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Xbox 360 behaving badly?
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29. November 2005 @ 05:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My PT job is at Gamestop. Lastnight this guy calls & says that he was playing NBA 2k6 & he shot the ball & while it was in the air his player caught fire. Then he ran around with no upper body. The guy said he has it saved as a replay. This is the most craziest thing I have heard so far. I can't wait to see the reply

"The Dr. is In"
29. November 2005 @ 08:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok.... i think we all need to take something, because it seems as though we're shouting our guts out.

To Blahwho: Do you really believe what you are saying?

To be honest, most kids I know (under 13) have a Game Cube. And then about a 3rd of all them have another console, be it a PS2 or xbox.

I have a PS2, im 17, i was going to buy a xbox 2 years ago. The only reason that stopped me was that I wouldnt have gained much from it.

I like all the games for the PS2, and if they release a game that doesn't come out on the PS2, i can get it from my PC instead.

I use my PC to play games quite a lot. I'm a Counter Strike addict (Source, Condition Zero and 1.6), but i still love to play on my PS2.

I dont care if you say "PS2 SUX A$$", i don't say "Xbox SUX A$$" ! And i wont say it with the xbox 360.

I think the xbox 360 is a great machine, its just a shame that the development depo had such a tight schedule to bring the console out.

Yes, they probably realeased it to be out in time for Christmas, and to be out before the PS3, but they really should have tested the system further.

PS3 might do the same, the thing is we don't know. I will buy a PS3, (again, i dont care much about xbox 360's specs are more than PS3's), thats just a pile of SH*T. In my last post i said about that you can't compare them, because they use different components.
And you definatly cant compare anything when its not even released.
It's lik the way AMD name there processors, 2800+, its called that because it performes like an Intel 2.8GHz, but actually runs at something like 2.5Ghz.

Im not saying that the PS3 will be more powerful than the 360, or vise versa.

Stop your moaning, and live with the current details.

And if i had the money to buy all 3 next gen consoles i would, fact is, i dont, so i will have to choose....... PS3 it is!

3.2Ghz P4 775, ATi X700 Pro 256mb, 1GB DDR2,Asrock 775Twins-HDTV S/L, Maxtor 10 160GB SATA, NEC 4571 DVD±RW DL/RAM, Pioneer 110 DL/RAM, Hiper Type R 480W.
Satin Silver Ltd. Ed. PS2, 200GB Maxtor HDD, Swap Magic 3.3, Slide Card, HD Advance 3

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. November 2005 @ 08:39

29. November 2005 @ 10:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thing about the player catching on fire is hilarious. Thats the craziest glitch ive hear d of so far.
29. November 2005 @ 11:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
A 1 year warranty are you like 12 or something. No console comes with a 1 year warranty. Try 90 days thats long enough from the manufacture. Then maybe just maybe your poor butt could have spent $40 on an extended warranty and not even be talking about xbox 360's behaving badly. Next time your poor butt should buy the Extended Warranty.
29. November 2005 @ 16:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
heh, the funniest thing about all of this is that despite it all, i'm still getting a job just to get one of the things.
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29. November 2005 @ 17:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I got a AMD 3000+ performs like a 3ghz computer (i think) but it only runs at 2.1 ghz clock speed. Can anyone explain this to me?!
It says it runs at 2.1 ghz clock speed on controll panel.

Thetruthman. This is a good way for me to compair things with ps3's gpu and 360's gpu, even though what is said above is with cpu.
Although ps3 has 24 pipelines and 360 has 48, manbey nvideas gcard will perform the same as 48 pipelines.

ps3:GPU-24 pipelines producing 5.7 ops each
-700mhz ram.
-On par with geforce 7800
-rsx at 550mhz
-rsx is 1.8 tflops
ps3:CPU-Cell processor
-total of 8 spe's running at 3.2 ghz.
Cell is 218GFLOPS.

Computer Hp pavilion a700n
448 mb of ram(upgrading it to 1gb)
(going to have geforce 7800 soon)
Currently(a shitty intergrated via/s3)

Information about ps3's rsx is on:
Information about The xbox360 and ps3's gpu

29. November 2005 @ 21:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Seriously, why do people all point a finger at Microsoft and say "Bad MS! You shipped defective systems! Money-grubbing whores! No one else would do that! All Hail Sony and the god that is PS3"

Sony shipped 7 MILLION defective units worldwide. 7 MILLION.


They had many revisions to correct their problems, but let me say it again SEVEN MILLION PLAYSTATION 2 UNITS WERE DEFECTIVE.

And here's the real kicker. In version 1.0-1.3 the dvd drives were bad.

In version 1.3-1.5 (two more revisions to correct a ploblem) the fans would stop causing the main board to burn.

In versions 1.6-1.8 the on-board memory would fail.

Then they released the Slim PS2, yeah, that was a marval of engineering.... problem? Overheating.

Before you all go bad mouthing one company, look at the history of the one you are praising.

PS: get off the Sony bandwagon.
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30. November 2005 @ 03:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
my 360 is running great, PDZ and Call of Duty 2's graphics rock on it and Xbox Live and the media streaming stuff is awesome. oh and my 360 hasnt got hot at all, in fact the console is cooler than my wifi router sitting here.

Infinite or Definite? That is the question
30. November 2005 @ 15:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hardware is hardware both companies are putting out what they think is the best at this time and both systems will be capable of near the same graphics. Where the difference comes from is the games developed for each system. Come on guys you all should know that, it's pointless to argue about how powerful one console is compared to another. I'm a Playstation fan myself, why? Because of the games released for it not the specs. I'm an RPG and strategic RPG fan so to me there is no better system than the Playstation. I don't expect PS3 to be any different so I'd get the PS3 over an Xbox360 if I could choose just one. When I look back on the last gen of consoles I can count the number of titles on one hand that were really good for xbox and can't even remember all the good titles for PS2 there were so many. Heck I think gamecube even had more great games than Xbox but not as many just good games to keep peoples interest in between those great games. As for PC games I'm a huge PC gamer but there comes a time I just want a classic console game as opposed to a PC game.
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30. November 2005 @ 16:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if only all ps fans were like you, and actually made sense and dissed xbox for a reason that actually have a justified hatred for xbox, and it is that same reason why i am not very fond of the ps, i like shooters over rpg's....i applaud you
11. December 2005 @ 09:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
each xbox360 cost $700.00 and microsoft selling it for $400 they'r loosing 1.2 billion a year.xbox360 will beat ps3 easly oh and for those fanboys ps3 is actually xbox1.5 so go head and spend $600 for ps3 or u can buy an xbox1.5 for $149
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11. December 2005 @ 09:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
each xbox360 cost $700.00 and microsoft selling it for $400 they'r loosing 1.2 billion a year
Your about the most stupid person I know.
The xbox 360 cost 494 to make, they sell it 400$.
xbox360 will beat ps3 easly oh and for those fanboys ps3 is actually xbox1.5 so go head and spend $600 for ps3 or u can buy an xbox1.5 for $149
Got any facts to prove that the 360 will beat ps3? Technically the ps3 beats the 360. You can visit my forum on my sig for that. And wtf is a xbox 1.5? You dont buy a ps3 for 600$, theyre gogin to sell from 300-450$ estimated price.
Ahh i hate ignorant fanboys.

And your little comment about ps3 being xbox 1.5, that would make your 360 xbox 1.3 wouldnt it.?
Ahh, you believe what ever comes out of bill gates mouth dont you?

ps3:GPU-24 pipelines producing 5.7 ops each
-700mhz ram.
-On par with geforce 7800
-rsx at 550mhz
-rsx is 1.8 tflops
ps3:CPU-Cell processor
-total of 8 spe's running at 3.2 ghz.
Cell is 218GFLOPS.

Computer Hp pavilion a700n
448 mb of ram(upgrading it to 1gb)
(going to have geforce 7800 soon)
Currently(a shitty intergrated via/s3)

Information about ps3's rsx is on:
Information about The xbox360 and ps3's gpu

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. December 2005 @ 09:39

Junior Member
11. December 2005 @ 12:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
A leading industry anaylyst, Wedbush/Morgan said before the Xbox360's launch that by the end of 2007 Xbox360 would have 45% of the market while PS3 would have 33% and nintendo at 22%. They have now changed those figures to 37% for Xbox360 and 41% for PS3. That sounds almost balanced to me, but we have to ask why one of the worlds leading industry anaylyst would all of the sudden change the %. The answer? Well, it seems things at MS are not going as well as they once thought they would. Sounds to me like trouble in paradise.

I personally, like the Xbox 360 and if they get all the bugs out of it I will most likly buy one of them as my first Xbox (never bought the Xbox1). I LOVED the perfect dark N64 game, and have always loved the ridge racer games, those two games alone make my want to buy a Xbox360. I will for sure get the PS3 not because it is a sony product but because I have never had a problem with my PS2, and when my PS1 overheated sony replaced it free of charge, so I have more faith in that system making me happy. One question I have not been able to get any answers to though is why does the PS3 have 8 microprocessors but one WILL NOT be allowed for use to game developers. It has not been stated what the last MP will be used for.

P.S. That little remark about PS3 being a Xbox360 1.5 is backwards, look at EGM issue 194, where sony went on record as saying the Xbox360 was more like a Xbox 1.5 and that PS3 would be 35 times more powerful than the PS2, Xbox was of course offended by this statement.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. December 2005 @ 12:18

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11. December 2005 @ 12:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
wher hae iread that before. AHh, thats just one %
I've read lots of polls, we can only se the truth in years from now.

ps3:GPU-24 pipelines producing 5.7 ops each
-700mhz ram.
-On par with geforce 7800
-rsx at 550mhz
-rsx is 1.8 tflops
ps3:CPU-Cell processor
-total of 8 spe's running at 3.2 ghz.
Cell is 218GFLOPS.

Computer Hp pavilion a700n
448 mb of ram(upgrading it to 1gb)
(going to have geforce 7800 soon)
Currently(a shitty intergrated via/s3)

Information about ps3's rsx is on:
Information about The xbox360 and ps3's gpu

11. December 2005 @ 13:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I hate fanboys (and girls, dont wanna be sexist now do we?) also.
I have said it before, and i'm saying it again, you can't compare the Xbox 360 and the PS3.
For 1, there both not out yet.
2 - there different machines! - they do things differently!

I like my PS2, it wasnt my choice to get it, it was bought for me. It hasnt had any problems over the last 3 1/2 years its been running!
I had a PS before that, that didnt give me any probs.
Now, before you start saying that im a fanboy, im not.
I was saving some cash to spend on a 360 for next year, but i have now decided not to. Not because i dont like it (it looks uber cool, and the specs are great!) but because i simply dont want to by something that (at the moment) has problems. Yes, it may be only 3% of all the 360's released that has these probs, but i dont want to take the chance, and if it did happen to me, it would ruin my respect for the XBOX devision of M$. M$ i hate, but the xbox devision there is cool!

I will however be purchasing a PS3, but only about 4+ months after initial release. I love its design. On paper the PS3 is respectivly more advanced than the xbox 360, but, what do you expect, they are releasing it later! Just like xbox did to PS2.

If M$ pulled there finger out, and had sorted the release and the bugs associated with the xbox 360, mine would have been ordered for Christmas. No chance now, as there all spoken for, and there is not enough to meet demand.
Good job M$! Making a supply and demand for awaiting fans!
Show your game adverts on TV to the people who are craving there arrival of there 360! ( I can imagine that - lol ).

I hope to all the people that have, or have ordered there 360 that they experience no problems with it, and enjoy using there new Entertainment System!

3.2Ghz P4 775, ATi X700 Pro 256mb, 1GB DDR2,Asrock 775Twins-HDTV S/L, Maxtor 10 160GB SATA, NEC 4571 DVD±RW DL/RAM, Pioneer 110 DL/RAM, Hiper Type R 480W.
Satin Silver Ltd. Ed. PS2, 200GB Maxtor HDD, Swap Magic 3.3, Slide Card, HD Advance 3
11. December 2005 @ 16:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
bootme nicely done, I got more respect for you. PEOPLE FOLLOW THIS PERSON'S LEAD!!!

Prodigy420 from
2. February 2006 @ 11:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sheesh....Whatta bunch of Bill Gates haters!!!! You guys are almost as bad as democrats...whining all the time. You guys seem to forget that the same things you guys are compaining about with the 360 are the same things EVERYONE complained about when the PS2 came out. If everyone remembers their start date was pushed back several times (over a year to be a little more precise) yet there were still flaws in the early machines. I did stand in line for several hours for its release and received a machine with a "manufacturers defect". Try this one mine never came on at all. But not one to complain I returned it and recieved a new PS2. No problems after that to speak of. I'm not gonna stand up here and bash the PS2, its a great machine, but it too had some issues. One of its major positives is that it is not manufactured by Microsoft. If it was just think of the bad pub it would receive. MS bashers are everywhere. And boy do they love to be heard. But let's just say this. MS must be doing something right, there wouldn't be a 360 if the XBOX wasn't successful. AS for guys get caught up in those numbers. Naive fools... For every website that touts PS3 will kick the snot out of the 360 there are websites that say the same for the 360. Believe me I think I've read them all. Let's not forget about the Revolution which may beat out everyone else. The point is you can twist statistics to make them read any way you want. It only depends on who you are lobbying for. Lord know there are those who are loyal to Sony and MS and Nintendo. I myself, am a FAN of good gaming and good gaming systems in general. Whomever it is that makes the games or systems. Personally, I am totally pumped about all of them and will probably own all of them. I do feel that it is unfortunate that 360 had some issues but they will work though them and all will be fine. The only reason this is that big of an issue is that PS fans have nothing new to occupy their time with so they were waiting for a reason to bash their opponent and XBOX gave them something to bash about. Finally, lets hope (as the rumors suggest) that when ATARI's new gaming system comes out blows all 3 of the other guys away..then we'll really have something to talk about.
2. February 2006 @ 11:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sheesh....Whatta bunch of Bill Gates haters!!!!
It's true!

I do really hate Bill Gates.

(It just has to be said)
You guys are almost as bad as democrats...whining all the time
Where did i whine? - Did you come here to say that?

I, atleast, agree with the most part of your post. Nicely balanced.

I would love a Revolution, 360 and PS3, but that aint gonna happen.

But true.

3.2Ghz P4 775, ATi X700 Pro 256mb, 1GB DDR2,Asrock 775Twins-HDTV S/L, Maxtor 10 160GB SATA, NEC 4571 DVD±RW DL/RAM, Pioneer 110 DL/RAM, Hiper Type R 480W.
Satin Silver Ltd. Ed. PS2, 200GB Maxtor HDD, Swap Magic 3.3, Slide Card, HD Advance 3
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