Upgrading HD on Softmodded Xbox Tutorial
Junior Member
26. March 2009 @ 09:36 |
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when you installed the softmod on your original hdd you should have backed up the MS dash, also ya you need to go back to the original ms dash to connect to xbox live, your are not allowed to connect with a modded xbox. look at this vid at 2:30 is this what your softmod installer looks like? you should have done the create ms backup originally. if you did not do that i could email you the ms dash files im not sure if they are universal but its worth a try. follow that video to resoft mod your original hdd. let me know if this works
26. March 2009 @ 12:41 |
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I've softmodded a few xboxs now and done them all with hard drive upgrades using xboxhdm. I have run into 3 incompatible hard drives now by Maxtor and it's a huge waste of money (the comptibility list shows more people with it working then not working). So my question is, am I just hosed and unable to use the hard drives? Or is there another locking option I can try before giving up on trying to lock the hard drive?
26. March 2009 @ 14:07 |
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Originally posted by footbal95: when you installed the softmod on your original hdd you should have backed up the MS dash, also ya you need to go back to the original ms dash to connect to xbox live, your are not allowed to connect with a modded xbox. look at this vid at 2:30 is this what your softmod installer looks like? you should have done the create ms backup originally. if you did not do that i could email you the ms dash files im not sure if they are universal but its worth a try. follow that video to resoft mod your original hdd. let me know if this works
I had backuped it but after the installation i couldn't find it on the hdd ... strange but it didn't matter to me back then ...
and though i don't have an xbox live account (where can i get one now for free? are there any of these buzzing around the net???) i didn't care about this one, too.
sry for my english ... if you dont understand me: contact me!!!
26. March 2009 @ 14:29 |
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Here's a trick worth trying, worked for me a time or two. Connect original drive as primary master, new drive as secondary in your pc, boot the xboxhdm disc but don't do the normal cd restore, instead opt to clone the original drive and see where that leaves you. I forget the exact options where you can do this but it's there somewhere (working from memory here, sorry).
Edit - This will take a long VERY time and there is no status indicator during use, just pray that it works without error. You may have to remove gamesaves and other tdata / udata before everything just works right. You can always copy them again if you find you need something.
Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. March 2009 @ 14:39
26. March 2009 @ 14:41 |
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Originally posted by slaeyer: Here's a trick worth trying, worked for me a time or two. Connect original drive as primary master, new drive as secondary in your pc, boot the xboxhdm disc but don't do the normal cd restore, instead opt to clone the original drive and see where that leaves you. I forget the exact options where you can do this but it's there somewhere (working from memory here, sorry).
Edit - This will take a long VERY time and there is no status indicator during use, just pray that it works without error. You may have to remove gamesaves and other tdata / udata before everything just works right. You can always copy them again if you find you need something.
I'll give that a try tomorrow ...
sry for my english ... if you dont understand me: contact me!!!
26. March 2009 @ 14:45 |
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That's an interesting idea... I'll try it! Any other suggestions from anyone?
Junior Member
26. March 2009 @ 22:42 |
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ok your locking problem can be fixed by going here http://thestauths.com/xbox.pdf and looking under the hot swap. Pretty much dont plug your hdd in until the xboxhdm boots but be VERY CAREFUL when plugging it in go fast and make sure your right on other wise your might get a short and fry the hdd. your might be able to do it with the ide cable though, but when i did mine i waited to plug in the power cable. or if you have a different computer you could try it on that some computer bios' will cause the hdd to be frozen
Junior Member
27. March 2009 @ 07:40 |
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Based on what I've seen, I don't think that's a great idea. It's somewhat unsafe and unnecessary. The BIOS shouldn't lock up because of the detected fatx hard drive. Especially if you have the BIOS set to boot from the cd.
I've tried two Maxtor drives, the first one, a 40 gig drive, would not lock. I attempted to run configmagic on it, but that did not help. I also tried to drive-swap in an active xbox, which did not work. So, the trade-off is a little clearer. With a mod chip, it wouldn't matter.
The second drive I tried was another Maxtor. It's a 150 gig (Supposed to be 160) and xboxhdm had no trouble locking it. It's now working great.
If you really want to be safe, just look up on the compatibility list (http://xboxdrives.x-pec.com/?p=list) and buy a cheap drive off ebay. Another thing to double-check is that the jumpers are set to cable select (cs) and that your bios is detecting both the hard drive and the cdrom drive. It's stupid mistakes like that which often cause the biggest problems.
Junior Member
27. March 2009 @ 08:00 |
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Originally posted by Jermzone: So my question is, am I just hosed and unable to use the hard drives? Or is there another locking option I can try before giving up on trying to lock the hard drive?
Did you copy your eeprom.bin file onto your cd? Did you copy the new dashboard files to C? Are you using xboxhdm 1.9? Did you use options 1 (install fresh xbox drive) then 6 (generate HD key)? If you answered yes to all them, your best bet is to look up those drives again and see what program other people used to lock their drives. One thing that you should keep in mind is that some people on that list have mod chips and lock their drives to play on xboxlive. If they used xboxhdm to lock it, you should be good.
27. March 2009 @ 13:12 |
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Thanks for all of the replies. I know the CD has everything on it that is needed, and the hard drive isn't frozen, and i'm using xhdm1.9. It goes through the entire process and copies all of the files it needs... and then when it comes time to lock the drive it says it's incompatible. Before I bought this hard drive on eBay I checked the compatibility list and only a few people were unable to lock theirs... could be a modchip issue. How do I lock it using configmagic? I noticed that some people locked theirs using that method.
Junior Member
27. March 2009 @ 23:30 |
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Configmagic might not work in locking a softmodded drive, but since it's free and a small download, it's definitely worth a try. As long as you have the time, experimenting is a great way to learn new things.
Configmagic is an xbox file, so you'd have to burn it (cd or dvd should work) and the xbox will load the file. If it's not locked, I don't think it will boot, but it might. The instructions say to go past the load screen and then hold both triggers and press the white button. The red light should flash or something. The way I understood it, that might only apply to mod chips.
Another possibility (and a longshot) is to try to run it from xboxhdm's explorer. This just means you'll have to copy the file onto your boot cd. You can then navigate to the file and try to load it. However, I don't think you can load xbox files from that program, so I doubt it would work.
It's tough when your hardware won't cooperate, but as long as you can learn from the mistakes, you're not at a total loss. If you need to get a new hard drive, just be careful with your research. A little luck can help, too. ;-)
Junior Member
28. April 2009 @ 00:44 |
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Originally posted by Jermzone: I've softmodded a few xboxs now and done them all with hard drive upgrades using xboxhdm. I have run into 3 incompatible hard drives now by Maxtor and it's a huge waste of money (the comptibility list shows more people with it working then not working). So my question is, am I just hosed and unable to use the hard drives? Or is there another locking option I can try before giving up on trying to lock the hard drive?
I have used XBOXHDM 1.9 on about 50 hard drives. If you have the correct EEPROM on the dvd that you are using to lock your unlocked drive it will give you a "review" of your drive meaning it will tell you what kind of drive, the serial number, whether its locked or not, and WHETHER OR NOT IT IS LOCKABLE. Not all drives are lockable and 1.9 will read the drive and tell you if "Security Enabled" and I think the other one says "Security Available" then have yes or no after each one. Also it will say frozen or that your limit is exceeded if you have locked it too many times. Great program and never had trouble with it.
6. July 2009 @ 03:39 |
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Dear guys,
I already have softmoded Xbox, and now I want upgrade it with 320 Gb Seagate hard drive. I already, follow the all available tutorial, but I just got my C, E, F drive with total only 130 Gb but no G drive.
How to maximize my 320 Gb hard disk? could u give me the simple one tutorial. thanks in advance for your help.
Junior Member
6. July 2009 @ 16:25 |
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Just go to settings>storage then enable G:= yes
6. July 2009 @ 20:58 |
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I will try. thanks swango. give me little day to reply.
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3 product reviews
6. July 2009 @ 21:15 |
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First you need to format the F and G drives if they're not there. Use the aid disc or xbpartitioner to do this.
Here's a link to download xbpartitioner
Save it to your computer, unrar it and ftp the folder to your apps section on your xbox. Then restart the xbox choose apps then xbpartitioner.
Junior Member
7. July 2009 @ 04:41 |
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Originally posted by C4RN1: First you need to format the F and G drives if they're not there. Use the aid disc or xbpartitioner to do this.
Here's a link to download xbpartitioner
Save it to your computer, unrar it and ftp the folder to your apps section on your xbox. Then restart the xbox choose apps then xbpartitioner.
Not saying that this isn't a proper program, but I have never had to use such program. I have 3 Xboxs with 200, 250 and 320gb and all I have ever had to do is go into settings and enable G:.
After reading I see that xbpartitioner actually combines F: and G: into one drive so that it shows up as 1 large space into 2 smaller. I personally don't mind it being F: and G: separated but if you prefer 1....
I did use SID 5.01 to softmod and the Unleash X dash so this may have the correct software to enable the G: drive built in. If I remember correctly, using SID 4.0 I did have to go into the format menu using the password "xbox" and had to format G: before usage, however this latest 320gb I installed about 1 month ago I did nothing more than go to settings>stoage>enable G:=yes
I have been using SID 5.01 and UnleashX for so long I forgot that there are other older softmod files and dashboards that probably aren't as simple as that.
More reading.....it seems as though it is UnleashX that allows the format of G: and then you can change to any dash you like after you use UnleashX to format the G: drive.
So, if you are using UnleashX as your dash, problem solved...just enable G: and format it. if you are not using UnleashX then let us know and someone will help you ( or simply use C4RN1's link to xbpartitoner)
Junior Member
7. July 2009 @ 04:48 |
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3. August 2009 @ 03:31 |
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I am sorry if this question has already been asked, I have
been researching for a while now and can not find the answer.
My x-box has been soft moded before (before I bought it)
I want to install a larger HD. the disk I make using
"make-iso-win.bat" is DVD size and my PC tower does not
have a DVD player. this is where my problem is.
I am new to x-box mods, Is there any files I can delete inorder
to lessen the size of the ISO? I have the eeprom already.
Is there a basic package I can download that has the basics
needed to soft mod with out the Games ( I do not have them and
do not have a way to get them currently).
I have a larger HD I am trying to use for my x-box mod, I
understand the steps to use it, but the DVD size ISO file
is a problem for me.
Thank you for your time,
3. August 2009 @ 03:35 |
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Originally posted by Swango: Chunkhead's tutorial on upgrading a hard drive....
at the bottom of his FIRST post it shows how to format and enable G: but you must have UnleashX as your dash.
I have done this method and it gives me a Stock HD (just like it says) but I do not have the games to do the soft mod that way, is there a dashboard file(s) I can get to add to the files before i make the ISO (so the dashboard is on the ISO)
thank you again
Senior Member
3 product reviews
3. August 2009 @ 04:43 |
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Junior Member
3. August 2009 @ 04:47 |
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Originally posted by agadabar: Originally posted by Swango: Chunkhead's tutorial on upgrading a hard drive....
at the bottom of his FIRST post it shows how to format and enable G: but you must have UnleashX as your dash.
I have done this method and it gives me a Stock HD (just like it says) but I do not have the games to do the soft mod that way, is there a dashboard file(s) I can get to add to the files before i make the ISO (so the dashboard is on the ISO)
thank you again
ok first off you need these files or similar dash files
That is Unleash X dash files
Then you need to follow these directions also from Chunkhead
This will show you how to hotswap your regular dash files onto your hard drive but you have to do it correctly because if you mess up your hard drive with no backup of your eeprom you will probably be screwed...
Honestly go buy one of those games to softmod they are super cheap...
Junior Member
3. August 2009 @ 04:58 |
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Originally posted by C4RN1: what version xbox do you have? Is it ntsc or pal?
You can hotswap and then change the NTSC or PAL configuration in settings can't you?
or if you use UNLEASHX dash files from a SIDS 5.01 you can use the System>softmod menu to back up your eeprom and reinstall the mod WITHOUT a game disc. SIDS 4.0 doesnt have the softmod menu on it but the newer 5.01 does. it will take you straight to the softmod installation screen without any disc in the drive.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. August 2009 @ 05:05
Senior Member
3 product reviews
3. August 2009 @ 05:49 |
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Alright swango slow down there, and please learn how to use the edit button located on the top right part of your post. It looks like a piece of paper and a pencil.
You also need to stop giving so many inaccurate/incorrect answers when you don't understand how everything works.
Let's say Agadabar downloaded the unleash x dash files and used xboxhdm to install. Then when he installs the locked drive in his box he gets an error 21. Why would this happen? The xbox can't find the proper files to boot the modded dash and it throws a code. Those files will only work for certain xbox versions (that's why i asked which version before linking files). If they were all the same i wouldn't have made 3 different versions of my cheater files.
So let's make sure the answer you give this guy is the correct one.
For the answer to your other post, you can switch ntsc and pal using the aid disc with a program called enigma video switcher.
And SID stands for Softmod Installer Deluxe, don't call it SIDS....
4. August 2009 @ 02:51 |
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OK originally this post said i was unsure of my version (it is ntsc)
However I would like to say that, C4RN1 YOU ARE AWESOME !!!!!!!
I read your signature and saw the (Download my cheater C) I compared that to what you said in your post, so i download it and tried it out
- I know that could have been stupid because i did not know if it was the right one, but it was .. my box is not modded and I am very happy. the dvd2xbox application will not download thru the settings->network->downloads is there a good site that has the available applications?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. August 2009 @ 04:06