Senior Member
24. April 2006 @ 17:16 |
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nah because then everyone is going to think they can do it.. and not be able to and a bunch of "fake" ids will be put out there... because everyone is going to attempt to try to guess their own..
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Junior Member
24. April 2006 @ 18:41 |
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You da man
Thanks for looking out!
taiyo yuden + nec-nd3550a + scph300001 + magic swap 3.6 = :)
24. April 2006 @ 22:45 |
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Hi I am new I have been reading that u can play PS2 games copied online. I have hips of them but the dnas wont go through and you can change the id number and it will work. would it be able to tell me some id codes for some games if that s possiable.
24. April 2006 @ 23:44 |
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hi i forgot something else I live in Australia if i get a Ps2 netowrk adapter and get an id number will it still work. i bought the games from china and got one from USA copied (burnout Revenge) from my friend.
AfterDawn Addict
25. April 2006 @ 02:02 |
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Senior Member
25. April 2006 @ 10:59 |
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thanks Tokijin
i was at school so i didn't read it till just now.. if that doesn't help feel free to ask any question...
Junior Member
25. April 2006 @ 11:25 |
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hey Tokijin, does the same work with Japanese games? Meaning could I play a Japanese game online on a US system?
Senior Member
25. April 2006 @ 18:00 |
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you would need a ps2 with a jap id in order to play a jap game online...
25. April 2006 @ 23:00 |
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but i live in Australia so i got burnout 3 take down PS2 game NTSC j got it from balia. so yeh which one u recon because wouldn't i need a PAL one because i live in australia?
AfterDawn Addict
25. April 2006 @ 23:17 |
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You can play it if you have a modchip/Swap Magic, you just can't play it online.
Junior Member
26. April 2006 @ 08:25 |
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"You can play it if you have a modchip/Swap Magic, you just can't play it online."
I'll take that as a big no to my question....what about vice versa, meaning could I play a US game online on a JPN system? Sorry for the noobie questions I'm just very intrigued of the idea of playing on both the Japanese and US MGO servers.
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AfterDawn Addict
26. April 2006 @ 09:05 |
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It's possible if you have a v.1-8 PS2. It's a pain in the ass, but if you can obtain a valid ilink/Console ID, it can be done.
105. Q. How do I play PS2 games from another region online on my region PS2?
A. The short answer is you can't. The long answer is you can, but it's a pain in the arse. First you'd need to download Paradox's Console ID Changer: http://www.sksapps.com/index.php?page=online.html Then you'd need to find a valid PS2/ilink ID for the region you wish to play online games with. These ID's are hard to come by, if any online servers detect multiple Console ID's online at the same time, you will be banned permanently. This isn't like getting kicked off for an hour because of cheating or using a modchip, this is for good. Once your Console ID is banned, you're history unless you change it with Paradox's Console ID Changer. So you'd have to have a valid PS2/ilink Console ID from the desired region. Nobody in their right mind will give you their Console ID. Don't ask for them either, that violates every piracy law known to man. Look around the net, but don't expect Sony to be so stupid as to allow a Console ID on a board somewhere to be widely used. They didn't get that rich and powerful by being that idiotic. Likely any such ID's you find will have long since been banned. Once you switch your Console ID to the desired region, you will be able to play online games from both regions, the original region of your PS2 and the region of the new ilink/Console ID. I.E. If you want to play PAL games online on an NTSC-US PS2, you can only do so if you change your PS2 Console/ilink ID to a valid PAL Console/ilink ID. Then you'll be able to play PAL and NTSC games online. Furthermore, Paradox's Console ID Changer only works on v.1-8 PS2's. So if you have a slim, forget about it. See how long this question is. In the end, it's a waste of time to mess around with changing your PS2 Console ID.
Junior Member
26. April 2006 @ 09:14 |
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hmm...so it wouldn't work either way w/o having to do all of that? To quote Ocealot "Tch, Damn..." If not for the permenant ban thing I probably would look into it....thanks anyways
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. April 2006 @ 09:15
Junior Member
26. April 2006 @ 09:37 |
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I would like to request NTSC/USA DNA$ Code for OUTRUN 2006: Coast to Coast thanks !
Senior Member
26. April 2006 @ 18:34 |
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what is the SLUS number and Size
Junior Member
26. April 2006 @ 20:53 |
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I think this is what you are looking for.
SLES 539.98
Size: 1.68 GB (1,809,907,712 bytes)
on disk: 1.68 GB (1,809,907,712 bytes)
Hope this helps!
taiyo yuden + nec-nd3550a + scph300001 + magic swap 3.6 = :)
Junior Member
27. April 2006 @ 02:23 |
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dnas code for pro evolution soccer 5 (PAL) anyone?
Senior Member
27. April 2006 @ 03:42 |
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it does help but it looks to be a Pal game? not NTSC
if you have a pal ps2 and the pal version of the game.
here are the codes.
Outrun 2006: Coast 2 Coast (SLES_539.98) (PAL/GER)
(Size: 3,426,568 Bytes)
Outrun 2006 Coast 2 Coast (SLES_539.980) (PAL)(Not Official)
(size = bytes)
Disc ID: XX XX 01 40 C4
future refrences.. this isn't a pal thread.. please don't ask for pal IDs
so as that said... spoony008 ill help you out just this time..
Pro Evolution Soccer 5 PAL (SLES_535.44)
(Size = bytes)
Disc ID: XX XX 01 40 4C
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. April 2006 @ 03:45
27. April 2006 @ 06:53 |
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I have a PAL ps2 modded with DMS. I get an error -402 when I try to connect with an original Battlefield 2, and when I try to log on with an original US GT4 it just stays stuck on the loading connection screen. Is it because they have a detection system against modchip ?
And would an original US Socom 3 not connect online with my ps2 because of a modchip detection system ?
AfterDawn Addict
27. April 2006 @ 08:51 |
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For original games, you need to disable your modchip to get online. Read the Toxic OS manual for info on how to disable your chip. It's included with the Toxic OS Firmware download. If you don't have it, get it here: http://www.savefile.com/files.php?fid=3138141
Invalid disc. "DNAS Error (-402) A PS2 disc information error has occurred."
Use some quality Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim 4x or 8x media when patching your backup games DNA's.
86. Q. Where can I find good deals on legit Taiyo Yuden's and Verbatim's?
A. http://www.supermediastore.com Great List of Merchants locally, online, in the U.K., etc:
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. April 2006 @ 08:52
27. April 2006 @ 10:26 |
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Well then I guess I'm screwed since I can't boot original US games on a PAL ps2 while my modchip is disabled :(
Then it should work if I make a backup with DNAS patched for Battlefield 2 right? But I guess a backup of GT4 would still get stuck as it doesnt use DNAS ?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. April 2006 @ 10:28
AfterDawn Addict
27. April 2006 @ 11:18 |
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I don't GT4 is online capable.
Junior Member
27. April 2006 @ 16:26 |
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Ow sorry bout that lxfactor I didn?t realise, but thanks for your help. I?ve tried patching the iso file of the original pro evo 5 game using windip with the code you provided replacing the x?s with ff - 2a and burning with DVD Decrypter, the game will play but still wont play on-line. Any ideas? Thanks for any help in-advance.
Senior Member
27. April 2006 @ 17:21 |
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spoony008 Quote: Ow sorry bout that lxfactor I didn?t realise, but thanks for your help. I?ve tried patching the iso file of the original pro evo 5 game using windip with the code you provided replacing the x?s with ff - 2a and burning with DVD Decrypter, the game will play but still wont play on-line. Any ideas? Thanks for any help in-advance.
dont use the highest digits avalible.. use like 2b 7c ect.. also when u try to connect what ERRoR are you getting? ex (-483)
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Junior Member
27. April 2006 @ 19:23 |
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I would like to request The Hustle Detroit Streets USA/NTSC DNA$ Code thanks.