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Xbox 360 behaving badly?
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23. November 2005 @ 15:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I thought it would be cool to have a thread for any users here who have experienced an Xbox 360 doing something that it shouldn't be doing. Here we can also collect pictures from around the net, just to see if anyone has had similar or the same experiences.

NOTE: If you are posting pictures, try only to post the link to the picture instead of UBB code if the picture is too big. If you are using UBB code to embed it in the thread, DO NOT FORGET to have a link back to the original source (it also wouldn't hurt to make sure you have permission to post them here first). I'll add picture links to the list as people add them to the thread. You can also link externally to videos / articles on other sites.

To start us off, here are links to 6 pictures from 360Updates. I have not an Xbox360 already since I live in Europe, but my Xbox sure as hell better not do any of this. (MS logo crash) (MS logo crash) (Error code) (Error code) (PGR 3 crash) (PGR 3 crash)

Pictures above are from

There is also a video available there of PGR3 crashing at:,0,0,0,33,83

They have also a thread for Xbox 360 owners to discuss errors you encounter here: - might be a good one to follow.

Post your links!!!!! If you have any pictures you have taken yourself, then send me a PM and I can upload them to AfterDawn server for you so everyone can see them. Also if you experience anything weird at all, reply and let us all know about it.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. November 2005 @ 20:30

AfterDawn Addict

23 product reviews
23. November 2005 @ 23:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sweet :o I guess first modchips will get those same error codes.
Senior Member
24. November 2005 @ 00:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
DELA nice post thanks for taking time out to write it LOL, at all the suckers who didnt want to wait for PS3.
Most people new this was going to happin micosoft dont care about nothin. they rushed this system for the holidays.
So every one at microsoft could get a million doller bonus for christmas.

They said there loseing 126$ a system what a load of crap. you know how many profits these system is going to make? you dont wanna know!
Dont believe everything you read!
The 360 probally cost 50$ to make one.
Its plastic and chips and machines do most the work.

Thanks Microsoft for killing the gameing world
Money hungry basterds
And online game play should be free

Money money money, money

AfterDawn Addict

23 product reviews
24. November 2005 @ 02:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
LOL, at all the suckers who didnt want to wait for PS3
Just wait when ps3 comes out (when ever that's gonna be) ^_^ Remember playstation portable launch by sony? Most screens with many dead pixels and a sticky square button.
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24. November 2005 @ 12:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ninvin21, ur a retard, learn to write correctly
24. November 2005 @ 12:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Here a link to my website with a xbox error. Thanks to Gli7ch for the picture.

Scroll down to the bottom. The clamps that hold the top and bottom half of the shell was not on all the way.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. November 2005 @ 12:26

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24. November 2005 @ 12:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
To correct Prodigy's post, the error is that the AV jacks are not plugged into the back =)

Many of xbox's in experimental phases...yes...

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24. November 2005 @ 13:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm a bit disapointed with the performance of the Xbox 360, so PS3, here I come!

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24. November 2005 @ 16:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
How are you dissappointed with the performance? Just a question, I like it and hope to have some better success than I did with my Most Wanted disc.

Many of xbox's in experimental phases...yes...

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. November 2005 @ 16:35

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24. November 2005 @ 17:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I to am satisfied with overall performance, however Tony Hawks wasteland did start having minor video issues during video scenes after 3-5 hours of use. Facial features on my character were video glithed.
Senior Member
24. November 2005 @ 18:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well I don't have a 360, but I am happy sony will take there time to launch ps3 correctly. Even if it's not til christmas 06 people might not like the sound of that. But if it's going to be out of this world who wouldn't wait?
Senior Member
24. November 2005 @ 18:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hmmm... waiting in line for 10 hours for the xbox 360, using visa card to purchase xbox 360 @ best buy and paying over $400.00

=> discover all these bugs and error codes.... priceless!

24. November 2005 @ 20:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I too was disapointed in the 360. My cousin brought it over on thanksgiving and he had two games; kingkong and gun. Kingkong is supposed to be 2 player but thats totaly crap. Anyways I was messing around with it and it wouldn't let my Dell DJ connect to it, the internet, my computer, and worst of all our wireless controller practicually stoped working and we had to call technical support. Worst it is impossible to find help from xbox on the web because all they're doing is advertising. I'm praying to God PS3 is beter, so when I actually get one its not crap. The only reason I love Xbox is Halo 2. I'm addicted and its hard as hell to stop playing.
24. November 2005 @ 21:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
walking into wal-mart at midnight and having a lady give you two tickets for a core system because she wanted the premium system - free
two core package xbox 360s - 600$ on visa
selling them on ebay for 900$ each. - 1200$ in my pocket. i love it when a company launches new systems just in time for a holiday craze.
Senior Member
25. November 2005 @ 08:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well I actually had 2 xbox 360's. I got up at 5a.m. after missing out on one of the 18 at walmart at midnight only being 4 away with about only 30 people there. Then the next morning at 5a.m. I decided to go an hour away to best buy. Getting there about an hour before they open with about 32 people in front of me. They have 40 systems. 30 premium, and 10 core. I end up with 2 core, and list them on ebay right when I got home, and made $1200 only waiting about an hour in the pouring rain with only about 45 people showing up untirely. Where I live there is small pop and I get everything first.
25. November 2005 @ 08:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
According to some post it cost Micro-oft $217 in just parts to produce its console..Know add a controller,remote,detachable HDD,a $19 power supply and cord,a box with printed instuctions..Some assembly workers pay to test debug,and package the machine..Well when you do the math Micro-oft is losing money..The money market for consoles is in accessories,Games,Memory Cards,subscriptions to xboxlive,and what not stuff..Mostly its not really hitting Micro-oft in the pocket..You need games to play on a game console..Micro-oft knows this..What's wrong is a Great system was pushed to the MAX to have it SHIPPED before Xmas..If MS was to wait until Feb to launch It's 360..Console Techs and Developers would have had more time to Get all the BUGS out witch would have saved MS more money from defected 360 Consoles..
Senior Member
25. November 2005 @ 09:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
trust me, Microsoft is making around 100% profit or else it will not sell this xbox 360. The investors are expecting a big pay back.
25. November 2005 @ 09:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I highly doubt MS is making 100% profit, their first console they lost money on and its safe to say this console they will loose money on. They've invested billions in R&D on this new system, let alone the cost of promotion and hardware that goes into the system. Hardly any console manufacturer profits off of CONSOLE SYSTEM SALES. As stated before they only profit off of the GAMES,ACCESSORIES and of course SERVICES such as XBOX LIVE (where they can make 100% profit)

Checkout out for amazing deals on xbox mods, accessories, installations & repairs.
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25. November 2005 @ 10:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
HAHA,,all you chose to buy the 360 ithout waiting:P
Here are some artilces with 360 problems
Im waiting till ps3:P Even though im not buying it right away...Theres microsoft for you.
In my oppininion this is extreemly basd for mmicrosoft since most 360 buyers who found there 360 not working, are most likely not to buy it again.
trust me, Microsoft is making around 100% profit or else it will not sell this xbox 360. The investors are expecting a big pay back.
haha trust you?! M$ is probably gonna make lk 50% profit since everyone is returning there xbox360 and probably not goign to buy it again. They dont want to risk buying it again. Other people who read M$ problems are probably goign to buy the other concols, which would m$ make less profit. Since they are selling there system for less than they make them.

ps3:GPU-24 pipelines producing 5.7 ops each
-700mhz ram.
-On par with geforce 7800
-rsx at 550mhz
-rsx is 1.8 tflops
ps3:CPU-Cell processor
-total of 8 spe's running at 3.2 ghz.
Cell is 218GFLOPS.

Computer Hp pavilion a700n
448 mb of ram(upgrading it to 1gb)
(going to have geforce 7800 soon)
Currently(a shitty intergrated via/s3)

Information about ps3's rsx is on:
Information about The xbox360 and ps3's gpu

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. November 2005 @ 10:28

AfterDawn Addict

23 product reviews
25. November 2005 @ 11:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You could get an image from kookoo76's thread, that most of x360's have flaws. But it's just many sites reporting the same thing.
25. November 2005 @ 14:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
There are afew things everybody should do, when a new console is launched, wait until the Bugs are Ironed out of a System first, if any!!!!

Observe whats going on Second, by way of forums to see if any other users are having Problems, if so DON'T BUY YET!!!!!!!!!!
It's as simple as that!!!!

Anyway...........I think its a Overheating Problem, NOT Bugs.....
Because my Local GAME Store Here in the UK, has a Demo of Call of Duty 2 Running & it had Graphic Problems, but then you Expect that,
Considering this machine has been on all Day in a Warm Store......
SO Overheating in my Opinion, Micros$ft will put in a Better Cooling System into the Next Version of XBOX 360 ,I Bet a Bigger Fan for Example & Liquid Cooling Maybe.........Let's see what Happen's!!!

PS......From what i have seen of the XBOX 360,
i am very Impressed so Far, lets hope the Games go from Strength to Strength!!!!!!

I own a N64 & PSP & a PS1 & a PS2 & a Xbox,& of Course a PC, But not any of the Gameboy's, i use Emulators to Play those Games!!!!

Lets Hope that the PS3 is alright when Released!!!!!
Junior Member
25. November 2005 @ 14:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The only problem we have experienced so far (20+ hours of game play) was with the hard drive. We purchased a core system on lauch day but had to go to a different retailer for the hard drive. From the outset the console did not detect the hard drive. Returned the hard drive to the retailer and purchased a second hard drive from a different retailer. The second hard drive works perfectly. As an editorial aside, Perfect Dark, Kameo and Project Gotham look beautiful in HD (Sanyo PLV-Z2 lcd projector, 110" screen).

While all is well now, it was VERY dissapointing that the first hard drive did not work. I've built several PCs and have never had a single problem in obtaining components that work first time, out of the box. I don't understand why quality control for the XBox and add-ons can't be as good.
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25. November 2005 @ 15:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Most reports of xbox 360 problems are supposedly related to overheating. If you are having glitches with the xbox 360 try putting a fan next to the system. Let it cool for awile and see if the problems still exist. More often than not, you'll find the problem will correct itself once the system cools down. Now hopefully you'll come to terms with the fact that your 300.00 plus dollar machine has overheating problems, you can probably figure out an easy hillbilly fix for it. The bottom line is this, xbox knows that their 360 isn't going to be as good as the PS3, sooo, they want to corner the market for as long as possible. In this case, pushing the xbox into production faster than they should have to get an extra few mounths as king of the gamer world. Cause they know they'll get their butts handed to them soon enough. One last thing, does MS make money on the systems themselves? Who cares. All I know is they got some of my money.
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25. November 2005 @ 16:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The problem of not buying it when it comes out, is like as said above I think, or from another xbox360 problem forum, is that the xbox 360 isnt releasing again till Jan-Feb, so you have to wait even longer. PS3 BETTER NOT HAVE SORTAGE..i wanna get mine this summer, and they better work..And by the way, i dont think you should put a fna beside you xbox360,well it probably does help it, why bother playing it if it dont work properly just send it back to microsoft, you will probably get it back in like 2 weeks and you will get it back sooner than playing xbox 360 with a fan.I KNOW THIS IS a STUPID IDEA, but put alike some coolers on the thing

ps3:GPU-24 pipelines producing 5.7 ops each
-700mhz ram.
-On par with geforce 7800
-rsx at 550mhz
-rsx is 1.8 tflops
ps3:CPU-Cell processor
-total of 8 spe's running at 3.2 ghz.
Cell is 218GFLOPS.

Computer Hp pavilion a700n
448 mb of ram(upgrading it to 1gb)
(going to have geforce 7800 soon)
Currently(a shitty intergrated via/s3)

Information about ps3's rsx is on:
Information about The xbox360 and ps3's gpu

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. November 2005 @ 16:18

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26. November 2005 @ 00:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
first off i have to agree

microsoft for this console have done illegal things to boost sales and rig the gaming market

1.they told every news paper im sorry we are limited in how many consoles we can produce because chip manufactures

the truth microsoft is selling this lie to increase supply and demand for the console and every one that buys one at 400.00 is a sucker because microsoft has already announced a price drop down to $250.00 coming next year

2.100.00 for a 20 gig hard drive funny considering i can buy a 20 gig hard drive for 15.00 at any local computer store funny microsoft

and just wait your enjoying your free xbox live subscrption with no voice chat and you have to pay for every single expansion pack and ev ery single emulator pack once microsoft sells enough systems

in my onist opinon micorosft is a bunch of money grubbing hores
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