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6. November 2005 @ 18:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user

My last post screwed up...Disregard anything before "www."
Junior Member
16. November 2005 @ 22:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I used Sony Vegas to convert a DVD. I located each file in .VOB format that held the main movie. I was not able or too impatient to just select the 1st .VOB. Anyway the process seemed to work with one exception. NO SOUND. This was a very quick conversion to AVI and the picture was good. But some portions were missing. I have not watched this PAL DVD version from start to finish yet. These parts may have been missing from the regular footage on this DVD. I found the missing parts elsewhere on the DVD so the missing parts may not be Vegas omissions. The main problem again was NO SOUND. Any Help?
18. November 2005 @ 20:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

When you say,
"I used DVDShrink to disable region code and compress and used the automatic "burn with NEROVISION option....and it's PERFECT!!!!"

Does DVDShrink actually say "burn with NEROVISION" because when I attempt to do so, it only gives me the option to "burn with Nero" and then it uses Nero Burning ROM, and doesn't convert it.

I am using DVD Shrink v3.2.0.15, perhaps your version is different?
(btw, yes I do have nerovision installed)
19. November 2005 @ 04:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am using the same (last) vers. of DVDShrink as you are. I don't know if it actually burns with NEROVISION or just NEROBURN as I have both packaged in my Nero SMART START software. However, what I do is st up the video parameters as described in the link I gave (under "more video options" in NEROVISION)... BEFORE I start the encoding process in DVDShrink. Also, to be on the safe side, I leave the NEROVISON window/program "open" when I start DVDShrink. It works perfect for me. Also. though whoever did the tutorial on PAL to NTSC using NEROVISON says to use "single pass", I have selected "2 pass/high quality" with even better results, and it still does the conversion.
Make sure you setup the PAL to NTSC conversion in NEROVISON BEFORE staring DVDShrink, and leave NV open during the whole conversion/burn process///it should work, as I have a perfect quality Fr. dvd that is now NTSC, region "0" and fits on a 4.7 disk to prove it.
19. November 2005 @ 04:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh, I just DVDShrink vers. is only 3.2 so you have a bit later version (??) My NEROVISION is 3.01.27 but the slight variations I can't believe could make a difference !!
20. November 2005 @ 20:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I keep trying to convert PAL to NTSC, but the movie I'm trying to convert is segmented into several VOB files, and when I put them in the source eihter all together or one at a time an error message pops up saying "Invalid floating Point Operation". What is that all about and can I get around it?
Junior Member
21. November 2005 @ 19:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am addressing this to you but I want all the other contributors to this forum to also know I am addressing them too. If you are going from PAL DVD to NTSC DVD, there are several good suggestions in this forum. I was about to try one I had found on a different Afterdawn thread discussing the same problem. No need though. I found my solution by trial and error method until I got he right conversion program. I got a program called MovieJack 3.5. I ran the Moviejack program using a PAL DVD ripped to my harddrive as the source. I only needed to locate the folder with all the .VOBs in it. For The first trial setting, the program ripped the main movie .VOBs to .AVI as 4 equal sized files of 770 mb and a very small file for the remainder. Quality was not has expected. I changed the setting to output to .MPG at best quality with infinite size and got a quality single file ,MPG that was 1 gig smaller than all the .AVIs when combined. I used Roxio EasyMedia 8 to create and burn the .MPG to DVD and got a great quality NTSC DVD with great sound.
24. November 2005 @ 21:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I really wish that I could get your method to work, it sounded so good, but everytime I try, with DVD Shrink, and choose for it to burn with Nero, it doesn't convert it from PAL to NTSC, I am not sure why, as I have followed your instructions explicitly. Are you certain that your original movie is PAL? I do not mean to doubt you, but I am just curious, have you ever loaded one of the original "VOB's" (from the PAL movie)into a program like "G-Spot" which will tell you if it is indeed PAL.

As for Nero-Vision converting on it's own,(without going through DVDShrink first) it will, using the settings that you have mentioned in your previous posts, but "movie only" no menu's etc, but you can add the extra's and create your own menu. The results of the conversion are very good, and the entire process is completed with one program, which I found rather convenient.

25. November 2005 @ 05:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't know how or why you are having trouble. The dvd I converted was a region 2 PAL DVD9 disk that I bought new from Though I did make a NTSC regio 0 copy with everything on it. I also made a copy of the "movie only" and a seperate copy for tje "extras" The "un-shrunk" 2 disk version was 99.9% as good as the original. The full disk copy was also very good, maybe 89-95% perfect dvd quality. Since DVDShrink will change the region codes to 0 or "all" and reduce the content size automatically (as long as you have set up the preferences correctly) there can be no problem with generating .VOB files that NEROVISION can use to burn. Now, as long as NEROVISION is set up the way I indicated, (and just to be sure after I change the video settings in NEROVISION I leave it "open") it should burn fine.
Another way i guess is to have DVDShrink do it's thing but just have it save the VOBs to your HD. Then you can import manually those files into NEROVISION and burn it. You never did say what actually happened with your attempts? At what stage did something go wrong?? > forums > general discussion > user submitted guides > guide: convert pal to ntsc

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