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Tutorial: How to FTP in to your Xbox
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8. August 2005 @ 17:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just to update everybody on enemeth's problem, he/she did not have a custom dash on their Xbox, they just had the standard MS Dash. You cannot FTP into that dashboard ya'll...

Proud member of the Afterdawn forums!
11. August 2005 @ 04:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
where is it where you make sure you put yes for the static ip because i am having connection error everytime i ftp.
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11. August 2005 @ 13:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
does anyone know how to ftp x-disk? i'm looking for a good dashboard. thanks so much if you can help.
Junior Member
12. August 2005 @ 05:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I believe that I am having the same problem as enemeth has. when i boot up my xbox, i see 'evo x' on the top left corner of the screen but afterwards, it just goes back into the regular dashboard (i think, it looks exactly the same as it did before without the modchip) my buddies buddy did my xbox for me so I am not too sure of what kind of chip is installed.

I had read in all these ftp threads that I had to go into my evo x settings but i cannot find them. if my problem is that I do not have an evo x dashboard installed, then where can I get one to install? and if I dont have an evo x dashboard installed, then why do I see the evo x logo on my screen?

thanks for any help that I get
13. August 2005 @ 07:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm a newbie to this so please try to tolerate my ignorance, but do you have to have a custom dash to put dvd2xbox on the xbox. i followed the tutorial, but when i tried to connect to the xbox it just kept timing out. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
13. August 2005 @ 11:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
this may be a stupid question but what is a dashboard.i have flashed my spiderchip and everytime i try to ftp with my crossover cable it fails.i been at this for two weeks and need help
13. August 2005 @ 11:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
should you always see the bios load options when you turn on the spiderchip because i don't could it be fried
13. August 2005 @ 19:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ya um, i have an executer2 modchip i dunno if thats the same as the dashboard so will it still work with it? by the way im using a router and i cant get it

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14. August 2005 @ 07:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, I was gone on vacation for a week so sorry I didn't get back to you guys until now!

Ok, the first thing I will go into is dashboards...

A dashboard is like a GUI (graphical user interface) type of program that allows you to access things on your HD that you put on it. The original MS dashboard on the Xbox does not allow you to see anything on the HD besides music and saved game files. If you need help finding a dashboard, check out #xbins as you can find almost every dashboard ever made on it:

You will need a custom dash (such as Evolution X, Avalaunch, Unleash X, etc.) in order to FTP in to your Xbox. So don't try to FTP in to your original dash, as it will not work! So if you have a chip installed in your Xbox, that does not necesarilly mean you have a custom dash loaded on your Xbox. It is easy to find out, if it goes to a different screen besides the original start screen, then you most likely have a custom dash. If you don't have a dashboard, download Slayers from #xbins, the tutorial on how to do this is in the above link. Once you have slayers, burn the image to a quality DVD-R or CD-RW, pop it in your Xbox, and install the Apps to your E: and EvoX to your C: It's as easy as that!

Now, into crossover cables and routers...

If you have a crossover cable, such as the original Xbox link cable, then you will need to connect one end to your Xbox's ethernet port, and the other directly to your computer's ethernet port. Do not and I repeat DO NOT use a crossover cable if you are connecting through a router!

When using a router, MAKE SURE to use straight through ethernet cable. Cat 5, Cat 6, use whatever you want, just make sure it's straight through. If you do not know how to connect your Xbox through a router, then check out Xbox's official site on how to connect Xbox Live through a router, as that is the exact same setup you will need to FTP to your Xbox:

To Paulo, you should not see a your load bios screen ever again because you have already flashed your spider chip.

Proud member of the Afterdawn forums!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. August 2005 @ 07:06

14. August 2005 @ 09:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have been having problem with ftp from xbox to pc because it keeps erroring.i been told i need a evox boot disk if this is correct how and where
14. August 2005 @ 09:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
where do i get the dash from
14. August 2005 @ 14:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i tried using mIRC to FlashFXP but it keeps failing? any idea?
14. August 2005 @ 15:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have tried all the steps here and I am still having troubles myself. I went into my dashboard and setup all the things I needed to. I know my connection to the router is good because I used it before to connect to XBL before I modded it. I just can't get it to FTP. I keep getting a connection timed ot on both FlashFTP and on my xbox FTP in my dashboard. I have run out of all options here. If anyone knows how to help please respond here or if you can do a one on one my MSN messenger name is [REMOVED] and my yahoo messenger is [REMOVED] Thanks

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. August 2005 @ 16:01

14. August 2005 @ 16:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Let's have a look at the forum rules - posting email addies is a no no ;)

My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
14. August 2005 @ 16:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sorry about that
14. August 2005 @ 16:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hope your vacation pimp dawg was great.i am having big problems with using mIRC and ftp to keeps not connecting. i used the xbin how i need to be online when i do this?
14. August 2005 @ 16:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
do i need a evox cd if so how do i make one?
14. August 2005 @ 18:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i was connected to the internet and was abled to connect to the ftp.what do i do next?how do i know which folders?
14. August 2005 @ 18:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i read in ftp that you can only transfer 30 files a this true?
14. August 2005 @ 18:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't know if you need the cd but I can tell you how to make one. I made evox v2.6 cd by going into xbins via FlashFXP and getting the slayer v2.6 bitorrent file. Afer I got that file, I had to download a bittorent downloader/maker program since the file I took from FlashFXP was unreadable by any software I had. I took the bittorent file from FlashFXP and ran it in bttorrent downloader and from that it gave me an auto installer file. Run that program(you must go to the slayer website to get the password) and it will give you an iso file along with several other files. Open Nero and click on burn image to disc. Copy the iso file into that and burn it and you have now created Slayer Auto Installer v2.6(or v2.5 if you went with that file) Just a note.....When I tried burning the iso file to a DVD-R it would not run in my xbox. When I burnt it to a cd-rw it worked great. The key to knowing if it will work or not is once you burn the file to disc try opening it up on your computer. If you see the iso file there then you did something wrong. If the disc is blank then it should work great in your xbox. This is how I went about getting the auto installer on cd, there may be an easier way but this is what worked for me.
14. August 2005 @ 18:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you can transfer more than 30 files in one day but that will be the last time you transfer files from it. They will banned you if you take more than 30 files a day

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. August 2005 @ 18:35

Junior Member
14. August 2005 @ 20:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks a bunch for the info :D pimpdawg :D:D:D i just realised thoug..if i install a custom dashboard..i wont be able to play on xbox i think i wont do that just yet :D thanks again
Senior Member
15. August 2005 @ 00:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Whoa hold up,just a suggestion alright why are you transferring your games to your PC harddrive and then transferring them back to your Xbox harddrive.You can cut down the time by using two ethernet cards one for your internet connection and the other one just for your Xbox connection.The Xbox connection uses a direct crossover cable to a ethernet card purposely set up for it,and your main internet connection isn't bothered by this at all whether you are running wireless or straight cable for your internet connection.Then use a program like Quix or Craxtion to make your Xbox images,the bomb programs for building XISO images.I'm just saying it is just a suggestion,you can also eliminate the hassle by storing the games directly to your harddrive with HDTools bro an extra app to install on your hardddrive.There is a program that is specificly made for launching from your dashboard that allows backing up your games to your default drive letter such as E:\,F:\ or etc....The C:\ is where your main dashboard and system files to run the M$Dash are located,and the D:\ drive is your dvd drive letter access to read the game discs.The E:\ and F:\ drives are additional space and G:\ is a possible option.If you like to play from the harddrive I would suggest looking into the HDTools.If you want to make backups on discs,then just transfer them to your PC harddrive less hassle and less time.By using the two NIC internet connection you can use internet access and use your Xbox at the same time also ;).Nice guide in all,but you can cut down alot of time by just using additional apps bro.

Check out Networking xbox to pc using 2 network cards look here: .I promise you this connection is the best you can use as it doesn't apply to using straight cables and messing with your router or anything that will interfere with your Xbox connection.By using a straight connection with a crossover cable you eliminate anything bothering your connection,so it is flawless to be honest.I hope I helped a little bit on setting up a connection with Xbox,there are different ways to use but this method is a secure method.

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
Senior Member
15. August 2005 @ 00:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What I am saying is buy an extra ethernet card when you buy your crossover cable to setup your Xbox connection.Trust me ethernet cards are cheap now and will save you less hassle and give you the best connection you can get as it is a direct connection.

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
15. August 2005 @ 04:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
how do you know what files to bring over(example) i have madden 06 in the cd rom of the xbox and i connect no problem to ftp but there are so many files which would it be? > forums > archived forums > xbox - general discussion > tutorial: how to ftp in to your xbox

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