Tutorial: How to FTP in to your Xbox
Junior Member
7. December 2005 @ 09:11 |
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I bought a Computer Network Cable from RadioShack. It says Category 5e. Is it suppose to be used for the routher method or the crossover method? I tried to use it as a crossover but it didnt work. Do i have to be connectec to the internet to use the crossover method becasue I only have one port to put it in and I already have a ethernet cord in that port. Also I was wondering could I do it on a computer thats connected to the internet using a wireless adapter?
Junior Member
7. December 2005 @ 15:11 |
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To do the crossover cable method, you do not need to be connected to the internet. You take the crossover cable, plug that into your port that you use for the internet and plug the other end into the xbox. As for the wireless adapter...i think it should work. so as long as your xbox is connected to the internet.
You need a router if you dont have one already. One port connected to xbox, one to pc and the lan port to the modem. I dont know how to do the router method...never really found out....i personally prefer the crossover cable because i rather not have cables going through my house. =)
Junior Member
7. December 2005 @ 15:48 |
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but do I have the right cable?? it doesnt say crossover cable.. I t says computer network cable
Junior Member
7. December 2005 @ 15:52 |
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iunno...lol check the internet? you're guess is as good as mine...lol go to google and check :) fastest and easiest thing to do
20. December 2005 @ 12:48 |
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Hi, I have a 10 year old boy and wants to get xbox live hooked up for christmas. I have been reading info on this but have no idea how to do it or what to buy...... I need a shopping list..... Very direct list do to I don't understand any of this stuff..... We have a hp - windows xp - roadrunner - and xbox. thats all i know. Can anyone help me with my shopping list. I need connectors and cables from what i have read. I don't have time to order items do to my last min. shopping, but can you get these thing at walmart, toysrus? I also see they have starter sets but they only come with headsets not all the connectors you need. please e-mail me becouse i might not find my way back to this message board. mcallmarie@hotmail.com
23. December 2005 @ 14:41 |
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'ello think I'm being dumb but hey wots new. want to load slayers auto installer2.6 which i've go burn to dvd ok, but cant back up my Cdrive with flash fxp keep timing out
my settings are:
static ip. yes
23. December 2005 @ 14:49 |
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sorry pc crashed.
xbox pc
played around with both gateways and dns as they were set up n slayers but didn't work. running it with crossover cable with two pcmcia card other one wireless with ip of gateway
new to this thank
Junior Member
23. December 2005 @ 19:29 |
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try running the autoinstaller off of the dvd itself and back up that way. I think thats the way i backed up my c drive before i installed slayers. good luck :)
24. December 2005 @ 06:38 |
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Worked it out. changed the xbox ip so it wasn't near the wireless one so it didn't get as confused as me. i am running slayers of dvd till i back c drive up. thanks again happy xmas x
Junior Member
24. December 2005 @ 08:03 |
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Happy Holidays to everyone ^____^ and ChutneyD, congrats on working it out. Happy modding!
28. December 2005 @ 11:30 |
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i have an xecuter3 win i turn on my xbox it loads flashdios 3.0.1
hear is every thing it shows
FlashBIOS 3.0.1
for help visit Team Xecuter (http://teamxecuter.com/flashbios/)
HDD: ST310014A 3.09 10.242GB
Enable Network Flashing
Load BIOS from HDD (C:\Bios)
Load BIos from Disc
Unlock HDD
Lock Hdd
i can not ftp to my xbox. i want to enter my xbox hdd so i can move, edit, and chang files i can not ftp to my xbox to install a custom dashboard. if i go to enable network flashing i can conect to my xbox and it gives me the menu to flash my mod chips bios. but i need to get in the xbox hard drive all of the tutoreals ive found say to use FlashFXP and ive tried using FlashFXP, ipswitch ws_ftp, internet explore, and fire fox. i have also tried unlocking the hdd and connecting but i still cant i used the xapt3r v1.6 to install the mod chip. my xbox is a v1.6 can someone please help
28. December 2005 @ 11:34 |
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i have also went to teamxecuter.con but i have found nothing of use
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28. December 2005 @ 16:27 |
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do u need a mod chip for loading a costom dash or action replay or something else
in other words the cheapest way to load a costom dash so i can ftp my xbox
peep210's friend's words of wisdom
if u have xbl and r geting a 360 mod your old xbox
Junior Member
28. December 2005 @ 17:35 |
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yes you need a mod chip, no mod chip, no custom dashboard
1. January 2006 @ 12:01 |
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alright guys we need some help we're using a router connection and no we're not using any crossover cables. we turned the static off. BUT now we are not showing a current IP address and we get a time out error on FlashXP.
1. January 2006 @ 20:04 |
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AVALAUNCH-Related Scenario
Hey Guys,
I just made my first FTP(FlashFXP-availalbe on site) using the guide, and alot of reading. I have a moddded xbox(Avalaunch-Executor combo) and using a STRAIGHT patch cable CAT5 off of a Linksys router. I have found out that some of information I was getting was a bit tweaked and each persons xbox and scenarios are different. Here is the tip that got me going. First off I checked all my settings as the guide instructed. But the first success was being able to get online. I was looking in my NETWORK SETTINGS, and got the address that my xbox was puilling up. It indicated the address. I put this address in the QuickConnect box(FLASH FXP) and kept getting a time out message, basically saying I was not making the connection from my PC, to the XBOX.
But I knew that I was on the right track, because I was able to plug in the Network cable from my router, to my xbox and use the browser installed on my xbox dash called LINKSBOKS. I was able to surf and pull up pages.
What clued me into the correct address to connect to was, on Dashboard, down on the bottom left of the screen. It shows the time connected to your router/internet connection, and the exact address that worked for (ME) to get my Xbox/PC to talk. I put that address in the quick-connect box on FlashFXP, and entered the user name "xbox" and password "xbox" (do not include the quotes) and boom! I had FTP orgasm! I did it. All was connected, and I was able to look inside my xbox. I hope this helps at least one person out there, if not, keep on reading and trying it all out.
14. January 2006 @ 10:07 |
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i m using XBOX MEDIA CENTER as my dashboard and i have looked everywhere to try and get help on FTPing my xbox to PC but every forum is using a different Dashboard so can someone guide me through the steps of FTPing my xbox to PC using XBOX MEDIA CENTER. i would really appreciate it.
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14. January 2006 @ 21:16 |
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i going to try all this ftp to xbox i was wondering if i have any problems who i can ask i am a bit new to this site...but i catch on fast i understand the whole guide for the FTP to the XBOX...i jus might get some trouble when tryin to get the IP and stuff out of my xbox...
Junior Member
15. January 2006 @ 11:05 |
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rccland..as for using xbmc as your dashboard..haven't heard of it, but hey if that is what you are doing then nice. I am sure that ftping to the xbox should be the same...from what i've experienced through the different dashboards..they are all about the same. just set static ip to yes, use a crossover cable, set your comp to ip and set your xbox to and set your default gateway on both comp and xbox to thats all I do and it works just fine, i leave dns alone, leave it blank for the pc cand for the xbox.
I highly recommend slayers autoinstaller bc its realy easy for beginners. I just burnt the files onto a cdrw (fits nicely and saves a dvd-r) and ran it off of that. I had to initially ftp with the autoinstaller to backup my xbox contents..afterwards I just installed the evox dashboard through the guide...its also on screen. very easy. To find slayers autoinstaller, check out #xbins...just to the search button up top and type in #xbins and there will be countless guides to connect you to it. first you need an irc client, i suggest mIRC and then get something like FlashFXP to ftp.
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15. January 2006 @ 17:46 |
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wat is xbins all about
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16. January 2006 @ 09:36 |
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hey i couldnt connect to my xbox because of different results from what u said to do.....when i go to network setting, right click on local area connecitions and go to properties, there is a tci/ip option there....im running on window xp.....know where i can get to that at??
carlin J. eddington
Junior Member
16. January 2006 @ 09:43 |
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network settings>local area connection> properties then go and scroll down to tcp/ip. go to the properties of that, and then you will see two bullets. one saying obtain ip automatically and the second one saying use these ip settings..something like that..click odn the second one and enter in the ip adress and for your xbox to be make sure you have a custom dashboard the M$ does not work. trying is useless. :)
good luck :D
Junior Member
16. January 2006 @ 14:45 |
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when I try to enter network settings, it sends me back to the custom dashboard, EVERYTIME, is there any other way to do it?
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Junior Member
24. January 2006 @ 08:09 |
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try reinstalling your dashboard :) that might work. it could have been a faulty install.
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24. January 2006 @ 18:14 |
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