Downloading embedded video: .swf files
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23. September 2008 @ 06:40 |
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23. September 2008 @ 20:35 |
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24. September 2008 @ 06:10 |
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THANK YOU JONDAVIS ! I tryed to download it with an earlier RMC version, but v3 really helps! Thanks once again xxx!
9. October 2008 @ 11:16 |
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10. October 2008 @ 08:22 |
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I am a newbe to both Firefox and saving videos. I have a .swf file that I have saved from the web. I have both Flash and Shockwave installed but still cannot play the files that I have downloaded. If I double click on the .swf file and try to play it I get the windows message that it does not know what program to use to play it. Here is one of the sites I am trying to save the file.
I would GREATLY appreciate any assistance I can get.
16. October 2008 @ 21:54 |
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I am highly impressed with your knowledge of downloading embedded videos. I "thought" I was the guru of such things. I am humbled to the state of pedowan. Anyway... I need help with this one:
This may assist you in assisting me:
Thank you in advance any help or guidance you may provide.
22. October 2008 @ 16:24 |
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You guys are great. I have 1 question.
How do I download the video WITHOUT the sound on youtube. or how do I use say Nero etc to take the sound out and add my own audio to the video. Thanks. I am currently using Alive You Tube to download the entire thing (video+audio) but I need video only. Thanks.
Junior Member
23. October 2008 @ 12:01 |
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You should have a program called Windows Movie Maker, it is under Program Files - Movie Maker.
If it is a flv video you have to convert it first, then you can use Movie Maker to mute the sound and create a new video.
At least that is how I would do it.
5. November 2008 @ 07:39 |
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5. November 2008 @ 23:38 |
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Okay, I'm not getting this... I tried Hex and everything, it's too confusing...
The video Without you here down below:
Can anyone figure this out for me?
8. November 2008 @ 09:27 |
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I would like to get a copy of this video, but I can't figure out where it's at. I did the page view in firefox and it downloaded a small file. When I opened that file with txteditor I couldn't read it. Any help would be appreciated.
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8. November 2008 @ 15:06 |
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-Evan Crebo
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9. November 2008 @ 01:33 |
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9. November 2008 @ 22:34 |
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-Evan Crebo
13. November 2008 @ 04:47 |
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Hi there,
seems that I'm not the only one who tried for two days to download a swf-File after studying this incredible thread... but after these two days I'm a little bit confused because I didn't made it!
I hope that someone can help me... that would be great.
Here is the URL where I failed:
13. November 2008 @ 09:42 |
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Dear CiDaemon,
I am impressed by the way you have approached every problem asked here. I am also trying to download a video with the link
I have tried my level best (as per your guidance in the post), but still I can not extract or save the video embedded in this page.
I will highly appreciate your help, if possible.
Thanks in advance,
26. November 2008 @ 19:16 |
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I've been searching and searching but I can't seem to find a solution how to download the files I want, I was hoping someone here might be able to help me out? :)
There's quite a number of videos from this place that I want, but two of them for example are here:
Been trying a few different things but I can't seem to access the actual files no matter how hard I try (but then again, I'm just a noob), so here's hoping someone else might know what to do. :)
Thank you.
~provehito in altum~
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. November 2008 @ 22:40
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26. November 2008 @ 22:53 |
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Originally posted by Apocrphex: I've been searching and searching but I can't seem to find a solution how to download the files I want, I was hoping someone here might be able to help me out? :)
There's quite a number of videos from this place that I want, but two of them for example are here:
Been trying a few different things but I can't seem to access the actual files no matter how hard I try (but then again, I'm just a noob), so here's hoping someone else might know what to do. :)
Thank you.
Mate, I used Jaksta Streaming Media encoder and was able to get these down, get a copy at
27. November 2008 @ 13:36 |
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Originally posted by kiffsta: Mate, I used Jaksta Streaming Media encoder and was able to get these down, get a copy at
Thanks for the link, however it didn't quite work for me (I used to free demo version). When it refused to download/record from the links I listed in my last post, I tried to do it through the viewing page from the site that provided the video ( and I could get the 'original' video (without the added faces, just the scary elf heads). Was it the same video for you, or did you manage to get the modified version?
~provehito in altum~
14. December 2008 @ 21:20 |
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This is a video of my performance.
It takes way too long to load, more than 30 minutes. It is on a Korean website.
How can I download this video and get it to load faster when played??????? PLEASE HELP. I really need to display this video on my website.
18. December 2008 @ 11:34 |
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24. December 2008 @ 20:40 |
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Hey guys, I am a TOTAL NOOB when it comes to this kind of stuff.
Can someone teach me how to extract the video file from this page:
I don't just want the video link (though I won't mind if you send me it!), I want to actually learn how to do this.
If one of you guys/girls won't mind teaching me, I'd love to learn.
I've tried the whole Firefox page info thingy; it didn't work.
I tried the GreaseMonkey extension. No luck.
I tried rearranging the video URL thing. Couldn't figure it out.
I want someone to teach me.
Please, if you could figure this out and explain either via a Screen recording or with screen shots, I'd REALLY appreciate it. I'm a visual learner.
Take care,
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1. January 2009 @ 16:40 |
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Hey Adamryan and Roneth,
both of these embedded vids are easy to extract, just google extracting SWF files from a webpage, there are litterally 100's of how to guides, some easier to follow than others. Its not a one size fits all though, many websites are tightening security on their vids and moving from RTMP to RTMPE and making it harder to save embedded vids, I used to use a mriad of free tools whcih led to alot of wasted time, in the end I bought Jaksta Streaming Media Encoder at $29.95 it just works.
I guess it comes down to personal preference, if you have time to try different methods then use the free tool sets ( google is your friend) , if you want to download vids all the time with a minimum of fuss, then support the developers and buy their software.
Cheers N Beers
1. January 2009 @ 20:30 |
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Originally posted by kiffsta: Hey Adamryan and Roneth,
both of these embedded vids are easy to extract, just google extracting SWF files from a webpage, there are litterally 100's of how to guides, some easier to follow than others. Its not a one size fits all though, many websites are tightening security on their vids and moving from RTMP to RTMPE and making it harder to save embedded vids, I used to use a mriad of free tools whcih led to alot of wasted time, in the end I bought Jaksta Streaming Media Encoder at $29.95 it just works.
I guess it comes down to personal preference, if you have time to try different methods then use the free tool sets ( google is your friend) , if you want to download vids all the time with a minimum of fuss, then support the developers and buy their software.
Cheers N Beers
I have tried a bazillion programs. None of them worked. =\ I'll try this Jaksta program, but idk. I want some to actually go through and teach me the whole page info -> page source -> URL thing.
That seems like the only surefire way to do it.
7. January 2009 @ 03:38 |
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You guys, I've figured it out. The program is called BitRecorder.
It's free, clean, easy to use and can download pretty much anything.
What you do is install the program, open it, click "start" and then go the video you want to download. It automatically detects the video's RTMP (real time media protocol) and downloads it from there, in PERFECT QUALITY too!
Be sure to remember that you need to refresh the page either after the "start" button or you need to have the program running BEFORE you view the video. That's apparently how it detects the stream.
Hope this helps:
Take care,