima just have to dish out the 150 bucks and let sony deal with it. thanks
20. November 2009 @ 05:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by timebomb1:
hey again, I had posted my problem back in october about my laser having some issues, and well here's the update. I got my new laser deck in and put it in, but after two days it went out, so after dealing with the seller, they allowed me to return that one and sent me another, and well it didnt last much longer. I put it in, without putting any screws back or that hard metal cover, i placed a disc in and it played no problem, so then I went ahead and put all screws in and metal cover, but before i placed the whole case back together i tried the disc again and this time no spin, no read, nothing. I was as delicate as I could have possibly been through the whole process, so if anyone has any thoughts as to what happened please feel free to let me know, otherwise I believe ima just have to dish out the 150 bucks and let sony deal with it. thanks
Unfortunately your experience sounds like most that people have when replacing the laser themselves. Most user replaced lasers last a maxium of a couple of weeks before they break which leads me to believe Sony replaces more than just this part and the problem lies elsewhere in the system.

I actually believe that its not the lasers fault at all, something is causing too much power to go to the laser causing them to fail. This could either be a fault in the Blu Ray system board or firmware.

I would probably recommend you try one of your replacement lasers again with the metal cover off, if it works leave it off and see how long it lasts. It likely that in the end you will have to send it to Sony be even then their repair job will only last again and it WILL break within another year or 2.

So much for a 10 year console!
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20. November 2009 @ 06:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Spec23:
It likely that in the end you will have to send it to Sony be even then their repair job will only last again and it WILL break within another year or 2.

So much for a 10 year console!
i agree on you that for a 10 years cnosole it pretty suck alot, however, as i said alot, you better dish the 150$ and last 2 years than replace god-i-dont-know-how-many-units-at-70$-each.

but i have to disagree with you on what they replace. when they ship the console back to you, they include a list of parts they changed. the only thing they changed on mine was the Blu-Ray Player (full unit) & the hard drive (i dont know why). and i had the same symptom as yours.
20. November 2009 @ 11:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Usually they give you a refurb which is not even your original console because their policy is first console fixed is the first one sent out (of the same type). So everything might be entirely different in the console they give you back, which does suck for the price but is likely to mean the console lasts a least a couple of years.

If they are changing the whole Blu Ray drive and not just the laser I believe the system board (the small board under the BR drive) is to blame. If home done laser replacements cured the problem they would last as long as a Sony fix and not a week! Something else in the system is frying the lasers.

I was going to open up the actual laser block today (where all the mirrors and glass lenses are located) to see if anything is out of place but I a defeated by the last super tiny screw that holds the sheet metal back! This is the 4th time I opened the console!
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20. November 2009 @ 16:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Spec23:
Usually they give you a refurb which is not even your original console because their policy is first console fixed is the first one sent out (of the same type). So everything might be entirely different in the console they give you back, which does suck for the price but is likely to mean the console lasts a least a couple of years.

If they are changing the whole Blu Ray drive and not just the laser I believe the system board (the small board under the BR drive) is to blame. If home done laser replacements cured the problem they would last as long as a Sony fix and not a week! Something else in the system is frying the lasers.

I was going to open up the actual laser block today (where all the mirrors and glass lenses are located) to see if anything is out of place but I a defeated by the last super tiny screw that holds the sheet metal back! This is the 4th time I opened the console!
nope they repaired mine. i took the time to wrote down the serial number and check it when it came back. when it came back. it was downgraded to 2.76 instead of the 3.0 firmware i had previously installed. so it might be the sisterboard the actual problem. i dunno.
21. November 2009 @ 02:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks to those who replied, I will def. do what cabanon did and write down my numbers, as well as take some pics, just in case. I like my unit too much to just let em take it lol, I dont know why they stopped making them like mine, i got the backwards compatibility on all games for ps 1 and 2 and i have the 4 usb ports and media reader stuff.
21. November 2009 @ 06:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by timebomb1:
thanks to those who replied, I will def. do what cabanon did and write down my numbers, as well as take some pics, just in case. I like my unit too much to just let em take it lol, I dont know why they stopped making them like mine, i got the backwards compatibility on all games for ps 1 and 2 and i have the 4 usb ports and media reader stuff.
I think they just change all the innards and give you back the cover so the serial number on the back will match. Unless you write down the serial numbers of all the internal components it could be a totally different machine in your PS3's clothing!

There might be occasions that they give you back your unit (including the innards minus whats fixed) if its a rare console (like the 60GB) that they no longer have plenty of. A 'refurb' unit is standard practice in the UK and US which sucks because in Asia they will always give you back what you sent in.

With my console I just managed to open up the laser housing, all the mirrors look clean and the focusing solenoid moves freely (not jammed) so it might be the Blu Ray controller board thats at fault.
Junior Member
21. November 2009 @ 07:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Spec23:
Originally posted by timebomb1:
thanks to those who replied, I will def. do what cabanon did and write down my numbers, as well as take some pics, just in case. I like my unit too much to just let em take it lol, I dont know why they stopped making them like mine, i got the backwards compatibility on all games for ps 1 and 2 and i have the 4 usb ports and media reader stuff.
I think they just change all the innards and give you back the cover so the serial number on the back will match. Unless you write down the serial numbers of all the internal components it could be a totally different machine in your PS3's clothing!

There might be occasions that they give you back your unit (including the innards minus whats fixed) if its a rare console (like the 60GB) that they no longer have plenty of. A 'refurb' unit is standard practice in the UK and US which sucks because in Asia they will always give you back what you sent in.

With my console I just managed to open up the laser housing, all the mirrors look clean and the focusing solenoid moves freely (not jammed) so it might be the Blu Ray controller board thats at fault.
yeah i asked if i would get back 60gb model, and when you call, they ask your model number. i asked if i would get back a 60gb unit because i had one and they said yes. the only time they send you a refurbish is when there's nothing left to do to repair it. unless this particular occasion (YLOD), they just repair yours.
22. November 2009 @ 16:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
GOOD to know thanks spec23 and cabanon
23. November 2009 @ 13:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I'm hoping someone out there can help me. I've followed this thread, and used the info to repair a YLOD PS3 I picked up on Ebay. I fixed the YLOD issue, only to find the laser wouldn't read discs, nor spin the disc spindle. I picked up a replacement laser and inserted it yesterday, and now I get the red and blue lasers, with disc reads, spins, etc.

But the problem I have now comes from stress testing the newly functioning drive. Blu rays seem to play fine all the way through, but red laser discs play only until the layer jump, then seem to have lots of issues continuing to read the disc. Eventually it does seem to jump layers, but will stutter and stick in one place, and the laser can be heard working back and forth trying to read. Skipping ahead a few minutes seems to help out and on some movies gets on fine until the end.

Anyone have any suggestions on what I can try now? I've used a variety of discs, brands, and have used discs that play perfectly fine in my personal PS3 which was not bricked, so I know the media cannot be the issue here. Is there some extra calibration/alignment step that needs to be done to the laser once it's installed on the deck? I should add that the YLOD PS3 is a 60GB model, with a KES-400A laser and KEM-400AAA deck. My other unit is a 40GB PS3 which has never been opened.

23. November 2009 @ 14:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by chiefj125:

I'm hoping someone out there can help me. I've followed this thread, and used the info to repair a YLOD PS3 I picked up on Ebay. I fixed the YLOD issue, only to find the laser wouldn't read discs, nor spin the disc spindle. I picked up a replacement laser and inserted it yesterday, and now I get the red and blue lasers, with disc reads, spins, etc.

But the problem I have now comes from stress testing the newly functioning drive. Blu rays seem to play fine all the way through, but red laser discs play only until the layer jump, then seem to have lots of issues continuing to read the disc. Eventually it does seem to jump layers, but will stutter and stick in one place, and the laser can be heard working back and forth trying to read. Skipping ahead a few minutes seems to help out and on some movies gets on fine until the end.

Anyone have any suggestions on what I can try now? I've used a variety of discs, brands, and have used discs that play perfectly fine in my personal PS3 which was not bricked, so I know the media cannot be the issue here. Is there some extra calibration/alignment step that needs to be done to the laser once it's installed on the deck? I should add that the YLOD PS3 is a 60GB model, with a KES-400A laser and KEM-400AAA deck. My other unit is a 40GB PS3 which has never been opened.

I see what your problem is, you installed the wrong model lens! So the broken modle is KEM-400AAA I am assuming?
I had the same problem, my Ps3 I fixed with this problem before I got it right was that I bought a KEM-400AAA lens and installed it on my ps3 which model it used was KES-400a. I only was able to watch DVd's on it and not blu rays or play games. I ended up buying another lens and it was the KES-400A ps3 and it now works like a charm and plays everything and I did this earlier this year, over six months and still works. But I just didn't buy a lens but the whole lens deck is what I bought. I took a chance at buying it on ebay and it not working at all but it was brand new.So my PS3 has a new motor and lens well not new anymore but newer and it is still working.
I was kind of peeved it only read dvds only but yeah my mistake was getting the wrong model and it sounds like that in this case.
Hope this helps? Later
23. November 2009 @ 14:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I see what your problem is, you installed the wrong model lens! So the broken modle is KEM-400AAA I am assuming?
I had the same problem, my Ps3 I fixed with this problem before I got it right was that I bought a KEM-400AAA lens and installed it on my ps3 which model it used was KES-400a. I only was able to watch DVd's on it and not blu rays or play games. I ended up buying another lens and it was the KES-400A ps3 and it now works like a charm and plays everything and I did this earlier this year, over six months and still works. But I just didn't buy a lens but the whole lens deck is what I bought. I took a chance at buying it on ebay and it not working at all but it was brand new.So my PS3 has a new motor and lens well not new anymore but newer and it is still working.
I was kind of peeved it only read dvds only but yeah my mistake was getting the wrong model and it sounds like that in this case.
Hope this helps? Later


I guess I don't follow. How could I have put the wrong laser in? The deck model # is KEM-400AAA, and the laser # is KES-400A. Those are the model #s from the existing unit. I went on Ebay and bought a KES-400A lens, and placed it into the deck. I didn't buy a 410ACA or anything like that, so how is it the wrong part? Also, this laser does read all kinds of discs, but like I said, the blu discs read fine and the red has issues about mid-point, at the layer jump.

Not trying to be argumentative, but I read the part #s off the parts I took out and replaced with the same. That's what got me so confused.

23. November 2009 @ 14:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by chiefj125:

I see what your problem is, you installed the wrong model lens! So the broken modle is KEM-400AAA I am assuming?
I had the same problem, my Ps3 I fixed with this problem before I got it right was that I bought a KEM-400AAA lens and installed it on my ps3 which model it used was KES-400a. I only was able to watch DVd's on it and not blu rays or play games. I ended up buying another lens and it was the KES-400A ps3 and it now works like a charm and plays everything and I did this earlier this year, over six months and still works. But I just didn't buy a lens but the whole lens deck is what I bought. I took a chance at buying it on ebay and it not working at all but it was brand new.So my PS3 has a new motor and lens well not new anymore but newer and it is still working.
I was kind of peeved it only read dvds only but yeah my mistake was getting the wrong model and it sounds like that in this case.
Hope this helps? Later


I guess I don't follow. How could I have put the wrong laser in? The deck model # is KEM-400AAA, and the laser # is KES-400A. Those are the model #s from the existing unit. I went on Ebay and bought a KES-400A lens, and placed it into the deck. I didn't buy a 410ACA or anything like that, so how is it the wrong part? Also, this laser does read all kinds of discs, but like I said, the blu discs read fine and the red has issues about mid-point, at the layer jump.

Not trying to be argumentative, but I read the part #s off the parts I took out and replaced with the same. That's what got me so confused.

Oh yeah, I misinterpreted your post. Its all good, yeah it is just the model numbers are crappy, just wish they were all universal. It may be your motor not running perfectly as well. but it could also be the miniboard underneath the blu ray drive?
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