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Xbox 360 behaving badly?
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26. November 2005 @ 03:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Why does everyone think MS is making money off the XBox 360. It's probably already cost them a few hundred million in creating hype and everything. Plugging on MTV doesn't come free. And they were cocky that they expected 3 million sales in the first 3 months when everyone else said below 2 million. There will be shortage problems with the PS3. But hopefully not too bad. The problem is demand outstrips supply. And MS is dropping the price later to make people want to buy it over PS3. By selling it cheaper they make a bigger loss. And I think the XBox 360 is ugly. They tried to make it cury like a woman's body but it looks like a fat ugly girl to me with that big black brick of a power supply that could kill someone and the fact that I think it looks like one of those miniature air cleaner.
26. November 2005 @ 06:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well there are many issue's concerning price for products such as the 20g HDD for $100 and a memory card for $40..But you also have to take in consideration that MS is still making Xbox 1 components. In less than 2 years you will see a large drop in prices for add on components for the 360. Remember in the buisness world the consumer buys the product. If the product doesn't sell good the price will go and go and go down. Look at Sony's market from PS2 to PS1. The PS1 fell to just $50 in 18 months after the release of PS2. I am 100% sure you will soon see the PSP for $179 or $149 in the next Year. Money market for a console's life is only 3 years. That means that a Manufacture such as (Sony,MS,Nintendo) has 3 years to make as much money off there products as possible before consumer demand has dropped.
26. November 2005 @ 07:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
"The 360 probally cost 50$ to make one."

LMAO!, bro it does not cost 50 bucs to make an Xbox360. To find a estimate compare the specs of the Xbox to a similar Dell PC and ball park it after 30% deduction.

27. November 2005 @ 21:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
M$ is in the business of making money and I'm sure the made from overseas 360 is not costing them as much as you all think. They're M$, they probably got manufactures giving them huge discounts just to get their business.

No way in hell is M$ going to pay full price.

While I missed out on my opp. to own one (store had 16, I was #17), I must admit I was miffed. Miffed cause a co-worker got me hyped cause she asked me about it for kid (help her to look up the specs, blah, blah, blah...), miffed for getting up at an ungodly hour and miffed for standing in line for something I said that I would not get.

I have since then gotten over it and now have gone back to my orignal stance! I'm buying a PS3, f'ck M$. Oh yeah, PS3 is also a NextGen. DVD player as well with Blu-Ray (Get ready for that NextGen war!).

Who knows maybe I'll get myself a Revolution first. I did when the Gamecube (gotta love those Zelda games) came out, then it was a PS2 and last but not least xbox.
Junior Member
28. November 2005 @ 01:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
it sounds like microsoft are a bunch of losers who tried to get there console just before christmas.

(probably to try make more money)

but with all these glitches who would be dumb enough to ask this from santa

in my opinion xbox on the outside may look better but on the inside its a bunch of shit
28. November 2005 @ 02:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have to disagree with you. I think that inside, the XBox 360 is pretty good. Most people say it's not much of an improvement over the XBox but it's still better. I hate the outside though. It looks like an air cleaner and the power supply is a big black brick.
28. November 2005 @ 03:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
"M$ is in the business of making money and I'm sure the made from overseas 360 is not costing them as much as you all think. They're M$, they probably got manufactures giving them huge discounts just to get their business.

No way in hell is M$ going to pay full price."
If made from overseas they would have to pay for shipping aswell. Of course MS doesn't pay what we pay, they buy it in wholesale. Business is only good if you're making a prophet and IBM is, and so is ATI because these companies don't publish/develop games they make hardware. The real prophet for MS are in the games. 3-6 blockbuster games should make up for any money loss.

28. November 2005 @ 05:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
my only reason for even wanting the original xbox was because i heard that it does emulation as well as a pc. i still dont have one, but maybe i'll get one and mod it. but i think that the world knows for a fact that launch consoles have a series of issues that need to be ironed out before they get shipped, but manufacturers do it anyway. i'm impressed with the potential that 360 has, but yet again, i have no concern for it. i dont need a $400 paperweight. i have a ps1 for that. and at the time i bought it, it only cost me 150bux. but back to MS... they suck for shipping bad consoles and everyone who had a hand in 360 should be slapped until they get it right.

PS2 v7 39001 + 64MB MC
200GB Seagate oem
Retail HDA (HDL Fully Patched)
boot = Launchelf 3.4b
exploit = Codebreaker 8.1 method
28. November 2005 @ 06:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's called the gaming business. Sony does the same thing when they get a software developer to sign an exclusive deal so that a game will not appear on any other console but the PS 2. That way they can sell more PS 2 hardware. The hard drive in the Xbox 360 is not a standard hard drive that you can buy anywhere for $15. It's a laptop hard drive, which everyone knows (or at least most people do)is more expensive. If you don't like Microsoft products, that's fine. Don't buy them. But don't hate the player. Hate the game!!!
28. November 2005 @ 07:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think the bulk of you guys are being way to hard on microsoft. i have one of the deffective xbox 360's but i have never delt with a compnay so egeer to fix a problem. They overnighted me a shipping box and instructions on how to package it back up for them. then paid the postage for it to be overnighted back to them. they said it would take 5 business days and then they would overnight it right back to me. However when my PS2 was deffective it took 6 weeks plus a little over 100 dollars in shipping charges to get it fixed. And about the fact that xbox is lossing money on each machine the sell. That is probably true, but if you think about it all of the accessories and games went up in price. Dont fault micorsoft for an isolated issue that they are more than willing to fix, and think before you go on a rant about how poorly microsoft treats its customers.
Junior Member
28. November 2005 @ 07:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am hearing these all over the news, everyone is having problems over-heating, and all this shit.

I have had mine for a little over a week, and haven't had a problem yet. HAsn't over-heated, hasn't scratched a disc, nothing, and ive had a good 20+ hours on it.

Maybe if people would follow directions and give it air, no set it on carpets, in cramped spaces etc. . .but I dont know
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28. November 2005 @ 07:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
everyone is having problems over-heating
Word "everyone" might be a bit over-exaggerated here. Yes, you see the news spreading on internet, but like other things on internet they might be overhyped. Of course those who have problems with xbox 360 have a louder voice than those who have no problems. I'm getting mine on friday, I'll post here if I have any problems.
28. November 2005 @ 08:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I love my PS2.
I dont even think of comparing it to a xbox. I just no that im happy with my ps2, with all the games i need stored on its 200GB Hard drive.

Now, with the Next Gen consoles.
I like Sony, I hope there PS3 has large sales.
I dont typically like Microsoft, but there Xbox division is great.
I think that Microsoft pushed the development of the xbox360, and that they have already suffered from that.
Obviously many thinags that are initially released have some form of bugs. Most times they can be easily fixed, but how do microsoft expect to fix this "over heating" problem? - They surely can't expect people to return there new 360's?

I will probably end up getting a PS3, but I have seriously considered buying a xbox360, but not untill the problems were sorted.

You can't compare the xbox360 and the PS3. They are TOTALLY different machines. Operating different Hardware, and using different software. If they did the same thing, then you ould compare them. (Example: DVD player).

I will also wait a few months after the PS3 is released untill i opt to get one. So that i dont end up paying full wack for the machine.
I would also need to purchase a High Def TV, otherwise there would be no point would there?

(Thats my point of view, dont bother trying to make me believe what you say)

3.2Ghz P4 775, ATi X700 Pro 256mb, 1GB DDR2,Asrock 775Twins-HDTV S/L, Maxtor 10 160GB SATA, NEC 4571 DVD±RW DL/RAM, Pioneer 110 DL/RAM, Hiper Type R 480W.
Satin Silver Ltd. Ed. PS2, 200GB Maxtor HDD, Swap Magic 3.3, Slide Card, HD Advance 3
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28. November 2005 @ 09:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey just buy both systems thats wat im gonna do if u get them both than arent u the real winner?
28. November 2005 @ 11:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you think PS3 won't have any problems your just Dumb. If you are having trouble with your Xbox 360 call MS and give them sh-t about it. And as for the overheating problem thats not software causing it to overheat its a hardware issue. Mostly it is an improper connection to the motherboard which is causing the crash that people are having. Believe this MS has a huge insurance policy which protects them for faulty equipment. So if there is a problem with your console..I can pretty much bet that it won't be fixed but replaced instead. And please oh please stop saying that MS is losing money on anything do you really think a business stays in business if it were losing money..Im telling you the money market in consoles is never the console itself but in Accessories,Games,Memory Cards,Magizine Subscriptions,Live and any other crap you see hanging on the wall at Gamestop.
28. November 2005 @ 12:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
quote: "The 360 probally cost 50$ to make one.
Its plastic and chips and machines do most the work."

Ninvin, do you honestly think that the three power pc processors alone could cost less then $50. Not to mention the huge harddrive and everything else. That was not a well thought-out statement. These 360s are more powerful than most peoples' PCs; which prolly costed $1000+. Microsoft almost has to be selling these systems at a loss. I do agree with your statment about Microsoft rushing to get the system on the market. But that makes good sense; they need to get an edge on the PS3 and what better way to do that then to flood the market with 360s before PS3 is even available.
Senior Member
28. November 2005 @ 14:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok i got a question where does the xbox are manufactured at??? which country? i bet they're paying them like a quarter per hour for the labor no wonder there are these overheating problem.

Quality comes before quantity.

stop hoping, start loving.
28. November 2005 @ 17:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Several things...
To start, don't blame the developers for the early release, they
are only told a date that it needs to be ready by. Also, don't attack
Microsoft for releasing the 360 before the holidays. It is only
business, nothing more. Don't complain about the price of the
console being too high. It's not! Don't flame the guy who said
that it only costs 50 bucks to produce. He was just overstating it
to make a point and if he was serious I laugh. HA! Suprisingly,
Microsoft will make most of its money off of the core systems, not
because of the console, but because many will buy upgrades
such as the HDD. If you still think that it is too much money, just
wait three or four years to buy it; then it will be in your price range.

As for the bugs/problems/glitching etc., Microsoft is being very
helpful in fixing the problems. If you have ever had computer
issues, you would know that MOST OF THE TIME it takes AT
LEAST three weeks. So...the guy that said that he would get his
360 back in one week was an example of Microsoft's
understanding of the problem at hand and the disappointment of
its consumers. It was also mentioned that it scratched up
his/her disk when he/she moved it from the upright setup to its
side, however, if you read the manual, it states that you should
not move the Xbox 360 while it is on. Someone mentioned that
the overheating issue might be the cause of keeping it in tight
spaces or on the carpet. This is a possibility.

Some said that there are reports ALL OVER of problems with the
360, but what many don't realize is many of the publications are
using the same story. By the reasoning of some in this forum,
because the tragedy of 11/9 (I'm European...haha not really) was
in the news for over a month, there were several attacks daily on
the World Trade Center. Of course this is not true it is just a
logical fallacy (look it up at
If you find that statement to be accurate then I recommend public
education or possibly a tutor.

Oh...and for the huge power unit, try putting it where it's not in
sight. Maybe behind the furniture with all the other cords? Or
does your living room have power cords, ethernet cables,
telefone cords, cable cords, and whatever other forms of wiring
that you might use in your house.

As for me, I own an XBox 360 and I am waiting for the Revolution
to come out. The controller is really revolutionary. If you haven't
seen it check out For the
whole, which of the three systems is better argument, why don't
you and two other friends (that is if you have any) each buy a
different system so that you can experience all three consoles.
Or if you are spoiled (for children) or have a well paying job (for
the rest of us) simply buy all three.

That is just where I stand on the issue and I hope that my two
cents was helpful and possibly (but not probably) enlightenting
to some. Feel free to flame.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. November 2005 @ 17:34

28. November 2005 @ 17:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I remember that the final specs have been released for the PS 3 and it looked as if Xbox 360 blew it away in almost every category.I saw this on a website where they put they specs on a graph and compared them. 360 won by a longshot. Looks to me like everyone is still thinking that ps 3 will be a godly system. It might be good but the 360 will still be better. By the way the PS2 was a crappy system in many ways.

Oh no I said it! :O
Most of the ps2 owners were little kids or light gamers that don't know much about that stuff so you can't say that PS2 is better. You know it's true. I asked around and almost every little kid had a PS2. And many of my friends that don't play much all have PS2s. Have fun!


"I see no god up here"

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. November 2005 @ 17:46

Senior Member
28. November 2005 @ 17:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just wanna say nice posts everyone,(i learned alot)keep um coming
There talking about the 360 errors on the news tonite I wanna see what they say.

And if there lossing 100 $ every system they sell

Well then they must be making a lot of profits on the games,HDD mermory card etc. Like tripple the amount.
20$ to make it sell it for 60$ 1/3
anyone agree with that?

also just wanted to add I have big hands and the controller still feels big(probally just cause I aint used to it)

and after playing it at best buy I stoped by EB GAmes and the had the 360 set up on the excact same tv Why is that?

Senior Member
28. November 2005 @ 18:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Blahwho, do you have any idea what you are talking about?

I dont think I agreed with one thing you said,
sorry I had to post that but Im sure alot of people agree with me.

I must have seen differnt specs then you.
PS2 got the most adult/games.(but they are easy to beat)
socom 3 blows halo away and I dont have to pay for online.
I think your better off building you pc in to a game station cause thats what x-box kinda looks like.

I cant talk to much smack tho cause I dont own a x-box but I have played it 100 times,sorry im not trying to change the topic.
but there is only so much you can say about the xbox behaving badly,
like SOAB

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28. November 2005 @ 18:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i dont think to highly of the people who capitolize on a limited launch of the xbox360. some of us save our pennies to have a good game system and assholes like you go n get 2 or 3 systems n sell em for 1000$ and up because the supply is low & the damand is high. money grubbing fuckers.
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28. November 2005 @ 19:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm glad i spent all this money on the reserve of the 360 not to get it untill january!!!!!

Great I love it :( :(

Xbox: V1.0, Thompson DVD-Rom Drive, 10 GB HD

Dash Board: Unleash X

Other Mods: LCD screen, 2 USB Ports, Pro Switch

APPS: Xbox Media Center <-- **All Your Support Needs**

28. November 2005 @ 20:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think Microsoft i making money even wit the defective 360's. Spoiled rich kids see a new video game system, ask mommy and dady, and they drive down to walmart and get one. well, if theres any left. If theres none then mommy and daddy go on ebay and pay double the price because sonny is throwing stuff down the stairs and holding his breathe. Sorry i exaggerated a bit but yea u get my point, people that know shit about technology are gonna buy it cuz it has so much hype.
29. November 2005 @ 05:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Actually they're making a bigger loss. It's because there exists a thing called "warranty" and "consumer confidence". Maybe you've heard of it. Sorry for the sarcasm but it's just hurting Microsoft. They have to replace it or a lot of people will complain and their sales drop. Plus I'm guessing the XBox 360 comes with at least a year's warranty unless some idiot got ripped off.
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