All discussion about audio. CD ripping, burning, audio copy protections, (de-)compressing, sampling, Hi-Fi, MP3, OGG, MusePack, etc. No video related issues - pure audio only.
dvd audio to cdrom
3 |
tashi |
06.07.2003 @ 13:31 by tashi |
How to take 2-sec gap off from mp3-discs...?
7 |
Kaiser21 |
05.07.2003 @ 18:02 by c7015 |
Sound quality changing while converting into wav
4 |
trunten |
03.07.2003 @ 21:59 by tigre |
EAC V0.9 beta 4 + LAME v3.93.1
2 |
negative |
03.07.2003 @ 10:29 by tigre |
Streambox VCR 1.0 (w mulder+pnmfix) smil Problem
1 |
hagendasz |
03.07.2003 @ 09:15 by hagendasz |
Easy CD Writer 3.5
3 |
gscarlton |
03.07.2003 @ 03:55 by gscarlton |
error's on all burning software with audio cd burn
1 |
billz |
03.07.2003 @ 00:53 by billz |
EAC + LAME setup
3 |
negative |
03.07.2003 @ 00:23 by negative |
Problem burning MP3 on Nero - No Header Info
5 |
dukoffm |
02.07.2003 @ 04:29 by dukoffm |
EAC - Audio Not Converting to Mp3???
3 |
eholey |
01.07.2003 @ 21:56 by eholey |
cutting wav files
3 |
keep7925 |
01.07.2003 @ 00:21 by tigre |
how to turn off 2-sec gap in Nero audio cd burning?
19 |
timcupery |
01.07.2003 @ 00:03 by minix |
moving Mp3's without loosing playlist
1 |
Azyke |
30.06.2003 @ 18:47 by Azyke |
anyone know wht prog can rec file into midi from pc?
5 |
harky |
30.06.2003 @ 15:08 by harky |
[bold]Burn 5.1 Surround to DVD-R or CD-R ????Help??[/bold]
5 |
Help_7317 |
29.06.2003 @ 18:47 by Help_7317 |
Error msg starting DDump frontend
2 |
RevLinks |
29.06.2003 @ 16:38 by RevLinks |
using dvd2vcd (closed)
1 |
bearor |
29.06.2003 @ 11:58 by bearor |
computer and tv sharing sounds systems
3 |
stuman89 |
28.06.2003 @ 12:07 by stuman89 |
CD Jukebox functionality
1 |
vangelisv |
27.06.2003 @ 12:35 by vangelisv |
cd burning
9 |
rydah |
26.06.2003 @ 22:00 by rydah |
Help win BIN and CUE files (closed)
2 |
rayray |
25.06.2003 @ 22:57 by tigre |
Can I play mp3 tracks off a DVD player?
3 |
gamin |
24.06.2003 @ 22:31 by |
Need help putting my CD collection onto my computer
7 |
Biglad |
24.06.2003 @ 15:38 by tigre |
CD to DVD-R?
7 |
Panen |
24.06.2003 @ 04:08 by tigre |
EMI Copy Control
22 |
Ozyboy |
23.06.2003 @ 22:55 by scammer68 |
DTS, Dolby Digital and THX Sound - Difference Explained
1 |
Oriphus |
22.06.2003 @ 18:19 by Oriphus |
How do I make a CD from wav files so I can play them at home or in my car?
3 |
jonnylee3 |
21.06.2003 @ 21:44 by jonnylee3 |
lame eac mp3 settings
2 |
negative |
19.06.2003 @ 23:20 by tigre |
Volume fluctuations
3 |
traumer |
19.06.2003 @ 12:30 by traumer |
Please help me FAST!!!
2 |
mohame |
19.06.2003 @ 10:46 by G-4CE |
PCM audio player for windows
1 |
jzangara |
19.06.2003 @ 06:56 by jzangara |
Arrgh...playback puzzle
3 |
Leigh098 |
19.06.2003 @ 05:16 by Leigh098 |
How to extract audio files from applications
17 |
BlkPnthr |
18.06.2003 @ 22:26 by jnihil |
Convert Audio
2 |
nille15 |
18.06.2003 @ 14:25 by john03 |
Problem splitting files in Nero
4 |
soundmate |
18.06.2003 @ 04:37 by minix |
Ac3 chanels
2 |
rajeev |
18.06.2003 @ 04:21 by wilkes |
Nero Used Read Buffer Drops To Zero %
4 |
MuziqMan |
17.06.2003 @ 21:27 by MuziqMan |
Cd-r Time
3 |
NewKid |
17.06.2003 @ 15:15 by sk1086 |
burning whole albumwrap
5 |
diablo |
17.06.2003 @ 04:38 by diablo |
How do you rip sound only from DVD to mp3 format?
3 |
ducksloop |
16.06.2003 @ 12:44 by ducksloop |