Questions using ANYDVD with CloneDVD2
Junior Member
31. July 2007 @ 08:59 |
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Hi All,
I am missing a few basics backing up my DVD's with the new version of AnyDVD & Clone DVD2 and I hope
someone can clarify things for me. I want to Backup the movie '300'. When I insert the DVD the little fox in the system tray shows he is fine. ok. I have only one DVD Burner (plextor) so it must do both jobs.
My questions are:
a) should I rip the movie to my Hard drive first ? or is there a way to copy and burn at the same time like a CD? I have been ripping the DVD to my Hard Drive, then opening CloneDVD2.
b) when I open CloneDVD2 it shows the 'title configuration' screen. In the lower right hand corner there is a list box with DVD- 5) and the Quality with the arrow pointing to 'yellow'. Is this good quality for for a DVD-5? If I change it to DVD+R/L. the color changes to green. Where does it show if I should use a single or dual layer DVD?
thanks in advance.
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31. July 2007 @ 10:07 |
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Tally7, you can't burn on the fly with only one DVD drive, besides it's not the best method anyhow. You must rip the files to HDD first then open with CloneDVD2. If you backup the entire DVD then quality will suffer a little. After all you are trying to fit a dual layer DVD onto a single layer disc. Select the movie AND menus or movie only for better viewing. With the arrow pointing to the yellow, you may get some pixalation on larger screens, especially in the darker areas etc.
This help out?
Junior Member
31. July 2007 @ 10:21 |
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onya, Thanks for the info. So the quality is better either way when the arrow is pointing more to the Green. Is there anyway to tell in advance if the movie will fit on single layer or dual layer? This is one of the many features I liked about RipeItForMe.
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31. July 2007 @ 10:24 |
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Quote: s there a way to copy and burn at the same time like a CD?
not to step on toes here onya, but why not just let anydvd do it's job in the background and open clonedvd, select "clone a dvd", select the dvd and then select the features you want and let it work? When it needs blank media inseted it will pop open and tell you to put one in. This saves time as you don't have to waste time ripping to your hardrive.
Hiram 319
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31. July 2007 @ 10:40 |
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@res2cue. Mee toes are just fine...LOL
I perhaps got confused with the "on the fly" bit me thinks. I tend to stay away from that method you mention, as any imperfections or so, can cause more probs IMHO. But as you say it can be done. Next time I should pay more attention. LOL
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31. July 2007 @ 10:43 |
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it kind of just popped out to me because that is my preferred method, and with good media I almost never have any problems.
Hiram 319
Junior Member
31. July 2007 @ 11:07 |
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Once I deleted all languages except English, the movie fits on a 4.7GB.
31. July 2007 @ 11:23 |
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Originally posted by res2cue: Quote: s there a way to copy and burn at the same time like a CD?
not to step on toes here onya, but why not just let anydvd do it's job in the background and open clonedvd, select "clone a dvd", select the dvd and then select the features you want and let it work? When it needs blank media inseted it will pop open and tell you to put one in. This saves time as you don't have to waste time ripping to your hardrive.
Hi ;-)
For those wondering CloneDVD2 rips (& if necessary compresses)to a temp folder on your HD. So this idea of saving time isn't quite true in terms of ripping to HD, only if compressing is required.
As, if you rip to your HD then use CloneDVD. Should the file be too big, it will then be compressed. This does take marginally longer.
Also CloneDVD2 is better in general for ripping too. (With DVDs'- BD/HD is different).
So in short an ideal duo.
AnyDVD removing protection + adding region free backup capability.
CloneDVD2 ripping/compressing/writing.
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31. July 2007 @ 11:45 |
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Clone processes the files while going to the temp folder. If you rip directly to the HDD the files still have to be processed and then burned. So by processing the files while saving to the HDD you are saving much time by saving a process.
Hiram 319
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1. August 2007 @ 00:33 |
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Junior Member
9. August 2007 @ 16:30 |
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i've been using DVD Shrink for years but recently it takes very long to rip my must be newer protections on DVDs. i burn with Nero. i also have AnyDVD updated to i decided to try ripping with AnyDVD. However when I try burning the files with nero it reports that one of the files is not found (i think IFO file).and advises me not to continue burning the DVD. then i decided to use CloneDVD.(note i was using a trial version) that came up saying that the file was corrupted and I had to reinstall and try again.
Senior Member
9. August 2007 @ 17:02 |
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All I can say Having Used Both of Slysoft's Products ! AnyDVD & CloneDVD2 is that Depending on the Age of the Movie your Backing Up from your collection ! You will reach a point where even if you have have all the older freeware programs Like DVD Shrink, DVD Decrypter, DVD Fab DEcrypter , Ripit4Me, and EVen if you have all or any of those & AnyDVD too ! That you will Have problems Burning your backups ! Those Problems are easily solved BY adding the CLoneDVD2 Program to the AnyDvD Program that Yo already own or should Own !I"ve learned this from both sides ! Recommendations of Other Members ( far wiser than Me !!!) & From my own stubborn & Hard headed experience ! So The Pro of the situation is - It works , It Updates regularly & Is easy To use ! - Cons -well if you are used to getting a Free-Ride !!!! from The older Freeware Programs ! I can see only one ! You Gotta PaY For It/Them ( AnyDVD& CloneDVD2) ! But you can Try Both of Them free for 21Days ! SO atleast you can try them for free !!! Personally I would get both ! Slysoft is always running some kind of promotion so you msy even save money By getting them together? Were I srapped for cash I would Probably order AnyDVD 1st. Could you do work-arounds on your back ups without AnyDVD& Clonedvd2 ? Probably & Possibly ? But it's like saying You could cross the Ocean in a Canoe ! But would 'nt you be more Comfortable doing the same thing on a Yacht ? IMHO amyway ?
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
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9. August 2007 @ 21:54 |
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I have not seen a single person that has regretted spending the money on the anydvd/clone combo.
Hiram 319
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9. August 2007 @ 23:32 |
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Originally posted by res2cue: I have not seen a single person that has regretted spending the money on the anydvd/clone combo.
yup well worth the bucks plus theres a coupon code this month to save a few bucks
and thats only till the 12th of this month so jump on it quick if you want it
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. August 2007 @ 23:32
Junior Member
10. August 2007 @ 22:03 |
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for those anyDVD experts out there.I tried ripping the movie 'Road to Guantanamo' but it wouldn't allow me to rip. I think it had some sort of enhanced copy protection. It has a folder called JACKET_P as well. it came up that it couldn't find VOB_1 as i remember. i tried using DVDShrink and DVD Decrypter that didnt work as well. Trying anyDVD once more had the disc locked inside the drive and i had to do a manual eject.anyone encountered this problem before?
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10. August 2007 @ 22:23 |
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humm its a 2006 release so anydvd should handle it fine.
first off make sure the dvd isn't bad/scratched/dirty ?
next i would try using clonedvd 2 with anydvd Doing The Movie Only!! sometimes doing the movie olny will get you though problem dvds
also make sure your firmware is up to date on your drive/burner,check here
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10. August 2007 @ 23:29 |
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There is no reason that movie should give you any problems at all using anydvd clonedvd combo. That said, if you do everything the alphabet guy says My thought is you have a bad press and should try to replace the disc if possible.
Hiram 319
Junior Member
12. August 2007 @ 02:58 |
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a friend said he had the same problem with another disc. however he did not use anyDVD but DVDShrink gave him the same error.I tried using the disc and anyDVD nor DVDShrink couldn't handle it.Does anybody know of some advanced copy protection using the folder JACKET_P in addition to VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS? This DVD was 'Zidane'.that was the only thing i could think of in common...
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12. August 2007 @ 05:05 |
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do you have a legit copy of anydvd or a cracked copy?
Hiram 319
Junior Member
13. August 2007 @ 16:42 |
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uninstalled anyDVD and reinstalled was working fine...seems to be some problem with the ripped 7 DVDs :D rock on slysoft!
27. August 2007 @ 20:06 |
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I hate jumping in to the middle, but I have a question. I used ANYDVD in background, and then CLONEDVD2 to copy dvd from one drive to another. It copied the video great but it had the director comments over the soundtrack. Really dont care what they have to say. I used the COPY DVD TITLES function, and then unchecked the foreign languages etc. All went well except on the audio with directors comments. Suggestions on what I did wrong?
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27. August 2007 @ 23:41 |
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uncheck the 2 channel audio and use the 4 channel/5.1 channel etc. instead. that should do it.
always uncheck the directors comments if its listed also
and most the time you can play with your dvd remote and get the correct audio
28. August 2007 @ 18:59 |
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Thanks for the comments and suggestions. I will try all next time I copy. I also got the following info from SUPPORT at ELBY:
"In case you leave out the DVD menu the DVD player cannot decide what sound
track is the original one. It plays a random track. In most cases you cannot
switch the sound tracks with the remote because the link to the DVD menu is
not present on the copy. Always preserve the DVD menu.
- Some menu parts can be disguised as normal titles! You have to browse
through the title list of the source DVD in order to locate hidden menu
- Some DVDs contain two versions of the same main movie. One version is the
original, one features only the director's comment.
The director's version usually is a few seconds or some minutes longer than
the original version.
- Sometimes the AC3/2 sound track is director's-comment-only."
All of the suggestions make sense and will help me alot. THANKS FOR ALL OF THE HELP.
Junior Member
27. September 2007 @ 18:53 |
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just upgraded to vista and i just would like to say this...the software which was easiest for me to switch over was AnyDVD. Software made specifically for Vista had me run into more snags then AnyDVD given the nature of Vista towards copyright etc...
Junior Member
27. September 2007 @ 18:57 |
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btw...if a dvd is scratched and all backup software is refusing to read it and backup(including Nero Recode 2, DVD Shrink and AnyDVD) and it keeps skipping when played on my standalone DVD player is all hope lost?